These people have an innate awareness of the spiritualdimension of life and are attuned to the higher, lovelier realms oftheir own natures. They are extremely sensitive, easily wounded,and very careful to avoid causing pain to others. In fact, they aresometimes more aware of—and concerned about—other people’ssuffering than the people are themselves.DISSOLUTION OF EGOVirgo North Node people have a history of many lifetimes spentin dissolution of the ego—either through meditation and spiritualquests; drug and/or alcohol abuse; confinement and time to reflectin convents, prisons, or asylums; or losing themselves in music,poetry, or art. No matter how the dissolution occurred, in this lifethey must deal with the effects. If it occurred through spiritualorientation, this lifetime will be total confusion until they find aspiritual path with principles similar to those of past incarnations. Ifit occurred through the use of drugs or alcohol, these people willhave addictive tendencies in this lifetime that may again beproblematic and may have to be overcome from a spiritualperspective (the 12-step programs of Alcoholics Anonymous, etc.).Talents with poetry, music, and art may still remain as a way ofconnecting with lofty emotional states.These people have had many ethereal experiences andincarnations in which they gave up bits and pieces of their ownidentity in order to merge with a higher energy. But they havecompleted that process; allowing themselves to dissolve any furtherin this lifetime is counterproductive. They have already yielded tobeing absorbed in their vision. In this lifetime, they want tomanifest their vision in the physical world.
In past life experiences, these people purified themselves byquestioning their own motives and recognizing where they werelacking in virtue, thereby gaining a tremendous amount of insightthat now allows them to be nonjudgmental toward others. In thislifetime, they don’t consider themselves “superior” in any way—their introspection has resulted in true humility.Virgo North Node people have had so many victim lifetimes thatthey tend to give up too easily. They don’t do well withconfrontation, competition, or any strong reactions against them.Their psyches are very sensitive, and life can seem harsh to thesefolks. In general, they don’t believe that more “stuff” is going tomake them happier. Since their motivation for living is not to gainmaterial things, if the world seems to resist their efforts toparticipate, they have a tendency to simply give up.Because of past lives of being taken advantage of, when thesepeople produce a creative work it is not uncommon to find that theyhave allowed it to be publicly distributed without anycompensation, or that someone else has taken both the credit andthe money. Often they don’t even mind. After all, the work fulfilledthe service it was intended for. Also, in past-life monasticexperiences they may have taken a vow of poverty and thus feeluneasy about accumulating wealth in this incarnation.Subconsciously, they may feel there is something “impure” aboutaccumulating money. They need to recognize that money is a byproduct of service—a barometer of the usefulness of theirparticipation.Virgo North Node people are truly compassionate and want tohelp wherever they can. In this lifetime, they need to recognize thatby creating solid material bases and allowing their lives to becomestrong, they are in a better position to help on a wider scale. In thislifetime, to allow themselves to be “victims” does not work;resisting this tendency is the higher road for them.
These people have had many past lifetimes shut away fromsociety. They are not accustomed to being in the world. Considerwhat it would be like to live many lifetimes in monasteries, wheregongs signal the times for rising, meditation, prayers, exercise,eating, working, and sleeping—and someone else is ringing them!Monasteries function in this way so that the participants can gain anawareness of timelessness, formlessness, and the flow that underliesthe mundane details of life. While this works very well in amonastery, now Virgo North Node people need to learn how to livein the world.They must learn how to set routines for themselves—how to ringtheir own gongs. For instance, because they are accustomed tohaving someone else organize their time, they may have troublebeing punctual. However, when they summon the self-discipline tolive by the rules that give structure to society, they gain tremendouspower and the self-confidence they need to function in the world.Thus, it is important for them to take charge and make sure they areon time for their appointments. Structure gives order and stability totheir lives in ways that are nurturing and supportive.Owing to the seclusion of their past lives, Virgo North Nodepeople know how to entertain themselves with the power of theirminds and imaginations. But what worked in the past is actually adetriment in this incarnation, where they need to produce positive,practical, tangible results in the material world. Thus, all forms ofescapism are counterproductive for them. Daydreaming, drugs,alcohol, too much solitude, excessive sleeping—any form ofwithdrawal from life undermines their confidence.This is not to say that they can’t occasionally enjoy themselves(relax and take a “break” from dealing with the nuts and bolts oflife), but they must guard against overdoing avenues of escape tothe point of forming addictions.
