This initiation structure was either negative from the start in its ambitions forhumanity, or it was later taken over by that consciousness. I feel the highlyinfluential Egyptian Brotherhood has been dominated by negative manipulation atleast since the end of the reign of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, who died around 1,362BC.He had moved the Egyptian court to a new city in Middle Egypt called El-Amarna,and there he built a Brotherhood Temple for the esoteric initiations. When he died,his successors moved the royal court back north to Thebes, but the Brotherhoodstayed at El-Amarna and broke away from the state. Through the centuries, othervehicles for communicating the knowledge emerged. Some, like the Cathars in thetwelfth and thirteenth centuries, were destroyed by the Catholic Church in the mosthorrific manner after spreading their influence over a wide area from their base inSouthern France. The Knights of the Temple (Knights Templar), who came toprominence about the same time as the Cathars, were dealt with equally severely byPapal ‘justice’. But the Templars went underground and their influence hascontinued up to the present day, both in their own right, and within other secretsocieties which are, after all, part of the same overall organisation. This period ofthe Cathars and the Crusades spawned many Brotherhood offshoots, whichcontinue to significantly influence events – secret societies like the KnightsHospitallers of St. John, known today as The Knights of Malta. Nor was this merelya phenomenon of the Christian and Jewish world. Similar secret societies werecreated within all cultures, and the Arab Brotherhood Grand Lodge in Cairo was tobecome a major manipulator of events.The aim of this negative Brotherhood structure is to persuade the mass of thepeople to believe any old nonsense while the manipulators keep for themselves theknowledge of the nature of life and Creation and how to exploit the power of themind, the Earth’s energy fields, and the global energy grid (the network of energylines known by different cultures as ley lines, meridians, and dragon lines). Buteven the privileged initiates did not retain the purity of the information throughthe centuries. To this day, they work with a twisted version of the knowledge,albeit still far more advanced in its understanding of the universal laws thananything you will find in the religions and establishment sciences that the rest ofus are asked to accept. The greatest misunderstanding of the negative Brotherhoodrelates to the power of love. The Prison Warder consciousness which controls theminds of those who manipulate the Brotherhood does not understand love. Itgenerates and feeds upon negative energy, and the more negative energy it canproduce and encourage humanity to produce, the more powerful it becomes. To this consciousness, love is like garlic to a vampire, and without love – the energyon which all Creation exists – knowledge will always be misused. Knowledgewithout love is the state of being which still controls the higher levels of theBrotherhood network, via its Global Elite. It is the intellect without the heart, youcould say, and without the balanced feminine.The symbols of the Brotherhood in ancient times remain those of theBrotherhood today – the pyramid and all-seeing eye, the swastika, the lamb, theapron, the obelisk and many others. The obelisk is symbolic of the penis of Osiris,the Egyptian god. The legend is that he was torn into pieces by the ‘evil’ Set(Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, et al.) and when Isis, the wife of Osiris, tried to put himback together again, she found all his missing parts, except you know what. Suchlegends are, I feel, symbolic of much more straightforward truths.The obelisk and Osiris’s penis in that story symbolise male energy, which hasdominated the world throughout recorded history. All of us, and Creation as awhole, are in search of balance and harmony between opposites – negative andpositive, male and female. These are the Yin and Yang-type forces of Chineseculture. When one of these forces dominates, there is an imbalance which manifestsas imbalanced behaviour. The transformation the planet is now going through isdesigned to bring such forces into harmony and balance so that all serve, but nonedominates. The suppression of female energy by the male has created a maledominated world and the ‘macho man’ is one of its offspring. This has not been byaccident, but by design – the Prison Warders’ design. Harmony and balance in allthings = wholeness. Wholeness = infinite potential. That’s the last thing the PrisonWarders want, because such people are impossible to control. Instead, they havesought to imbalance us. Disharmony and imbalance = division of self. Division ofself = limited potential.The two major imbalances within ourselves and the prison in general have beenthe negative