That is the mentality of one of the main figures behind the CultAwareness Network (CAN). So what constitutes a ‘cult’ in this man’s misguidedmind? According to his own published papers, they include the following:1: neo-Christian cults; 2: Hindu and Eastern religious cults; 3: occult, witchcraft andsatanism cults; 4: spiritualist cults; 5: Zen and other Sino-Japanese philosophical cults;6: race cults; 7: flying saucer and outer space cults; 8: psychological cults like CAN,presumably; 9: political cults; and 10: certain communal and self-help or selfimprovement groups that become transformed into cults.What about the walking to the shops to buy tonight’s dinner cults? I can’tthink why he missed that one. The list confirms what I was saying earlier about theway the Elite want to discredit the word ‘cult’ and then apply it to any group orlifestyle they wish to undermine and destroy. The aim is to marginalise and wipeout all thinking that challenges the desired norm. One of West’s cronies, Dr MartinOrne, a former head of the Office of Naval Research’s Committee on Hypnosis,said: Even in present day America, when an individual hears God speak to him, itis a toss-up whether he will become a successful leader of a new religious cult orwill come to the attention of a psychiatric unit. It was a ‘deprogrammer’ or, intruth, a reprogrammer with CAN, called Rick Ross who tipped off the BATF aboutguns at the Waco Compound. It was Ross who ‘deprogrammed’ 14-year-old KiriJewell, who claimed that Koresh sexually abused her, ‘evidence’ which has beenseriously questioned. Ross was working at the time with Priscilla Coates, a nationalspokesperson for the Cult Awareness Network. The use of ‘lethal force’ against theBranch Davidians was recommended by Patricia Ryan, the President of CAN.9Significantly, it was during Dr Jolly West’s campaign for the ‘behaviourmodification’ unit in California in 1974, that the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) came to public prominence when they kidnapped Patricia Hearst, thedaughter of the newspaper tycoon, Randolf Hearst. This happened in the samestate of California under Ronald Reagan, from where the Peoples’ Temple of JimJones also emerged. The SLA was supposed to be a Marxist urban warfare groupand the propaganda about them terrorised the state for months. In fact, only ninepeople were involved. Patricia Hearst became active in SLA actions after herabduction. This included an armed bank robbery and the stories began to flowabout her being brainwashed by this ‘cult’. The SLA was destroyed when 150officers and agents expelled 5,000 rounds of ammunition in front of live televisioncameras during prime time. Later Patricia Hearst was given a mental examinationby two ‘experts’ on brainwashing.. .Dr Louis Jolyn West and Dr Martin Orne, ofthe Cult Awareness Network.The founder of CAN, Ted Patrick, has a long list of criminal convictions againsthim which result from his ‘counselling’ techniques on cult ‘victims’. These includekidnapping, conspiracy, false imprisonment, abduction and assault, possession ofcocaine, and violation of probation. A case brought against Patrick in 1976 revealedthat he had held one of his abductees prisoner for 86 days at 12 locations andsubjected her to frightful experiences.10 These are just some of the people who areprotecting the innocent from cults! You now increasingly see the word cult used todiscredit groups and alternative communities that are anything but ‘brainwasheddangerous nutters’. Once the word ‘cult’ is applied, it is considered OK to treat thepeople involved as subhuman, with no rights as human beings. Yet, as US judge T.S.Ellis told ‘deprogrammer’ Galen Kelly: One man’s cult is another man’scommunity, no matter how wacky you or I might think that is.There are other groups dubbed as ‘cults’, however, which suit the Elite and thevare allowed to become global empires. One is the Unification Church, started inKorea and now based in New York. It is led by Sun Myung Moon and is betterknown as the Moonies. This is an extremely sinister organisation, in my view, withNew World Order overtones. On January 15th 1995, the London Sunday Expressrevealed that the former British Prime Minister, Edward Heath (Bil), had been paidhandsomely to make the keynote speech at the Moonies’ Summit Council for WorldPeace in Korea. In March 1994, he also spoke at Sun Myung Moon’s World PeaceConference, where the main speaker was the former Soviet Union leader, MikhailGorbachev, the friend of Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller. The Knight ofMalta and