What is The Answer ?
Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself – Rumi
T he Answer has multiple strands, but one central core. Change what is happening at the core and everything else must change. This cause and effect is so simple that it will be dismissed by many in the belief that The Answer to the apparent complexity of human control must be equally complex. No, no, no. That’s what the Cult wants us to think.
The control system itself is not really complex, anyway, when you break it down to fundamentals. Its foundation is the manipulation of human perception and emotion into low-vibrational states and the entanglement of the waves emitted by those states with the frequency band controlled by the Cult. Through this connection the Cult further impacts on human perception and emotion in an ongoing feedback loop. Gotcha (Fig 395 ). That’s it really. All the perceived complexities are spin offs from that connection through entanglement. These include everything from psychopathy, conflict and division to depression, anxiety and addiction. All result from the Cult mentality (psychopathy), the consequences for the population (depression/anxiety), and the desperation to escape from the effect (addiction). There are two ways to deal with a problem. You can seek a solution or remove the cause. Search for solutions and you will see complexity. Identify the cause and you will see simplicity. While we are in a low-vibrational state of perception and consciousness we remain enslaved in the low-vibrational Archontic simulation. When we expand into higher-vibrational states we reconnect with levels of awareness outside the simulation which then stops dictating all our perceptions and the world as it really is – and we really are – comes into focus. Many ‘gurus’ and ‘spiritual teachers’ will tell you (often for their own benefit) that the way to achieve such expansion of consciousness is also complex. We must embark on quests, fasting, meditation, yoga, and lots of communal rituals, endless ‘workshops’, and green tea. I beg to differ. All those things are fine if people choose to go that way and I’m sure they can be helpful to many; but expanding your consciousness to breach the firewalls of the Cult is far simpler and requires just one change – your self-identity.
What you think you are makes you what you are in terms of life experience, behaviour, perception, emotion and the nature of the waves that you emit as frequency projections of what you think you are. Self-identity is the Cult’s Holy Grail because it knows that everything else comes from that. For centuries it has used religion to sell a self-identity of powerless subordinates to a demanding ‘god’ (the Cult and its unseen masters). Do what your ‘god’ wants or face the fires of hell and our agents (most unknowingly) in long frocks will tell you what ‘god’ wants, or rather what we want. Many versions of what I call the ‘God Program’ have been created and subdivided. This again presents the illusion of complexity when the God Program is deadly simple whatever name may appear on the temple door or ‘holy book’. Observe any religion and it’s the same blueprint: A version of ‘god’ or the ‘gods’ is invented through a holy book, text or legend, and men in frocks, now sometimes women, tell you what ‘god’ or the ‘gods’ demand and the consequences of disobedience. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism are all the same in their foundation structure and method of operation. Jewish influence on society and self-identity is way beyond its 0.2 percent of the world population and a key reason is the perceptual influence of its religion, especially on Christianity. Fear is the currency of control and religions are vehicles to frighten the population into compliance through fear of the consequences of not acquiescing to what your ‘God’ (the Cult) demands you must be and do.
When many began to reject religion other self-identities were employed to ensnare perception and dictate low-frequency wave transmissions. The Cult unleashed mainstream ‘science’ to tell us that we are a cosmic accident of ‘evolution’ and we don’t exist before conception or after death. There is no other ‘you’ except the one that you see in the mirror and identify with through a series of labels given and learned during an apparently meaningless lifetime of minutes or decades in which you make the journey from cradle to grave. Er, that’s it. If you accept this ridiculous concept you are accepting the narrowest band of self-identity that will hold you fast within the firewalls of the simulation. Today even those self-identities and labels are being subdivided and sub-sub-subdivided into ever greater myopia as New Woke drowns in the five-sense illusion of pansexual, polysexual, monosexual, allosexual, androsexual, gynosexual, asexual, emisexual, grey asexual, perioriented, varioriented, heteronormative, cishet, polyamorous, monoamorous and queer to sadly name only a few. With each new sub-identity the Bubble gets ever smaller and the vibrational disconnect with the True ‘I’ ever more profound. The Cult knows how we interact with reality while the target population in general does not and it mercilessly exploits this perceptual superiority. All human self-identity prisons are dependent on the flies in The Web not questioning their current sense of reality. The illusions are peddled by Cult advocates and unknowing promotors seeking to impose their reality on others through techniques of overt or covert compulsion. It’s not enough for me to believe what I do – you must believe it, too, because I am right ! You’ll see this recurring mentality and technique throughout history in almost every culture and setting. Silicon Valley censorship is doing the same today in the latest incarnation. Nazi book-burning has become the digital book-burning of Cult-owned Big Tech. The Cult manipulates minds into smaller and smaller self-identities and many of those that succumb make it their life’s work to impose them on everyone else.
