Data on the relationship between heartbeats and suggestibility reveals that music orvoice timed to the rhythm of the human heart beat of 72 pulses per minute, can affecthuman behaviour…Experimental commercials prepared using 72 beats per minute aspacing for drumbeats, music, and voice have been tested in a special theatre with arandom audience of housewives and husbands. The advertisement was for a newanalgesic headache potion. Results showed that had the analgesic commercial beenbroadcast to the roughly 30 million people watching NBC Evening News, five millionwould have developed headaches within three hours of viewing it.12The technology has been developed to send out messages as microwaves andextremely low frequency waves (ELFs) which can speak to the mass subconsciousand cause physical illness. It is important to appreciate that the knowledge heldsecretly about the human mind and body is far more advanced than anything weare allowed to see in the public arena. Again, it is part of the need to know policy.If someone has knowledge and technology which most people do not realise exists,the potential for manipulation is enormous. The esoteric knowledge passed throughthe secret society network across the years has been a major factor in the creation ofthis two-speed science. The public is told about a limited and intentionally flawedscience which goes back to Darwin and others, while the far more advanced versionremains hidden. The mind-spirit, the eternal part of us, is a series of interconnectingand interacting magnetic energy fields. These react with other magnetic energyfields and this is why people who live under electricity power lines are more proneto certain illnesses. The electromagnetic field thrown out by the power linesimbalances the magnetic mind-spirit of the people living nearby. This imbalance ispassed through the multiple levels of our being to the physical body where itmanifests as cancer or some other dis-ease. It can also directly affect cellular functioning to create physical illness. Therefore, if the manipulators can broadcastwaves at certain frequencies, they can imbalance our cellular and non-physicalmagnetic levels and cause physical, mental, and emotional illness. Former FBIagent, Ted Gunderson, has said that magnetic radioactive discs have long been usedcovertly as cancer-inducing silent killers to remove unwanted politicians andothers. These can cause cancers which grow at astonishing speeds. Experiments onthe effects of ELF waves and chemical warfare substances are routinely carried outon unsuspecting populations around the world. We hear about these things on thenews with reports of a strange and unexplained plague/disease which hasbroken out over a small area of a country. I am told that an area of New Mexico isplagued by a hum that no-one can explain, which causes headaches and illness insusceptible individuals.Some people find it hard to believe that messages can be broadcast to thesubconscious. But what is television and radio? They are words and pictures whichare broadcast in wave form and decoded back into words and pictures bytechnology. When you think of the advanced knowledge that is secretly knownabout the nature of the human brain/psyche, is it too much of a mental leap to seethat it is possible to broadcast messages on wavelengths designed to communicatewith the subconscious? In fact, as I explain at length in The Robots’ Rebellion, theexistence of such technology is provable. Experiments have shown that if peopleare subjected to these waves for little more than a minute, they begin to react as themessages tell them to. In their minds, these messages appear to be their ownthoughts, when in reality they are tuning into wavelengths broadcast from outsideof their psyche. In such a situation, these people are fully-paid-up robots. Two suchtechniques are called Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control and ElectronicDissolution of Memory. Researchers say that these can remotely induce anhypnotic trance, deliver suggestions, and erase all memory of both the instructionsand whatever it is the person has done in response to those instructions. What atool if you want to assassinate a ‘troublemaker’; create some terrible event todiscredit a group or person; abduct someone and blame it on ‘aliens’; or produce aproblem-reaction-solution situation. In 1975, the journalist James Moore claimed tohave secured a 350-page manual on the subject from CIA sources. Part of thatdocument said:Medically, these radio signals are directed at certain parts of the brain. When a part ofyour brain receives a tiny electrical impulse from outside sources, such as vision,hearing, etc, an emotion is produced – anger at the sight of a gang of boys beating anold woman, for example. The same emotion of anger can be created by artificial radiosignals sent to your brain by a controller. You could instantly feel the same white hotanger without any apparent reason.It makes you wonder about some of the messages being received by mediumsand channellers. Psychically sensitive people are consciously tuning into otherwavelengths of reality. It is possible, indeed probable, that some are tuning into wavelengths broadcast from technology on this planet. In the world of secretscience, they know it is possible for channellers to communicate with otherwavelengths of reality. They know how it