The most effective way to close down a human mind and to manipulate its senseof self is to programme into it some form of dogma. A dogma will alwaysvehemently defend itself from other information and repel any alternative opinionwhich contradicts its narrow, solidified view. Dogmas become a person’s sense ofsecurity and means of retaining power. Humanity tends to cling to both until itsknuckles turn white.Dogmas take endless forms and when you can persuade different people to holdopposing dogmas, the manipulation of conflict and control through ‘divide andrule’ becomes easy. It is happening today in the same way – more so, in fact – as ithas throughout the period of the vibratory prison. To a manipulator, Judaism is justas useful as Christianity and Islam; the political ‘Left’ is just as important as thepolitical ‘Right’. You need two dogmas to play off against each other. The mosteffective dogmas over thousands of years have been the religions. One generationtakes on a narrow view of life and themselves (a religion) and imposes it on theirchildren, who then do the same to their children, and so it goes on into the modernworld. The religious and political dogmas have all been inspired by negativeelements from the Fourth Dimension.The two leading weapons used by religions are those cancerous emotions: fearand guilt. They have been used to suppress the human mind and to destroy itssense of self-worth, thus creating a physical reality to match. Religions are the samethought pattern manifesting under different names – the thought pattern calledcontrol. Even the origins of their myths, stories and ceremonies are invariably thesame because they all originate from the same source!Towards the end of Atlantis, groups of people began to escape from theirincreasingly devastated land. Some left the prison while their vibratory rate was stillhigh enough for them to do so; others became trapped by accident or design. AsAtlantis crumbled, some settled in the areas we now know as Egypt and the MiddleEast, Central America, and the United States. Those who survived the cataclysmwhich followed, passed on their knowledge to their children in myths and stories.This is one possible answer to the apparent mystery of how when the Americas were’discovered’ by the Europeans in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, they foundmany cultures and beliefs of the native peoples to be remarkably similar to(sometimes the same as) those in the ‘Old World’ of Europe and the Middle East.Both were influenced by the knowledge brought by the escaping Atlanteans,although I think another reason for this relates to extraterrestrial activity all over the world. In the period after Atlantis, I believe that extraterrestrial expressions of thePrison Warder consciousness still landed and interacted with the people, tellingdifferent peoples the same basic manipulated story.Some Atlanteans escaped by sailing west to the Americas, some went east toEurope and North Africa. It is possible that the biblical story of Noah and the Arkrelates to this period, although it could involve another flood some thousands ofyears later. Over many millennia, the Atlantean and extraterrestrial knowledge waspassed on through the succeeding generations, and the original clarity was lost inthe repeated communication. The knowledge also became a vehicle for control, andit was accordingly changed to suit those in power at any given time. This is whyyou still find elements of this knowledge in all religions. The original coreknowledge has been diluted and diverted in countless directions, to manifest asreligions such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Paganism, Hinduism, etc. All haveretained the themes of the knowledge to some extent, while often destroying its truemeaning with dogma, myth, and manipulated make-believe. Ironically, Paganismhas retained far more of the original knowledge than those religions (such asChristianity) which condemn it as ‘evil’. The Fourth Dimensional Prison Warderswish to prevent us from knowing who we are, how we have been imprisoned, andhow we can get out of prison. Making us confused and dividing us into factions,religions, and tongues was part of the Prison Warder strategy. If you read the storyof the Tower of Babel, you can see this described symbolically:At first the people of the whole world had only one language and used the same words.As they wandered about in the East, they came to a plain in Babylonia and settledthere. They said to one another, ‘Come on! Let’s make bricks and bake them hard’. Sothey had bricks to build with and mortar to hold them together. They said: ‘Now let’sbuild a city with a tower that reaches to the sky, so that we can make a name forourselves and not be scattered all over the Earth’.Then the Lord extraterrestrials came down to see the city and the tower which thosemen had built, and he said: ‘Now then, these are all one people and they speak onelanguage; this is just the beginning of what they are going to do. Soon they will be ableto do anything they want! Let us go down and mix up their language so they will notunderstand one another.’ So the Lord scattered them all over the Earth, and theystopped building the city. The city was called Babylon, because there the Lord mixed upthe language of all the people, and from there he scattered them all over the Earth.Genesis, 11:1-9Christianity sees those people in a highly negative light when, I believe, it wasactually the other way around. They were rebelling against the control. AfterAtlantis, other civilisations began to emerge from the reincarnation of Atlanteanconsciousness. The knowledge they passed on through the generations, andextraterrestrial intervention, was both positive and negative. There was thecivilisation called Sumer in Mesopotamia (now Iraq), which developed alongside the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Sumer is believed to have originated from around6000BC, although such figures must be treated as only estimates. This would laterbecome part of the Babylonian Empire, which greatly influenced the beliefs