I believe in … someone elseWe are actively discouraged from thinking constructively andquestioningiy, and once an individual has accepted the numbacquiescence so encouraged, an insidiously vicious circle hassuccessfully been promoted. Another rather convenient resultof such a situation is that people who don’t think constructivelyand questioningiy don’t even realise it.Michael Timothy, The Anti-Intellectual Ethic
We have all, at some time, looked at the world around us and asked the samequestions. Why does life have to be such a struggle? Why do we know solittle about who we are and the purpose of our lives? Why is there so much conflictand suffering in a world of such beauty and such riches?In search of the answers to these and so many other questions, I’m going to askyou to suspend your programmed ‘here and now’ responses and open your infinitemind to much greater possibilities. I don’t use the word ‘programmed’ in apatronising way, because we are all programmed by the messages and beliefs weconstantly hear in our childhood, through the media, and through the educationsystem. It is the letting go of that programming which opens our minds and ourhearts to wonder, potential, and understanding beyond our dreams. I’ve ponderedon the nature of this visible physical world for a long time, trying to make sense ofit. Since 1990 I’ve been on a conscious spiritual journey of discovery. It has openedme to so much I had never thought or felt before in this lifetime and, painful assome of it has been, those moments, too, have led me to greater understanding. Ihave experienced how we can tune our minds, our consciousness, to other levels ofreality and access information available there which is not known, or at least notwidely known on Earth. I have realised that our minds – the thinking, feeling us -are a series of energy fields, which use the physical body as a vehicle for experience.At this moment, our consciousness is tuned to this dense physical world, so thisis our reality. When we ‘die’, our mind-spirit (our consciousness) leaves thistemporary physical body and moves on to another wavelength, another stage ofexperience and evolution.A most important point to make is that, while in the same physical body on thesame planet, a person’s mind can be tuned to many different wavelengths ofknowledge and understanding. This is why there is such a variation in consciousness,perspective and perception within the human race. In our daily lives, we even talk ofpeople being on ‘different wavelengths’, because they think so differently and have solittle in common. Our attitude to life and the level of knowledge and wisdom we canattain at any point depends on the vibratory levels which our minds can access. Allthis is essential background to what I believe is behind the history of the human raceover many millions of years and into the present day. To me the human race so oftenseems to be like a herd of bewildered and lost sheep. In fact, look at how many timesthroughout known history the Tost sheep’ symbolism has been used to describe ourplight. We have somehow become detached from our higher potential, our power source; again, we see this portrayed symbolically throughout history and cultures inphrases such as lost children’ who have become disconnected from ‘the father’. Thestory of the prodigal son in the New Testament is an obvious example. I believe that,symbolically, this is precisely what has happened and the consequences of thatexplain so much of the world we live in today.I feel it is impossible to appreciate what has happened unless we can open ourminds to the existence of what we call extraterrestrial life. That can include aninfinite variety of forms. All I mean by extraterrestrial is ‘not of this Earth’ – othercivilisations, consciousness and lifeforms on other wavelengths which our physicalsenses cannot normally see or hear. For instance, while we may look at some of theother planets in this solar system and see apparently barren, lifeless, lands, we areonly looking at that planet on our own frequency or dimension of experience, ourown space-time reality. On another dimension, that planet may be a teeming havenof life in the same way that all the radio and television stations broadcasting to yourajea now are sharing the same space that your body is occupying. You can’t seethem and they can’t ‘see’ each other because they are operating on differentwavelengths. Take this one stage further to encompass the fact that these othercivilisations on other wavelengths are more advanced in their knowledge andknow-how than we are at this time, and a picture begins to form, for me and manyothers, anyway. These other civilisations are not all positive or negative. Like us,they are a bit of both. Extraterrestrial life is no big deal. It is the same stream of lifewe call Creation or God, at a different stage of evolution and/or on a differentwavelength of experience. But many of these peoples are years, sometimes millionsof years (in our version of time) ahead of where we are technologically and in theirunderstanding of the universal laws. If we judge the credibility or craziness ofsomething only from the perspective of our scientific achievements on thiswavelength of Planet Earth, we will never understand what has happened to us.This is