Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the opinionof a day, but a series of oppressions, begun at adistinguished period, unalterable through everychange of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate,systematical plan of reducing us to slavery.
Thomas Jefferson
The New World Order has come a long way since the start of the present bankingsystem, the creation of Freemasonry, the United States, and the FrenchRevolution.When you look at how far the Elite plan has been allowed to progress, it is asobering thought. And one which I trust will activate the determination within eachof us to regain control of our own destiny. This we can and will do, but the bottomline is knowing that the manipulation exists, how it works, and to what end.Without that knowledge, we are at the mercy of the manipulators, because acalculated long-term strategy will go on being presented as singular eventsunconnected with each other. For those who still believe that the plan for a worldgovernment, central bank, currency, and army, together with a microchippedpopulation linked to a global computer, is a conspiracy ‘theory’, I will end thissection with a summary of just how far along that road we have travelled withoutrealising it.World GovernmentThe United Nations is evolving rapidly into just such an institution. From its earlydays as a global talking-shop, it has created a massive network of interconnectingorganisations which cover all areas of our lives, from health to aid to environmentto a world police force to science to religion, and so it goes on. The time isapproaching when it will be given its own source of funding, independent of thenation states. Perhaps some funding ‘crisis’ will be engineered, with some majornations failing to keep up contributions and a ‘solution’ will have to be found – aform of United Nations taxation of some kind or other. In 1993 Joseph Connor(CFR) was appointed undersecretary-general for administration and managementat the UN. He was chairman of Price Waterhouse, the Elite accountants, who have adesignate on the Committee of 300. Mr Connor has been warning that the UN faces bankruptcy and something must be done.1 Now there’s a surprise. More conflictwill demand more ‘solutions’, and in desperation people will look to the UnitedNations for answers. Centralised answers. Most of the people who work for theUnited Nations believe they are doing the right thing. They don’t know what theyare involved in. They are pawns in a game they don’t understand. The real agendais hidden behind terms like global village, global neighbourhood, the globalcommons and the need for One World. The covert plan for the United Nations isexactly the same as that unfolding in Europe. The pressure is being applied withever greater severity for centralisation of political power and decision makingwithin the ever-expanding European Union which is now a maze of centralisedpower structures and legislation affecting every facet of daily life. The face of thatorganisation has changed beyond measure in the last forty years. It has been ametamorphosis from trading area to centralised tyranny and the same steppingstones process is happening within the United Nations. The President of theEuropean Parliament, Klaus Hansch, made his ambitions clear in The Europeannewspaper of May 1995, when he called for a European Union in which nationswould ‘pool’ their sovereignty for the greater good centralised control; a Unionwhich assumed its full responsibility for peace and security, acting in closecollaboration with the United Nations world army; a Europe which lives up tothe dreams and the vision of its founding fathers world government, central bank,currency, and army. Popular enthusiasm for this new European project had to begenerated, he said. I’ll give it a miss, if it’s all the same with you, Klaus.One of the most vehement advocates of political and monetary union in Europeis the German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. This is no surprise when, like hispredecessors Willy Brandt and Helmut Schmidt, he is a loyal member of theBilderberg Group. Kohl is alleged to be a Grand Orient Freemason and is connectedto B’nai B’rith which bestowed its highest honour, the Order of Joseph, upon him.2Kohl knows the game plan, alright, and works passionately for its success. JacquesSanter, the president of the European Commission, is another Bilderberger runninga tyrannical campaign for political and monetary union.This evolution to centralised control has been done gradually, quietly, andsecretly and only by looking back over the years can we see how much power thenation states, the regions, and communities, have given away. Decision making thataffects our everyday existence has moved further and further away from the towns,cities, villages, and countries in which we live. First to the national parliaments andcivil service cartel, then to Europe, and, unless we stop being puppets on a string,eventually it will continue to move away still further to the global government. TheTrilateral Commission’s influence can be seen in the support by the EuropeanCommission for Japan to become a permanent member of the United NationsSecurity Council and to have a greater say in UN affairs.3 The Trilateral Commissionwas created to coordinate the work of the manipulating elites in the US, Europe,and Japan, as part of the move to world government. The game plan is comingcloser to the surface with every month, as the Global Elite begin to filter theprospect of a world government into the public domain. The former Secretary General of the Commonwealth, Sir Shridath Ramphal, voiced the plan at anInternational Development Conference in Washington in January 1995, when