The media would naturally spin this phenomenon another way. Alex Thomson, ‘Chief Correspondent’ at Britain’s Channel 4 News, posted an article headed: ‘Coronavirus causing “devastation” in care homes as pressure grows to release full death numbers.’ He said that ‘one in five of all deaths in England and Wales in the week ending April 3rd are linked to coronavirus – with the overall death rate pushed to a record high’. Why do you think that is you excuse for a ‘journalist’? Old people were being designated positive for ‘Covid-19’ and when they died of other causes, not least from the effect of the lockdowns and denial of treatments, they were added to the death figures for ‘Covid-19’. Any idiot with an hour’s research could have worked out what was really happening, but not, it seems, Thomson and his fellow mainstream media. The problem was made worse by UK government-directed NHS hospitals ‘clearing out’ patients to free up 15,000 beds in a week with many moved to a ‘suitable rehabilitation bed or care home’. The Gates-owned World Health Organization stated in late-April, 2020, that half the ‘coronavirus-related deaths’ in Europe could be in long-term care homes. It might have added: ‘So the plan is working.’ Shortly after the WHO statement HC One, the UK’s biggest care home provider, was reporting a rise in deaths among old people at its centres that have nothing to do with coronavirus as hospitals failed to take in residents as patients. Israeli doctor Gai Peleg working in Parma, Italy, said that from what he saw and heard the instructions were not to offer access to respirator machines for patients over 60 in a who-lives-and-dies-decision. This became another common theme. These were the same old people that were being used as an excuse to lockdown the world to ‘protect them’.
They want rid of old people so the young, programmed through the new and extreme ‘education’ system all their lives, will be left at the perceptual mercy of the Cult. One legacy will be some young people turning on the old as the ones to blame for the economic disaster triggered by the reaction to the ‘crisis’. ‘This would not have happened if we didn’t have to protect old people – you know the ones responsible for climate change and Brexit.’ Some schoolchildren and others dubbed the virus the ‘boomer remover’ referring to the ‘baby boomer’ generation born approximately between 1946 and 1964 which includes me. Don’t worry, though, I have somehow fought off the impulse to be offended. How ironic that the baby boomers were the ‘flower power’, ‘counter-culture’, ‘anti-establishment’ generation now perceived by many young people as the old and ‘past-it’ Earth-destroying establishment that must be usurped. Messages by some medical staff and emails from loved ones to revealed a widespread theme along with social media posts of old people being pressured to sign do not resuscitate (DNR) agreements so they could be allowed to die (and ‘Covid-19’ falsely put on the death certificate). The daughter of an 83-year-old mother said she could ‘categorically confirm that DNR notices are being placed on elderly patients, including those who are healthy and for whom there is no existing health condition to justify it’. She said this was happening to everyone including people with no ‘virus’ or underlying health conditions that threatened their life: ‘This is being done on age alone.’ She described how a ward consultant tried to coerce her mother into signing a DNR form when she was only in hospital for an orthopaedic problem:
A few days later, earlier this week, the ward matron told her that she had not been singled out, and that everybody was being treated in the same way – all the elderly patients were being required to sign these forms. And that it is a ‘rule’, something that has come down from on high, that has to be done, and has to cover all the older patients, ‘because the government says so’.
The elderly were ordered to ‘self-isolate’ – cut themselves off from society – for months for their own protection by a global state in all its expressions that clearly doesn’t give a shit about them and wants them dead. These are the same authorities that ensure that great swathes of the elderly live out their lives in poverty choosing between warmth and food as they exist on a pathetic, derisory state pension (where there is one) after paying taxes all their long years. The effect of this is to devastate their immune systems through lack of nutrients they cannot afford (or mainstream information that they need them) while consuming the cheapest, toxin-ridden excuse for ‘food’ together with toxic water and other drinks, breathing toxic air and living in a toxic irradiated atmosphere. All of these things, together with immune system-demolishing vaccines and a deluge of immune system-weakening sugar, have been allowed or instigated by the very authorities that tell us how much they care about our health and survival when a disease strikes. The starting point to see through the ‘state cares’ illusion is to realise that they don’t give a damn about you. From this all other understanding will come. With the most head-shaking predictability the UK Department of Health began adding deaths in care homes to the ‘Covid-19’ fatality figures by fraudulently designating cause of death from a long list of other conditions as ‘Covid-19’. Fascism is nothing if not predicable.
