We are all generating magnetic energies and these attractto us the energies (people, places, etc) that relate to what is going on in oursubconscious. Some people transmit powerful magnetism and others less so.Negative energies are just as magnetic as positive. Those connected to, and thereforegenerating, the extreme Prison Warder vibration will be very magnetic. You oftenhear highly negative people described as having a magnetic personality or a ‘fatalattraction’. This is why. It is also where the magnetism and charisma of Adolf Hitlersuddenly came from. When he was standing on a public platform with thatcontorted face and crazed delivery, he was channelling the Prison Warder/LucifericConsciousness from the Fourth Dimension and transmitting this vibration to the vastcrowds. This affected the vibrational state of the people attracted by it and turnedthem into equally crazed agents of hatred. It is the Pied Piper principle, using avibration instead of a pipe. As the writer Alan Bullock said of Hitler:“His power to bewitch an audience has been likened to the occult arts of the AfricanMedicine-man or the Asiatic Shaman; others have compared it to the sensitivity of amedium, and the magnetism of a hypnotist.”7And Herman Rauschning, an aide to Hitler, said in his book, Hitler Speaks:“One cannot help thinking of him as a medium. For most of the time, mediums areordinary, insignificant people. Suddenly they are endowed with what seem to be supernatural powers which set them apart from the rest of humanity. The medium ispossessed. Once the crisis is past, they fall back again into mediocrity. It was in thisway, beyond any doubt, that Hitler was possessed by forces outside of himself – almostdemoniacal forces of which the individual named Hitler was only the temporary vehicle.The mixture of the banal and the supernatural created that insupportable duality ofwhich one was conscious in his presence…It was like looking at a bizarre face whoseexpression seems to reflect an unbalanced state of mind coupled with a disquietingimpression of hidden power.”8Hitler was under the control of the Prison Warders and he appeared to live inperpetual fear of these ‘supermen’. Rauschning told how Hitler suffered fromterrible nightmares and would wake in terror screaming about entities who wereinvisible to all, but him. He once said to his aide:“What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be aclass of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchicalorder, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers inperpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves.And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannotspeak…But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing…The new man isliving amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret.I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him.”9After Hitler moved to Germany, he spent a lot of time in Bavaria, from whereWeishaupt’s Illuminati had sprung, and he returned there in 1918 after fighting inthe war. Or at least that’s the official line. The following year, he came across a tinyand rather pathetic political party called the German Workers Party. This was anoffshoot of an esoteric secret society called the German Order, which was fiercelynationalistic and anti-Jewish. Out of this Order came other similar societies,including the infamous Thule Society. Thule was supposed to be an ancient lostcivilisation of Nordic people with blond hair and blue eyes. Yet another foundationof the Nazi belief system can be seen to have an esoteric origin, as did the swastika,the Hitler salute, the idea of an Aryan Master Race, and the view of Jews.A founder of the Thule Society was Rudolf Glauer, an astrologer, who changedhis name to the grand sounding Baron von Sebottendorff. His demands for arevolution against Jews and the Marxists turned the Thule Society into a focus forthe anti-Jew, anti-Marxist, German Master Racers. Out of all this came the GermanWorkers Party, which would one day become the Nazi Party.Another committed occultist and friend of Sebottendorff now becomes highlysignificant. This was Dietrich Eckart, a heavy-drinking, drug-taking writer whobelieved he was here to prepare the way for a dictator of Germany. He met Hitler in1919 and decided he was the one, the ‘Messiah’, he was looking for. It is Eckart whois credited with Hitler’s advanced esoteric knowledge and probably the black magicritual, or rituals, which plugged him so completely into the Prison Warder vibration. From now on, Hitler’s power to attract support grew rapidly. Eckartwrote to a friend in 1923:“Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune. We have given him themeans of communication with Them. Do not mourn for me: I shall have influencedhistory more than any other German.”10Hitler was also a member of another esoteric secret society, the Luminous Lodgeor Vril Society. Vril was the name given by the English