The plan for the New World Order and global control moved into a new phasewith the emergence of ‘funny money’. This is the process by which banks lendmoney that doesn’t exist (credit) and charge you interest on it! If I gave yousomething that doesn’t exist and asked you to pay me for it, you might considercalling the police. If I gave you something that doesn’t exist and said that if youdon’t pay me for it I will take you to court and take your property away, you mightsay we lived in a fascist state. Yet what I have just described is the banking systemof the world and the means through which both people and governments aredrowning in debt. And what does debt equal? Control.Among the first bankers in the Western world were the Knights Templar. Theywere given enormous riches by Christians supporting the crusades and by legaciesfrom people who were often hoping to buy a place in heaven. They were thewealthiest organisation in every country in which they established themselves, andtheir temples in Paris and London became financial centres. Eventually, King PhilipIV of France, in league with Pope Clement V, destroyed the Templars and stole theirfortune to pay debts and, as I outlined in The Robots’ Rebellion, possibly for otherreasons, too. The Templars’ Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, was burned at thestake and the Order then went underground to work and plot secretly within otherorganisations. The Christian world had a strict ban on usury (the charging ofinterest on loans) but as the centuries passed this was forgotten, and the bankingsystem which today controls humanity began to develop.The currency of that time was precious metals (such as gold and silver) and, forsafety reasons, the owners began to deposit their wealth with the goldsmiths, whohad suitable strong rooms to ensure its safekeeping. The goldsmiths would issuepaper receipts for the gold and silver deposited with them, and the owners wouldpay their debts by withdrawing portions of their ‘deposits’, as necessary. It wasobviously an unwieldly process to move all those metals around and the paperreceipts slowly became accepted as currency. The gold and silver were rarelymoved, but the ownership of it changed with the issuing of receipts (‘money’) topay off debts. In the same way today, vast fortunes are made by simply movingnumbers between one computer file and another.The goldsmiths and other owners of the strong rooms began to realise that, atany one time, only a fraction of the gold and silver was being withdrawn by theowners. So, they thought, why don’t we issue notes (money) to other peoplewho don’t own the gold and charge them interest on the notes? The only way the ruse could fail was if they issued too many notes and everyone came along at thesame time to cash them in for gold and silver. They began to issue notes for theownership of the gold and silver greatly in excess of the amount of gold and silverthey had deposited in their vaults. Most of the notes they lent (and earned intereston) were related to gold and silver which the ‘banks’ did not even have. But sinceonly a small amount of the metals was being withdrawn at any one time, they werein the clear. They could issue lots of bits of paper for gold and silver that didn’t existand charge interest for doing so! There, in one sentence, you have a description oftoday’s banking system, which controls the world.People and governments are submerged in debt and desperately trying to payinterest on money that has never, does not, and will never exist. It is reckoned thaton average, for every £1,000 a bank receives from customers, it lends (and chargesinterest upon) at least £10,000! It is able to do this through a fractional reservesystem, which means they only have to keep a fraction (say, one-tenth) of their totaldeposits in the bank, or ‘reserve’. They count on it not being called for (demanded)by its customers all at the same time. In most countries where banks are regulated,there are rules or laws which allow a bank to shut its doors if too many people wanttheir money out at the same time. The bank creates this money out of thin air bytyping numbers onto a computer screen. A large slice of your taxes goes to thebanks to pay interest on money created in this way when those taxes could be usedto ease poverty and hunger, and create greater opportunity. Indeed, if the moneysystem was restructured to serve people and not banks, there is a good case forsaying that all taxation could end.The con-trick is completed by the fact that if you fall behind in your interestpayments on money that doesn’t exist, the bank can take away your car, your house,and other property – wealth that does exist. Remember, too, that while you areborrowing a certain figure from the bank, you are paying back more than that, withthe interest. Where does that interest come from? It comes from the wealth and creditin the world. So with every loan paid back to a bank since this system began, theinterest payments have been sucking the wealth and money of the world into thebanking system. With each loan repayment, the control of that system isstrengthened. This allows the banking system, controlled by the Global Elite, to lendeven greater sums of non-existent money and submerge even more people in debt.The eighteenth century saw a major leap forward for the Global Elite/Brotherhood ambitions as this banking system expanded, especially with theemergence and rapid rise to dominance of the House of Rothschild. Feworganisations in modern times have served Brotherhood ambitions more than thisone. This name will appear on so many occasions in the first half of the book (as Iexplain how the Prison Warders manifest their control on the physical level), that Ishould fill in a little Rothschild history