Intelligent doctors and specialists agree: You’ve been had people
A stream of medical professionals ignored by the mainstream media spoke out through alternative sources about the blatant manipulation they could see of the figures for cases and deaths and the claim that ‘Covid-19’ was some kind of new and deadly virus. Professor Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, a highly-acclaimed infectious medicine specialist in Germany, said of virus lockdowns: ‘They are grotesque, absurd and very dangerous … All these measures are leading to self-destruction and collective suicide because of nothing but a spook.’ The theme that ‘Covid-19’ was indeed a ‘spook’ was common outside the mainstream media. Doctors and specialists said there was not a medical crisis, but a political one and this included doctors in Italy as you can see in the German journalist’s video that I mentioned earlier. One Italian doctor said: ‘No one in Italy died of corona – it’s an ugly influenza.’ German doctor Wolfgang Wodarg said that without the new ‘test’ no one would notice anything different. ‘If you change the definition of pandemic you can create it’, he said, ‘If you talk about a virus spreading around the world you have a permanent pandemic.’ Dr Claus Kohnlein, another German physician, agreed. He said that without the new test there would be no ‘pandemic’: ‘I don’t believe it’s a new virus. It’s just a new test.’ Hamburg doctor Marc Fiddike said you can turn any pneumonia into a corona case and ‘you could turn a man falling down the stairs into a virus victim’. Confirming the view of other doctors he said: ‘It’s a kind of magic.’ He made the same point as the American scientist I quoted in that just because someone is sick and tests for coronavirus there are many in that ‘family’ of viruses doesn’t mean the virus is responsible for their sickness. John Ioannidis, a Professor of Medicine, Health Research and Policy and Biomedical Data Science, at Stanford University School of Medicine, described the coronavirus scare as possibly ‘a one-in a century evidence fiasco’ in response to the insane claim that the ‘virus’ was a once in a century pandemic. He said the data was not there to support the numbers of deaths and cases that were being circulated. Dr Yoram Lass, an Israeli physician and former member of the Knesset for the Israel Labor Party, pointed out that according to World Health Organization figures between 250,000 and 500,000 people died every year worldwide from seasonal flu, but this didn’t cause a meltdown of the global economy due to government reaction: ‘It is absolutely insane to have this Biblical crisis.’ He said this was the first ‘Zuckerberg epidemic’ in which social media could transmit fear all over the world at the same time.