Limits of mind are only limits of perception
The consequences of the self-identity label illusion are catastrophic for human and spiritual freedom for another reason. Your sense of self dictates the scale of consciousness, or True Self, that you can access. Perceptual myopia becomes awareness myopia in another feedback loop of ongoing ignorance (Fig 396 ). Believe that you are only your labels and the scale of accessed consciousness reflects that sense of limitation. Your scale of accessed consciousness feeds-back this sense of limitation to confirm that you are only your labels. Round and round the garden it goes often for an entire human lifetime. The Cult, working for its ‘gods’, has structured society to achieve this end. There is, you will be delighted to know, a way to break this cycle: Change your self-identity. Ask most people who they are and they will give you a list of labels – gender, race, job, age, birthplace, life history; but the labels are not who we are. People define themselves by the job they do when it doesn’t matter if you are sweeping the streets (vital work by the way) or a movie star (less than vital work). You are the same All That Is having different experiences. It’s just a job – it’s not YOU ! Labels are only a series of experiences happening in little more than a blink of an eye (Fig 397 ). I am heading into my 70s and a human life flies by so fast. It seems only yesterday that I was in love with Janice in class 3A and dreaming of being a footballer. When you compare that with the infinity of no-time forever a human life as it is perceived hardly exists. Yet within this fragment of illusory ‘time’ our identity with labels directs and dictates everything. I-am-a this. I-am-a that. To re-word a song of the 1960s: I-am-a in the morning, I-am-a in the evening … all over this land. I-am-a is the human perceptual Bubble that manifests as a vibrational Bubble. We are not an ‘I-am-a’ anything. We just are. The One is always speaking to you. Burst the Bubble and you will hear (Fig 398 ).
If people feel they need an I-am-a then how about I-am-a All That Is, Has Been and Ever Can Be ? Even that is a name and so can only partially describe the force with no name and all names. How about a self-identity that says I am a point of attention within Infinite Forever having a brief experience as something called ‘human’ in the awareness that ‘human’ is merely the filtering and processing of information into a particular sense of reality? How about the size of my point of attention, whether myopic or infinite, is down to me and how much of my mind I am prepared to open? Now we’re bloody talking. Shift your self-identity from I am my labels to I am an expression of the Infinite One and everything starts to change. I can say this with confidence because that is what happened to me. Everything I have done since I consciously began to awaken from the human coma in 1990 has come from that transformation of self-identity. No questing, fasting, meditation, yoga, communal rituals, endless ‘workshops’, or green tea opened my mind to expanded awareness. I remembered step-by-step who I really am and who we all really are and that transformation of self-identity transformed everything. Anyone can start the process anytime by ditching the identification with labels and seeing them as transitory experiences of the True Self. The One in awareness of itself talks to us in the silence beyond words and the synchronicity or language of life. We only have to listen.
The transformation of perceived self from Little Me to Infinite Me immediately starts to unravel the firewalls of self-identity perception that have been holding the Bubble together. You realise there never has been a Little Me only a programmed perception of one (Fig 399 ). Your consciousness begins to move and stir from its density – its perceptual stagnation. You can’t create a Bubble unless you believe you are a Bubble. You can’t be entrapped in limitation unless you believe you are limited. You are not. You are All-Possibility, All-Potential, which the Cult is desperate for you to forget. ‘Waking up’ is only remembering what you’ve always known on the other side of the firewall (Fig 400 ). Now with your entrapped awareness freeing itself from the Bubble-wrap of label self-identity your perceptions expand as your consciousness expands. In fact, it is not even your consciousness expanding. It is your point of attention expanding into ever greater swathes of Infinite Awareness (Fig 401 overleaf). Little Me is expanding into Big Me and ultimately Infinite Me. I am not saying that changing your sense of self will bring immediate ‘enlightenment’. Self-identity with All That Is has to be a being and not just an intellectual concept. Many people are convinced of their own awakeness and enlightenment when they are prisoners of an intellectual sense of infinite identity. It’s not them ; it’s still an intellectual concept external to them. You can observe this in the New Age movement and pseudo-spiritual movements where the mind convinces itself that it is something it’s not. Intellectual ‘awakeness’ does not match its words with its actions and New Wokeness is the prime example. A New Ager once told me that she had given herself ‘permission’ to see more of her young relatives. Permission? Who is giving who ‘permission’ or what is giving what? Expanded consciousness does not give itself permission to do anything. It just does it .
Consciousness in awareness of the True ‘I’, as opposed to having a concept of the True ‘I’, is an integration or wholeness that you might call Isness . Even that is a label too far, but you get my point. It just is and doesn’t require labels to identify itself to itself. It moves as one ‘unit’ rather than different parts that require ‘permission’ from each other. The intellect thinks while Isness knows as a conscious expression of that which does know . By knowing I don’t mean in the form of names and dates, or touch it, taste it, see it, smell it, hear it, ‘proof’. Isness knowing comes without words, for it exists beyond the human firewall where words are not necessary. Words are concepts of the simulation that are used to overcome induced limits of awareness that deny direct communication through consciousness. Words draw people into the five senses while knowing beyond words takes us home. Is it really a coincidence that near-death experiencers, and those that claim extraterrestrial interaction, say that communication was not by word, but by knowing? Again and again we have the theme of ‘he communicated to me without words – I just knew what he was saying to me.’ Even such examples of telepathy are only a low level of knowing without words and not the full-blown Isness that I am describing. We refer to knowing in the human experience as ‘intuition’ and this is predictably dismissed by Cult-controlled mainstream science which polices the realm of the intellect to keep expanded consciousness at bay while mostly having no idea that it’s doing so. Why should we consider nonsense like expanded awareness outside the intellectual brain when my intellect is convinced that I am right?
Unravelling the fake self