writer, Lord Bulwer Lytton,to the force which, he claimed, awakens people to their true power and potential tobecome supermen. In 1933, the rocket expert, Willi Ley, fled from Germany andrevealed the existence of the Vril Society and the Nazis’ belief that they wouldbecome the equals of the supermen in the bowels of the Earth by use of esotericteachings and mind expansion. They believed this would reawaken the vril forcesleeping in the blood. The initiates of the Vril Society included two men who wouldbecome infamous Nazis, Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Goering. Vril memberswere convinced they were in alliance with mysterious esoteric lodges in Tibet andone of the so called Unknown Supermen, who was referred to as The King of Fear.Rudolph Hess,11 Hitler’s Deputy Fuhrer until he made his ill-fated flight to Englandin 1941, was a dedicated occultist and a member, with Hermann Goering, of theEdelweiss Society, a black sect which believed in the Nordic Master Race(Melchedekans?). Hess worshipped Hitler as The Messiah, although how he coulddo this when the Fiihrer was hardly blue eyed and blond haired, is not clear. Hitlerhad the same problem in equating the two, but he would have found someridiculous explanation for it, I’m sure.Another Hitler obsession was the so called Spear of Destiny, the weapon allegedto have been use to pierce the side of Y’shua (Jesus) at the crucifixion. He stole whatwas claimed to be the spear when the Nazis annexed Austria in 1938, and it wastaken to Nuremberg. The legend says that whoever has the spear and decodes itssecrets will have control of the world for good or evil. The one that Hitler stole isnow in the Hofburg Museum in Vienna, where there was a major fire in November1992, seven days before the blaze which destroyed part of Windsor Castle.Another obsessive occultist in the Third Reich was Heinrich Himmler. He wasinto all matters esoteric and he used his knowledge in the blackest of ways. He wasparticularly interested in the rune stones, a system of divination in which stonescarrying symbols are thrown or selected and the choice or combination ‘read’ by an’expert’. It was Himmler who formed the notorious SS and, as with the swastika, hechose an esoteric symbol for his horrific organisation: the double S or ‘sig’ rune,which looks like two flashes of lightning. The SS was a virtually self-contained bodyand the epitome of all of the esoteric knowledge in which the Nazis believed sopassionately. Only those considered racially pure were allowed to join, andinstruction in the esoteric arts, including the rune stones, was fundamental to theirtraining. The SS was run and governed as a black magic secret society. Their ritualswere taken from others such as The Jesuits and The Knights Templar. The highest ranking initiates were the thirteen members of the Grand Council of Knights (led bytheir Grand Master, Heinrich Himmler), and the black rituals were performed at theancient castle of Wewelsberg in Westphalia. They celebrated the festivals of theNordic pagans and the summer solstice. Here they worshiped Satan, Lucifer, Set,whichever name you prefer, the consciousness which was the Nazis and is the Elitetoday. Prince Bernhard, one of the founders of the Bilderberg Group, was in the SS.Esoteric knowledge and black magic pervaded all that Hitler and the Nazis did,even down to the use of pendulums on maps to identify the positions of enemytroops. The original swastika symbol was right-handed which, in esoteric terms,means light and creation, the positive. Hitler insisted it be turned around tosymbolise black magic and destruction. The mass rallies that Hitler used soeffectively were designed with the knowledge of the human psyche and how it canbe manipulated. In Satan And Swastika, Francis King says:“Hitler’s public appearances, particularly those associated with the Nazi Party’sNuremberg Rallies, were excellent examples of this sort of magical ceremony. Thefanfares, military marches and Wagnerian music all emphasised the idea of Germanmilitary glory. The massed Swastika banners in black, white and red filled theconsciousness of the participants in the Rally with National Socialist ideology. Theballet-like precision of the movements of the uniformed Party members, all acting inunison, evoked from the unconscious the principles of war and violence which theancients symbolised as Mars. And the prime ritual of the Rallies – Hitler clasping toother banners the “blood banner” carried in the Munich putsch of 1923 – was a quasimagical ceremony designed to link up minds of living Nazis with the archetypal imagessymbolised by the dead National Socialist heroes of the past.”The religio-magical aspects of the Rallies were emphasised by the fact that their highpoints were reached after dusk and took place in a ‘Cathedral of Light’ – an open spacesurrounded by pillars of light coming from electric searchlights pointed upwards to thesky. If a modern ritual