There is an aspect to Virgo North Node people that is veryintroverted and introspective. When they feel anxiety, they turninward for solace and understanding. Unfortunately, they have noexternal checks to this inner process, and there’s no end to theanxiety, doubt, and suspicion that they can access. These peoplealso have a tendency to go off by themselves and look back overtheir lives to see where they “went wrong.” But this can lead to atremendous feeling of failure totally out of proportion to the facts.When they retreat and reflect, they are trying to understand things;but this practice simply does not work for them. They need to avoidself-doubt at all costs.One of the worst things Virgo North Node people can do is doubtthe purity of their goal. By the time they have gotten a clear pictureof their objective, they have already run it through a rigorousprocess in their own mind to make sure it has a pure motive, isharmless, and will be of service to others. In this lifetime they arefinding out how their vision can work on the practical level. It ishealthy for them to use a process of trial and error, as this helpsthem discover what makes things work in the material realm.These folks cling to the idea that when they encounter chaos, theycan work it out and rise above it inwardly, and the situation willresolve itself outwardly. This creates frustration for those who areanticipating that the Virgo North Node person will become activelyinvolved in solving the problem. They don’t understand when thesefolks remove themselves. It also creates frustration for people withthis nodal position, as they feel misunderstood and don’tcomprehend why their system isn’t working. However, in thislifetime they aren’t able to resolve their problems by turninginward. From an astrological point of view, resolution must comethrough external action.Virgo North Node people also tend to invalidate themselves withfeelings of inadequacy, which can really lead to a downward spiral.Sometimes they intuitively “pick up” a problem in advance, or feelanxious about their relationship with a person or the outcome of asituation, but don’t know why. If they focus on the anxiety, theyimagine all kinds of “worst-case scenarios” and begin to interpretouter events selectively, in ways that validate their paranoia. Then,to regain a sense of inner balance and fight back their fear, theybegin to doubt their intuitive response. Either way—using theirminds to validate or invalidate their fears—does not work. Whatdoes work is reaching outside themselves for more objectiveinformation.In fact, these folks’ intuitions are generally correct. For example,imagine that when they went to work they left a window open (adetail they didn’t consciously notice, but perhaps saw out of thecorner of their eye). Suddenly it starts to rain and they becomeirrationally anxious about home, visualizing a burglar breaking in ora fire starting. They are fearful about their home and don’t knowwhy. The solution is to return home, where they will probablynotice the open window and rain coming in. The situation aroundwhich they feel anxious is accurate; and when they check out thedetails objectively, they can see the problem in a way thatempowers them to resolve it, such as closing the window. Theyshould neither invalidate their Intuition nor indulge their fears, butrather physically face the situation and analyze the facts, seekingmore information if they need it.Virgo North Node people need to have more faith in what theywant to do—and faith, for them, is best built through action. Faith isa gift from their past lives. Through their experiences withsurrender and seeing the larger vision, they gained faith in themoment-to-moment unfolding of daily living. In this lifetime, theyknow innately that “all is well and everything is happening as itshould,” and they gain peace of mind and confidence fromremembering this.For example, I had a client with North Node in Virgo who losther job. She used anxiety to boost herself into action; although shehad three months to find another position, she immediately startedlooking. She found two positions and chose the one that fulfilled heridealistic picture of the ease of working in the suburbs instead of thecity. After ten days on the job, she realized she had made a mistakeand called to reapply for the first job. After much trouble andreluctance, they did accept her, but she was glad she went throughthe experience. “If I had immediately worked at the city clinic, Iwouldn’t have appreciated it. I would wonder if I would have beenhappier in the suburbs. This way, I know!” The ability to see howeverything is working in one’s ultimate favor is based on faith that“life is on my side and everything is unfolding in a way that canultimately lead to my greatest happiness.”