Jaroslav Belsky, an Austrian doctor and dentist who studied for two years in a molecular biology laboratory, said that between 1,600 and 2,000 people died every day in Italy before the corona scare and this could rise to 3,000 in autumn and spring. The authorities had simply used a ‘technical trick’ to blame corona ‘in order to close the economy and ban people from moving’. He also pointed to the fact that 99 percent of people said to have ‘died from coronavirus’ in Italy had other health problems with half the fatalities having three or four. What’s more it was well known that at the end of their lives in hospital people did tend to die of an infection. Belsky said the real cause was never investigated when in fact people with influenza would test for all kinds of virus, even bacteria. ‘Only after discovering the viral load can I assume that is what sickened them.’ This is not being done with the ‘Covid-19’ hysteria – the ‘test’ doesn’t measure viral load – and so the data does not exist to justify extreme government action. ‘If you demand the data you are stamped a conspiracist,’ Belsky said. He also pointed out that staging fake epidemics was not new with avian or ‘bird’ flu projected to cost 30,000 lives per year and ending up being officially responsible for very few. He said he had heard from Italy that they were ‘testing dead people and even cancer and accident victims’. Belsky described how friends in the medical profession had sent him pictures of normal conditions in their critical care units. He also made an important point about why Germany’s death-rate ratio was so small compared with Italy. Belsky said this was because the Italian testing company was only focusing on seriously ill people while in Germany tests were done even on people with a minor cold. ‘It’s playing with numbers and emotions.’ You see how easy it is to manipulate perception by manipulating figures. Doctors and specialists also pointed out the effect of fear in making people ill in a world in terror about ‘the virus’. How many developed psychosomatic ‘symptoms’ as the ‘virus’ symptoms were pounded out in all directions by the Cult-owned media? Belsky put the hysteria into perspective when he said ‘there are up to 20,000 deaths in Germany from hospital bugs every year – even more in Italy’. None of these doctors and scientists appeared in the mainstream media which instead gave all the air-time to establishment mouthpieces like Neil deGrasse Tyson in the United States who told the ‘satirical’ (mainstream establishment) TV host Stephen Colbert: ‘I think we’re in the middle of a massive experiment worldwide – the experiment is: Will people listen to scientists?’ Not if you’re one of them, mate.
Systematically weakening natural defence
Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, an Indian-born American scientist and biological engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), spoke out against the coronavirus narrative and what he called the ‘overreaction’. There was an ‘overreaction’? Oh, just a little bit. Ayyadurai’s main thrust was right on the button. Cause of death is not ‘from a virus’ but dismantled immune systems. Anyone with an immune system in some kind of order had only ‘very mild flu-like symptoms’ or even none at all. The alleged symptoms of ‘Covid-19’ (with a long list of potential causes) are manifestations in part of the immune system at work. Fever is the immune system using heat to kill a predator while coughing up mucus is the immune system ejecting toxins the body needs to get rid of. Vomiting in other circumstances is also the immune system removing threats to health before serious damage can be done. Medical website said: ‘… higher body temperatures make it harder for bacteria and viruses to thrive in the body.’ Many symptoms which Big Pharma medicine ‘treats’ are the immune system doing its job and to suppress those actions is to potentially do great damage to health. The key to who dies from what is the state of the immune system and those with the weakest are older people and those with other medical conditions already putting pressure on immune system resources. This doesn’t have to be the case if immune systems are supported in their nutrient needs with vitamins like A, D3 and C. Some New York and other hospitals eventually began to treat ‘virus’ patients with ‘massive doses’ of vitamin C while at the same time social media platforms like Facebook and their system-serving ‘fact-checkers’ were dubbing posts about the benefits of vitamin C as ‘fake news’ and ‘false information’. Dr Ayyadurai also recommended such key vitamins to enhance immune response. Where have you seen the Mainstream Everything talk about boosting the immune system? Why would Big Pharma and the Cult want strong immune systems when the agenda of both demands sick and weak people? Dismantling immune systems is necessary to keep Big Pharma’s mega-profits rolling for a start with strong immune systems meaning less illness. Dr Ayyadurai pointed out that we have fantastic numbers of ‘viruses’ in our bodies and we are not even aware of them because the immune system keeps them in check. ‘Viruses don’t kill or harm us’, he said. If viruses did kill us then we would all clearly be long dead. He said the danger is more the immune system response to threats. Different levels of the immune system kicked in to play different roles when a threat is identified and in the overwhelming number of cases any danger was quickly snuffed out. The problem comes when the immediate immune reaction is too weak to deal with the threat and in effect the system panics and unleashes what is called a ‘cytokine storm’. Cytokines are defined as ‘a small protein released by cells that has a specific effect on the interactions between cells, on communications between cells or on the behavior of cells … They trigger inflammation and respond to infections’. This response is the key. If other levels of a weakened immune system don’t deal with a threat it unleashes in its desperation a ‘storm’ of cytokines which can be symbolised as a crazed person firing a machine gun in all directions. You can symbolise this as an intruder breaking into a house and the homeowner struggling to resist and throw them out. In the panic to survive the homeowner grabs a gun and instead of just firing at the intruder he also turns the gun on himself. The cytokine storm attacks its own body, often fatally. puts it this way:
A cytokine storm is an overproduction of immune cells and their activating compounds (cytokines), which, in a flu infection, is often associated with a surge of activated immune cells into the lungs. The resulting lung inflammation and fluid build-up can lead to respiratory distress and can be contaminated by a secondary bacterial pneumonia – often enhancing the mortality in patients.
