Private jets for climate justice
The Cult-owned, Gates-funded, World Economic Forum and its founder Klaus Schwab were behind the emergence of Greta Thunberg to harness the young behind the climate agenda and she was invited to speak to the world at … the UN. Schwab published a book, Covid-19: The Great Reset in 2020 in which he used the ‘Covid’ hoax and the climate hoax to lay out a new society straight out of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. Bill Gates followed in early 2021 when he took time out from destroying the world to produce a book in his name about the way to save it. Gates flies across the world in private jets and admitted that ‘I probably have one of the highest greenhouse gas footprints of anyone on the planet … my personal flying alone is gigantic.’ He has also bid for the planet’s biggest private jet operator. Other climate change saviours who fly in private jets include John Kerry, the US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, and actor Leonardo DiCaprio, a ‘UN Messenger of Peace with special focus on climate change’. These people are so full of bullshit they could corner the market in manure. We mustn’t be sceptical, though, because the Gates book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need, is a genuine attempt to protect the world and not an obvious pile of excrement attributed to a mega-psychopath aimed at selling his masters’ plans for humanity. The Gates book and the other shite-pile by Klaus Schwab could have been written by the same person and may well have been. Both use ‘climate change’ and ‘Covid’ as the excuses for their new society and by coincidence the Cult’s World Economic Forum and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation promote the climate hoax and hosted Event 201 which pre-empted with a ‘simulation’ the very ‘coronavirus’ hoax that would be simulated for real on humanity within weeks. The British ‘royal’ family is promoting the ‘Reset’ as you would expect through Prince ‘climate change caused the war in Syria’ Charles and his hapless son Prince William who said that we must ‘reset our relationship with nature and our trajectory as a species’ to avoid a climate disaster. Amazing how many promotors of the ‘Covid’ and ‘climate change’ control systems are connected to Gates and the World Economic Forum. A ‘study’ in early 2021 claimed that carbon dioxide emissions must fall by the equivalent of a global lockdown roughly every two years for the next decade to save the planet. The ‘study’ appeared in the same period that the Schwab mob claimed in a video that lockdowns destroying the lives of billions are good because they make the earth ‘quieter’ with less ‘ambient noise’. They took down the video amid a public backlash for such arrogant, empathy-deleted stupidity You see, however, where they are going with this. Corinne Le Quéré, a professor at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia, was lead author of the climate lockdown study, and she writes for … the World Economic Forum. Gates calls in ‘his’ book for changing ‘every aspect of the economy’ (long-time Cult agenda) and for humans to eat synthetic ‘meat’ (predicted in my books) while cows and other farm animals are eliminated. Australian TV host and commentator Alan Jones described what carbon emission targets would mean for farm animals in Australia alone if emissions were reduced as demanded by 35 percent by 2030 and zero by 2050:
Well, let’s take agriculture, the total emissions from agriculture are about 75 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, equivalent. Now reduce that by 35 percent and you have to come down to 50 million tonnes, I’ve done the maths. So if you take for example 1.5 million cows, you’re going to have to reduce the herd by 525,000 by 2030, nine years, that’s 58,000 cows a year. The beef herd’s 30 million, reduce that by 35 percent, that’s 10.5 million, which means 1.2 million cattle have to go every year between now and 2030. This is insanity!
There are 75 million sheep. Reduce that by 35 percent, that’s 26 million sheep, that’s almost 3 million a year. So under the Paris Agreement over 30 million beasts. dairy cows, cattle, pigs and sheep would go. More than 8,000 every minute of every hour for the next decade, do these people know what they’re talking about?
Clearly they don’t at the level of campaigners, politicians and administrators. The Cult does know; that’s the outcome it wants. We are faced with not just a war on humanity. Animals and the natural world are being targeted and I have been saying since the ‘Covid’ hoax began that the plan eventually was to claim that the ‘deadly virus’ is able to jump from animals, including farm animals and domestic pets, to humans. Just before this book went into production came this story: ‘Russia registers world’s first Covid-19 vaccine for cats & dogs as makers of Sputnik V warn pets & farm animals could spread virus’. The report said ‘top scientists warned that the deadly pathogen could soon begin spreading through homes and farms’ and ‘the next stage is the infection of farm and domestic animals’. Know the outcome and you’ll see the journey. Think what that would mean for animals and keep your eye on a term called zoonosis or zoonotic diseases which transmit between animals and humans. The Cult wants to break the connection between animals and people as it does between people and people. Farm animals fit with the Cult agenda to transform food from natural to synthetic.