here.Mayer Amschel Bauer (later Rothschild) was born in 1743 in Frankfurt,Germany. He married Gutle Schnaper in 1770 and they had a large family of fiveboys and five girls. He was educated to be a rabbi, but he later worked briefly forthe Oppenheimer bank in Hanover and then became a money lender who acted as an agent for William IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel. In 1785, William inherited thelargest family fortune in Europe, estimated at some $40 million.1 Some of this wasaccumulated by hiring out troops to Britain to fight in the Brotherhood-engineeredAmerican War of Independence.The Rothschild Empire was built on money embezzled by Mayer Amschel fromWilliam, who had in turn stolen it from the soldiers he had hired out to the British.The money, perhaps around $3 million, was paid by the British government toWilliam to pay the soldiers, but he kept it for himself.2 William gave this money toRothschild to hide it from Napoleon’s armies, but instead Rothschild sent it toEngland with his son Nathan to establish the London branch of the family’s empire.Nathan used the money to buy a vast quantity of gold from the East IndiaCompany and he used this gold to finance the Duke of Wellington’s militaryexploits. Nathan manipulated the situation in such a way that this became theorigin of the enormous Rothschild fortune. We should remember that money, likeeverything, is an energy. It can be used for positive and negative purposes and itwill carry the energy of the ‘intent’ behind it. To have the House of Rothschild builton money which was embezzled from an embezzler meant that the empire wasbuilt from the start on negative energy.On the back of Nathan’s financial coup, branches of the House of Rothschildwere established in Berlin, Paris, Vienna, and Naples. Mayer’s sons were each putin charge of one of them. Today the Rothschild holdings are reported to be held inthe Five Arrows Fund of Curacao and the Five Arrows Corporation of Toronto,Canada. The name comes from the Rothchild symbol of an eagle with five arrows inits talons, signifying the five sons.3 The fortune expanded by colossal leaps as theRothschilds manipulated governments and worked through the Brotherhoodnetwork to create wars and revolutions, often lending money to both sides in theensuing conflicts. You will see that this was to become a standard practice for thebanking elite. It is easy to create conflict and war; you only need to control adictator or government, ensure that they have the means to build up a powerfularmy, and then encourage or instruct them to invade other countries. Thosecountries will, understandably, defend themselves and presto! you have a war.I have heard it said that no-one gains from wars, but that’s not quite correct. Thebankers win every time – in the short term. They lend money that doesn’t exist tofinance both sides and make massive profits on the interest. They also control thearms manufacturers with whom the two sides spend the funny money which thebankers have loaned. In this way they get their loans back through their armamentcompanies while still charging interest on the original loan to the governments.Then, when the two or more countries have devastated each other with the help ofmoney provided by the banks, those same banks lend them more money thatdoesn’t exist to rebuild their shattered nations and infrastructure. This produceseven more profits for the banks and, through debt, gives them control of thosecountries and their peoples. The Rothschild empire quickly became highly skilled insuch manipulation, as did those in America like J.R Morgan, the Rockefeller empire,and many others who, when you look behind the front organisations and smokescreens, are controlled by the same few families and individuals. There isevidence to suggest that in fact the House of Rothschild was behind both of thesegreat American business and banking empires, a demonstration of the Rothschilds’brilliance for hiding the extent of their power and control behind frontmen andorganisations.But the bankers cannot do all this alone. They need the help of the Brotherhoodnetwork to manipulate the circumstances in which conflicts will break out. TheRothschilds have long been enthusiastic Freemasons and Napoleon Bonaparte wassurrounded by Freemasons who advised him on his policies and expansionism.They persuaded him at one time to invade Egypt and ransack ancient sites forknowledge and artifacts held to be sacred to Freemasonic ritual and legend.Napoleon brought a massive Egyptian obelisk back to Paris as part of this burglary.British Freemasons persuaded their government to do the same and the result wasthe theft of the Egyptian obelisk known as Cleopatra’s Needle, which still stands inLondon. Napoleon’s escapades were well exploited by the Brotherhood and theirbankers. In his book, The Rothschilds, historian John Reeves tells how NathanRothschild witnessed the result of the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 and saw thatWellington had beaten the Napoleonic armies. Nathan then raced as fast as possiblefor the English Channel and the London Stock Exchange. There, looking dirty,panic-stricken and dejected, he announced that Wellington had been defeated. Hegave more credence to this by selling some of his stocks at ridiculously low prices.This started a panic on the market with everyone desperately trying to sell atwhatever price they could get. Secretly, Nathan and the House of Rothschild werebuying these stocks for next to nothing. At that time, with no telephone ortelegraphs it took several days for the news to filter back to London that Wellingtonhad in fact won. The Stockmarket immediately rebounded and surged upwards.Nathan proceeded to sell the stocks he had secretly acquired and reaped massiveprofits. This