dominating the positive and the male dominating the female. There isno greater manifestation of the male imbalance than what is seen in some of themajor religions and in the secret society network. The re-emergence of femaleenergy is crucial to the harmonising of the Earth, and by that, I don’t only mean there-emergence of women into areas of decision-making. I mean the reawakening offemale energy within the male form also, and a softening of the indoctrinated desireof so many men to dominate and to follow the macho man programming. This reemergence of female energy is symbolised as ‘the return of the goddess’.It is highly appropriate that the obelisk (the symbol of male energy) should be soimportant to the Brotherhood over the centuries, because it is, after all, abrotherhood, not a brother-and-sisterhood. The secret societies are almost entirelymale-dominated with women excluded from the knowledge and decision making.Look at the Freemasons as an example. It is a male preserve, with their wiveswheeled out for the annual dinner like a piece of decoration. Such a male-dominatedorganisation must by definition be imbalanced, and this one most certainly is. TheFreemasons have become one of the most important of the secret societies whichhave appeared since the ancient times, and they have based themselves on the structure and beliefs of the Brotherhood Mystery Schools, as have the others. I willrefer to this network as the cult of the All-Seeing Eye, the cult that worships theseFourth Dimensional “gods” or “masters”. It goes back to antiquity and this samestream of manipulation is behind the New World Order to this day. It is a fusion ofthe ancient esoteric beliefs which have emerged from Babylon, Egypt, and theHebrew Kabbala School. The higher levels of the Freemasons still worship a ‘God’called Jahbulon – Jah (Jehovah, Hebrew), Bul (Baal, Babylon), and On (Osiris, Egypt).Perhaps the most important achievement by this Global Elite-Brotherhood on thejourney to world domination has been the colonisation of America, a land it knewexisted long before it was officially ‘discovered’. Throughout known human history,there have been two levels of knowledge operating on this planet. One is madepublic for the mass of the people to see, most of which is flawed and manipulatedto control our thinking and the reality we create, while the other is known only tothe few, mostly in the Elite levels of the Brotherhood. The conventional story behindthe ‘discovery’ of the Americas is an example of this. The history books tell us thatChristopher Columbus made a guess in 1492 that the Earth was round or pearshaped and if he sailed west, he believed, he would eventually reach India and theFar East which had already been identified by Marco Polo. It is said that he’accidentally’ discovered what we call the West Indies and that he believed he hadfound India, to the day he died. We are further told that John Cabot and his son,Sebastian, both Venetians, set off from Bristol four years after Columbus had sailedfrom Spain; Cabot ‘discovered’ North America in 1497. No link is offered byconventional history between these two events. But when you look deeper there is apotential link: the knowledge held by the Brotherhood network, which had beenpassed on secretly since the time of Atlantis.The 33rd degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall, points out in his book, America’sAssignment With Destiny,2 that John Cabot’s real name was Giovanni Caboto. Hewas born in Genoa, the city where Colombus is said to have been born, and Cabotolater became a naturalised Venetian. It is suggested that he was involved with asecret Christian Brotherhood sect known as the Johannites, which was greatlyinfluenced by the esoteric doctrines of the Templars. Legends say he visited the socalled ‘Wise Men of the Near East’ – just as Colombus had done. Columbus had hisown Brotherhood connections. His father was a member of the Brotherhood branch,The Order of the Christ. Columbus himself was involved with a group whichfollowed the beliefs of the poet Dante, who was a member of the Cathar Churchand an initiate of the Knights Templar. Columbus was often seen wearing the garbof what was believed to be the Franciscan Order. Columbus’s son said his fatherhad died in such attire. The priests at the ancient Egyptian Brotherhood Temple atEl-Amarna wore a similar habit, as did a Brotherhood group called the Fraternitesat the time of Columbus. These are only some of his Brotherhood connections.Columbus’s father-in-law was a member of the Knights of Christ, the undercovername for the Knights Templar. When the Templars were purged across Europe, theysurvived in Portugal by changing their name to the Knights of Christ. They devotedthemselves to maritime activity. The explorer, Vasco de Gama, was a Knight of Christ, as was Prince Henry the Navigator, a Grand Master of the Order.Columbus’s father-in-law