At the highest level of the Elite’s human pyramid, I believe they do know thatthey are working with a Fourth Dimensional consciousness which has beenknown symbolically by many names (such as Satan, Set, Lucifer, the Devil, and -in this book – the Prison Warders). At this top level, they are knowingly interactingwith this force, which probably takes many forms. There is evidence that manypeople involved over the years have believed they were working for extraterrestrial’super men’. Some may have had face-to-face contact with a negative ET groupfrom the Fourth Dimension.To understand the true nature of the conspiracy, we need to appreciate its esotericfoundation. Esoteric knowledge, often called ‘the occult’, is not negative in or ofitself. It is just the knowledge of the potential to harness the energies of Creation forgood or ill, and the understanding of the human psyche and how it can be balanced,healed, or manipulated. It is not the knowledge that is good or bad; it is the way weuse it. People at the highest levels of the Elite-Illuminati-Brotherhood network areoften members of extreme sects based on ancient rites and Lucifer/Satan worship.Yes, Satanists run the world. If you infiltrated some of these bizarre gatherings, I amsure you would see some very famous faces. The security services such as the CIAand US Military Intelligence, are seriously infiltrated by sects that worship thesevarious names for the Prison Warder consciousness. Lieutenant-Colonel MichaelAquino, a senior officer within US Military Intelligence, formed the Temple of Set,but when this was made public, the authorities said they saw no problem. Duringthe Second World War, the Elite’s esoteric tradition was at work on both sides.President Roosevelt, who was a 33rd degree Freemason, also had the esotericname, the Knight of Pythias, and wore the red fez of the Ancient Arabic Order ofNobles of the Mystic Shrine. This organisation claimed to be connected with theIlluminati.1 Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister, was a Freemason and hadseveral meetings with the Satanist Aleister Crowley, another esoteric guru and ahigh initiate of many orders, including the Order of the Golden Dawn and theOrder of Oriental Templars (more on him later). Churchill’s meetings with Crowleydo not, of course, constitute proof that the British Prime Minister was a Satanist, butit does show that behind the scenes, esoteric knowledge in all of its forms is takenfar more seriously than it is in public. This was the case during Elizabethan timesand has been throughout human history.The two greatest creations of the black magicians in the twentieth century havebeen the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. If I take the example of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis you will get an idea of the mindset of those who control the Elite today.This story is not unique to Hitler’s Germany. Behind the public faces, its themescould be told again and again within regimes, both authoritarian and ‘democratic’,across the world. Germany has long been a centre for esoteric thinking and thesecret societies this knowledge seems to spawn. It was from this philosophicalstream that Hitler and his crazed followers would emerge. One of the pre-Hitler’prophets’ was the composer, Richard Wagner, in the nineteenth century. Hiscomposition, The Ride Of The Valkyries, captures his obsession with the invadingpowers of evil. Wagner declared the imminent arrival of the Master Race. His work,The Ring, was the musical expression of his belief in German supermen bestridingthe world stage like the ancient pagan gods Wotan and Thor. Hitler would later saythat to understand Nazi Germany, one had to know Wagner. One of the students ofmaster race fanatic Wagner was Gustav Mahler, whose studies with Wagner werefunded by Baron Albert de Rothschild.Adolf Hitler was officially born at Braunau-am-Inn, on the border of Germanyand the Austria-Hungary empire, but the amazing story of who he really was willbe told in a later book when I have compiled the evidence. The esoteric was tobecome a consuming passion for Hitler, especially in his rise to power. He wasstrongly influenced by the work of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, who was born inthe Ukraine in 1831. Some researchers claim she had connections with the secretsociety of Italian revolutionaries, the Carbonari, who were closely linked to theBlack Nobility, and she was a member of the Egyptian society, the Brotherhood ofLuxor, which she later denounced as “a den for disgusting immorality, greedinessfor selfish power, and money making”. Madame Blavatsky arrived in New York in1873 and, with the help of a Colonel Henry Olcott she founded the TheosophicalSociety two years later. This is still around today. Its doctrines are based onBlavatsky books such as Isis Unveiled, which was written in 1877, and The SecretDoctrine, published in 1888. She claimed to be in psychic contact with HiddenMasters or Supermen. These Hidden Masters, she said, lived in Central Asia andcould be contacted telepathically by those who knew the secrets to the esotericmysteries. Today we call this process of communication ‘channelling’. There aremany UFO sightings and much research which indicates that there are secretunderground and underwater bases for extraterrestrials around the world, CentralAsia among them. I am not saying that Blavatsky was negative, only that Hitlerwas influenced by her work.The belief in the Masters and the Great White Brotherhood of discarnate entitiespromoted by people like the Theosophical psychic of the post-Blavatsky period,Alice Bailey,2 is a theme that remains well entrenched in parts of what is knowntoday as the New Age Movement. Alice Bailey claimed to ‘channel’ an entity shecalled “The Tibetan” and she produced a number of books, including Hierarchy OfThe Masters, The Seven Rays, A New Group Of World Servers, and New World Religion.She said that her Tibetan Master had told her the Second World War was necessaryto defend the plan of God. That sounds ridiculous to me, but there are many in theNew Age field who believe that everything is meant to be and is the will of God, even a global holocaust. It seems like a great excuse to do nothing and a cop-out ofmega proportions.My own view is that the ‘Masters’, ‘The Great White Brotherhood’, and thiswhole concept is something to be very wary of. Whenever I hear the term ‘master’ Icringe. Two organisations linked to Alice Bailey’s work, the Lucis Trust and theWorld Goodwill organisation, are both staunch promoters of the United Nations -almost UN ‘groupies’, such is their devotion. I will discuss these further in a laterchapter. The more I go into this, it is interesting to see how the New Age hasinherited ‘truths’ over the decades in the same way that conventional religion hasdone over the centuries. As the followers of Christianity have inherited themanipulated version of Jesus, so New Agers have inherited the ‘Masters’. There istoo little checking of origins, too much acceptance of inherited beliefs, I think. If theNew Age isn’t careful, it will be Christianity revisited. It is already becoming so. Ibelieve this concept of Masters can be a means through which those who have(quite rightly in my view) rejected the status quo of religion and science can stillhave their minds controlled by the Prison Warders of the Fourth Dimension.Another big influence on Hitler was the novel, The Coming Race, by theEnglishman, Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton (Comm 300), a British Colonial Ministerheavily involved in imposing opium addiction on the Chinese. He was a closefriend of Disraeli and Dickens, and Grand Patron of the English Rosicrucian Societywhich included Francis Bacon and John Dee in its earlier membership. BulwerLytton is best known for his work, The Last Days Of Pompeii, but his passion wasthe world of esoteric magic and, as a British colonial minister, for running opium tothe Chinese. In The Coming Race, he wrote of an enormous civilisation inside theEarth, well ahead of our own. They had discovered a power called Vril which, bythe use of the psyche, could be used to perform ‘miracles’. These undergroundsupermen would, according to Bulwer-Lytton’s novel, emerge on the surface oneday and take control of the world. Many Nazis believed this. Lord Bulwer-Lytton isoften referred to by Madame Blavatsky in her book, Isis Unveiled. The themes ofunderground supermen or hidden masters can be found in most of the esotericsecret societies. Certainly this was true of The Order of the Golden Dawn, formed in1888 by Dr Wynn Westcott, a Freemason, and S.L. Mathers. They called their’masters’ the ‘Secret Chiefs’. The theme of extraterrestrials living underground fitsin with the 1960s survey of contactees which detailed the stories of the pureMelchedekan race with their blond hair and blue eyes. They were also said to beliving inside the Earth.Mathers devised a series of rituals and initiations and designed them to help hismembers access their full psychic and physical potential. He believed, however, thatthis gift was only for the few and he was a supporter of authoritarian government.These rituals, no doubt, would have attracted the dark energies which allowedvibrational synchronisation – possession – by the Warders. In the mid-1890s, therewere temples of the Order in London, Edinburgh, Bradford, Weston-Super-Mare,and Paris, where Mathers made his home. The Order of the Golden Dawn alsospoke of the vril force and one of the Order’s secret signs was the salute which the Nazis would use when saying “Heil Hitler”. The esoteric foundations on whichNazism was created continued to build. Mathers had known Madame Blavatskyand so had the master of the Order’s London Temple, the poet, William ButlerYeats, who would go on to win a Nobel Prize. Yeat’s view of Utopia mirrored that ofAdolf Hitler or Josef Stalin. The poet spoke of:“…an aristocratic civilisation in its most completed form, every detail of lifehierarchical, every great man’s door crowded at dawn by petitioners, great wealtheverywhere in few men’s hands, all dependent upon a few, up to the Emperor himself,who is a God dependent upon a greater God and everywhere, in Court, in the family, aninequality made law.”3Remnants of the Order of the Golden Dawn continue to this day, but the originalversion splintered after a