hesaid that the UN should be empowered to raise global revenue for globalpurposes. The conference supported the policy with great enthusiasm. Ramphal,the co-chairman of the Commission on Global Governance in Geneva, Switzerland,added that national sovereignty was outmoded. The time has come to establisharrangements of global governance, he said. We need a new order in worldaffairs. Large numbers of people recognise this and understand by a ‘new worldorder’ nothing less than the birth of a new world.The attempt to achieve this coup on the human race will be done by making thepresent world so awful and chaotic that anyone promising a new world will befollowed like the Pied Piper, purely out of desperation (just like they did with Hitler- the ‘saviour’ for Germany’s post-war misery). I believe the Elite have a globalcomputer into which all the data of world events and public reaction is constantlyfed. The computer is programmed to process this data and produce a list of eventsprojecting years ahead, which need to happen if the human mind is to accept worldgovernment. This way the Elite plan can be prepared far in advance. Ramphal is along-time standard-bearer for world government. He has also served on otherglobal commissions like the Brandt Commission and the Brundtland Commissionon Environment and Development. It was members of these Global Elite-createdcommissions, and another led by the murdered Bilderberger, Olof Palme, theSwedish Prime Minister, who formed the Commission on Global Governance in1992, chaired by Ramphal and another prime minister of Sweden, Ingvar Carlsson.And who, pray, is this I see listed on the Commission on World Governance? Whyit’s…Maurice Strong (Comm 300), the ‘Green’ oil millionaire, the Maurice Strongwho fronted the 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil, and sits on the board of the AspenInstitute owned by elite Bilderberger, Robert O. Anderson of Atlantic Richfield Oil.Also listed is Jacques Delors, that archcentraliser and former top man in theEuropean Union. Commission on Global Governance = New World Order. Anotherworld government lobby event, the Global Forum on the First ‘Global Civilisation’,was arranged by the Gorbachev Foundation USA, for the autumn of 1995.Gorbachev played his part magnificently in triggering the prearranged ‘freedom’ inthe Soviet Union and its subordinate states to set the scene for the absorption ofthose countries into the European Union and the United States of the World. The’Cold War’ was also a case of thesis v antithesis = synthesis. The ‘freeing’ of theSoviet Union was planned, not spontaneous. Among those invited to the event inSan Francisco, the official birthplace of the UN, were George Shultz (TC, CFR, Bil,Comm 300, Kissinger Associates), George Bush (TC, CFR, Comm 300), MargaretThatcher (Bil), Al Gore (CFR), Zbigniew Brzezinski (TC, CFR, Bil), Paul Volcker (TC,CFR, Bil), and Ted Turner (Comm 300), head of the CNN global news channelwhich has merged into the Time Warner empire. The pre-event literature publishedby the Gorbachev Foundation said the forum would challenge political leaders toprovide a framework for stability and regulated human interactions my emphasis.The Foundation added that the forum was designed to: …focus on the fundamental challenges and opportunities confronting humanity as weenter the next century and a new millennium. It is being held in the belief that at thismomentous juncture in history, we are giving birth to the first global civilisation.In other words, world government and all the trimmings. Expect to see a seriesof ‘commissions’, ‘conferences’ and ‘summits’ to discuss the creation of worldgovernment in the months and years ahead. Expect, also, an attempt to rewrite theUS Constitution to allow the New World Order to impose its policies on the USA.Another group to watch is the Bilderberg-related, New Atlantic Initiative (NAI),headed by the same crowd with Margaret Thatcher as a patron. It seeks to fuse theUS with the European Union and make NATO a world army.World Central Bank and CurrencyRamphal also calls for the establishment of an apex economic body within theUnited Nations, an Economic Security Council. This fits in with the Global Elite’splan to fuse all economic power under one roof, or within one computer. TheUnited Nations and its economic arms, the World Bank, the International MonetaryFund (IMF), the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD),and their stream of interconnected offshoots, control the world’s economicdevelopment, along with other Elite groupings like the Bank of InternationalSettlements and the International Banking Commission. They decide who hasdevelopment funds, what they are spent on, and the economic changes that musthappen within nation states before any money changes hands. It is a worldeconomic dictatorship run at the behest of the few. Within this network, too, is theWorld Trade Organisation and the GATT ‘free trade’ agreement, which is gatheringever more power to prevent nation states from protecting their home industries andproduction from unwanted imports. Many of these imports come from areas of theworld where the native population is exploited in the most inhuman way.With countries increasingly unable to protect their own population from thiseconomic warfare, the people of the world become ever more dependent on a worldeconomic system over which they have no control. As cross-border tariffs onimported goods are removed by GATT, so that loss of revenue is being met by thepeople of those countries. They are subsidising the New World Order. A report bythe US Treasury in June 1994 suggested that GATT will reduce tariffs by nearly $750billion over the following decade. Along