The gas of life is killing us
There can be few greater examples of Cult inversion than the condemnation of carbon dioxide as a dangerous pollutant when it is the gas of life. Without it the natural world would be dead and so we would all be dead. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide while plants produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. It is a perfect symbiotic relationship that the Cult wants to dismantle for reasons I will come to in the final two chapters. Gates, Schwab, other Cult operatives and mindless repeaters, want the world to be ‘carbon neutral’ by at least 2050 and the earlier the better. ‘Zero carbon’ is the cry echoed by lunatics calling for ‘Zero Covid’ when we already have it. These carbon emission targets will deindustrialise the world in accordance with Cult plans – the post-industrial, post-democratic society – and with so-called renewables like solar and wind not coming even close to meeting human energy needs blackouts and cold are inevitable. Texans got the picture in the winter of 2021 when a snow storm stopped wind turbines and solar panels from working and the lights went down along with water which relies on electricity for its supply system. Gates wants everything to be powered by electricity to ensure that his masters have the kill switch to stop all human activity, movement, cooking, water and warmth any time they like. The climate lie is so stupendously inverted that it claims we must urgently reduce carbon dioxide when we don’t have enough.
Co2 in the atmosphere is a little above 400 parts per million when the optimum for plant growth is 2,000 ppm and when it falls anywhere near 150 ppm the natural world starts to die and so do we. It fell to as low as 280 ppm in an 1880 measurement in Hawaii and rose to 413 ppm in 2019 with industrialisation which is why the planet has become greener in the industrial period. How insane then that psychopathic madman Gates is not satisfied only with blocking the rise of Co2. He’s funding technology to suck it out of the atmosphere. The reason why will become clear. The industrial era is not destroying the world through Co2 and has instead turned around a potentially disastrous ongoing fall in Co2. Greenpeace co-founder and scientist Patrick Moore walked away from Greenpeace in 1986 and has exposed the green movement for fear-mongering and lies. He said that 500 million years ago there was 17 times more Co2 in the atmosphere than we have today and levels have been falling for hundreds of millions of years. In the last 150 million years Co2 levels in Earth’s atmosphere had reduced by 90 percent. Moore said that by the time humanity began to unlock carbon dioxide from fossil fuels we were at ‘38 seconds to midnight’ and in that sense: ‘Humans are the Earth’s salvation.’ Moore made the point that only half the Co2 emitted by fossil fuels stays in the atmosphere and we should remember that all pollution pouring from chimneys that we are told is carbon dioxide is in fact nothing of the kind. It’s pollution. Carbon dioxide is an invisible gas.
William Happer, Professor of Physics at Princeton University and long-time government adviser on climate, has emphasised the Co2 deficiency for maximum growth and food production. Greenhouse growers don’t add carbon dioxide for a bit of fun. He said that most of the warming in the last 100 years, after the earth emerged from the super-cold period of the ‘Little Ice Age’ into a natural warming cycle, was over by 1940. Happer said that a peak year for warming in 1988 can be explained by a ‘monster El Nino’ which is a natural and cyclical warming of the Pacific that has nothing to do with ‘climate change’. He said the effect of Co2 could be compared to painting a wall with red paint in that once two or three coats have been applied it didn’t matter how much more you slapped on because the wall will not get much redder. Almost all the effect of the rise in Co2 has already happened, he said, and the volume in the atmosphere would now have to double to increase temperature by a single degree. Climate hoaxers know this and they have invented the most ridiculously complicated series of ‘feedback’ loops to try to overcome this rather devastating fact. You hear puppet Greta going on cluelessly about feedback loops and this is why.