was one of Prince Henry’s captains, and inherited mapsand charts from him which Columbus used to ‘find’ the Americas. The red cross ona white background was the Templars symbol. It was outlawed by the Pope at thetime of the purge. Columbus’s ships sailed with the red cross on a whitebackground!3 His historic journey was funded by King Ferdinand of Aragon, Spainand Queen Isabella of Castile, Spain, whose marriage helped to unify Spain. Thesewere ‘Catholic’ monarchs funding a trip by a man flying the flag of the KnightsTemplar. More than that, other support came from Leonardo da Vinci and Lorenzode Medici, both high initiates of Brotherhood secret societies. Given thisbackground to Columbus and Caboto, it is hardly stretching the bounds ofcredibility to suggest that their ‘discovery’ of different parts of the Americas withinfour or five years of each other was no coincidence. Many of the early explorers andcolonisers were known to be members of Brotherhood societies. They knew whatthey were looking for because they had the maps and charts of the world passeddown over thousands of years by the Brotherhood, perhaps since Atlantis.In 1513, Piri Reis, an admiral in the navy of the Ottoman Turks, produced a mapshowing the land mass of Antarctica which then, as now, was covered by a milethick sheet of ice! Antarctica wasn’t even officially ‘discovered’ until 300 years afterthe map was compiled. The United States Airforce has confirmed that the mapagrees “very remarkably”4 with the results of the seismic profile produced by theSwedish-British Antarctic Expedition of 1949. This indicates, says the US airforce,that “the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice cap”.5 They saidthey had no idea how the data on the Piri Reis map can be reconciled with the stateof geographical knowledge in 1513. I can help them there. Piri Reis compiled hismap from maps and charts passed on through the higher levels of the Brotherhood.The evidence is mounting that far from being there for millions of years, the ice caphas only been there for maybe 6,000 years. The world was mapped before that dateby civilisations far in advance of what we have been told by conventional, doctoredhistory, which is designed to fool, not inform us. Columbus and Cabot found theAmericas for one simple reason. They knew what was there!Colonising the Americas and particularly North America seems to have been along-term aim of The Great Work of Ages or the New World Order. Sir FrancisBacon, the Grand Chancellor of England, was a Brotherhood member of high rankat the time of Elizabeth I and James I. He was a Grand Commander of theBrotherhood Order called the Rosicrucians, and very much involved in theunderground operations of the Knights Templar traditions. Bacon passed onknowledge secretly in codes contained in works like the Shakespearean plays,which he wrote himself. The evidence for this is very substantial and theShakespeare story is a myth. Sorry Stratford! Bacon used the network to encouragethe colonising of North America, not the least to stop the Spanish getting control ofit. More than that, however, he was working from the Brotherhood agenda. Peoplelike Sir Walter Raleigh were also in Bacon’s circle, along with other prominentnames in Elizabethan society. I stress that not everyone within the Brotherhood is of negative intent. Most arepersuaded by those even higher up the ladder that the Great Work is for the good ofall people. Most Brotherhood members have no idea of the despotism contained inthe real agenda which is known to only the tiny few. Indeed, the real agenda isknown only to the Prison Warders of the Fourth Dimension who have been thecommon link in the conspiracy over thousands of years.In his work, The New Atlantis, Bacon sets out his vision of a new world in whichthe power is exercised by a secret society, The Temple of Solomon. In Bacon’s vision,the privileged elite study the sciences in secret and act as an invisible government,deciding what the people should and should not be told. All this is remarkably likethe secret manipulation of events and information today. But then, it’s not soremarkable really, because the plan Bacon was working from in the sixteenth andseventeenth centuries is the same one that is being followed by the present dayBrotherhood. Some of them genuinely believe it is the best way to run the world,but, I most strongly suggest, they are fundamentally misguided because they do notappreciate how such a world can be easily manipulated by the few to the detrimentof all. Most importantly, they do not realise that the Prison Warders aremanipulating the whole thing, including them.Another significant name in this period was Dr John Dee, an adept (high initiate)and the official astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I. He was also her unofficial secretagent, and signed his reports 007.6 In a diary entry written in Prague in 