Death by ‘respiratory distress’ is a cytokine storm immune response that attacks the lungs and can open the way to pneumonia. If your immune system is properly operational this does not happen. Why isn’t the Mainstream Everything telling you this? For the same reason that Ayyadurai called for the arrest of three-quarters of the academics in the United States ‘who are pilfering money from our tax-dollars … by doing bogus research and research based on political leanings’.
What about 5G?
It never ceases to amaze me that billions of people believe that even though we now live in a technologically-generated electromagnetic ‘soup’ or sea, which is 200 million times the radio frequency energy naturally produced by the Earth, that somehow this will not have any, let alone profound, effects on human beings, animals, insects and the rest of the natural world. I find that to be a form of insanity and certainly a most extreme example of denial. There is an obvious relevance of some kind between current events and the roll-out in 2019 and 2020 of 5G around the world because this was made clear by the actions of Cult Internet platforms and government agencies in banning mention and debate about that connection. I have already pointed out that the common theme between the systematic deletion by Cult-owned Silicon Valley of my London Real interview and one a few days later between Dr Andrew Kaufman and my son, Jaymie, was questioning the existence of ‘Covid-19’ and not 5G which the Kaufman interview did not mention. However, there is clearly a connection of some kind confirmed by the extremes of enforced censorship. The UK government Office of Communications, or Ofcom, is the ‘regulator’ (censor) of the broadcast media and threatened any broadcaster with severe sanctions if they even engaged in discussion about a link between 5G and the ‘virus’. Ofcom is so obsessed with 5G censorship that a small community radio station was threatened by the broadcasting Stasi for having a single person on a single programme discussing a connection between 5G and ‘Covid-19’. Ofcom was created by war criminal Tony Blair so you can appreciate how bad it must be. Somehow these ridiculous people manage to equate ‘false health advice’ with ‘baseless conspiracy theories that the pandemic is linked to the rollout of 5G phone networks’. The all-knowing system-worshipping Ofcom knew they were baseless because they were ‘not aware of any reputable scientific evidence to corroborate such a contentious claim which runs contrary to all official advice, both in the UK and internationally, about coronavirus’ (in other words the 5G claim was at odds with official propaganda). Ofcom’s censors and designated media protectors of the Cult narrative said they were ‘actively monitoring television and radio stations that might be broadcasting potentially harmful views about the causes and origins of Covid-19 that have the potential to undermine people’s trust in the advice of mainstream sources of information during the crisis’ – (which have the potential to demolish the official Cult narrative). This is exactly what you would expect to hear in a fascist/communist dictatorship.
For the record and reference the chief executive of Ofcom in this period of fascistic censorship has been Melanie Dawes, a career government bureaucrat formerly with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, the Treasury, HM Revenue and Customs, and the Cabinet Office. The establishment runs through her bloodstream. Ofcom is chaired by Terence Burns, a British economist, who was former Chief Economic Advisor and Permanent Secretary to the UK Treasury and now a senior advisor to the bank Santander UK. These are the people overseeing the censorship of the British media and blocking any discussion of a connection between ‘Covid-19’ and 5G while the UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock, a clueless but willing prisoner of his civil servants and advisors, called for social media to ban ‘5G virus conspiracy theories’. The man is so bewildered and self-deceiving that he will say he believes in ‘democracy and freedom’. YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook all deleted the video interview that I did with Brian Rose at London Real in which I mentioned the possible involvement of 5G. I did not say that it caused the ‘virus’ only that 5G had major negative effects on human health and psychology which had to be taken in account and that 5G can generate the symptoms that are being called ‘Covid-19’. Ofcom, is major promotor and facilitator of the 5G roll-out and ‘regulates’ the UK telecommunications industry (do what you like). This is a shocking conflict of interest when the promoter and facilitator of 5G and the censor of debate over 5G are the same people . They were of course on my case immediately with the pathetic mainstream media cheering in support. So there is a connection to 5G as confirmed by the vehement censorship of even discussion by Ofcom and Silicon Valley. The question is what? And is the censorship over what is happening now or what is to come? I will summarise here some of the possibilities and impacts.
