Because Scorpio North Node people tend to think in extremes
(“my way or your way”), sometimes, in an attempt to combine with
others, they completely let go of their values. They become “people
pleasers,” which doesn’t work. In this lifetime they want to stop
relating to others from a “me/you” position and start relating from a
position of “what’s best for us.” Then they can share the power of
appreciation and respect from the motive of mutual empowerment
and reciprocity.
They have a talent for offering encouragement, enthusiasm, and
support to the other person, which heals the other person and makes
his or her life easier. The other person senses a soul mate and a
source of strength in the Scorpio North Node person, and responds
with love, appreciation, and gratitude.
However, when others reciprocate by asking Scorpio North Node
people what they need, they may close down and act as if
“everything’s under control.” But they need to allow others to see
their situation and suggest ways to make their lives easier. It’s
reciprocal. As these folks see how others accept support and are
empowered by it, they can learn to begin graciously accepting
support themselves.
They only know how to see themselves as givers or receivers.
They are totally unaware of the reciprocal process of how to receive
through giving—how they get back an energy that enriches them
and helps them grow. For example, if they volunteer to head a
charily event, in their mind it is simply a matter of giving their time
and energy to make the event successful. They may miss the reality
of what they are getting out of it.
For Scorpio North Node people, this is a lifetime of receiving
legacies from others. Inheritance is healthy for them. People are
supposed to give them money, energy, ideas, and so on. Their job is
to release what they’re holding—to empty themselves—and be
open to receive the benefits of others’ energies. This applies to
every area of their lives.
It works for them to run problems by someone else for feedback.
If another person offers a suggestion that they “know is right” but
have resistance to implementing, it may be time to practice selfdiscipline—reining in their need for immediate gratification in order
to accomplish their goal. If in doubt, they can always experiment
with trying the suggestion to see if it works on a practical level (for
example, not making demands on a boyfriend for one week to see if
he stops being so distant).
When these folks ask for advice from people who are successful
at what; they want to learn, they really enjoy hearing others’ ideas
and perspectives and they become more powerful. This has to do
with the practicality of looking at what works and adopting that
style—whether they thought of it themselves or it came from
someone else. It also has to do with gaining the benefit of other
people’s experience and not always having to learn on their own,
the hard way. Other people are supposed to help them along with
fresh ideas and energy.
Scorpio North Node people often seem focused on themselves.
When they are not tuned in to others, their words reflect it. To
establish comfort with another, these folks need to genuinely seek to
connect with them from a motive of establishing deeper
understanding—then they will naturally use words that prompt the
other to trust them.
These folks actually feel very frustrated when they focus on
themselves, because from that position they can’t really understand
what’s happening. They can understand only by relinquishing their
own position and submerging themselves in the other person’s
position—without judgment.
One thing these folks are learning in this lifetime is the humility
to see that they do need others and that it is empowering to connect
with the vibrational fields of other people. It is important that they
discriminate between which people boost their energy field and
which ones don’t. Then they need to have the humility to validate
the worth of those people.
Scorpio North Node’s job is to connect with another person who
has a goal that stimulates her energy, and ask herself, “How can I
feed the other person the power to reach his goal?” When Scorpio
North Node’s entire focus is on empowering the other person, she
automatically knows what to say and do that will give the other
person confidence in his ability to succeed.
As Scorpio North Node people help others achieve, they feel that
they have achieved something themselves and gain self-confidence.
Because they have linked their creativity and power with others, the
energy and joy of success skyrocket! Others know they couldn’t
have done it without the energy and support of these folks, so they
naturally want to give back. This is the key to Scorpio North Node
people enhancing their sense of self-worth in a way that energizes
them and makes them free.
Sadly, Scorpio North Node people often don’t value the gifts that
could lead to freedom from their self-imposed bondage. If they
don’t value and respect these gifts, they can’t really use them. In
this way, their egos cut them off from recognizing the opportunities
—and benefiting from the gifts—that life brings them through other
people. These folks are learning to appreciate not only what they
have earned through their own efforts but also the gifts that others
bring them.
If they only value what is obtained through their own hard work,
they are not open to grace. In the end, only grace can take them
beyond their own rigidity. Their job is to have the humility to let go
and let grace—through other people—operate in their lives.
Scorpio North Node people are better off when they apply their
talents to other people’s projects or join a project based on someone
else’s idea. The exception is if their idea has an intangible or
spiritual source. They are better off pursuing projects and pathways
that emanate from a presence outside of their rigid, conditioned
value system.
Because Scorpio North Node people have spent many past lives
building a sense of self-worth, they are astonished when others
around them do not recognize their own value. They don’t
understand it when others don’t appreciate their own natural
abilities and do what’s needed on a practical level to use their
talents and feel good about themselves. Scorpio North Nodes’
greatest challenge lies in successfully empowering their partners or
those in other close personal relationships.
It’s easy for them to have a positive spirit about their partner.
