This is a lifetime in which the universe supports CapricornNorth Node people taking public positions and pursuingprofessional goals. They do especially well when they are in charge,because they are excellent managers. They are most confident whenthey approach a situation from a position of authority; this appliesto both their personal and professional lives.Also, in the process of managing others, these folks learn how tobetter manage themselves. For that to occur, they need to manifestintegrity and an absolute commitment to keeping their word. Inorder to stay in touch with their power, Capricorn North Nodepeople must be on time, do what they say they are going to do, behonest with others, and always behave in a way that promotes selfrespect. This will make their lives strong. They are not allowed to“get away with” childish or irresponsible behavior.From past lives, these natives developed tremendous emotionalsensitivity. When they take a moment to “tune in” to the emotionalstates of others, they accurately understand other people’s needs andconcerns and can speak to them in a way that rallies the necessarymental and emotional support to reach the goal. They do thisautomatically, although it is a gift that most other people do notpossess. In this lifetime, they also have the gift of seeing the biggerpicture and being aware of the correct path to follow in order toachieve goals. This is a new gift (not from past lives), which theymust begin to exercise in order to recognize that they have it. Thesegifts make them highly successful as managers because they’remanaging and motivating with an awareness of how others arefeeling and directing them with understanding.Capricorn North Node people become upset when those in higherpositions do not manage them—or others—well. Something withinthem deeply resents mismanagement from lack of knowledge and/orinsensitivity, because they instinctively know how to manage in away that inspires willing support without diminishing others. Theycan become very unhappy and critical. They tend to hover aroundtaking responsibility, and they’re filled with opinions about howthings should be run. They come close to “stepping over the line”when someone else is in charge because they think they should “runthe show”—and indeed they should! They are often afraid to takecharge, and at the last minute they say: “Oh, no—you do it, and I’llhelp you.” When they hold back, they never really know if theirideas would work.Because these folks do have a talent for humane and wisemanagement, they have the responsibility to try to shift the way anymismanagement is handled when a lot of people are being affected.They need to apply for a promotion or otherwise do what they canto bring good management to the situation by sharing theirknowledge in appropriate ways. For instance, if their feelings arehurt owing to insensitive management, they could communicate itin a responsible way: “You may not be aware of it, but it hurt mevery much when . . .” and then let the manager know what can bedone to make it right. “When you changed my title it hurt me verymuch. I respond better when I have a title that gives me a feeling ofimportance.” By helping others to learn better management, theyvalidate their own knowledge and satisfy their sense of mission.
Capricorn North Node people don’t usually see the vision ofwhat can be. They are generally good at whatever they ate doing,they like the safety of it, and they’re hard workers; but they are notaccustomed to recognizing opportunities. It’s important for them toseize opportunities in order to avoid regrets later in life.When these folks allow themselves to become too limited in theirown worlds, they can’t envision possibilities for the future. Theysee other people taking risks and admire them for it, but they arereluctant to do the same because they are afraid of losing what theyhave. They must recognize that safety can lead to stagnation.This is a lifetime for learning to take advantage of opportunities.They need to focus on one goal and then make a 100 percentcommitment to reach it. The instant they make the commitment,they have the power to do it—and suddenly opportunities streamacross their path. As they take each opportunity and complete it,they have taken one more step toward accomplishing their finalgoal. Each time they complete a step, the energy of success feedsthem power and confidence to seize the next opportunity. They gainso much strength and competence from the path itself that by thetime they reach their goal they are fully qualified—and centeredinwardly—to be in that position.