Arthur Firstenberg, scientist, journalist, and author of The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life , said in 2018 before ‘Covid-19’ or 5G: ‘Every time we have dramatically changed the properties of the Earth’s magnetic field, which is called the magnetosphere, it had dramatic effects on health down here on Earth.’ Firstenberg writes that every ‘influenza’ epidemic since electricity was introduced has coincided with a new and more powerful level of electromagnetic radiation. He says that one example was ‘Spanish flu’ (which started in the United States) and is said to have infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide in 1918 with tens of millions killed. Some estimates were as high as 100 million. These are officially compiled figures and so must not be taken as accurate, but it’s safe to say a lot of people were affected and killed. By what is quite another question. I have pointed already to a mass-vaccine relationship to the outbreak. Here we have another possible electromagnetic field angle happening at the same time along with, it should also be added, the appalling living conditions in the wake of the First World War when immune systems would have been on their knees. Firstenberg explains that ‘Spanish flu’ began at military naval bases in America and Europe which were the first to install high-intensity radar with an initial 400 cases at the Naval Radio School of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Even though dubbed ‘flu’ a common symptom was nosebleeds (also reported with 5G) and a third of those who died did so through internal bleeding in the brain and lungs. These effects and others related to impaired blood coagulation were not at all symptoms of ‘flu’, but rather a potential effect of electromagnetic fields. Doctors were quoted as saying: ‘We have yet to receive a report of a case in which the time of coagulation was not prolonged.’ Remember the effect on the blood that was found in the teacher after a day in a classroom bathed in Wi-Fi. Another blatant red flag was that as radar was introduced worldwide ‘Spanish’ flu outbreaks followed in the same locations without contact with other sufferers at a time when there was minimal world travel compared with recent times.
Firstenberg says that by 1956/57, with the entire earth now subjected to new and powerful radar waves never before experienced, we had the outbreak of ‘Asian flu’ which is said to have started in East Asia and spread worldwide. Months after the first radiation-emitting satellite system became operational ‘Hong Kong’ flu swept across the world in 1968. Once again people were dying from internal haemorrhage. In the same way 5G began to be rolled out before the ‘Covid-19’ scare began and 5G has been rapidly expanded during the lockdowns in city after city and town after town in country after country. When large numbers of children and students return to school, college and university they will find that 5G has been installed while they were away – as will those visiting hospitals . Most businesses and employment activity was banned and yet installing 5G towers and satellites was considered ‘essential work’. This has both dramatically increased the reach and impact of 5G and prevented protests that would otherwise have happened. ‘Flu-like’ symptoms are known to be caused by exposure to intense electrical fields (EMF) – a fact that came to light as early as 1779 – and EMF is one of the triggers for cells to release exosomes, the natural immune response dubbed ‘Covid-19’. This ‘new disease’ is said to have begun in Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, which was China’s first 5G ‘smart city’ with tremendous numbers of 5G antennae installed in October, 2019, and expanded with great rapidity. Vodafone Italy made Milan in the ‘virus’ centre of Lombardy an ‘extensive 5G testbed’ working with country’s Ministry of Economic Development. There were also big vaccine programmes in Wuhan and Lombardy before the ‘pandemic’ kicked off.