These people have an acute awareness of the psychic and/orimaginative realms from their past lives. If these talents are not nowdirected properly, they can become a weakness resulting inparanoia, fear, and anxiety. However, when Virgo North Nodepeople work toward a goal, their mystical talents can be used astools to get the job done effectively. If there is an outlet for theircreative imaginations—a service to provide for others—theirvisionary abilities can be a marvelous asset.Virgo North Node people should keep their creative imaginationsflowing outward by serving others and producing tangible results,rather than inward with undirected self-examination. They need togo through the hard work necessary to make their visions real bydoing the research, organizing the project, producing it, and thenseeing that it gets distributed. Getting the job done is easy andjoyful in this lifetime—once they’ve defined their goal.What these folks need to avoid is a tendency to daydream andfantasize. Through daydreaming they can connect with delicate,ethereal states of consciousness—almost as though they were on a“bliss” drug in some billowy realm. However, this state defeats theirability to function in the material world.If they’re not happy with their situation, instead of working tochange it they tend to use fantasy to escape into their own world. Ifused in moderation, these fantasies can actually give them a betteridea of what they want. But it can take tremendous discipline tobreak the energy connection of the fantasy. It’s so addictive that it’sbetter for these folks to simply avoid indulging in deep fantasy.They can become so attached to otherworldly states of bliss that itprevents them from establishing the order and fulfillment in theirdaily lives that they need to experience true bliss. For example, theymight become so involved in a fantasy involving family that itwould prevent them from creating satisfying family relationships intheir own lives.I had a 48-year-old male client with this nodal position who had afantasy of the “ideal woman,” and given the power of his fantasies,she was almost a reality in his imagination! He became involved inmany relationships but couldn’t really commit, because none of thewomen matched the woman in his fantasy. This had been going onfor thirty years, and he was still living alone and feeling depressed.Unfortunately, he deprived himself of the opportunity to learn whatrelationships are all about by not focusing on how he actually felt inresponse to the women he spent time with. In this way, fantasy canprevent these folks from taking constructive action to make theirdreams come true in the physical realm.
Virgo North Node people sometimes lapse into a confused stateof consciousness. For many people, confusion can be good: aprelude to a higher order. But for these folks, confusion is not “onpath.” When they become confused, they begin questioningthemselves and doubting everything they are doing, whichundermines their current course of action. They need to turn awayfrom the confused energy, refocus on circumstances in the outerworld that triggered the confusion, and then re-enter the situationand restore it to order.For example, if they become confused about a backlog ofpaperwork, their best bet is to sit down and go through the papers,physically handle them, and reorganize them in a way that makessense to them. If they are confused about the behavior of a coworker, they should face it head-on: Talk to the person and find outwhat is altering his or her behavior.When experiencing a problem, Virgo North Node people usuallybenefit from going to a therapist or talking things out with a friend,because the interaction enables them to gain a more practicalperspective. Their imaginations are so active that on their own, theytend to exaggerate problems and imagine all kinds of unresolvablesituations. Their imagined fears can paralyze them from taking thesteps that would restore order in their lives. So it is very helpful forthem to get feedback as to whether their fears are based in reality orthe product of an overactive imagination. Virgo North Node peopleare much more successful when they actively experiment to seewhat does and does not work on a practical level. They should nottry to figure it all out in their heads.If Virgo North Node people feel they are losing their boundariesin a relationship and are having difficulty communicating theirfrustration to their partner, then they may want to bring in a thirdparty. They can be so sensitive to not wanting to hurt their partnerthat they may avoid the approach that would actually “get through.”The partner may need to hear: “Stop! This behavior is notacceptable! If you continue this behavior, you will push me to thepoint where I will leave!” A marriage counselor can be a valuableally in communicating with their partner.These folks actually make excellent counselors themselves,professionally and with their friends. Others feel their tremendousempathy and naturally trust them. Virgo North Node people have anenergy that induces other people to confide in them; an analyticalmind that enables them to give clear, practical advice; and aremarkable ability to combine intuition with common sense.
These people are so used to maintaining an awareness of thelarger picture that they can easily overlook the details of the hereand now. This can cause them to take actions that are not in theirbest interests. But as long as they pay attention to the actual detailsof any situation, they are very seldom deceived.When they allow themselves to live in an unfocused state, theyoften start to feel anxious without knowing why. They may evenfeel vulnerable to attack, becoming overly suspicious and fearful ofother people. In those moments, if they can just remember to focuson the details of what is going on around them (the clothes thatsomeone is wearing, the details in a store window display, how thetemperature of the air feels on their face, etc.), they calm down andfeel secure again.
Virgo North Node people have learned the consequences ofbreaking the law in past lives, so in this incarnation they may have astrong sense of right and wrong, and an absolute phobia aboutbreaking the law. They have a long history of superstition and mayhave many ideas about certain omens that should be followed toavoid a fearsome punishment. But looking for omens distracts themfrom noticing commonsense details. They have had so many pastlife experiences with spiritual “messages” that they enter thislifetime looking for premonitions and ignore what is happening on atangible level. Rather than watching for omens, these folks arebetter off observing the physical facts and getting direct feedbackfrom others to confirm that they are on the right track. If they fearthat “something is out of order,” rather than withdrawing, their bestbet is to step forward and participate, enlist the support of others,face the fear, and create an environment that prevents the worst-casescenario from happening. As a simple example, rather than fearingthat their telephone will be turned off, it is much better to set aregular time each month for paying the bills.These folks excel in activities that bring them into the here andnow. Bookkeeping is good for them, because they know their ownfinancial situation at any given time. It is very empowering for themto be able to pull out their records and see what they had last year,and how it compares to this year. It gives them a powerful sense ofgrounding, orientation, and confidence.Whatever keeps Virgo North Node people focused in the momentbecomes a labor of love for them. Their jobs can have that effect onthem; if not, they should reconsider their line of work. Computerscan be excellent for them because, once again, the physicalinvolvement and details keep them focused in the present moment.They excel at—and are very happy with—anything that requirespaying attention to details in order to produce successful results.