The Sun affects temperature? No you climate denier
Some other nonsense to contemplate: Climate graphs show that rises in temperature do not follow rises in Co2 – it’s the other way round with a lag between the two of some 800 years. If we go back 800 years from present time we hit the Medieval Warm Period when temperatures were higher than now without any industrialisation and this was followed by the Little Ice Age when temperatures plummeted. The world was still emerging from these centuries of serious cold when many climate records began which makes the ever-repeated line of the ‘hottest year since records began’ meaningless when you are not comparing like with like. The coldest period of the Little Ice Age corresponded with the lowest period of sunspot activity when the Sun was at its least active. Proper scientists will not be at all surprised by this when it confirms the obvious fact that earth temperature is affected by the scale of Sun activity and the energetic power that it subsequently emits; but when is the last time you heard a climate hoaxer talking about the Sun as a source of earth temperature?? Everything has to be focussed on Co2 which makes up just 0.117 percent of so-called greenhouse gases and only a fraction of even that is generated by human activity. The rest is natural. More than 90 percent of those greenhouse gases are water vapour and clouds (Fig 9). Ban moisture I say. Have you noticed that the climate hoaxers no longer use the polar bear as their promotion image? That’s because far from becoming extinct polar bear communities are stable or thriving. Joe Bastardi, American meteorologist, weather forecaster and outspoken critic of the climate lie, documents in his book The Climate Chronicles how weather patterns and events claimed to be evidence of climate change have been happening since long before industrialisation: ‘What happened before naturally is happening again, as is to be expected given the cyclical nature of the climate due to the design of the planet.’ If you read the detailed background to the climate hoax in my other books you will shake your head and wonder how anyone could believe the crap which has spawned a multi-trillion dollar industry based on absolute garbage (see HIV causes AIDs and Sars-Cov-2 causes ‘Covid-19’). Climate and ‘Covid’ have much in common given they have the same source. They both have the contradictory everything factor in which everything is explained by reference to them. It’s hot – ‘it’s climate change’. It’s cold – ‘it’s climate change’. I got a sniffle – ‘it’s Covid’. I haven’t got a sniffle – ‘it’s Covid’. Not having a sniffle has to be a symptom of ‘Covid’. Everything is and not having a sniffle is especially dangerous if you are a slow walker. For sheer audacity I offer you a Cambridge University ‘study’ that actually linked ‘Covid’ to ‘climate change’. It had to happen eventually. They concluded that climate change played a role in ‘Covid-19’ spreading from animals to humans because … wait for it … I kid you not … the two groups were forced closer together as populations grow. Er, that’s it. The whole foundation on which this depended was that ‘Bats are the likely zoonotic origin of SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2’. Well, they are not. They are nothing to do with it. Apart from bats not being the origin and therefore ‘climate change’ effects on bats being irrelevant I am in awe of their academic insight. Where would we be without them? Not where we are that’s for sure.
One other point about the weather is that climate modification is now well advanced and not every major weather event is natural – or earthquake come to that. I cover this subject at some length in other books. China is openly planning a rapid expansion of its weather modification programme which includes changing the climate in an area more than one and a half times the size of India. China used weather manipulation to ensure clear skies during the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. I have quoted from US military documents detailing how to employ weather manipulation as a weapon of war and they did that in the 1960s and 70s during the conflict in Vietnam with Operation Popeye manipulating monsoon rains for military purposes. Why would there be international treaties on weather modification if it wasn’t possible? Of course it is. Weather is energetic information and it can be changed.
How was the climate hoax pulled off? See ‘Covid’
If you can get billions to believe in a ‘virus’ that doesn’t exist you can get them to believe in human-caused climate change that doesn’t exist. Both are being used by the Cult to transform global society in the way it has long planned. Both hoaxes have been achieved in pretty much the same way. First you declare a lie is a fact. There’s a ‘virus’ you call SARS-Cov-2 or humans are warming the planet with their behaviour. Next this becomes, via Cult networks, the foundation of government, academic and science policy and belief. Those who parrot the mantra are given big grants to produce research that confirms the narrative is true and ever more ‘symptoms’ are added to make the ‘virus’/’climate change’ sound even more scary. Scientists and researchers who challenge the narrative have their grants withdrawn and their careers destroyed. The media promote the lie as the unquestionable truth and censor those with an alternative view or evidence. A great percentage of the population believe what they are told as the lie becomes an everybody-knows-that and the believing-masses turn on those with a mind of their own. The technique has been used endlessly throughout human history. Wokers are the biggest promotors of the climate lie and ‘Covid’ fascism because their minds are owned by the Cult; their sense of self-righteous self-purity knows no bounds; and they exist in a bubble of reality in which facts are irrelevant and only get in the way of looking without seeing.
Running through all of this like veins in a blue cheese is control of information, which means control of perception, which means control of behaviour, which collectively means control of human society. The Cult owns the global media and Silicon Valley fascists for the simple reason that it has to. Without control of information it can’t control perception and through that human society. Examine every facet of the Cult agenda and you will see that anything supporting its introduction is never censored while anything pushing back is always censored. I say again: Psychopaths that know why they are doing this must go before Nuremberg trials and those that follow their orders must trot along behind them into the same dock. ‘I was just following orders’ didn’t work the first time and it must not work now. Nuremberg trials must be held all over the world before public juries for politicians, government officials, police, compliant doctors, scientists and virologists, and all Cult operatives such as Gates, Tedros, Fauci, Vallance, Whitty, Ferguson, Zuckerberg, Wojcicki, Brin, Page, Dorsey, the whole damn lot of them – including, no especially, the psychopath psychologists. Without them and the brainless, gutless excuses for journalists that have repeated their lies, none of this could be happening. Nobody can be allowed to escape justice for the psychological and economic Armageddon they are all responsible for visiting upon the human race.
As for the compliant, unquestioning, swathes of humanity, and the self-obsessed, all-knowing ignorance of the Wokers … don’t start me. God help their kids. God help their grandkids. God help them.