row between Yeats, Mathers, and Aleister Crowley, whichsplit the membership into quarrelling factions. Other significant esoteric thinkersand groups which influenced the gathering Nazi philosophy included the Order ofthe Oriental Temple, which used sex as part of its rituals to create and harness theenergy known as the vril, and two German esoteric ‘magicians’, Guido von List andLanz von Liebenfels. In his summer solstice celebrations, List used wine bottles onthe ground to form the symbol of the Hermetic Cross, also known as the Hammerof Thor. It was the Badge of Power in the Order of the Golden Dawn, and we knowthis symbol as the swastika. Lanz von Liebenfels (real name Adolf Lanz) featuredthe swastika on the flag which flew over his ‘temple’ overlooking the Danube, andfor these two black magicians it symbolised the end of Christianity and thedawning of the age of the Aryan supermen. They believed in the racial inferiority ofthose they called the “dark forces” such as the Jews, the Slavs, and the Negroes.Liebenfels recommended castration for these peoples. The two vons, List andLiebenfels, were to have a massive influence on Adolf Hitler. In 1932, with Hitler onthe verge of power, von Liebenfels would write to a fellow believer:“Hitler is one of our pupils…You will one day experience that he, and through himwe, will one day be victorious, and develop a movement that will make the worldtremble…”4Two others who would influence the thinking and beliefs of Adolf Hitler werethe Englishmen, Aleister Crowley and Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Crowley wasborn in Warwickshire in 1875. He rebelled against a strict religious upbringing andwas initiated into the Order of the Golden Dawn in 1898, after leaving CambridgeUniversity. He left the Order after the row with its founders and then travelled toMexico, India, and Ceylon, where he was introduced to yoga and Buddhism. Healso became a record-breaking mountaineer. Buddhism replaced his interest in theoccult until an experience in Cairo in April 1904. Crowley was asked by his wife,Rose, to perform an esoteric ritual to see what happened. During the ceremony, sheentered a trance-like state and began to channel the words of a communicator. “They are waiting for you”, she said to Crowley. The “they”, she said, was Horus,the god of war and the son of Osiris, in ancient Egyptian belief. Crowley did notaccept any of this and asked his wife a series of detailed questions in an effort totrick her. But Rose, who knew little of the esoteric, gave the correct answer everytime. I believe the Prison Warders were on the line again.The communicator told Crowley to be at a desk in his hotel room between noonand one o’clock on three specific days. He agreed and in these periods he wrote, viaautomatic writing, a document called The Book Of The Law. Automatic writing iswhen your arm and hand are guided by another force and often no-one is moresurprised at what they are writing than the person involved. Crowley’scommunication said that the old age of Osiris was being replaced by the new age ofHorus. But it said the old age would first have to be destroyed by barbarism and theEarth bathed in blood. There would be a World War, it said. The Book Of The Lawtalked of a race of supermen and condemned the old religions, pacifism, democracy,compassion, and humanitarianism. “Let my servants be few and secret: they shallrule the many and the known” the ‘superman’ continued. The message went on:“We have nothing with the outcast and the unfit; let them die in their misery. For theyfeel not. Compassion is the vice of kings; stamp down the wretched and the weak: thisis the law of the strong: this is our law and the joy of the world… Love one another withburning hearts; on the low men trample in the fierce lust of your pride, in the day of yourwrath…Pity not the fallen! I never knew them. I am not for them. I console not; I hatethe consoled and the consoler…”I am unique and conqueror. I am not of the slaves that perish. Be they damned anddead. Amen…Therefore strike hard and low, and to hell with them, master…Lurk!Withdraw! Upon them! This is the law of the Battle of Conquest: thus shall myworship be about my secret house…Worship me with fire and blood; worship me withswords and with spears. Let the woman be girt with a sword before me: let blood flowin my name. Trample down the heathen; be upon them, O warrior, I will give you theirflesh to eat…Sacrifice cattle, little and big; after a child…kill and torture; spare not;be upon them!”5If that sounds remarkably like some of the angry God stuff in the Old Testament,that’s because it was almost certainly the same force on the Fourth Dimensionwhich communicated to the ancients, to Crowley, and to anyone else on thatvibration who would help to stimulate the conflict and the energy of human misery,on which the Prison Warders feed. This is the force that controls the consciousnessof those which control the Global Elite-Illuminati-Brotherhood, and it is the focus ofworship in the All-Seeing Eye cult going back to ancient times. The communicatorsaid that Crowley was the “Beast 666” who had come to destroy Christianity,something his mother had said earlier