is done and they usemediums/channellers in their experiments. According to the books on the mindcontrol and advanced science establishment at Montauk13 in the USA in the 1970s,the Elite scientists were able to produce the image on a computer screen of whattheir psychic was thinking. They later broadcast his thought waves from atransmitter at the base and found that people in the area had been affected in theirown minds by the thoughts being broadcast. The manipulators know also that moreand more people are listening to what channellers say. What a great opportunity touse this process to further manipulate. Once again, our protection is to think forourselves and accept no information on face value without thinking hard about itand checking the facts as best you can. That includes what you read in this book.Project MKUItraAlongside the development of mass mind control techniques have come thoseaimed at specific individuals. The most notorious is the MKUItra programme runby the CIA. Other offshoots and variations on this have been programmes known asMonarch, Bluebird, Artichoke, MKDelta, and MKNaomi. Their even more advancedsuccessors still go on today and the victims have often hit the global headlines asTone assassins’. MKUItra began in the 1950s under the Canada-based Scottishpsychiatrist, Doctor Ewen Cameron, who became a close friend of CIA chief AllenDulles after Cameron served as the Canadian/United States psychiatrist at theNuremberg War Trials. Cameron was one of the psychiatrists who examined theman who claimed to be Rudolf Hess. That was an appropriate appointment becausewhat Cameron did to his ‘patients’ under the CIA’s MKUItra programme mirroredsome of what the Nazis did to their victims, too. Under the supervision of peoplelike the Dulles brothers and other members of the US Elite establishment, many ofthe Nazi mind control experts and leading scientists were secretly removed fromGermany, as the Allies closed in. They were taken to the United States to continuetheir work into mind control and what we would call flying saucers, anti-gravitytechnology. Some estimate that as many as 10,000 active Nazis escaped, leaving thefarce of the Nuremberg War Trials to deal out ‘justice’ to those who had often beenguilty of far less terrible crimes than the ones the Americans had helped to escape.Yes, the Nazis carried out horrible experiments on people, including children. Ofthat I have no doubt. But does anyone really think that is not continuing in theunderground establishments in America and elsewhere today? The Nazi mentalitydid not end in 1945. It just changed locations and, literally, went underground.The CIA was formed out of the wartime OSS, the Office of Strategic Services.This formation of the new Central Intelligence Agency was done under thesupervision of British Intelligence, which had centuries of accumulated experiencein covert operations. Many of the key personnel in the CIA were Nazis who hadserved under Hitler. One, Reinhard Gehlen of the SS, was employed by Allen Dullesto set up the CIA network in Europe after the war. I say ’employed’. In fact Gehlen has said that it was more like a partnership between the CIA (headed by the Hitlersupporting Allen Dulles) and the worldwide Nazi network. Gehlen said that thecollaboration with Dulles was a gentlemen’s agreement which for a number ofreasons was never set out in black and white.. .such was the element of trust thathas been built up between the two sides during.. .intensive personal contact, thatneither had the slightest hesitation in founding the entire operation on verbalagreement and a handshake.14 The ‘verbal agreement’ wouldn’t have anything todo with the danger of written evidence seeping out and blowing the story, Isuppose. Writer and researcher, Noam Chomsky, says that Gehlen set up a secretUS-Nazi army, which extended its operations to Latin America (where it supportedthe Nazi-type regimes imposed on the people by the United States). The CIA wasformed by Nazis, for Nazis, to promote the Nazi mentality. British Intelligence wasa major instigator because it too is a Nazi organisation at its core, and so is thedeeply corrupt international ‘police’ operation known as Interpol, which has beenheaded by known Nazis. The CIA, under Allen Dulles, funded psychiatrist EwenCameron from the early 1950s, as documents released in 1977 under the USFreedom of Information Act have confirmed. Most of the documents weredestroyed or not released, but there were enough to offer just a glimpse of thenightmare that was MKUltra. The project included the use of drugs (like LSD) andgrotesque mind manipulation techniques known as ‘depatterning’ and ‘psychicdriving’. The CIA admitted supporting research into human mind and behaviourcontrol at 150 institutions and these included hospitals, prisons, drug companies,and 44 universities. At least 185 scientists were involved. Like the Nazis’experiments, the targets were largely those considered lesser human beings’ suchas prostitutes, foreigners, people with non-white skins, and drug addicts.Thousands of prisoners were also forced to take part, and hospital and mentalpatients were used without their consent as experiment-fodder for these crazypeople. Let no-one tell me this is not still happening today all over the world,including the UK. Soldiers in the US forces were used, too. Thousands were givenLSD in the 