They can “talk up” the other person’s talents and encourage that
person. The problem is that the romantic partners these folks attract
don’t seem to have the will to take the action needed to accomplish
results. They are often not motivated to achieve practical, selfempowering goals and/or lack the qualities that would allow them
to do this.
If their partner is not motivated from within, these folks don’t
understand and don’t know how to get the partner going. So they
turn to their own resources and use the energy of the partnership to
fire their own ability to create solid results. Unfortunately, this is the
same old “I have to do everything myself” scenario, which makes
the partner feel powerless and left out of the creative process.
If Scorpio North Node people find themselves in this situation,
they need to take the time to get more deeply in touch with their
partner. If they approach the partner with a genuine interest in his or
her motivations, they can begin to discover the other person’s
desires and needs. People have the enthusiasm to initiate action only
when they are motivated by something they want. Because Scorpio
North Node people are inherently motivated by money and comfort,
they assume everyone else is fired by those desires; but this is not
true. They need to help their partners get in touch with what
motivates them.
For example, the other person may want to break free from
inhibiting fears of success. Such a person would be motivated to
take action for the sake of breaking through his or her feelings of
limitation, and Scorpio North Nodes can remind the person that by
going after a new job, he or she will be taking a step toward
overcoming those fears. Perhaps what motivates the other is making
a contribution to society, or a desire to be in the limelight and get
attention from others. Scorpio North Node people are experts at
uncovering the hidden desires and drives of others, and they can put
their partners in touch with their own inner motivation. This in itself
is an empowerment. When the partner is supported by the Scorpio
North Node’s talent, he or she will go into action and the result will
include financial rewards. This is what these folks wanted—to build
self-esteem in their partner, and to achieve security and comfort for
both of them!
From past lives, Scorpio North Node people already have
confidence in their ability to get the task done. Now they are
teaching others to value themselves. By valuing others enough to
help them, they automatically empower the other person.
The only glitch occurs when these folks try to tell others how to
do things. This never works because they don’t know the other
person’s talents and powers; they only know their own. For
example, if the Scorpio North Node person decides to run a 50-yard
race, he knows exactly how long his stride needs to be relative to
his height, leg length, and amount of speed needed to win. Now, the
person he’s empowering may be much shorter and have very short
legs. If she tried to use the same stride as the Scorpio North Node
person, it wouldn’t be correct relative to her body and she would
never win the race.
Thus, these folks need to avoid the temptation to always tell the
other person what works for them, and then conclude that the other
person’s way isn’t right. Such self-centeredness is tough for them to
control. But their job in this lifetime is to adapt what they know to
the other person’s value system to help him or her win.
For example, if the shorter person wants to run the race, she
might say: “I want to figure out what my stride needs to be in
proportion to my height and my leg length.” The Scorpio North
Node person knows how he figured it out for himself, so he can
apply the same formula to the other person, taking into account her
body size, temperament, weaknesses, and strengths. These folks can
help others come up with a plan they feel good about that will work
for them—rather than doing it Scorpio North Nodes’ way.
Scorpio North Node people make excellent psychologists. They
are naturally attuned to the worries and longing of others. This is a
special talent that they haven’t had in past lives. When they free
their minds of the prejudice of their own values, they have an
incredible ability to enter the mindset of another person and
understand the other’s motives, needs, and values.
These folks know how to create success. They are learning that to
help others create success, they have to take the other person’s
psychology into account. Sometimes people take advantage of
Scorpio North Nodes’ giving nature without their being aware of it
until after the fact. They can avoid this by not accepting others’
proposals until they have had time to think about it and tune in to
the others’ motives: “Gosh—that sounds great! Let me think about
it and I’ll get back to you.” They tend to respond too quickly; they
are better off taking some time to tune in psychically to the other
person and the situation. If they feel energized, they can go for it.
However, if they get a bad feeling or begin to lose energy, it’s a
It’s important for these folks to pay attention to people’s motives.
This seldom occurs to them, so they sometimes get disappointed
and feel let down. They project that others operate from the same
values and are always being honest. But when they take the time to
study people’s motives, they can tell what people pretend to be and
what they really are.
The idea is to really investigate potential partners—Scorpio
North Nodes are the best detectives! For them, it’s a partnership
lifetime, one-on-one, so it behooves them to examine the other
person’s ideas, motives, purposes, and values on a deep level.
These folks have a difficult time changing directions. They set a
goal, figure out how to get there, and their energy becomes so
focused that it’s almost impossible to turn around—even if they
discover halfway down the road that they’re on the wrong path.
I had a Scorpio North Node client, a teacher, who was on the
“Building Leadership Team” at a high school. The team was
working on making some changes. She came to the meeting with a
precise plan already worked out in her mind. When someone
suggested a different plan, she became very impatient. She tried to
convince the other that her way was the right way, and either that
the other’s idea was insignificant, or that it wouldn’t work, or that
the group didn’t have time to think about it. She had the exact plan
in her mind of “the only way to do it,” and anything else
represented a threat to her.