why I ask the skeptics to open themselves to other possibilities. If you were apeasant farmer in the mountains of some self-contained society in deepest Asia, youwould find it impossible to believe a description of New York. But New York wouldstill exist. And remember, only a short time has passed since the idea of humansflying off into space was considered ridiculous.Over a number of years, as I have sought to grasp the nature of the humancondition, a story has begun to form in my mind. When I read a book calledBringers Of The Dawn,1 it cross-confirmed some of the themes I had written in TheRobots’ Rebellion and other ideas that I had been developing in the months thatfollowed. It is a ‘channelled’ book, in that the writer, Barbara Marciniak, tuned herconsciousness to another wavelength of reality and acted as a channel to bringinformation to this Earth vibration. I am always wary of channelled books because,like everything, this process can produce inspired understanding or a load of utterclaptrap. It depends on the competence of the channel and the level of thewavelength to which they are connecting. As someone once said of contact withthose no longer on this Earth: “Death is no cure for ignorance”. If you connect withwavelengths close to this one, you can be seriously misled. Bringers Of The Dawn claims to be the words of a consciousness communicatingfrom the star system we know as the Pleiades. I know if you are new to this, it allsounds so fantastic and hard to accept. But all I can do – all any of us can do – is tosay what we believe and feel. I believe that this star system called the Pleiades, or atleast the more evolved groups from there, are part of a universal operation to sethumanity and this world free from the prison we have unknowingly lived within foraeons of what we call time. We are the generation who are going to see this happen.Planet Earth was hijacked, you could say, and taken over by another civilisationor civilisations, which are highly advanced technologically, but pretty low on loveand wisdom. This is, as always, a telling and profoundly imbalanced combination. Icall it ‘cleverness without wisdom’. We live in a free-will universe where, withincertain limits, we are allowed to experience all of the emotions, and learn from theconsequences of our actions. So taking over a planet does not bring in the ‘father’,the Source of All That Exists, to immediately wrest control from the hijackers. It isused as a period of experience from which all will learn and evolve. We live in atime-space reality – “world” – called the Third Dimension and it is from some ofour “neighbours” in the Fourth Dimension that the interference has come.Whenever I speak of the extraterrestrial consciousness or the Prison Warderconsciousness I am referring to manipulation from the Fourth Dimension via eitherthought control or direct intervention. Both the hijacking extraterrestrials and thosewith humanity’s interests at heart were regular visitors to the Earth thousands ofyears ago. They became the ‘gods’ in the ancient texts and legends which haveformed the foundations of most, perhaps all, of the major religions of today. If anextraterrestrial landed on the planet in ancient times in an astonishing anti-gravityspacecraft, or you saw a psychic vision of someone on another frequency, youwould sure as hell think he or she was a god! And they did. This is where the ‘gods’- particularly the angry, judgmental, fire and brimstone gods – originated: negativeextraterrestrials. The ‘fear of God’ was born, and this fear and resistance to change(disobeying the gods) is still in the collective psyche. Over time, as described atlength in The Robots’ Rebellion, these various god myths became fused together toform ‘composite gods’, based on themes from many of the earlier civilisations. So itis with Judaism, the Christian Bible, Islam, and most of the others. Their version of;God relates to the type of extraterrestrials from which their religion originated orthe way many different extraterrestrial stories have become fused into a compositeGod over the centuries. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to worship acomposite God made up of extraterrestrials. Amen.If you look at the origins of the major religions, the stories are remarkably similarto those we hear today from people claiming to have met, or been abducted by,extraterrestrials. Mohammed, the founder of Islam in the seventh century, said thathe had been visited by the Angel Gabriel, who was “in the likeness of a man,standing in the sky above the horizon”.2 This figure told him he had to be a prophet,and he was given messages which formed the Islamic holy book, the Koran. Thesemessages would be dictated while Mohammed was in a trance on many otheroccasions in the years that followed. He also wrote of going on a ‘celestial journey’. Many people in the modern world who claim to have experienced extraterrestrialcontact have said the same as Mohammed. Saul of Tarsus, better known as St Paul,was the man who changed the image of Y’shua (Jesus)3 into the saviour-godmessiah from which the Christian religion was spawned. This happened after hehad a ‘vision’ of Y’shua on the road to Damascus. He also talked about being ‘takenup’ into heaven, or a number of different heavens (dimensions). Speaking ofhimself, he wrote:“I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven.Whether he was in the body or out of the body, I do not know – God knows. And I knowthat this man – whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, but God knows -was caught up in Paradise. He heard inexpressible things, things that man is notpermitted to tell.”2 Corinthians 12: 2-4Again, this is paralleled by many of today’s accounts of extraterrestrialabductees who have told of being taken into other dimensions of reality by ETs,sometimes in their body, sometimes out of it. St Paul and the prophet called Enochspeak of seeing many heavens when they were ‘taken up’; this corresponds with thestories in the Vedas, the ancient holy books of India which were written in theoriginal Sanskrit language. These describe seven higher planes and seven lowerplanes around this planet. Some people still talk of being in ‘Seventh Heaven’ whensomething wonderful happens to them. One of these ‘planes’ is our third dimensionand just above us vibrationally is the level which has manipulated us. In the Bookof Enoch, the ‘Watchers’ sound remarkably like extraterrestrials. The Dead SeaScrolls say that the father of Noah was a ‘Watcher’, and Nebuchadnezzar, the Kingof Babylon from 651-604BC, records being visited by a Watcher and a holy one whocame down from heaven.4 The Dakas in Mahayana Buddhism were ‘sky travellingbeings’ and Padma Sambhava, the founder of Tibetan Buddhism, was said to haveleft Tibet in a celestial chariot.5 Something similar was claimed for the biblicalprophet Elijah when he left Israel6 and for the Central American god, Quetzalcoatl.7Descriptions of flying discs, flying boats, and celestial chariots, abound on allcontinents and in all cultures. Still today we relate ‘heaven’ to the sky, because thatis where the ‘gods’ of ancient time came from in their spacecraft. The aborigines ofAustralia speak of three ancestral beings, called the Djanggawul, who wereconnected with the planet Venus, as was Quetzalcoatl and the Polynesian deity,Kahuna.8 Add to all these the many examples cited in The Robots’ Rebellion andcountless other books, linking ETs with the creation and supervision of the Earthraces, and only a padlocked mind could dismiss at least the possibility – I wouldsay probability – that extraterrestrials are at the heart of human history and theevents that have shaped that history.There are so many themes which link the ancient texts with descriptions of UFOsightings and extraterrestrials of today. UFO investigators tracked down the allegedauthor of a report known as The Memorandum. Bill English was a former captain in intelligence with the Green Berets in Vietnam involved in the retrieval of a B-52bomber forced down in the jungle by a UFO. He claims to have spent three monthsin a psychiatric unit after the experience, before being assigned to an RAF listeningpost in England by US Army Intelligence. In his office there, he says, he found asealed diplomatic pouch waiting for him which contained a 624-page report onUFOs, known as The Grudge 13 Report. His memorandum was his personalanalysis of this document. It included all top secret UFO activity from 1942 to 1951and this involved reported landings, sightings, UFO crashes, human abductions,and ETs captured by the government. This could all quite easily be disinformationbecause there is so much of that in the UFO scene. But the report did contain manyinteresting points. It said that the language of the captured ETs was similar toSanskrit, the ancient language of the Indian holy texts, the Vedas, which containmany references to what appear to be spacecraft and flying machines known as theVimanas and to extraterrestrial ‘gods’.The Grudge Report said that the nourishment absorbed by the ETs theyexamined was based on chlorophyll, which (as is now known) exists throughoutwhat we call space and not just on Earth. In the Vedas, there is considerableimportance given to a plant known as Soma. It was used as a hallucinogenic drug inceremonies to help communication with the ‘god’ Indira and other ‘gods’, and itwas the favourite drink of Indira and his colleagues. Given the increasingspeculation that the ancient ‘gods’ were actually extraterrestrials, it is rather acoincidence that the Soma drink is believed to have been based on liquidchlorophyll. A number of people who have claimed contact with ETs have reportedthat their nourishment came from ‘juice’. There are, however, tens of thousands ofextraterrestrial civilisations which have visited this planet, I believe, and they willbe very different in appearance, genetics, and means of nourishment. Someundoubtedly look very much as we do and could walk past us in the street withoutturning a head. Others appear very different from us.I feel that at least many of the ‘miracles’ recorded throughout religious legendhave an extraterrestrial (Fourth Dimensional) origin. The sight witnessed by 70,000Catholics at Fatima, Portugal in 1917 sounds like many of the stories described inboth the ancient texts and the modern world. The Fatima ‘miracle’ followed aseries of meetings between three children and some strange being, which, theysaid, sometimes manifested as the Virgin Mary. The being promised to produce amiracle to open the eyes