minority groups or organizations which have their own, and
far from altruistic, reasons for wishing to preserve the
status quo.
In order that our society and its institutions
may be strengthened there must be dissent. There must be
dissenters who will seek out and point out the faults and
abuses which exist or may develop.
“But most people today feel they can’t afford to be dis-
senters,” a moderately successful manufacturer declared to
me recently. “They’re afraid they’ll lose their jobs,
customers or profits if they try to buck powerful special-
interest groups. You’ve got to be a multimillionaire to feel
secure enough to speak out these days.”
It so happens that I
a multimillionaire, but I’d hate
to think it is for this reason alone that I can be a dissenter
if I choose to be one. I don’t be
lieve it’s true. I feel that the
real reason there has been so little dissent of late is that
Americans have been far too satisfied with their lot and
with their achievements. We have all grown indifferent and
complacent. Being too comfortable, we haven’t wanted to
see, say or hear anything which might disturb the bovine
tranquility of our rosy existence.
But I sense a strong wind of change in the offing. I’m of
the opinion that America and its people are awakening to
the realization that the lotus-eating binge is over. The
hangover is already beginning to hurt—but it is having a
highly beneficial effect. Through bleary eyes, we start to see
the grave errors and deadly dangers in the “all is well and
could not be better” thesis so
long peddled by some of our
leaders and the drumbeaters of Madison Avenue. I’m
convinced the American people
are ready to reclaim their
minds and their nation, to take them back from the
pressure groups, selfish minorities and hucksters to whom
they lost them by default in recent years. I predict the
vanishing American dissenters will soon reappear on the
American scene and will once again make themselves
heard—and will once again be give
n fair hearing. It will be
a pleasure and a great relief to welcome them back. The
nation’s future will be brighter—and far more secure—for
the return of the breed!