magician of the utmost expertise had designed a ritual intendedto ‘invoke Mars’ he could not have come up with anything more effective than theceremonies used at Nuremberg.”And what applied then, applies now. The esoteric knowledge used by the Nazisfor the mass hypnosis on the German people, is being used today to expand theglobal hypnosis on the human race. Symbols, words, colours, sounds, andtechniques of which the public are not even aware are being used in the media andadvertising to hypnotise us. The Propaganda Ministry of Joseph Goebbels wasbased on the esoteric knowledge of the human psyche. He knew that people willbelieve anything if you tell them often enough and if you can engineer events whichcreate the “something must be done” mentality in the public mind. He usedcolours, symbols, and slogans to great effect. The slogans were used like mantrasand repeated over and over again, hypnotising the mass psyche. All alternativeviews and information were censored and the people were programmed to respond as desired. What is the difference between that and the constant drip, drip, drip, ofinaccurate and biased information that is fed to us and our children today? It maynot have a swastika on it, but it is still mass hypnotism.It would seem to be a contradiction that Hitler sought to destroy secret societieslike the Freemasons and to prevent the use of esoteric knowledge in Germansociety, but it isn’t. He knew as much as anyone the power available to those withthe understanding, and he wanted to keep that for himself. One man the Naziswanted to destroy was the 33rd degree Freemason Dr Rudolf Sterner, an Austrianwho understood the powers of creation and the way they can be used for good andevil. I have come across many conflicting views and claims about Steiner’s intentand I’ve not yet developed an opinion. I feel, however, that he was not as positiveas he’s made out. He joined the Theosophical Society and the Order of the OrientalTemple, but later formed his own Anthroposophical Society. Armed gangs began tobreak up Steiner’s meetings and threatened the lives of those who listened to him.He fled to Switzerland and died in 1925, a year after his centre at Dornach wasburned down by the Nazis. In 1934, all forms of fortune telling were banned inBerlin and later esoteric books were banned throughout Germany. Secret societieswere disbanded and even the Thule Society and the German Order (which hadtogether founded Nazism) were targeted. Astrologers were attacked and killed andpeople like Lanz von Liebenfels were prevented from publishing their work. Thispurge had two main motives. To distance Hitler and the Nazis from the occult in theminds of the public and other countries, and, most importantly, to pull up theladder and stop anyone else from using esoteric knowledge against them as theywere using it against others. This is one reason, too, why this knowledge has beensuppressed and ridiculed throughout the Western world and hidden behind thesmokescreens of this-world-is-all-there-is science, and one-life-and-then-heaven-orhell religion.The role of the esoteric in the rise of the Nazis has been thoroughly underplayedor ignored except in a few excellent books such as Gerald Suster’s Hitler And TheAge Of Horus.12 Look deeper into any historical situation and you will usually findthe esoteric. John Ruskin, the man who inspired Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner, andthose who formed the Round Table secret society, was himself influenced by theesoteric writings of Plato and by Madame Blavatsky the books of Lord EdwardBulwer-Lytton, and secret societies in the mould of the Order of the Golden Dawn.The murder of US President Abraham Lincoln has been explained by some as partof the struggle between competing secret societies, although I don’t accept that. Oneof his close friends, Pascal Beverly Randolph, revealed that Lincoln was involvedwith a society called the Brotherhood of Eulis after being initiated into the secrets of”sexual magic” in the Middle East. Lincoln was also believed to be a high rankingmember of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor or of the Light.13 Many of the famouspolitical and economic faces of history and today are masks which hide their truenature and motivation. They are the apparently ‘different’ faces of the All-SeeingEye network. We are watching actors on a stage and someone else is writing theirscript. Rasputin, the so called mad monk of the history books, was neither mad nor a monk in the conventional sense. He was a mystic who went through a massive
spiritual experience while “searching for god” in Asia. His psyche was opened to
some higher – or lower – consciousness and this Russian peasant was suddenly a
different person. He was capable of healing and had an intense magnetism and
legendary sexual drive. A few years after returning to Russia, he had such a hold
over the Tsar that he was, in effect, the ruler of the country.
