I have been fascinated to experience how those whospeak of freedom of thought and expression really mean freedom of thought andexpression which agrees with their own. This is what the old thinking does, asrevealed by the Robot Radicals, and yet here the old thinking is packaged as newthinking for a New Age. I feel we have to be careful about this because much ofthis ‘new thinking’ appears to me to be like an old car resprayed. On the outside itlooks new and fresh, but it is the same old vehicle underneath and the rust isstarting to show.One of the foundations of the New Age thinking is to urge people to ignorewhat the world may tell them they should think and to follow what their heartand intuition tells them. I could not agree more. But what do I see happening? Isee people being told by elements within the New Age what they should thinkand do. This is not done as a suggestion, it is almost an order. Failing to acceptthis ‘advice’ is seen as confirmation that you have gone “off your path”. For “offyour path” read “the path that someone else thinks you should be on”. Are suchpeople not seeking to impose their intuition and their belief system on othersinstead of respecting another’s right to follow their heart and instincts in the waythey demand to be allowed to follow their own? I thought this was something theNew Age was supposed to be challenging, not perpetuating. I see censorship inthe New Age to keep out what would question the gathering and solidifyingdogma at its core, and if people now awakening to a new reality are sucked intothis, they could be swapping one form of thought control for another. What isright for one is not right for everyone and once you begin to impose dogmas, it’sthe Old Age revisited. If you look at any organisation or movement, it invariably follows the samepattern. First it emerges to question the status quo of the time with another set ofbeliefs. Then, instead of evolving in the light of new information and experience, itsolidifies and turns those original beliefs into a dogma which becomes the statusquo of the next generations. This dogma is defended with the same unyieldingvehemence as the old dogma displayed in the past. Anyone who continues to seekand move on in their thinking and perceptions, is condemned as “extreme”,”loony” and not to be taken seriously – the same response of the old dogma when itwas defending itself. At this point, such a movement or organisation ceases to be avehicle for positive change and becomes a block on that change. The GreenMovement has been through this process. It is now a block on furtherunderstanding because it refuses to encompass areas of spiritual and scientificthought which question its original thinking. The New Age Movement movedbeyond the Green hierarchy by encompassing the multidimensional view of peopleand planet. But it, too, is now solidifying. It is fast becoming, in significant areas,what the Green Movement has become: a form of suppression, dogma, anddiversion, not freedom. The New Age says we are all equal and yet creates the samehierarchical divisions of us and them, teachers and pupils, gurus and followers, thatthe Old Age has done.One mindset which has swept the New Age is the idea that some “AshtarCommand”1 is going to send down spaceships to take off the chosen few. Maybe it’sjust me, but that sounds remarkably like a cop-out and another version of the themeof ages – the messiah coming to save the good guys and good gals. All this can do -and does – is to create another form of dependency, another rigid belief system,when surely the transformation of humanity is about triggering everyone’spotential to be whatever they wish to be. I have learned of an Elite project calledOperation Bluebeam which is sending out thought waves on the wavelengths thatchannellers use. These messages are designed to mislead and divert people bypurporting to come from extraterrestrials and other dimensions. Two of theinventions of Operation Bluebeam, according to an excellent source, are the “AshtarCommand” and the “Ascension” information. But make up your own mind.Workshops, meetings, and such like are great if they are designed to set free, toallow people to remember who they are and what they can do. But if they arestructured as the ‘Enlightened One’ teaching the less enlightened, it is anothermeans of giving the mind away. I see people promoted as “Britain’s leading healer”or “Britain’s leading psychic” or even “Maitreya, the Christ and World Teacher, ahero, a titan in men’s midst”. What is going on here? We are all healers and allpsychic. Who on Earth can say that one is better than the rest and why do we feelthe need to claim that anyway? We are all each other, all part of the same whole, allwith the potential of tapping into the healing force and passing it on to others. Ibelieve we should be working together, not claiming superiority. But parts of theNew Age are showing every sign of being the Old Age under another flag.The