ofJudaism and, through that, Christianity, as did the Egyptian civilisation. You canread the detailed history of all this in The Robots’ Rebellion.A contact who has worked on the ‘inside’ of government and security agenciesin the UK told me a story which relates both to Sumer and the themes of anextraterrestrial takeover. He says that in the 1960s the British intelligence agenciesproduced a secret report detailing claims of extraterrestrial sightings. This involvedinterviewing 1,800 people in Europe and Scandinavia who claimed to have seen aUFO, an extraterrestrial, or had contact with beings from another world. At thesame time, he says, similar surveys were being compiled in the United States, theSoviet Union, Australia and Japan. Eventually they pooled their findings and thismade available some 62,000 interviews with people across the globe. Firstly, thevast, vast majority of the stories told of positive, loving communications with theETs of various races. This is so different to the evil aliens stories we see in themedia. Secondly, about 75% of those interviewed all over the world apparently toldthe same basic story. They said that the ETs told them how a planet calledMelchedek had once existed in our solar system, but the Melchedekans had becomeobsessed with the material world and they destroyed their environment. In the endthey exploded so many nuclear devices during tests and conflicts that the planetbroke apart and itself exploded. The asteroid belt was said to be part of theremnants of Melchedek.According to the stories of the contactees in the survey, about 5,000 of theMelchedekan ‘elite’ escaped and landed on the Earth in the place we know asSumer, now Iraq. The Melchedekan race were described as.. .wait for it.. .blondhaired and blue eyed. The Aryan ‘Master Race’ described by Adolf Hitler. Thesewere the ‘gods’ described in the Sumerian tablets, this story goes, and as timepassed they used their advanced knowledge of genetics to create a new race ofEarth people – the white race we see today. This was symbolised by the story ofAdam and Eve and forbidding them to eat from the tree of knowledge wassymbolic of the plan to keep the Earth races ignorant of who they really were. Ineffect, a slave race was created and this has continued to the present day. Thecontactees said that it was the Melchedekans who became known as the Elohim inthe Biblical texts. I think this Fourth Dimensional force is known by many names.The original Earth people were the black, red, and other native peoples of theworld in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Australia – not the white race, thecontactees were told.There were two streams of Melchedekan ‘invaders’. Those who only interbredwith each other, thus keeping the blond haired, blue eyed genetic ‘purity’. These,the ET communicators said, were still living on the Earth, though mostly out ofsight underground. The others interbred with their newly created Earth races, butagain they sought, and still do, to keep this genetic stream as pure as possible byinterbreeding only within the family or within a small circle of similar genetic background. It was said that it is this genetic stream which overwhelmingly makeup the families of the ‘Illuminati’ that have manipulated the course of humanhistory since the time of Sumer. The manipulation has guided this planet along thesame destructive road that Melchedek experienced. Again according to theoverwhelming majority of the 62,000 interviewed, there are also five otherextraterrestrial races working on Earth today to help humanity break out of themental prison and remove the Melchedekan manipulation. One of these races isdescribed as about eleven feet tall, the giants of ancient legend, perhaps? Theyhave double hip joints, very large foreheads, blue eyes, a small gap in the facerather than what we would call a mouth, and very big feet. Make of all that whatyou will, but this could – could – be another expression of Fourth Dimensionalbeings operating on our frequency.It is certainly true that Sumer was the origin of so much that was to shapehuman culture and existence. The Christian belief in a Son of God and a Lamb ofGod dying so our sins could be forgiven can be found in Sumer, Babylon, andEgypt. The idea of a lamb dying to forgive the sins of humanity originates from theSumerian belief that if you literally sacrificed a lamb on the altar, it would removethe sins of the people involved. While I was writing this book, I saw a picture in anewspaper of an Orthodox Jew today, still waving a chicken around the head of ayoung girl, in the belief that the chicken would absorb her ‘sins’. Virgin mothers of’saviour’ figures abound throughout the ancient world and, indeed, can be found inthe beliefs of the native peoples of North, South, and Central America. The Biblestory of the Garden of Eden is mirrored in the much earlier Sumerian story of theGarden of Edinnu, and even the idea of the Sabbath can be found in the Sumerianday of rest, the Sabattu. The Jewish peoples were held in captivity in Babylon and,when they were freed by the Persians, they took many of the Babylonian stories andbeliefs back to Palestine. These found their way into the Old Testament of the Bibleand through that into the New Testament. Today’s religions are the recycling ofancient beliefs and symbolic stories which have been added to and twisted underthe guidance of the Prison Warder consciousness, until the original meaning hasbeen lost under an avalanche of myth and invention. So often when you investigatethe origin of the foundation stories of the religions, you find the same basic themeswith different names for the alleged heroes and villains. For the Christian version ofJesus, see also Bel (Sumer), Dionysus (Greece), Mithra (Persia and Rome), Osiris(Egypt), Quetzalcoatl (Central and South America), Krishna (India), and so on. Inthis way, the spiritual knowledge from which all religions originally derive, has, toa large extent, been destroyed in the public arena. This process has been essential tocontrolling the human race. You take information out of the public