of humanity, and those tens of thousands of people whoturned up to witness it did, indeed, see a fantastic sight. But what was it? UFOresearcher, Jacque Vallee, believed he knew when he wrote, in his 1976 book,The Invisible College:“Not only was a flying disc or globe consistently involved, but its motion, its falling leaftrajectory, its light effects, the thunderclaps, the buzzing sounds, the strange fragrance,the fall of ‘angel hair’ that dissolves on the ground, the heat wave associated with theclose approach of the disc, all of these are constant parameters of UFO sightingseverywhere. And so are the paralysis, the amnesia, the conversions, and healings.” The children passed a sealed message from their communicator to the Pope, withinstructions that it was only to be opened and made public in 1960. The Pope didopen it in 1960, but we are still waiting for all of it to be made public! One thing isfor sure: if it had confirmed the basis of the Roman Catholic religion, it would havehit the airwaves within minutes. So what did it say?I am convinced that the Old Testament ‘God’ known as Yhwh (Yahweh) is alsobased on an extraterrestrial, or more likely, a series of them. Interestingly, while theJewish religion is perceived as a ‘One God’ faith, the original Hebrew texts do notsupport this. While the English translation refers to a ‘God’, the Hebrew talks ofElohim, the plural meaning ‘Gods’. Similarly, while we read the word ‘Lord’ in theEnglish, the Hebrew refers to Adonai, the plural ‘Lords’. Jehovah, who is ofteninterchanged with Yahweh, would seem to have a different origin. Anotherextraterrestrial, most probably.If you read the Old Testament and other ancient texts and replace everyreference to ‘God’ or ‘the gods’ with ‘extraterrestrial’, the whole thing begins tomake sense and becomes so obvious. It is important to remember that inevolutionary terms, the time span between the period when these accounts werewritten and today is nothing, hardly the blink of an eye. Modern UFO phenomenaas reported by thousands of people – which include amazing holographic images,beings and craft which appear and disappear (switch dimensions), and a host ofother visions and tricks that put Walt Disney in the shade – were being performedby extraterrestrials in the periods during which the major religions originated.These Fourth Dimensional manipulators created the religions to control the humanmind as they sought to control this dimension.The potential for manipulating humanity with such technology is simplylimitless. What better way to control people, close down their minds and divideand rule, than to create a series of dogmatic religions based on extraterrestrialspecial effects? Look at the pain, misery, and inter-generational ignorance that hasbeen visited upon this planet by Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and all the rest. Ifyou want to shut down someone’s consciousness so they stop thinking forthemselves and delink their minds from their infinite potential, sell them adogmatic religion or some other form of rigid dogma. They are then putty inyour hands.I think the takeover of Planet Earth was achieved by what I call the LucifericConsciousness. I use this as an overall name to describe the force which attempts towork through all life forms, human and extraterrestrial, to control the planet. It is anextremely negative energy operating from the Fourth Dimension. The LucifericConsciousness takes two main forms. Different cultures give these forms differentsymbolic names. One seeks to imprison us in the material world by persuading usto reject all idea of the spiritual realms and the eternal nature of life. The otherworks on spiritually-minded people to persuade them to ignore the realities of thephysical world and to float around in a spiritual daze. Either way it means that thepeople involved can be controlled and their potential to bring positive change to thephysical world is seriously curtailed. The takeover of the Earthby the extraterrestrialexpressions of this Luciferic Consciousness took theform, I feel, of creating avibratory prison. We aremultidimensional beings,working across manyfrequencies and dimensionsat the same time. I know thesecan be strange concepts tothose hearing them cold, butour real potential and ourperceived potential are lightyears apart, as we are goingto realise in the amazingyears that are to follow.If, therefore, there is afrequency ‘net’ thrownaround this planet, ablocking, imprisoningvibration, which prevents usfrom interconnecting with the higher levels of our consciousness and potential, wecease to be ‘whole’. We become delinked from ‘the father’. With the knowledge heldon the Fourth Dimension, this would not be the miracle it might at first appear.Blocking frequencies are already used here on Earth, never mind by moretechnologically advanced civilisations. During the period of the Soviet Union, theycreated an information prison by sending out blocking frequencies to stop certainforeign radio stations from being received by the population. This prevented information which challenged the official line from reaching the people. It created avibratory prison, an information prison. Extend that concept to the planet as awhole and you have the very picture I am presenting (Figure 2).