1586, Deedescribes an encounter with a “little man” whose feet “seemed not to touch theground by a foot height, who moved in a little fiery cloud” and who went up intothe sky “in a great pillar of fire”. In Prague, Dee gave the Emperor Rudolph anillustrated manuscript, written in code and claimed to be the work of Roger Bacon,the thirteenth century Franciscan monk who upset the church authorities with hisviews and ideas. These included prophecies about the microscope, the telescope,the car, submarine, aeroplane, and the belief that the Earth was a sphere. All ofthese facts would have been transmitted from the Fourth Dimension. In 1912, thissame manuscript was bought by an American book dealer called Wilfrid Voynichand became known as the Voynich Manuscript. When he sent copies to the ‘experts’of the day, they said that most of the hundreds of plants illustrated did not grow onEarth. Some illustrations looked like tissue seen under a microscope and otherswere of star systems and constellations. The best code breakers available to UnitedStates intelligence in both the first and second world wars tried to decipher whatthey called “the most mysterious manuscript in the world”, but none could do it.A professor at the University of Pennsylvania called William Romaine Newboldclaimed to have decoded some of it in 1921. He said part of the text read:“In a concave mirror, I saw a star in the form of a snail between the navel of Pegasus,the girdle of Andromeda, and the head of Cassiopeia.”7What Roger Bacon describes in the manuscript that was acquired by John Dee isnow known to be accurate and the illustration he includes of the Andromeda nebula is also correct, but it is depicted from an angle which cannot be seen fromthe Earth! Dee was an adept and channeller of great renown and claimed tocommunicate with an ‘angel with a wand’, an extraterrestrial. The knowledge heldwithin the secret society network has always been far – often centuries – in advanceof what the mass of the people are allowed to know. The knowledge of the existenceof America and its long term place in the plan was well known to these Elizabethanadepts, as it was to those who guided Columbus and the Cabots, thanks to theFourth Dimensional manipulators.The first permanent English settlement in North America was established atJamestown, Virginia (named after Elizabeth the ‘virgin queen’), in 1607. Manymembers of the Francis Bacon family were among the early settlers. From that pointon, the native culture of North America was doomed, as was that of South andCentral America once the Spanish and Portuguese arrived. The way the nativepeoples were slaughtered without mercy and their cultures destroyed withoutrespect or compassion was one of the most appalling episodes in all of humanhistory. Thousands of settlers sailed west from Europe to escape religiouspersecution after the Brotherhood-engineered Reformation divided the ChristianChurch into Protestants and Catholics. This created division and conflict andweakened the power of the Pope. But when the persecuted peoples arrived inAmerica, they often proceeded to persecute the native population and theimmigrants of other religious beliefs in the same merciless way that they themselveshad been treated.The land they occupied, now called the United States, was and is a key weaponin the Brotherhood’s long term plan for world domination. The Masonic societieswent through a massive change and expansion after the English Civil War andespecially in the early 1700s. Up to that point, only people who worked byprofession as masons or building craftsmen could be members. Now it becameopen to all and Freemasonary or Speculative Masonry was born. It is likely thatFrancis Bacon was a force behind this transformation. The centre of the Freemasonicnetwork that now expanded rapidly was a new Grand Lodge (launched in Londonin 1717) which became known as the Mother Grand Lodge of the World. It was acentre of Freemasonic manipulation, encouraging other lodges to be set upthroughout Europe, the British Empire, and the Americas. Many other versions ofFreemasonry were introduced, including the York Rite and the Scottish Rite ofMichael Ramsey (which was based on the Knights Templar system). The ScottishRite has 33 degrees of initiation and today has enormous influence in the politics,economics, military, and security services of Britain, Europe, the United States, andmany other countries. New York was named after the York Rite of Freemasonry.The Brotherhood plan was for the establishment of an independent United Statesof America – independent of the British government, that is, not independent of theBrotherhood. Encouraged by the Mother Grand Lodge in London, the Freemasoniclodges in the colonies of America began to plot and agitate against British rule. Aneconomic crisis was engineered, not least through war between Britain and theFrench. As part of their