former US Secretary of State and Supreme Allied Commander of NATOAlexander Haig, has spoken at Moonie events. So has the former US DefenseSecretary, Frank Carlucci (CFR, TC). The Unification Church has a worldwidebusiness empire which includes The Washington Times, The New York City Tribune,and The Middle East Times. Their list of front groups and businesses in the NameBasesystem runs to 28 pages and 667 names.11 Moon’s son and heir apparent, Justin, runsan arms company in Massachusetts called Saeilo Incorporated.12 Once more thelinks with the intelligence agencies of the Elite have been identified. The Mooniespaid $50,000,000 to buy the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut and one of thenew trustees named was Jack E. Thomas, the assistant chief of staff at US airforce intelligence, and special assistant to the CIA director for nine years. The UnificationChurch has support from the South Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA). BoHi Pak, the KCIA liaison officer to US intelligence stationed at the Korean Embassyin Washington, became one of Moon’s top aides and president of The WashingtonTimes. Moon’s editor at the Washington Times is Arnaud de Borchgrave, a formerleading correspondent of the CIA-connected Newsweek, owned by the WashingtonPost company of Katherine Graham (CFR, TC, Bil). De Borchgrave is closelyconnected by marriage to the Rothschild family, the longtime and leading financialand political backers of Israel, a state they were, in effect, responsible for creating.The Church of Scientology (established by L. Ron Hubbard) was named byformer CIA officer, Miles Copeland, as one of two religious-type groups with whichthe CIA made ‘arrangements’. The other was called Moral Re-Armament. The Elitemake sure they work through both sides whenever possible, in this case the ‘cult’and the ‘cult-busters’. In doing so they control the actions and events the publicmind sees and absorbs. From the evidence that I have seen and my own intuition, Isense the time approaching when a coordinated global campaign will be activatedwhich seeks to discredit all alternative thinking, movements, and lifestyles. It is atime to be strong and determined and allow the power of love to win through.This same technique is being used against investigators into the globalconspiracy. As more of the web and background is unravelled, there is a desperateneed by the Elite to discredit this information by discrediting the messengers. It is atechnique known as Ad Hominem – if a truth you don’t like is beingcommunicated, attack the messenger, not the message. I am now seeing anexpanding range of articles about ‘conspiracy theorists’ and how they are all ‘Rightwing extremists’. As with the word ‘cult’, the propagandists want to stimulate animmediate public reaction of ‘Nazi’ to anyone who reveals information about theglobal manipulation. This is where the ‘Left’, those I call the Robot Radicals, are sohelpful to the Elite. They parrot this nonsense by reflex action. Another buzz term ishistorical revisionist. This is also being used in a negative way. What such aperson is doing is challenging the conventional version of history. Do those whospeak of historical revisionists as Nazis really believe that everything we are toldabout history is true? Surely not. Then why can’t we be adult enough to look atwhat the revisionists say and make up our own mind about what we think is right?Because the Elite would lose control of history, that’s why.My experience and observations lead me to believe that parts of the New Agescene are among the most easy to manipulate. It is the naivety which makes it so. Ihave heard Bill Clinton described as a lightworker by some in the New Agemovement who have done no research whatsover into the background to the man. Ihear all the instant, off-the-shelf responses about ‘cults’ from people involved in thevery groups, organisations, and lifestyles which the word ‘cult’ is beingmanipulated to target! Some of those who have done most to spread false storiesand gossip about me have been those who speak of truth and light. I used to beamazed at that, but no more. One story doing the New Age rounds is that I have somuch money I live as a tax exile in Jersey. As I’ve only been to Jersey for a total of four days in my life, I clearly don’t get home much! I read in spiritual magazines ofthe need for a world government as the expression of Oneness and the comingtogether of all peoples in One World. It sounds great, unless you do the researchand see how the New Age Movement is being manipulated too.I attended