in his life. He apparently tried to ignore whathe had written with his guided hand, but it would not go away, and from 1909 onhe began to take it seriously. Very seriously. He said: “After five years of folly and weakness, miscalled politeness, tact, discretion, care forthe feeling of others, I am weary of it. I say today: to hell with Christianity, Rationalism,Buddhism, all the lumber of the centuries. I bring you a positive and primeval fact,Magic by name; and with this I will build me a new Heaven and new Earth. I want noneof your faint approval or faint dispraise; I want blasphemy, murder, rape, revolution,anything, bad or good, but strong.”Crowley left his former tutor, MacGregor Mathers, a broken man as he embarkedon a psychic war against him. They both conjured up the ‘demons’ to attack theother, but Mathers lost out. Such psychic wars are very much part of theBrotherhood today. Crowley’s communicator, the Prison Warder consciousness,would also take over the psyches of Adolf Hitler and the other architects of Nazism.Long after his death, Crowley would become a hero to many involved in the’Flower Power’ period of the 1960s, when the young were calling for love andpeace. The irony is not lost. Crowley welcomed the First World War as necessary tosweep away the old age and usher in the new one. After going public with hisrevelations, Crowley was made the world head of the Germany-based Order of theOriental Temple (OTO) and this gave him very significant influence among likethinkers in Germany.Houston Stewart Chamberlain (Comm 300) was born in England in 1855, butmoved to Germany in 1882. He married Eva, the daughter of Richard Wagner, in1908 and became a prestigious writer. His best known work was Foundations OfThe Nineteenth Century which ran to twelve hundred pages and sold more than250,000 copies. It made him famous throughout the country. He was, however, atroubled man who had a series of nervous breakdowns. He felt himself to be takenover by demons and his books were written in a trance and a fever, which suggeststhat he was locked into another highly negative consciousness. The Prison Warderconsciousness again. In his autobiography, he said he did not recognise much of hiswriting as his own. The themes of his work are very familiar: all civilisation comesfrom the Aryan race and the Germans were the purest of all; Jews were the enemywho would pollute the Aryan bloodlines. Yawn.Kaiser Wilhelm II and Adolf Hitler said Chamberlain was a prophet.Chamberlain became the principal advisor to Kaiser Wilhelm and urged the king togo to war in 1914 to fulfil the prophecy of Germany’s world domination. When thewar was over and Wilhelm had abdicated to an estate in Holland, he realised howhe had been manipulated. He gathered together a mass of books on the occult andthe German secret societies and he was convinced that they had conspired to createthe First World War and cause Germany to be defeated. Chamberlain, who hadbeen awarded the Iron Cross by the Kaiser, died in 1927 after years in a wheelchair,broken in body and spirit. But his influence was to live on in the mind of AdolfHitler. Chamberlain, incidentally, was introduced to Hitler by Alfred Rosenberg, therefugee from Russia, and another satanist figure. “Satanism” is merely the worshipof, and possession by, the negative manipulators on the Fourth Dimension. It wasRosenberg, despite his Jewish background, who gave a copy of the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion to Hitler via another occultist, Dietrich Eckart.6 TheAll-Seeing Eye cult at work again.These were some of the people and beliefs that moulded the thinking of the manclaiming to be a young Austrian born with the name Schiklgruber, but later ratherbetter known as Adolf Hitler. “Heil Schiklgruber” would not have had the samering to it, somehow. He hated school, the official story goes, and wanted to be anartist, an ambition which took him to Vienna. He spent hours in the librariesreading books on astrology, mysticism, and the religions of the East. He wasfascinated by the books of Blavatsky, Chamberlain, List, and Liebenfels. He pickedout bits from each of them to produce his preferred mixture, a cocktail of horror andhatred that would manifest as Nazism. His passion was the power of the will. Thepotential of willpower to achieve anything it desires was to be his focus and guidethroughout the years that followed. Put another way, creating your own reality.He practised the esoteric arts in his effort to access the level of consciousness hewas convinced would turn him into one of the supermen he had read so much aboutand believed in so much. His psyche became locked into the Prison Warder vibrationmore powerfully than before. He was possessed, probably during some black esotericritual which opened his psyche to the malevolent vibration. You only have to look athis beliefs to see that he would have had ‘vibrational compatibility’ with thisconsciousness. It was now that an uncharismatic and ineffectual man would begin toexude the charisma and magnetism that would captivate and intoxicate a nation.We talk of some people having magnetism and ‘magnetic personalities’, and thatis exactly what they have.