New Age has made a positive contribution and in many areas it is positivein its intent and achievements today. The world is a more enlightened place with the New Age movement than without it. The same with the Green movement to anextent. But if we allow ourselves to be sucked into their dogma, we will be heldback from further discovery. No-one knows it all, or even nearly so. Therefore thereis always more to know. Getting caught up in rigid perceptions will keep us fromthat never-ending flow of knowledge that is ours for the taking if, and only if, wekeep our minds and hearts free from dogma.Christian PatriotismThe phenomena of the same thought patterns dressed up in different ways is true ofmany areas of global conspiracy investigation. This consists of a vast array ofdifferent people and backgrounds, and I am not generalising about everyone. But Ifind here, too, the dogma and the illusion of freedom. The question I always askwhen someone is proposing “freedom” is “Freedom to do what?” If you look atmany of the conspiracy investigators and organisations, particularly in the UnitedStates, you often find that they are not talking about freedom, at all. In the USA, theloudest voice challenging the New World Order is that of Christian Patriotism. Thisthought pattern believes that the problems in America and the world result fromthe decline of Christianity and the answer is to restore the United States as apatriotic Christian nation. That’ll fix it. Is this the same patriotic Christian nationthat destroyed without mercy the Native American civilisations which had lived onthat continent for thousands of years? Is this the same nation that forced childrengeneration after generation to be taught someone else’s beliefs and to becondemned if they didn’t accept them? It surely is. Those two dogmas ofChristianity and Patriotism are, irony of ironies, two of the rigid mindsets whichhave been used continually over the centuries to bring about the very New WorldOrder the Christian Patriot now so opposes. They have been used because they areviews of life with no shades of grey and whenever such thinking appears,manipulation is never far away. A child could do it.I hear and read the views of some of those who are seeking to expose the NewWorld Order and I am glad that they are speaking out. But when I see where theyare coming from with their alternative society, I sometimes cringe in horror. I wroteto one guy in America congratulating him on his efforts to expose the conspiracy,but when he sent me material about his organisation and its views, I was appalled. Iwas looking at tyranny spelled out as freedom. If all we are doing is seeking toreplace the control and imposition of the Global Elite with the control andimposition of Christian Patriotism, or some other dogma, we are wasting our time.There is a difference between having smaller units of government with control inthe hands of people and communities and the chest-out-chin-up-fight-for-yourcountry-flag-in-hand-god-on-our-side patriotism that has been used by the Elite toplay country against country century after century. So again, if we fall into thedogma trap, we can jump out of the pan and into the fire. We need to be selective inwhat we accept because no-one has all the answers.This process of personal selection is not something that is encouraged, nor ofteneven understood. The Robot Radical thought pattern, for instance, believes that if you take a piece of information from a person or group you must, by definition,agree with everything that person or group stands for or says. Because I takeinformation from sources like The Spotlight newspaper in the USA, I must thereforeagree, according to the Robot Radicals, with everything that newspaper believes. Idon’t. There is an enormous amount about its outlook on life that is not onlydifferent, but opposite to mine. It is a bastion of Christian Patriotism, for a start. Butit does some excellent research and has a long and proven record of accuracy. I amnot going to ignore that research because I don’t agree with everything the paperstands for. I am searching for truth, not someone else’s version of politicalcorrectness.Because I quote from research by the Lyndon LaRouche organisation, theExecutive Intelligence Review, I must, by definition in the Robot Radical mind, agreewith everything they say and do. I don’t. Nothing like. But the Robot Radicallooks on in bewilderment at that. If you only look at information that comes frompeople who share your own view of life, you deny yourself unimaginableamounts of information from other sources. This is what the Robot Radicals do,which is why they are so naive and limited in their appreciation of what ishappening in the world. They are not interested in whether information is true,only the source from which it came. If the source is not politically correct in theirchildish minds, the information is condemned and dismissed without a secondthought.One of the most