Stories have come to light of the black esoteric basis of the KGB in the former
Soviet Union. Today the KGB under other titles plays exactly the same role in ‘free’
Russia. Only its name has changed. One report highlights the manipulation within
the Kremlin by General Georgy Georgievich Rogozin who, it is said, uses black
magic to program the psyche of those he wishes to control.14 He heads a highly
secretive intelligence group in Boris Yeltsin’s presidential team. The global
intelligence network is founded on the misuse of esoteric knowledge. The Global
Elite and those who abuse the esoteric knowledge also know that if you can control
the key energy power points (acupuncture points and chakra vortexes) on the
Earth’s energy grid, you can massively affect the psyche of the people, as the
human minds interact with the grid energies, the Earth mind.
We have seen how the United States of America was founded on esoteric
principles and knowledge. The Great Seal of the United States is a mass of esoteric
symbols, signs, and numbers, including the pyramid and all-seeing eye. This
symbol was put on the dollar note during the presidency of Freemason Franklin D.
Roosevelt. It is also no coincidence that the Declaration of Independence and the
founding of Adam Weishaupt’s Bavarian Illuminati both happened in 1776.
Numbers and years represent energy vibrations, as do planets, sounds, colours, and
symbols. We see some of these symbols in the crop circles and patterns. The genuine
ones (those not hoaxed by the forces of disinformation), speak to our subconscious
and help to awaken us in ways we cannot yet fully understand. At the higher levels
of the Global Elite, this esoteric knowledge is used to decide when and where
events will happen to give them the best chance of success.
You will find the same numbers and sequences throughout ancient texts and
beliefs. The lists of sevens in Revelation have esoteric, not literal, meanings. The
Bible is packed with such numerology, which the church has taken literally.
Thirteen, or the ‘twelve and one’, has great esoteric significance under the laws of
numerology and the vibrations they represent, and for other historical reasons, too.
It means transformation, new birth, a new order. Hence you find Jesus and twelve
disciples and the Grand Master Himmler and twelve other ‘knights’ in the Grand
Council of the SS. It is the same knowledge, used with different intent. Osiris, the
god of Egypt, had twelve followers according to legend, Buddha had twelve
disciples, as did the Aztec god, Quetzalcoatl. There are the twelve knights of King
Arthur’s Round Table, twelve sons of Jacob, twelve princes of Ishmael, twelve tribes
of Israel, twelve signs of the zodiac. The Bilderberg Group Steering Committee has
39 members (13 + 13 + 13) and it chooses its locations on esoteric principles.15 It is
the same with the global institutions. Geneva, the home of the League of Nations
and many other Global Elite fronts, is regarded by the secret societies as one of the planet’s most important earth energy centres. You will find the numbers 13 and 33
in the symbols and logos of many institutions and companies named in this book.