Owing to so many past lifetimes spent in family environments,it’s natural that Capricorn North Node people think in a supportiveway rather than an opportunistic way. They have a natural desire tohelp people, and this is why they attract people who need help. Butthey need to be open to the possibility that they could help the otherperson and help themselves at the same time, creating a win/winsituation. In this incarnation they are learning to utilize theopportunities life brings to further their own position, prove theirown competence, and personally get “on top.”For example, I had a Capricorn North Node friend who sold lifeinsurance. One of his clients died. My friend was working with thewidow, who now had a large business and didn’t know what to dowith it. Wanting to help out, my friend connected this woman with abusiness broker, and she received a lot of money and some veryvaluable stock from the deal. The broker asked my friend: “What doyou want out of this?” He answered: “Well, I just want her to comeout all right.” He should have made a commission and gotten somestock, but these folks often miss opportunities that fall in their lapsin just this way, and then regret it later.They must be alert for unexpected opportunities, which are giftslife wants to bring them. If they miss the opportunity by virtue oftheir naïvete, someone else will point it out to them as the businessbroker did. Owing to their lack of past-life experience, CapricornNorth Node people can’t expect to always spot opportunities ontheir own—but they can listen to others. When someone asks thema question regarding personal gain for themselves, their best bet isto say: “Gosh, let me think about it, and I’ll get back to you.” Theyneed to slow down and give themselves time to think it over.Life and other people know, on a deep level, that these folks arenot used to being in the world. So it’s perfectly fine for them tocheck out what is fair by asking others who are already successfulin the world. Better yet, they could say to the person who ispointing out the opportunity: “What do you think would be fair inthis case? What would you do if you were in my position?”Capricorn North Node people are highly active and tend to actwithout thinking. But restless, nondirected motion iscounterproductive for them. They become so involved in doing thatthey don’t stop to think about where their energy is—or is not—taking them, what the end result will be, or how it will affect otherpeople. They must be more aware of the possible consequences oftheir actions and deliberately channel their energy in ways that willhelp them get on top of things. Since they ate responsible for theresults, it behooves them to take charge of the process to ensure thatthe results are in alignment with what they want.For example, I had a client whose father was a Capricorn NorthNode person. She came from a very close family, and over the yearsher uncles and other relatives had given her father manyopportunities to become wealthy. They brought him real estatedeals, business partnerships, and investments. But her father stoodfirm: “No, I’m a working man; I don’t invest.” So he never boughthis own home or invested for his future or the future of his family.He took care of day-to-day responsibilities, working long hours sixdays a week, but never took the initiative to be responsible in afuture-oriented, sensible way.Today my client’s uncles and cousins are all wealthy, but herfather is running out of money in his retirement and doesn’tunderstand how he got into this situation. He just kept putting onefoot in front of the other, going along in his comfort zone.Subconsciously, he was thinking that someone else would takeresponsibility, which equals “how to lose” for Capricorn NorthNode people.These folks often get “stuck” in a conservative position as a wayto avoid “upsetting the apple cart” or risking emotional responsesfrom others. Also, by supporting the established way of doingthings, they are less likely to have to take a stand. Until theyunderstand that this is a lifetime of accepting opportunities, theydon’t want to take risks. They are afraid of losing the day-to-daysecurity of their stable life and of taking responsibility for change.I had a client with this nodal position who ran a small franchisebusiness and rented an office in a large building. He wasapproached by the owner of the building with the opportunity topurchase it for a good price. My client didn’t take it because hedidn’t have the money. He might have found a way to do it, but hedidn’t see the opportunity. His first thought was: “Why would Iwant the burden of owning an office when I can rent it?” Theproperty later sold for such a high price that my client would rathernot even have known about it!In becoming goal oriented, these folks are learning how to useevery “obstacle” to their advantage, so that everything becomes astepping-stone for reaching their goal. As factors they didn’tanticipate arise to distract them, they are learning to see the largerpicture and regard everything as an opportunity they can use to theiradvantage, rather than becoming emotionally overwhelmed.For example, if the Capricorn North Node is training for amarathon and strains a calf muscle so he can’t run for a few weeks,he should use the time to develop his upper-body strength. Ifsuccess is in his mind, he can accept everything that happens anduse it to his advantage. The sense of self-sufficiency gained throughthis process will be enormous, as these natives recognize that allalong they had the qualities they needed to manifest their dreams.
Owing to many past incarnations immersed in family life andfocused on feelings, in this lifetime Capricorn North Node peopleare born with direct access to raw emotion. The only problem is thatthey’re stuck in the middle of it! Emotion is an incredible power,and they are learning how to direct it in a positive way.The irony is that these folks always seem to think they lack thepositive qualities inherent in the negative emotion they are holding.For example, those who have a lot of pent-up anger generally feellacking in assertiveness, initiative, courage, and independence—aspects of the positive side of the raw emotional energy whosenegative expression is anger. By consciously directing this energyinto a take-charge attitude, it will naturally be discharged in aconstructive direction—working for them rather than against them.Interestingly, in astrology the same planet that rules initiative,courage, assertiveness, and independence—Mars—also rules anger.To get the angry energy out in a positive form, Capricorn NorthNode people must take charge, assert themselves, and take theinitiative in all areas of their lives.For example, I had a client with this nodal position who went outof her way to take a friend to a big clothing sale. They arranged togo at 1:00 in the afternoon. My client was free until 6:30, when shehad another appointment. However, her friend arrived late, took aninordinate amount of time at the sale, and insisted on “primping” inthe bathroom before going home. My client became more and moreangry as she watched the time slipping away. She mentioned to herfriend that she had a 6:30 appointment, but the friend didn’t seem tocare. In the end, my client was late for her appointment and feltangry and frustrated throughout the rest of the evening.How could she have converted the angry energy into initiative?She could have taken charge at the very beginning and said: “Wehave to be done shopping by 5:00.” By stating the goal at the verybeginning, these folks can bypass getting angry when they don’t gettheir way. When their motive is pure—they want to help—theyneed to let others know in advance what the parameters are: “I’llhelp you with this, and I need to be done at this time. Does thatwork for you?” There will be awareness and agreement about whatis going on—and they will have converted anger into executiveenergy.