a lovely spiritual event at Wembley, London, in the summer of 1994. Itwas to celebrate the Oneness of all things and the need to express love in the worldall of which I agree with. But manipulation of the human mind doesn’t only comein one all-pervading blob. We have designer-manipulation which is targeted at aparticular belief system. As people were leaving Wembley, there was a groupoutside handing out little glossy leaflets carrying the message of Babaji Francesco,the man who has come to bring love and wisdom to all the Earth. Mr Francesco, itturns out, is the founder of an organisation called Associazione S.U.M. – Stati Unitidel Mondo (the United States of the World). On the first page of the leaflet is amessage about love from Mr Francesco in which he tells us that our tears are histears and for those who follow him all pain shall be removed. Excuse me, I feelquite ill suddenly. He says that he has come to teach us that everything is One.Thank you very much. But wait, what else has he come to teach us? That only bymeeting the Earth’s problems at a worldwide level can they be overcome. Thiscouldn’t mean, could it, that we need a world government, currency and army? Ohyes it could. His leaflet says:Babaji Francesco, in order to resolve all problems, proposes the unification of theNations of the Earth and maintains the need of a one and only World Governmentcomposed of delegates of each nation. He deems important the realisation of a oneand only world army composed of volunteers of each country, for the protection of allPeoples of the Earth, that they should be effective and timely to avoid useless genocidelike that which took place in Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Somalia, etc…He also affirms that, inorder to cancel the public debt of each country, all states should cancel all debtsbetween each other and that it is necessary to eliminate all present currencies andreplace them with a one and only world currency that should have equal value in eachnation so that speculations, competitions, and wars would be replaced by unity,brotherhood and peace among all human beings.All of which is straight from the pages of the Global Elite game plan and theIlluminati Protocols. Either the man who has come to teach us and lead us into thisUtopia needs to do some urgent research into the New World Order or he has otherreasons for equating the need for love and Oneness with a centralised globaltyranny. The Raelian Foundation I spoke of earlier is also promoting all the Elite’sambitions because of what their ‘messiah’, Claude Rael, claims he was told by theextraterrestrial Elohim. When I attended a New Age type exhibition in the northof England, it was fascinating to see how many organisations I came across eithersupporting the United Nations and the concepts of world government and/oroffering people another excuse to give their minds away to some Supreme Masteror other. Don’t be thought-controlled by a religion – be thought controlled by a guru instead! I picked up a magazine called Share International, the publication edited bythe Scottish-born painter and ‘esotericist’ Benjamin Creme who, the publicity says,has been trained and supervised over many years by his own Master. Themagazine, which claims to circulate within 70 countries, is based in the Netherlandsand the United Kingdom with branches and connections in many other countries,including the United States. The magazine promotes the Maitreya, the WorldTeacher, who, according to Creme, has miraculously appeared to people all overthe planet. This World Teacher will only appear to everyone, he says, when themedia invites him to. We have so far waited since 1977 for this while the WorldTeacher has, says Creme, continued to live in the Asian Community in Londonbetween his materialisations all over the world. When invited by the media,Maitreya will, says Creme, address an international press conference which willlead to the Day of Declaration, the time when the World Teacher will appear onradio and television networks worldwide and will mentally overshadow all people,simultaneously. All will hear his words through telepathic communication,apparently. Ummm, again. What’s going on here, I wonder? Costly advertisementsappear constantly in the New Age magazines about Maitreya. Everyadvertisement features the Maitreya appearing miraculously to thousands ofpeople in Nairobi in 1988, although I can’t say the picture looks anything like that tome. The exact locations of the Maitreya manifestations are never given. To do sowould contravene the free will of the