For Virgo North Node people, service is the antidote for internalsuffering. These people have a great sense of connectedness withhumankind and a deep compassion for the suffering of others. Evenwhen someone wrongs another person, they usually understand bothsides. They are innately nonjudgmental, and their hearts easilyresonate with the suffering of others.These folks are learning to act on their feelings of compassion.They have an inner knowledge that they are here to serve otherpeople; yet when they start to do it, they begin to waver. Wheninsecurities arise, they can remind themselves that their motive forhelping is pure—their only intentions are to be of service andrestore order. When they focus on the other person and what theycan do to help, they are filled with a calm confidence. To be happy,they always have to be “fixing” something. Volunteer work orhelping out friends and family makes them feel useful and fulfilled.It’s healthy for them to have lots of outer-directed activities.They are not usually motivated to help promote abstract ideas:ending world hunger, manifesting global peace, or supporting theenvironment. They are motivated to help people. When somebodysays: “I’m hungry” or “I’m having allergic reactions to my homeenvironment,” they can’t say no. When somebody enters theirpersonal space and touches them, their hearts well up with the joyof giving. But they need direct interaction to get their “helpingjuices” flowing.Sometimes Virgo North Node people focus their desire to help onthemselves. They may become self-absorbed, which can lead to anumber of problems. They might worry more about how somethingaffects them and not how it affects another person. For example, ifsomeone at the office gets angry, they might be more concernedabout “What are they trying to do to me?” rather than “What can Ido to help them feel better?” They assume that everyone elsealways knows what they’re doing, and they think: “I’m in theweaker position. Others have to bend over backwards for mebecause they’re smarter, stronger, and more worldly and shouldknow how sensitive I am.” However, the idea that they are “lessthan” others is not accurate. Actually, owing to many pastincarnations spent in self-purification, in many ways they are moretogether!Even if other people have a superior attitude, that doesn’t meanthey always know what they’re doing. Thus, when Virgo NorthNode people assume that others know how sensitive they are buthurt them anyway, this is not correct. In truth, most other people arenot as sensitive as these folks and are “rough” without realizing it.Virgo North Nodes need to stop focusing on themselves, and shifttheir concern to the other person. They should try to use theirabilities to improve the situation, since others need and welcometheir soothing, healing Virgo North Node energy.Sometimes these people reverse their “less than” perception andsee themselves as coming from a superior position. Then they feelthey have to bend over backwards for others. When they seethemselves as superior, they can afford to be kind; when they seethemselves as inferior, they expect other people to be kind. Yet bothpositions are extremes, and neither one truly works because bothhave “self” as the center instead of service.These folks are learning that they need to serve out ofcompassion and not out of duty. When they do things from feelingsof love, they generate a spiritual quality that is the connection to theuniverse that they long for. When they are acting out of duty,they’re doing it with their head; when they are acting out ofcompassion, it’s coming from their heart. If they have to think abouthelping another, something is wrong. The genuine desire to helpcomes spontaneously from knowing themselves and beingconnected with their feelings. This gives them insight into humannature, a familial bond with others, and a connection to allhumankind. When Virgo North Node people are in this spiritual,compassionate mode, incredible things happen to the people aroundthem that are magical and healing.