desperation for income, the British government imposed higher taxation and duties on the American colonies. It was an operation createdand coordinated by the Global Elite which has been repeated over and over again.The network in Britain, as in every other country, includes key bankers, manypoliticians, and, more importantly, their political advisers. They secretly engineeredevents which caused an economic crisis in Britain. They then advised the Britishgovernment that the only way out of trouble was to levy higher taxation on theAmerican colonies. At the same time, the American arm of the Brotherhood wasbeing directed to whip up hostility against this action and turn that anger intodemands for independence from Britain. It appears on the surface – and in thehistory books – as Britain versus the American colonies. In fact, the same networkwas manipulating both sides. This is how all the major wars and revolutions havebeen created, as we shall see. This strategy was described very well by P. Sedir inhis Histoire et doctrine des Rose-Croix, published in Paris in 1910:“Unable to control destinies on Earth openly because governments would resist, thismystic alliance can act only through secret societies.. .These, gradually created as theneed for them arises, are divided into distinct groups, groups seemingly in opposition,sometimes advocating the most contradictory policies in religion, politics, economics,and literature; but they are all connected, all directed by the invisible centre that hidesits power as it thus seeks to move all the sceptres of the Earth.”The opposition by the American colonies led the British government towithdraw the new taxes, except for those on tea, but the Brotherhood was not goingto let the anger subside. Members of the St. Andrews Freemasons Lodge in Boston,led by the Junior Warden, Paul Revere, dressed up as native American ‘Indians’ andthrew tea chests into the harbour to protest at the tax on tea. The Boston Tea Party,as it became known, was hatched during a supper at the home of the Bradleebrothers, who were both members of the St. Andrews Lodge.8 The momentum for awar of independence gathered strength until it was unstoppable.The leading revolutionaries and those who signed the Declaration ofIndependence in 1776 were almost all Freemasons. George Washington, thetriumphant Commander-in-Chief of the American armies and the first president ofthe United States of America, was a high ranking Freemason and all but two of hisbrigadier generals in the war were Masons. Top Freemason and Freemasonichistorian, Manly P. Hall, says that of the fifty-six men who signed the Declaration ofIndependence, nearly fifty were known to be Freemasons and only one was knownnot to be.9 Another researcher, Enrique De Vincente, says that fifty-three of thesignatories were Freemasons and that seventeen presidents, beginning withWashington, have been members of the Order. The second president, John Adams,belonged to a secret society known as The Dragons, named after the magneticenergy lines in the Earth’s energy grid. He studied the sacred geometry contained inthe energy grid and knew how to harness the power it contained.10One of the leading revolutionaries and founding fathers of the United States wasBenjamin Franklin, the first Grand Master of the Freemasons of Pennsylvania. He became a friend of Sir FrancisDashwood, the Chancellor of theBritish Treasury, and founder ofthe secret society called the Clubof Hell’s Fire. Franklin became amember along with the Mayor ofLondon, the son of theArchbishop of Canterbury, andthe Prince of Wales. He travelledto France to canvass successfullyfor the support of the FrenchFreemasons for the AmericanRevolution, and he also securedthe services of the GermanFreemason, Baron von Streube,who served in the army ofFrederick the Great of Prussia.The baron was to play a majorpart in the colonists’ victory overthe British. Franklin’sconnections with the FrenchBrotherhood were very close andhe became a high rankingmember of the Lodges of SanJuan and the Nine Sisters which,in league with the Grand Orient Lodge in Paris, would trigger the FrenchRevolution of 1789. Franklin was made Grand Master of the Nine Sisters. One of thecentral revolutionaries in France, the Marquis de Lafayette, was a friend of Franklinand supported him and the colonists during the American Revolution.Freemasons manipulated and won the War of Independence and then tookcontrol of the new United States of America. They, and other Brotherhood groups,have never conceded that control to this day. How appropriate, then, that when thefounding fathers commissioned a design for the Great Seal of the United States, itincluded the classic Brotherhood (Prison Warder) symbols which go back toancient Egypt and beyond, including the pyramid and all-seeing eye. Above andbelow this symbol are two Latin phrases, Annuit Coeptis and Novus OrdoSeclorum. These