same basic method has been used ever since and is still used today tomanipulate financial markets. Stock Market panics are not random. They areengineered to the detriment of everyone, except those who create them. Theapproach of the Rothschild Empire was summed up by Mayer Amschel when hesaid: Give me control of a nation’s currency and I care not who makes the laws.4Nathan Rothschild took the Rothschild fortune and influence to new levels. Heboasted that he multiplied their capital 2,500 times in the course of five years.5 Heestablished the private banking concern N.M. Rothschild and Sons in London withbranches in Paris, Berlin, Vienna, and Naples. Its purpose was to operate on thestock exchanges and make loans to governments and others. It became the agentand manager for banks, railways, arms manufacturers, and corporations of allkinds. From this came branches of the company which were given many differentnames to hide the extent of Rothschild influence, power, and infiltration. This isvery much how the financial system operates today, with a few at the centre usingendless different fronts and names for the same organisation. Just look at the namesabove the shops in the average city centre; if you look at who actually owns them,you will find it is the same few groups. You also find this with the apparently different soap powders and other products in the supermarkets. In America, theRothschild empire was represented by companies like Kuhn, Loeb, and Co and it islikely, according to some researchers, that US companies such as J.P. Morgan,Speyer, and Lehman, were also controlled or greatly influenced by the Rothschilds.The British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, was very close to the Rothschildfamily. They lent his government £4 million to buy a controlling stake in the SuezCanal in 1875. Disraeli’s novel, Coningsby, is clearly based on the family’s story. Thecharacter, Sidonia, in this extract, is really Nathan Rothschild:He arrived here London after the peace of Paris with his large capital. He staked allthat he was worth on the Waterloo loan and the event made him one of the greatestcapitalists in Europe…He reaped the due reward of his sagacity. Europe did requiremoney and Sidonia Nathan was ready to lend it to Europe. France wanted some,Austria more, Prussia a little, Russia a few million; Sidonia could furnish them all. Theonly country he avoided was Spain; he was too well acquainted with its resources….He established a brother or near relative in whom he could confide, in most of theprincipal capitals. He was lord and master of the money markets of the world and ofcourse virtually lord and master of everything else. He literally held the revenues ofSouthern Italy in pawn and monarchs and ministers in all countries courted his adviceand were guided by his suggestions.Or as the historian, John Reeves, put it in his work, The Rothschilds:Little could Mayer Amschel have anticipated that his sons would in after years come toexercise such an unbounded sway that the peace of nations would depend upon theirnod; that the powerful control they exercised on the European money markets wouldenable them to pose as the arbiters of peace and war, since they could at theirpleasure withhold or furnish the percuniary means required to carry on a campaign.But this, incredible as it may seem, was what their vast influence, combined with theirenormous wealth and unlimited credit, enabled them to do, for no firms existed strongenough to oppose them for any length of time, or rash enough to take up a businesswhich the Rothschilds had refused. To reach this exalted position, Mayer Amschel andhis sons required the cooperation of the states, but, when once he had climbed overtheir backs and reached the height of his ambition, he was independent of all aid andcould act with the greatest freedom, whilst the states remained in a suppliant attitudeat his feet.6The extent of Rothschild influence by now can hardly be overstated. WhenNathan died, his eldest son, Lionel, took his place as the head of N. M. Rothschild.Lionel advanced massive loans to the British and American governments andothers such as the Egyptians. This included a loan of around $80 million to Britainto finance the (Elite-engineered) Crimean War in which tens of thousands died. Lionel also acted as agent to the Russian government for twenty years.7 He wassucceeded by his eldest son, Nathan Mayer, who became the first Lord Rothschildwhen he was raised to the peerage and took his seat in the British House of Lords in1885. The first Lord Rothschild went on to become the governor of the Bank ofEngland, with untold power to influence the world financial system. The ‘Old Ladyof Threadneedle Street’ (as the Bank of England is called) has always been, andremains, an arm of the Global Elite. The Rothschild representatives across the worldcontinued to manipulate events to expand their power and to serve a longer-termagenda which mirrored that of the Brotherhood: world domination.I stress here that to highlight the part played by the Rothschilds is not to castaspersions on Jewish people as a whole, the vast majority of whom have no ideawhat is happening and certainly would not support it if they did know. Many of themembers of families I will name, like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others, donot know the game plan, either. It is those who control those empires that I amseeking to expose, not everyone whose name is Rothschild, Rockefeller, orwhatever. I believe that researchers over the years who have blamed the entireconspiracy on the Jewish people as a whole are seriously misguided; similarly, forJewish organisations to deny that any Jewish person is working for the New WorldOrder conspiracy is equally naive and