arena and pass iton secretly only to those who share your ambitions.The foundation of the manipulation of the world has always been the control ofknowledge. While the religions were using fear, guilt and imposition to sell thepeople a desperately narrow view of life and themselves, a secret networkdeveloped to pass on far more advanced knowledge to the privileged few. Evenwithin this vibratory prison, there is knowledge that remains hidden from most people. It does not compare with the knowledge available outside the prison, but itis still far in advance of that which humanity in general has been allowed to know.If you want to manipulate people, it is essential that you have knowledge whichthey don’t have. One of the first rules of control and manipulation is Don’t let yourvictims know what you know. I will call this ‘hidden’, suppressed understandingthe ‘esoteric knowledge’. The dictionary definition of esoteric is: of a philosophicaldoctrine meant only for the initiated, not generally intelligible; private,confidential. Sums it up perfectly. This knowledge has been kept from the mass ofthe people for reasons of manipulation and control. Hence, the knowledge hasindeed become ‘private, and confidential’.There is an unfolding global awakening, however, which will make theseunderstandings available to all who wish to hear, and the conspiracy to keephumanity in the spiritual dark will crumble and fall. It is already doing so. A keypart of this process is to reveal the nature of the deception and why it is beingperpetrated. The vehicle for keeping this knowledge from the public arena has beenthe system of initiations used by the ancient mystery schools and the now immensesecret society network all over the world, which I call the Brotherhood. Each higherlevel of initiate is given more knowledge than those below. This sets up a pyramidstructure, with the few who reach the top levels of initiation knowing far, far morethan the majority further down the ladder (see Figure 3). This makes it easy forthose few to manipulate the rest. The content of this esoteric knowledge relates toan understanding of the laws and potential of Creation which is far in advance of the ‘science’ we are allowed to see in the public arena, and of the knowledge of thehuman psyche, its nature, and how it can be programmed and controlled.The hoarding of such knowledge was not always done for negative reasons.When Christianity imposed its misguided and manipulative dogma throughoutmost of the known world, it was suicidal to speak of these alternative spiritualbeliefs in public. Not surprisingly, they were passed on in secret or hidden withinlegends and symbolic stories. Thank goodness they were! But knowledge is neutral.It is how you use it that is negative or positive. The spiritual knowledge can be usedand abused, and so can the secrecy inherent in the societies and mystery schoolswhich, particularly at their higher levels, know spiritual realities denied to mostpeople. In the same way that each higher level of initiate within the secret societiesknows more than those below them, so the Fourth Dimensional Prison Wardersensure that they know far more than even those human vehicles at the top of theglobal pyramid of manipulation. Today, at their higher levels, this network of secretsocieties and the knowledge it has inherited are being used, I believe, for almostentirely negative reasons, under the direction of its highest, controlling core: theGlobal Elite or simply the Elite. The members of this Elite are either directincarnations of the Fourth Dimensional Prison Warders or have their mindscontrolled by them. The aim of the Brotherhood and its interdimensional controllershas been to centralise power in the hands of a few. This process is very advancedand it is happening on a global scale thanks to modern technology. The game planis known as the Great Work of Ages or the New World Order, and it seeks tointroduce a world government to which all nations would be colonies; a worldcentral bank and currency; a world army; and a microchipped populationconnected to a global computer. What is happening today is the culmination of themanipulation which has been unfolding for thousands of years.The idea of passing on the knowledge through a series of secret initiations goesback at least to Atlantis, probably much further. A common theme of channelledinformation is that there was a sort of temple in Atlantis, where those considered tobe trustworthy would be given knowledge that the bulk of the population did nothave. When the civilisations that followed Atlantis began to emerge, they, too,continued to have initiations into different levels of the knowledge. Among theseorganisations were the Mystery Schools of Babylon, Egypt, and Greece, whichguarded their knowledge with enormous secrecy; the smallest violation of the oathof secrecy was punishable by death. From this foundation came today’s massivesecret society network. These mystery schools of initiation were inspired by thenegative elements of the Fourth Dimension, and have been supervised by themthrough the consciousness of the highest initiates, the adepts, since that time. In hisstudy Fragments Of A Faith Forgotten, Professor G. R. S. Mead says:A persistent tradition in connection with all the great Mystery institutions was that theirseveral founders were the introducers of all the arts of civilization; they were eitherthemselves gods or were instructed by gods – in brief, that they were men of far greaterknowledge than any who had come after; they were the teachers of infant races…It is said that these earliest teachers of humanity who founded the Mystery-institutionsas the most efficient means of giving infant humanity instructions in higher things, weresouls belonging to a more highly developed humanity than our own…In the earliesttimes, according to this view, the mysteries were conducted by those who had aknowledge of nature-powers which was the acquisition of a prior perfected humanity notnecessarily Earth-born and the wonders shown therein such that none of our humanitycould of themselves produce.1