Synthesis can be difficult for these folks, since it is hard for them
to let go of their position long enough to actually take in what the
other person is saying. They need to deliberately train themselves to
focus on the shared objective—the result—and to think in terms of
how their ideas and the other person’s could combine to bring about
maximum success.
They are learning the art of synergy. The first step is to remember
that the people involved must always be more important than the
goal. It behooves Scorpio North Nodes to constantly remind
themselves of this. In the example at the high school, my client
should have focused on the people as most important. Then when
others brought up their ideas, she would have listened to their
perspectives and discovered what creative gifts they were bringing
to the project.
Seeing the people as more important is tough for Scorpio North
Nodes, and it takes practice. Usually they are in the middle of a
situation before they realize they’ve trampled on someone.
However, at that point they can stop and apologize: “I just realized
that I got so focused on my idea that I didn’t hear your suggestion
clearly. I apologize if I’ve hurt your feelings.” Then they can make
a deliberate attempt to hear the other person’s idea.
Scorpio North Node people have a great deal of difficulty
breaking out of their stagnant ruts—they get “stuck” in situations
that are not satisfying for them. These folks have to be really
excited to break out of their routine. And when they are presented
with something that excites them, they must have the self-discipline
to follow through and stay on the path that feeds them energy. They
have to be willing to let go of factors that are holding them back.
In a way, Scorpio North Node people like to be in a rut, because
it’s comfortable and familiar. On the other hand, they know they’re
not getting enough out of life or having the experiences they want.
But there has to be a certain level of dissatisfaction for them to want
to do things differently. Discomfort and dissatisfaction prod them to
change and broaden their horizons.
For example, a Scorpio North Node person may want to move
because he is no longer comfortable in his current situation. Moving
takes a lot of energy: sorting through possessions, fixing up the
house to sell, and so on. He has to be willing to exert himself, and it
takes self-discipline to do the work required to make the change.
But if he does, the energy of “crisis” will feed him excitement and
spur him on—especially if he is going through it with a partner and
is willing to not do everything “his way, the hard way.”
Thoroughness is an asset in the process of building but can be a
hindrance in making changes.
The energy of change is different from the energy of building.
The energy of building requires a thorough, step-by-step process.
However, the energy of change requires rapid, intense motion.
Scorpio North Node people must discard the old, go in a new
direction, get rid of things that are holding them back, and choose
quick results over perfection. If they move too slowly, they’ll lose
the momentum needed to make the change. Change itself will feed
them the adrenaline they need to get out of their rut, but they have
to keep moving!
It’s like a surfer in the ocean—if you deliberate too long, you
miss the wave. Scorpio North Node people have to catch the wave
of change; even though they may lose control temporarily and feel
fearful, if they stay on that wave it will take them to shore. To make
the change, they have to stay in touch with the new energy they are
feeling. In walking away from the old, it is bettet for them to
discard too much rather than too little. Hindsight will show that
making the change was a far wiser and more satisfying path than
anything they may have discarded along the way.
Scorpio North Node people don’t have an innate sense of
balance in their lives. They head in one direction, and their
consciousness becomes so tuned in to that direction that they can’t
see anything else—they just keep on going.
They become bound to the physical world, manipulating matter
and forgetting spirit. That’s why their lives are so difficult—they are
too materially oriented and there’s too much density around them.
For their own sake, they need to lighten up so they can travel more
easily through life. These folks are better off pulling back from their
material situation and reflecting on what they actually want to
experience in this lifetime. How can they put their material affairs
in order in a way that will give them the freedom to explore the
horizons that excite them? Since the input of others is helpful in this
lifetime, a monthly counseling session or a power meeting with a
friend for clarifying where they are going would definitely be wise.
It’s best for these folks not to allow themselves to pursue lines of
action or thinking that bog them down. They are learning to be less
attached to worldly things so that they can be free to soar in
spiritual realms and enjoy their psychological/astral connections
with others. This is a whole new realm of pleasure beyond the
strictly physical enjoyment they are accustomed to from past lives,
and it requires releasing attachment to the material plane. By
allowing their energy to combine with others, they detach
themselves from bondage to the strictly physical.
For example, if they buy a home and are faced with the project of
redecorating it, their first instinct is to do it their way so they can be
attached to every part of it, because it reflects their style. This
approach leads to a perpetuation of bondage to past-life values and
the material realm; it equals “how to lose” for Scorpio North Node
If instead they bring in a decorator—or a friend with artistic
talents—and allow the other person to add expertise, remaining
open to doing it the other person’s way, then Scorpio North Nodes
will have a beautiful environment that they are not attached to. Then
they can live in comfort, supported by their environment without
being limited by it. This leaves them free to expand into the
psychological and astral worlds that are so invigorating for them.