allowing dogma or worse to blind them toreality. We are looking at a common thread – a lust for power and the All-SeeingEye cult – which goes across all races and, in my view, is connected – sometimesknowingly but mostly unknowingly – to a higher controlling force: the PrisonWarders of the Fourth Dimension.A Global Elite banking network was created with central banks in each countryworking together to manipulate the system across Europe and the United States.This would later be coordinated from the Bank of International Settlements in Basle,Switzerland, and a thirteen-man elite on the International Banking Commission inGeneva, Switzerland. You’ll note that Switzerland is always left alone when Europegoes to war. This is why. It is the Global Elite financial centre. The idea of a centralbank in each country was another Elite inspiration. The first was the Bank ofAmsterdam in 1609 and then followed the Bank of Hamburg (1619) and the Bank ofSweden (1661), chartered by the descendants of bankers in Genoa and Venice. Theseincluded the Warburgs of Hamburg, who descended from the Abraham del Bancofamily, the biggest bankers in Venice. The manipulators behind the Bank ofAmsterdam were also behind the Dutch8 William of Orange who took the Britishthrone in 1689, a feat achieved by the manoeuvrings of the secret society called theOrange Order. The Bank of England soon followed, under the charter granted byWilliam in 1694. Some researchers claim that all European monarchs have aconnection back to William.9 Resistance to the bank from members of Parliamentwas overcome when William took Britain into a costly war with the French. Theneed to raise money made the opposition succumb to the pressure to introduce thebank, which began to lend money which didn’t exist to the British government. Thefantastic profits it made as a result came from the pockets of the people throughincome tax, and the exploitation of even poorer people throughout the British Empire. The institution known as the National Debt (to the banks) was born. TheRoyal Prerogative for minting money was handed over to a committee which wasalso given the power to convert the basis of the country’s wealth to gold, which theElite controlled.A leading part of the Global Elite at the top of the human pyramid is the groupknown as the Black Nobility, from where families like the Warburgs of Hamburgdescended. These were at the forefront of the plan to put William of Orange on theBritish Throne and the creation of the money system as we know it. They originatefrom the Guelphs, also called the Neri, or Black Guelphs, and now the BlackNobility.10 They were the force behind the Normans, who conquered England in theBattle of Hastings, led by William the Conqueror in 1066. Later, when based inGenoa, Italy, the Black Nobility supported Robert Bruce in his conquest of Scotlandand it was this same genetic line and secret society which ensured that William ofOrange became King of England, Scotland and Ireland.11 Through William, theBlack Nobility created the Bank of England and the notorious East India Companyrapidly expanded to capture Asia and the Far East for the British (Global Elite) andto become the biggest drug running operation the world had yet seen. The politicaland economic union of England and Scotland was designed to force Scotland intothis spider’s web of money lending and control. We have a United Kingdom allright – united in its subservience to the manipulated money system controlled bythe few. The Elite bankers were now manipulating with ever greater influenceacross the world. They were involved in the American Civil War, in which theyfinanced both sides. The London Rothschilds funded the North while the ParisRothschilds funded the South.12 President Abraham Lincoln also printed interestfree money, called ‘Greenbacks’, to reduce the level of debt his government wouldface. This was potentially disastrous for the banks. If this had continued after thewar and spread to other countries, the banks and the Elite would have lost theirpower. Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, an agent of the House ofRothschild, according to some researchers.13 After Lincoln’s death, the printing ofgreenbacks was ended.The efforts to form a central banking system in the United States were alwayshighly controversial. Against opposition from two of the founding fathers, ThomasJefferson and James Madison, the first US Central Bank was introduced, thanks tothe manipulation of one of their colleagues, Alexander Hamilton, who ran the Bankof New York. He was secretly backed by the Bank of England and the RothschildEmpire, which were, in truth, one and the same. When George Washington, a highranking Freemason, became President in 1789, he made Hamilton the Secretary tothe Treasury. Within two years, Hamilton had secured his ambition with thecreation of the US Central Bank, the Bank of the United States. As with the Bank ofEngland, this was a private bank which now controlled the American economy. Thebank caused mayhem, and riots erupted from the consequences of its policies. Inthe 1830s, President Andrew Jackson had the courage to take on the power of theBank of the United States and he won. The first US Central Bank was no more.Another, however, was not long in coming. In the early years of this century, the Elite was plotting to retake control of the USeconomy even more completely than before. They wanted two things: a new centralbank with control over the nation’s borrowing and the introduction of a federalincome tax to give them control of the government’s income. Again there wasserious opposition to this, but in classic ‘black-is-white’ fashion, they tricked theAmerican Congress and people. First, the Elite supported the election of PresidentWoodrow Wilson in 1909.