translate as “Announcing the birth, creation, or arrival” of “ANew Order of Ages”. In other words, announcing the creation of the New WorldOrder. The founding of the United States was a massive step forward in the planfor centralised global power. Today this part of the seal can be found on everydollar bill (see Figure 4), and again this is very appropriate, given that the Elitecontrols the American economy and everyone else’s. The decision to put thePyramid/New World Order symbol on the dollar was made by the 33rd degreeFreemason, Franklin D. Roosevelt, in 1935, with the full support and encouragement of his vice president, Henry Wallace, another 33rd degree Mason.11Mr Roosevelt will be making many appearances in the text of the next fewchapters. The American flag, the Stars and Stripes, was also designed to reflectBrotherhood symbolism and the Statue of Liberty was given to AmericanFreemasons by the French Grand Orient (Illuminati) Masonic Order.12While ties were ‘officially’ severed between Britain and the United States afterthe war, those between the American Brotherhood societies and ruling families andtheir brethren in Britain and Europe grew still stronger, through the secret network.Again, I am not suggesting that everyone involved in the fight for Americanindependence was negatively motivated, nor that all in the Brotherhood lodges areof a similar state of mind. Most would have been persuaded they were doing theright thing and in many ways they were. Often it is not the act, but the motivationbehind the act that we need to watch. One country owning and controlling anotheris quite wrong, in my view. But we need to look at the wider agenda and motivationbehind a course of action and look very carefully at what the proposed alternativewill be. Control of America by a British monarch and government being replaced bycontrol of America by a secret Brotherhood hardly advances human freedom, but -and here’s the point to remember – such a transfer of power and control can be (andinvariably is) justified under the banner of expanding human freedom. TheAmerican War of Independence was the first in a series of ‘people’s revolutions’,created and financed by the Brotherhood. The plan was to end the power of themonarchs. I do not oppose this if it is done peacefully and with genuine popularsupport. But instead of ‘power to the people’, the monarchs were replaced by otherdictatorships, called revolutionary committees, communists, fascists or, more subtly,by the illusion of ‘democracy’, which in reality was and is rule by the Elite.Let us summarise where we are. A pyramidal structure of human beings hasbeen created under the influence and design of the negative manipulators on theFourth Dimension, the Prison Warders. They control the human clique at the top ofthe pyramid, which I have dubbed the Global Elite. These, in turn, manipulate thelower levels of the network, within which you will find most of the major nationaland global decision-makers in politics, banking, industry, commerce, the media, themilitary, etc. The Prison Warders manipulate the Elite, the Elite manipulate theBrotherhood network, and the Brotherhood network manipulates the world. Eachlower level doesn’t know what the level above knows, and none of them knowswhat the Prison Warders know. It is a manipulators’ paradise, with most peoplewithin it not knowing what they are part of or what the final goal will be.You could describe it symbolically as the clear-sighted (ETs) manipulating thepartially-sighted (Global Elite/Brotherhood), who then manipulate the blind (themass of humanity). With the United States now created and in Brotherhood hands,the control of the world could be advanced even more quickly than before.
1 Professor G.R.S. Mead, Fragments Of A Faith Forgotten (The Theosophical Publishing
Society, London, 1906)
2 Manly P. Hall, America’s Assignment With Destiny: The Adepts In The Western Esoteric
Tradition, Part Five (Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles, 1979) p58
3 It is interesting to look at where the symbol of the red cross is used today. Not all of them
will be signs of Templar control, maybe, but many certainly will
4 Letter by Lt. Colonel Harold Z. Onlmeyer, Commander, 8 Reconnaissance Technical
Squadron (SAC), United States Airforce, Westover Airforce Base, Massachusetts, to
Professor Charles H. Hapgood, of Keene College, New Hampshire, on July 6th, 1960.
Quoted by Graham Hancock in Fingerprints Of The Gods (Heinemann, London, 1995) p3
5 Ibid
6 Extra-Terrestrials Among Us, p76
7 Extra-Terrestrials Among Us, p80
8 America’s Assignment With Destiny, p95
9 Ibid p96
10 Enrique De Vincente, “The Occult Roots of the New World Order”, Exposure magazine,
(1993) Vol. 1, No. 2, plO
11 “The Occult Roots Of The New World Order”, plO
12 Jan Van Helsing, Secret Societies And Their Part In The 20th Century (Ewertverlag, Grand
Canada, Spain, 1995) p215