These folks are by nature very sensitive, vulnerable, caring,compassionate, and forgiving—and this does leave them open tobeing taken advantage of.In relationships, Virgo North Node people can gauge the rightpath by whether they lose or gain energy from an interaction. Otherpeople feel their compassion and are attracted to them like moths toa flame. They listen to others’ problems nonjudgmentally, withempathy, and then often find their own energy drained. The lessonis to be discriminating about who is really interested in findingsolutions and who is just looking for a shoulder to cry on. Theyneed to allow into their lives only those who are truly seekingproductive solutions. These folks will be good for Virgo NorthNode people, giving them confidence in their problem-solvingtalents—which they have in abundance in this lifetime. When theyshare their ideas with people who are really looking for solutions,everybody wins.However, when they allow people into their lives who are onlylooking for sympathy and whose conversation is a one-way list ofendless problems, these folks begin to lose energy and selfconfidence. The other person usually walks away feeling great(temporarily), but the Virgo North Node person may have incurredsuch an energy loss that he can barely drag himself to bed becausehe has not been successful in finding a productive solution. Thislessens his ability to help those who really are looking for solutions.Everyone loses when Virgo North Node people allow themselves tobe exploited in this way.Allowing their energy to be drained gives the message: “It’s okayto take advantage of another person by making him or her feelworse so that you can feel better.” When they do not allow thisabuse, they are giving the other person the opportunity to stop,examine his or her behavior, and learn to become more sensitive toothers.These people may have a secret motive in allowing themselves tobe abused. They have had many past lifetimes of suffering, selfabnegation, and pain, and they think that “no one really knows howmuch I’ve been through.” On an unconscious level they are lookingto have their suffering recognized, and may put up with otherpeople dumping problems on them because they are awaiting “theirturn” to talk about their distress and anxiety.However, others don’t generally “give back” by listening to them.And when they finally do find someone who will listen, it leadsthem into a bottomless pit of fear and anxiety. Moreover, they takethe other person with them. Indeed, dwelling on unresolvableproblems—either their own or someone else’s—is just notscheduled to work this lifetime. All the past-life feelings of pain,martyrdom, and suffering are best kept in Pandora’s box: Don’topen the lid!
In past lives, Virgo North Node people gained a lot ofunderstanding and love that they want to share. Thus, in thislifetime they need to focus, participate, and make their wisdomavailable to others. They are learning how to translate love intoservice—and how to reconnect with the feelings of boundless loveand compassion within themselves.They also have healing talents stemming from a tremendouspower of faith, once they tap into it. Not infrequently, miraculoushealing has occurred in their own lives. They truly understand thatphysical ailments have a deeper psychological basis or a higherspiritual dimension. Once they understand the “reason” behind theailment, often the healing occurs spontaneously. It is the power oftheir faith, combined with their perception of the bigger picture, thatprecipitates these cures. They make great nurses and doctors, astheir very presence can evoke faith in others.They are also “hands-on” healers. That’s why it’s best for them tobe physically involved in life, touching objects, pets, or people tohelp themselves get grounded. When they are fully present in thephysical realm, all their psychic, spiritual abilities can come forth.As they start healing people—staying in the moment andwatching the details of where the energy is going and how the otherperson is responding—their psyche opens and they see exactlywhere to put their hands for maximum effect. When they do thishealing work, they can tell where the other person is out of touchwith his or her inner energies. They long to activate those energiesso that the person can open to his or her own wholeness.Through deep introspection and self-examination, these peoplehave become truly nonjudgmental of others. They have a deepunderstanding of the common plight of humankind, knowing thateveryone is doing the best they can with the Light they have rightnow. This understanding gives them compassion and acceptance ofothers. However, these folks must learn to separate beingnonjudgmental in the moral realm from the necessity of practicaldiscrimination. Many times, out of compassion or an effort to bringabout healing, these folks withdraw and yield to the wills of moreassertive personalities.For example, I had a client with this nodal position who wasseverely harassed on her job for nine months. She was an assistantnurse and had a problem with one man at the hospital. She keptsilently sending him love, trying to heal the situation, but much toher surprise it didn’t do any good. She became so distressed that shedecided to quit the job she loved. Then one night the manthreatened her life, and she finally let someone know what had beengoing on. Eventually the man lost his job, but it cost my client ninemonths of severe distress.This is a perfect example of what does and does not work forVirgo North Node people. This woman allowed herself to bevictimized for nine months rather than actively participate to correctthe problem, silently sending the violator Light, compassion,understanding, and love. In past lives the method worked, but not inthis lifetime. Of course it’s always a good idea to send others Light,but what works for these folks is taking physical action to correctnegative circumstances.