people involved, Creme tells us.The April 1995 edition of Share International which I bought at the exhibition wasdominated by an interview with Sir Shridath Ramphal, the former SecretaryGeneral of the Commonwealth, calling for world government and the need for aleader of the calibre of Franklin D. Roosevelt! The interview is followed by a reporton the Commission on Global Governance headed by Ramphal which includedcalls for, in effect, a world (UN) army, centralised global economic control, and aworld government. This, in turn, was followed by three pages called Priorities fora New World Order. Benjamin Creme, in answers to letters, also informs us thatthe only way to counter events like Bosnia and Rwanda is to have a UnitedNations with an army powerful enough, supported by all nations, who must giveenough men and armaments. Coincidentally, that is just what Henry Kissingersays, and Babaji Francesco. Creme adds that if Jimmy Carter lives long enough, Ibelieve he will become a member of a ‘group of wise men’ which will function asthe future ruling committee of the United States. The Trilateral Commission will bedelighted, I’m sure, and what’s this about a ruling committee? Whateverhappened to democracy? Mind you, an article in the magazine tells us that:…a true disciple will apply himself to his ‘indicated task’ with all the energy at hisdisposal, forgetful of his own personality, with the one purpose of contributing all thatlies within him towards serving and the realisation of the Plan. This must inevitably alsolead to his own progress – not towards self-satisfaction, but by evoking dormantcapacities that will mould him into an ever more efficient instrument of service in thehands of the masters. my emphasis Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Here we go again. People follow, masters rule.Maitreya is one of the Alice Bailey ‘Masters’ and it is on her ‘teachings’ thatCreme’s organisation is based. At the same New Age exhibition I found two otherAlice Bailey-inspired organisations, the Lucis Trust, formerly the Lucifer13 Trust, andits offshoot organisation, World Goodwill. The latter was founded by Alice Bailey in1932 in the run up to the Second World War which led to the creation of the UnitedNations. World Goodwill is now little more than a New Age promoter of the UnitedNations from its centres in Whitehall Court, London, Geneva, and New York. Itsmany publications offer gushing praise for the UN as the answer to the ills of theplanet. One leaflet is called The Great Invocation Cooperation with the UnitedNations. It says:An inclusive attitude of mind and heart and active cooperative goodwill betweenpeoples and nations are necessary prerequisites to the establishment of a new worldorder of peace and prosperity for all humanity…As a result of mental conflict,separateness, and lack of understanding, a point of tension has now been reached inworld affairs; therefore a new opportunity of creative progress exists for which theUnited Nations stands. …The United Nations is today an instrument of universality ancan agency for unity, peace and prosperity in the world.Give me strength. The World Goodwill arm of the Lucis Trust distributes articlesby UN staff and links the spiritual view of wholeness and oneness with centralisedglobal institutions. It publishes a quarterly newsletter which reads like a UN fanclub. The one I picked up in the spring of 1995 included, like Benjamin Creme’sShare International, an article about Sir Shridath Ramphal and his Commission onGlobal Governance a world government and world army are the only wayforward. It also included a message from Global Elite frontman, Dr BoutrosBoutros-Ghali, the UN Secretary General, who tells us that: .. .a new array ofproblems of undeniable global dimensions are beyond the ability of any singlecountry or group of states to solve. We’d better have a world government then, eh,Boutros? Other publications distributed by World Goodwill call for all people to begiven identity cards, and one says that:The United Nations, through the General Assembly, specialised agencies, and itsvarious councils, commissions and committees must be supported; there is, as yet, noother organisation to which man can hopefully look. Therefore, he must support theUnited Nations, but, at the same time, let this group of world leaders know what isneeded.It is worth subscribing to the World Goodwill newsletter, if only to see the extentof the infiltration of the Global Elite mentality into areas like spirituality andeducation. One UN education project alone, I read, involves a network