compelling aspects of conspiracy research is the way thatthousands of people who would agree on almost nothing else, agree on the basicfoundations of the manipulation, names, organisations, events. There are peopleinvestigating the conspiracy with whom I have virtually nothing in common interms of our views on life. But if they come up with information which cross checkswith what others are coming up with, then I will use it.In Britain, Colonel Barry Turner has provided some excellent background for mefrom time to time. I don’t share his views on some things, nor he mine, but we doshare a passionate desire to expose the global tyranny. Therefore there is mutualexchange of information and support towards that end. It’s called being adults. Ihave spent years challenging the policies of British Conservative MPs like TeddyTaylor and Theresa Gorman, but that doesn’t mean that I am not going to supportthem in their contention that the United Kingdom has gone too far in handingsovereignty to a centralised European cartel. The very idea of supporting aConservative MP on anything would give a coronary to a red or green RobotRadical. Yet it is this very selectivity and lack of dogma that frees us from theprogramming quicker than anything else and sets us on the road to mental,emotional, and physical freedom. Being selective and following our own intuition isthe only way to avoid that. Opening our minds doesn’t require us to accepteverything we hear. It requires us to look at all views and information and to takefrom them what feels right to us and not just to someone else.One final point about the conspiracy research scene which relates very much tothe theme of the same thought patterns manifesting in different guises. There is an I-know-it-all arrogance in some areas of conspiracy ‘research’. Apparently, aconspiracy researcher has been telling people that I stopped going to his shopbecause I realised he knew more than I did. I know nothing of the man or his shop,but his invented story reveals much about the mentality of some involved in thisarea. Why aren’t we sharing information and supporting each other instead ofclaiming superiority? Conspiracy research is becoming another ‘club’ with itshierarchy and ‘gurus’. Such rigidity makes it child’s play to manipulate andinfiltrate. Once we think we know it all, we are revealing how little we know. Thisbook runs to 500 pages and yet it only scratches the surface of what is happening.So What is Freedom?Those three versions of ‘freedom’, the Robot Radicals, elements of the New Ageand Christian Patriotism, are not to my eyes, freedom at all. They are differentways of saying: “I know best”. Freedom, for me, is the right of everyone to followthe path they feel is correct for them and to respect another’s right to choose adifferent path. The only time their behaviour deserves to be challenged is whenthey seek to impose their views on others. This requires a switch in our attitudes.It means allowing people to believe things that we don’t agree with and tosupport their right to speak of those views openly without suppression. We needto start trusting ourselves. If a person says something we find distasteful, and weare correct in that response, the people in general will reject what is being put tothem. Better it is out in the open, anyway. When all information and views areallowed access to the public stage, people can make a genuine choice of what theywish to believe. We have a fusion of knowledge and not an exclusion ofknowledge.Centuries of the latter have led to the imbalanced understandings of the humanrace because we have been subjected to imbalanced, one-sided, information. Truthdoes not come in neatly packaged parcels with names like socialism, fascism,Christianity, or New Age. We need to search for it by looking at all information andfollowing our hearts. Yet one-way freedom is what I so often see. It is one-wayfreedom when Christian or Muslim fundamentalists try to stop meetings of thosewho disagree with their view of life and when prison and death sentences areissued on people for believing something different. I don’t agree, as you may havenoticed, with the Robot Radicals, but they have every right to speak their views. Iffreedom means anything, it means freedom for all.This is crucial to the process of personal deprogramming. We cannot be free untilin our minds and our hearts we allow others to be free. The idea that we arementally and spiritually free because we are following what we believe to be rightis an illusion. We are only truly free when we are as determined that others shouldbe able to do the same. The suppression of one human being or animal is thesuppression of all of us. When we have no desire to impose our views on others andwhen we celebrate diversity of thought and lifestyle that have been freely chosen,then we can begin to say that the programming of this world and the Elite machineis breaking up and falling away within us. But not until.