1970s while being told they were testing gas masks and other protectivegear. This puts in a new light the severe damage to the health of soldiers givenvaccinations during the Gulf War, who are now demanding compensation.The CIA funded Ewen Cameron through an organisation called the Society forHuman Ecology, yet another CIA front, which was connected to Cornell Universityin New York. Cameron and Dulles wanted to develop forms of drugs, electronicstimulation, and hypnosis which would remove a person’s natural personality andreplace it with an ‘improved one’. Another major aim was to preprogram people tocarry out assassinations which could then be written off as the work of some Tonenutter’. This goal was quite quickly achieved. In 1969, the CIA psychologist, JoseDelgado, published his book, Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A PsychocivilisedSociety. He wrote:Physical control of brain functions is a demonstrated fact…it is even possible to createand follow intentions, the development of thoughts and visual experiences. By electrical stimulation of specific cerebral structures, movements can be induced by radiocommand, hostility may appear and disappear, social hierarchy can be modified, sexualbehaviour may be changed, and memory, emotions, and the thinking process may beinfluenced by remote control…15Speaking in 1966, Delgado said that his experiments …support the distastefulconclusion that motion, emotion, and behaviour can be directed by electrical forcesand that humans can be controlled like robots by push buttons.16 Which is preciselywhat happened to the killers of people like John Lennon,17 the would-be assassin ofPresident Reagan, and, almost certainly, the assassin of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia,who was shot dead in 1975. The King, who routinely had free copies of theProtocols distributed to foreign tourists, was murdered by a relative who travelledfrom America to do it. This technique is also used to program people who run intostreets or restaurants shooting in all directions, and to carry out the most awfulcrimes which add to the fear and the something must be done mentality. Thisdemands – and gets – harsher laws and sentences, a more armed police force, andcameras in the streets. By the way, Lennon’s assassin, Mark Chapman, wasmentally assessed by Bernard Diamond, the same psychiatrist who assessedSirhan Sirhan, the patsy in the Bobby Kennedy murder. Just a coincidence!LSD was widely used in the Cameron experiments. It creates confusion, a keyaspect of mind control. One of the early victims was Frank Olsen, a chemistspecialising in airborne disease. He was given LSD while suffering fromdepression and paranoia and two weeks later threw himself to his death from thewindow of a New York hotel. The CIA funded a series of ‘safe houses’ forexperimentation in San Francisco and New York. Here MKUltra operativesobserved through two-way mirrors how the clients of CIA-hired prostitutesresponded after being secretly given LSD. At Ewen Cameron’s headquarters, theAllan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Canada, he ‘treated’ unsuspecting people fora variety of mental problems and systematically dismantled their personalities inMKUltra experiments. In the Observer magazine of October 16th 1994, writerElizabeth Nickson told the stories of many of Cameron’s victims, including her ownmother. One patient, a woman from Vancouver, was suffering from post-nataldepression and fatigue. She was kept in a drug-induced sleep for 86 days byCameron and when he was finished with her, she had lost all memory of her life,including the ability to read and write. She even needed toilet training. As a resultof this pressure on her family, she lost her husband and six children. This was thesame Ewen Cameron who was feted by his fellow psychiatrists and made presidentof the string of leading psychiatric bodies, including the World PsychiatricAssociation. The president and directors of the MKUltra project included thepresident of the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Centre and the head of theSmithsonian Institute. This was the establishment top brass, not some madprofessor working alone.One of Cameron’s techniques links in with what I said earlier. He used a tapemachine called the Cererophone which was placed under the pillow of the sleeping victim to repeat messages over and over. He would also record a key phrase usedby the victim in conversations with him and play it back at 30 second intervals asthe victim slept. This was psychic driving. The result was that the victim becameobsessed with the phrase and could not think about anything else. Such was theemotional result that drugs would be used to sedate the person. Psychic driving, theinput of the ‘new’ personality, often followed electro-therapy, the destruction of thenatural personality. This was called the depatterning process.Cameron used a technique called the Page-Russell shock treatment, named afterthe two British doctors who developed it. The victims would be given an initialelectric shock, followed by five to nine smaller ones, two or three times a day for upto thirty days. Hospital workers at the time have reported that the screamingechoed around the hospital. The ‘patients’ would try to escape from this horror.Once this depatterning was completed and the victim thoroughly confused, ahelmet