with the pressure for centralisation ofpolitical power in Europe has come the connected demand for a European CentralBank and a single European currency. For political power to be effective, it has to bebacked up by economic power. If you control the currency and the central bank towhich all other banks are subordinate, you control the whole of Europe. This willeventually encompass the states of the former Soviet Union, also. If we allow this tohappen, the centralised European tyranny will have been achieved by a mentalcoup d’etat, without a gun being fired. The American continent’s version of this, theNorth American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), and the Asia-Australia version (APEC),are designed to evolve in precisely the same way, until all connect with the United Nations as a world government, central bank, and currency. The plan is for NAFTAto become the American Union, APEC to become the Pacific Union, and togetherwith the already established European Union, they would come under the controlof a global government. At a 1995 meeting of the Trilateral Commission inDenmark, inside sources suggest that the plan was revealed for a Transatlantic FreeTrade Area (TAFTA) to combine the European Union with the North American FreeTrade Area. Sir Leon Mr GATT Brittan, the European Trade Commissioner, hassince called for something similar and the British Foreign Secretary, MalcolmRifkind (Bil), did the same at the 1995 Conservative Party Conference. Ireland’sPeter Sutherland (Bil, TC), the GATT negotiator and first Director-General of theWorld Trade Organisation, was at the Trilateral meeting to speak about thechanging world economy. At the same time the German Foreign Minister, KlausKinkel, was in Chicago addressing the Council on Foreign Relations about theTransatlantic Free Trade Area. Bill Clinton and the European Union have formerlyagreed on joint action on many issues including trade. Anyone who challengesthe Elite plan for Europe is immediately jumped upon. Bernard Connolly, theBritish economist working for the European Commission on the single currencyplan, was suspended by Jacques Santer (Bil) for writing a book exposing the scam.Neil Kinnock, a European Commissioner and former UK Labour leader, waspublicly censured by Santer for merely questioning that the timetable for a singlecurrency might be too tight, at a private meeting. The European Union is already acentralised dictatorship. They are spending £40 million of our money on a publicitycampaign to condition people to accept their policy of a single currency, the Euroas it is to be called.4Remember the motivation and the methods. If you want to install a singlecurrency and bank, you have to create a perceived need for them. Therefore youtrigger a banking crisis and currency chaos. On the face of it, when such thingshappen and they are reported on the news, they appear to be bad for the bankersand financiers, and for many they are. But not for the Global Elite, because theyneed such crises to manipulate their plan into reality and, as they know what iscoming, they not only can insulate their own resources from the effect of theiractions, they can actually make an economic killing. George Soros (Bil), theHungarian with a US passport, is one of the most famous currency speculators. He’gambles’ billions of dollars to destabilise currencies and markets, makingunimaginable fortunes in the process. Soros, a former student at the London Schoolof Economics, moved to the US to establish his vehicle for speculation, theQuantum Group, which is dominated by Swiss and Italian financiers. Funnilyenough Switzerland and Italy are also the base of the Black Nobility. Researcher,William Engahl, names Soros as a frontman for the Anglo-French Rothschildbanking group.5 One of the board members of the Soros Quantum Fund isRichard Katz, the head of Rothschild Italia S.p.A. in Milan and a board member ofN.M. Rothschild.6 Another Quantum director is Nils O. Taube, a partner with LordRothschild of St James’ Place Capital.7 An associate of Soros in several speculationshas been Sir James Goldsmith,8 a Rothschild relative who now claims to oppose centralisation of power in Europe. It was Soros who fronted the attack on the poundthat led to the British Chancellor, Norman Lamont (Bil), withdrawing the UK fromthe European monetary system, the ERM, so increasing calls for one Europeancurrency. Lamont is an employee of the Rothschilds, and Soros is a frontman forthem. Currency ‘speculations’ are neither speculations nor accidental. They arecarefully planned and executed to ensure a specific effect.In late 1994 and early ’95, the Elite plunged Mexico into economic chaos whichseriously affected the value of the dollar, just as they did before when Mexicowanted to use its oil potential to gain economic independence from the USA. Indoing so, those US banks who knew the peso’s collapse was coming, made afortune. While the Mexican people suffered from the consequences, Citibankreported an 81% increase in earnings for the last quarter of 1994 and the New Yorkdaily, Newsday, reported profit gains for Chemical Bank of 22% and theRockefeller/Rothschild Chase Manhattan of 19% for the same period. All wereheavy investors in the peso, but switched their investments at exactly the right timeto take advantage of its imminent fall.Mexico is being pushed into an economic catastrophe through debt to the banksof the Global Elite because they want to forgive the debt, or some of it, in return forcontrol of all of Mexico’s oil and other natural resources. Who proposed the $40billion bail out of Mexico which has substantially increased its debts to America, soaccelerating the scam? The Democrat, Bill Clinton.