of 3,200schools in 122 countries. The UNESCO Associated Schools Project is dedicated topreparing children and young people to live in a global society and to develop the attitudes of ‘Earth patriotism’ See global village, global neighbourhood, etc thatare vital in an increasingly interdependent world. Children and young people arebeing indoctrinated to look to the United Nations for the answers and the LucisTrust/World Goodwill organisation are supporting this. As with most peoplehelping the Global Conspiracy, 99% of them will have no idea what they are reallybeing used to promote. Most of the people who support these organisations will bedoing so because they believe in what they say. They have children andgrandchildren and the last thing they want is to leave them a global fascist tyranny.But that is what they are, unknowingly, helping to create.I spoke to a guy at the Share International stall at the New Age exhibition and hewas a lovely man. He had no idea what he was involved with and answered everyquestion with Well, as I understand it… and Well, it says in the magazine…He’d given his mind away. At another stall I found another group of genuinepeople promoting The Brahma Kumaris, the World Spiritual University with morethan 3,000 teaching centres in 62 countries. This is a non-governmental organisationaffiliated with the United Nations Department of Public Information and winner ofseven UN Peace Messenger Awards. It has consultative status with the UNEconomic and Social Council and UNICEF and has endless links with the UN. In1988, it launched the first Peace Messenger initiative dedicated to the UN. Part ofthis was the publication of a book called Visions Of A Better World, in whichinternational leaders and famous people from all walks of life made theircontributions. Again, at least 99% of those involved with the Brahma Kumaris willnot realise what they are being used to promote by the One World Governmentbrigade. I also never cease to be amazed at the numbers of apparently open-mindedpeople who have, in truth, given their minds away to the man, sorry the living godon Earth, called Sai Baba. These are people who dismiss religion as mind controland urge others to think for themselves!Designer manipulation of belief systems is very subtle, but extremely effectiveand the same centralised tyranny can be presented in many ways to suit themindset of different groups of people. We can expect a stream of guru-type figuresand ‘spiritual’ organisations being manipulated to do this or knowingly doing so. Ifspiritual people and groups accept the one world government plan as part of thejourney to wholeness and oneness they will be supported by the UN and themanipulators. If they do not, they will be labelled a ‘cult’. That is the manipulators’dual approach to the re-emerging spirituality. We need to remember that nothing isever what it seems at first glance. If we look at everything from that perspective, webecome so much harder to disinform. This is vital because there is one ‘cult’ thatdominates all others on this planet. It is the ‘cult’ which is devoted to, and payshomage to, a highly negative consciousness which is expressed as the worship ofpower and control. It is called The Global Elite and the All-Seeing Eye. SOURCES1 Kenneth Wooden, The Children Of Jonestown (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981) pl962 Michael Meiers, Was Jonestown A CIA Medical Experiment? A Review Of The Evidence,Studies in American Religion, Vol. 35 (The Edward/Merlin Press, 1988)3 KGBS radio presenter, Ron Engleman, told Radio Free America that he confirmed through acontact at the hospital that this call was made.4 US News And World Report (May 3rd 1993)5 The Spotlight (April 24th 1995) pl86 New Dawn magazine (Melbourne, Australia, May/June, 1995) p77 Dick Reavis, Witness for the Prosecution, The San Antonio Current (February 10th 1994)p68 Nexus magazine is an excellent publication which covers stories and information themainstream media will not print. See bibliography.9 Houston Chronicle (April 8th 1993)10 Helander vs Patrick, Bridgeport, Conneticut, USA, 197611 Investigative Research Specialists, List of Moonie Fronts, 199212 The Spotlight (December 11th 1995) p213 The term Lucifer is believed by some to mean Bringer of Light, as I outlined in The RobotsRebellion. Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman claims in To Eliminate The Opiate that the change ofname from Lucifer to Lucis in 1924 was to hide the fact that it was involved with Devilworshipping groups linked with the All-Seeing Eye cult. (p54)