would be clamped on their heads and negative messages would be repeatedinto the victim’s mind for maybe twenty hours a day. These messages would repeatphrases like My mother hates me, my husband hates me, I am a failure, and soon, using recordings of the victim’s own voice. Cameron would also wire their legsand give them an electric shock after the completion of each message.With the old personality now destroyed, the process would be used to build anew one in Cameron’s image. And this, lest we forget, was funded by the CIA withtaxpayers’ money at the behest of Allen Dulles, the man who, with others,controlled the Nuremberg War Trials that sentenced scores of lower-ranked Nazis todeath for doing far less than he and Cameron were doing. All of this continues in amuch more advanced way today. I have been told of mind control research of asimilar kind in some UK universities and if you know more, please tell me.Most people have no idea how easy the law makes it for you to be imprisoned ina mental institution. It really is so easy. A friend of mine who was going through atraumatic spiritual awakening (he was seeing the world for what it really is) waspressured by his family to agree to attend a private mental hospital. He chose to gofor their sake. But when he decided to leave the hospital after chatting with thedoctors, he was forcibly stopped. He was also forced to take drugs. What the staff ofthat hospital were doing was perfectly legal. Once you agree to have treatment atsuch a place, you lose all your rights to leave if the staff decide that you should not.As the doctors at that level of the profession largely have no idea about the natureof the psyche, despite being called ‘psychiatrists’, they can imprison you and forceyou to take drugs to ‘treat’ quite natural phenomena. If we are not vigilant, theexcuse of ‘mental illness’ will be used to intern those who say they cancommunicate with other frequencies ‘schizophrenia’ and those who claim there isa global conspiracy ‘paranoia’. Someone like me who talks about both becomes a’paranoid schizophrenic’, which is exactly how they imprisoned dissenters in thepsychiatric hospitals of the Soviet Union.Eventually, at the start of the Bush presidency, the CIA settled out of court withnine of the victims of MKUltra for the largest sum of money possible without theapproval of the Attorney General. Another 69 are still battling for compensation. This is not helped by the admission of Richard Helms, the CIA chief at the time ofWatergate, that he destroyed most of the MKUltra documents in 1973. What we arelooking at here is the sharp end of the policy to turn the human race from uniqueand free-thinking expressions of creation into a herd of sheep and robots. It is acombination of technology, engineered events, and control of both politics and(crucially) the media. Behind it is the familiar roll call. The document SilentWeapons For A Quiet War reveals the input of the Rockefeller Foundation infunding research through Harvard University into the potential for computers tocontrol human thinking. The aim is to have physical money replaced entirely bycredit card electronic money, and then to replace credit cards and identity cardswith a microchip just under the skin. Intel Corporation was awarded a five-yearcontract in 1994, to develop just such a device at its Rio Rancho, New Mexico,facility. This chip would be linked to a global computer using the excuse that allfinancial transactions had to be registered at the new world central bank. Thecomputer would know everything there is to know about us at all times andwould be able to send messages the other way, from the computer to us,feeding us messages and programming our consciousnesses. Robots wouldbe exactly the word.This prospect is nothing new. CIA psychologist Dr Jose Delgado said in 1966 th.the day would come when brain control could be turned over to non-humanoperators, by establishing two-way communication between the implanted brainand a computer. In the 1970s, Sweden was stunned to hear that microchips werebeing implanted into hospital patients without their knowledge, as part of a mindcontrol experiment. This was sanctioned by Olof Palme, the Bilderberger PrimeMinister of Sweden. The dangers are so potent and so obvious. As Senator Sam J.Ervin, the head of a Senate subcommittee on behaviour modification, said in 1973:…behavioural technology…in the United States today touches upon the most basicsources of individuality, and the very core of personal freedom. To my mind the mostserious threat…is the power this technology gives one man to impose his views andvalues on another…If our society is to remain free, one man must not be empowered tcchange another man’s personality and dictate the values, thoughts, and feelings ofothers.18Throughout the Silent Weapons document and the Elite philosophy in general,we see the desire to do exactly that. We see the theme of the chosen elite controllingthe ‘stupid herd’ in all areas of our lives. It starts with the children in the schoolsand the young people in the universities. Get ’em young and you have got them forgood. I never cease to wonder when I speak at universities how the majority ofstudents are already programmed to think like clones of the system by the age ofseventeen and eighteen. Their inability to think for themselves is quite stunning,with very honourable exceptions. Silent Weapons For A Quiet War emphasises to itsown agents the importance of controlling what children and young people are told.The teachers are trained to think in a certain way and to believe that the information they are communicating is true. Even if they doubt it, the authorities insist that it istaught anyway. If you don’t like it Mr or Mrs Teacher, get out and we will replaceyou with someone who will do as they are told. As the rock group, Pink Floyd, sayin their well-known song, children are programmed by the education system to beJust another brick in the wall. But how much debate goes on about these matters?Teachers, parents, the teaching unions, and the politicians go on endlessly about thefunding of schools and the shortage of school books. Where is the concern aboutwhat is actually taught in the schools and what is written in those books? And yetthere is no other subject on Earth that is more important than the programming ofthe human mind. From that all else comes. The Silent Weapons document describesthe mind-controlling technique brilliantly. It says of the Quiet War:It shoots situations, instead of bullets; propelled by data processing, instead of grainsof gunpowder; from a computer, instead of a gun; operated by a computer programmer,instead of a marksman; under the orders of a banking magnate, instead of a militarygeneral. It makes no obvious noises, causes no obvious physical or mental injuries, anddoes not obviously interfere with anyone’s daily social life.Yet it makes an unmistakable ‘noise’, causes unmistakable physical and mentaldamage, and unmistakably interferes with daily social life, i.e., unmistakable to a trainedobserver, one who knows what to look for. The public cannot comprehend the weapon,and therefore cannot believe they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon.The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but because of thetechnical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rationalway, or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore, they do not know how to cry forhelp, and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it.When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presenceand learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychologicalvia economic) becomes too great and they crack up. Therefore the silent weapon is atype of biological warfare. It attacks the vitality, options, and mobility of the individualsof a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources ofnatural and social energy, and their physical, mental, and emotional strengths andweaknesses.In others words, divide and rule, and introduce your global dictatorship via thestepping-stones approach and few will realise what is really going on until it is toolate. In fact, many will even laugh at or condemn those who point out what ishappening. Well the readers of this book, and many others like it, do know what isreally going on. And if we are truly committed to a better world and to freedom ofthought and expression, the information is impossible to ignore. The work we allhave to do to break the hold the programmers have on so many human minds isconsiderable, but it is perfectly achievable – and will be achieved – if we are prepared to get involved. There is nothing more powerful than a human minddetermined to think and act for itself. Such a phenomenon is a manipulator’snightmare and, like everyone on this planet, you have that power.You only have to use it.SOURCES1 See Dr John Coleman’s Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 3002 The Sunday Telegraph (February 5th 1995)3 Oswald Le Winter, CIA operative 1968-85, speaking on the documentary, The MalteseDouble Cross, which was shown to British MPs in 1994.4 Ibid5 There was another air disaster in the 1980s, which cost 329 lives. It was the bombing ofthe Air India flight off Ireland in 1985 which has since been traced to a paramilitary campAlabama where mercenaries are trained for terrorist activities.6 Noam Chomsky, Letters From Lexington (AK Press, Edinburgh, Scotland) pll9-1207 The Rockefellers, CBS (Friday, December 28th 1973). Today the ABC News anchorman andsenior editor, Peter Jennings, is a Bilderberger.8 Is Rupert Murdoch preparing an assault on fortress Europe?, The European (July 7th-13th1995)p219 Murdoch takes five days to win news group for £800m, Daily Telegraph (February 4th1986)10 Three Part Series, January 30th, February 6th, February 13th 198411 ‘Subliminal’ refers to messages which bypass our conscious level of awareness andprogram our subconscious, the level which creates our reality.12 Exposure magazine (June/July 1993) pl213 Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon, The Montauk Project and Montauk Revisited (SkyBooks, New York, 1992,1994)14 Casebook On Alternative 3, p3215 J.M. Delgado, Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A Psychocivilised Society (1969)16 Quoted in When The State Rapes: The Mind Control Papers, Part II, p2, 6. This study isdistributed by Mediaecco and Contact Network International, PO Box 66, 8400 AB Gorredijk,The Netherlands.17 Files released inder the Freedom of Information Act reveal what a threat John Lennon’sinfluence was considered to be by the US authorities.18 Introduction to the 1974 report of the Senate sub committee on the role of the USGovernment in behaviour modification.