Francis Bacon’s esoteric “code” number was 33 and it is used as code in the
Shakespeare plays to indicate that Bacon was the real author (see the works of
Manly P. Hall). The 33 represents the degrees in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
On the Great Seal of the United States and its depiction on the dollar note, you find
13 steps on the pyramid, the 13 degrees of the Illuminati. The pyramid has 33
stones. On the Great Seal the bald eagle (the phoenix until 1841) has 13 feathers on
each wing, 13 arrows in the right talon and an olive branch with 13 leaves in the
left. In his beak he has a scroll with the 13 letters of “E Pluribus Unum” – out of
many, one. Around this are 13 stars in the shape of the Star of David. There is also a
shield with 13 stripes which represent the original 13 states. On the United Nations
logo, the map of the world is arranged in 33 segments within 13 ears of corn, and
the UN building is sited over one of the most sacred springs (energy points) to the
Native Americans. The Proctor and Gamble logo is an old masonic symbol with a
bearded man in a circle alongside 13 stars. The combined Xs in the Rockefeller oil
giant, Exxon (Esso), is another symbol of the Scottish Rite.16 The symbolism is
everywhere. The ‘thinking’ and the basic beliefs I have outlined from Nazi
Germany are only a public manifestation of what is still going on in the secret world
of the Elite today as they worship the All-Seeing Eye – the Luciferic Consciousness
of the Fourth Dimension.
After the war, the Nazis moved their base to South America and the United
States, at the invitation of the Nazi funder, Allen Dulles, and they helped him to
form the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA. This is a key part of today’s global
gestapo and the same black use of esoteric knowledge and the worship of the
extraterrestrial ‘gods’ and ‘supermen’ remains at the core of the CIA and the Global
Elite to this day. What was true of Hitler is true of the upper reaches of the
Brotherhood network, even down to the appalling genetic experiments which have
continued in the underground bases in the United States, (and other countries, too,
no doubt, including the UK). We have this farce of a ‘public debate’ about the
morality of genetic engineering while the most horrendous experimentation goes on
in secret, I believe, using people (including children) who go ‘missing’. After the
first edition of this book, a correspondent wrote to tell of an Argentine friend who
said that Josef Mengele, the notorious Nazi geneticist, was set up with his own
island after the war so that he could continue his sickening experimentation. The
island is in a river delta in an area called Tigre, about 50 kilometres from Buenos
Aires. Black use of esoteric knowledge under the guidance of the Prison Warder
consciousness is at the peak of the Elite’s human pyramid of global manipulation.
I feel that people like Hitler were merely stooges, used to create conflict with other
stooges like Stalin, and so bring about the desired post-war outcome. The Super
Elite are well above the levels of people like Hitler and Stalin in the pyramid.
Given the background to the Nazi beliefs in the esoteric, the “Aryan supermen”
and its possible connection with the stories of the Melchedekans, I was interested
to come across an organisation called the Raelian Foundation. It is based in Geneva, Switzerland, with branches around the world. This is the creation of a
former French motor racing journalist called Claude Vorilhon Rael (rail) who
claims to have met an extraterrestrial group which he says are the Elohim of the
Old Testament. Rael says he was taken to their planet and he was told that the
Elohim genetically engineered the human race. According to the stories told in the
secret 1960s survey of contactees, the ones known as Elohim were the
Melchedekans. Rael claims to be the “messiah” of the Elohim, the “Guide of
Guides”, and they instructed him, he says, to tell people that they must do
everything he says. Oh really, Rael? My reply to the Elohim and to Claude would
be unsuitable for a family audience. Rael (the messiah, Guide of Guides), says the
Elohim are preparing to return to take over the world. Fascinating how close that is
to the Nazi belief in the return of the supermen. And what was it that Rael says
that the Elohim desire? A world government and currency; for the armies to stop
fighting each other and come together as a world police force; and for only those
scientifically assessed as the intellectually brightest to be allowed to run for
political office. What’s more, only those who pass an intellect test devised by
scientists should be allowed to vote and the masses should simply do as they are
told with no rights to decide who governs them.
I had never heard of Rael or his followers until I was told by a source close to the
British intelligence network that some of those behind the campaign to discredit me
as a “neo-Nazi” after the first edition of this book were connected with the Rael
Foundation in the UK. That same day someone else gave me a book by Claude Rael
called The Message Given To Me By Extra-Terrestrials. They Took Me To Their Planet.17
The Rael Foundation appeared to be suddenly very shy about the symbol on the
front of the book which Rael said was the symbol of the Elohim. A sticker with
another symbol had been used to cover up the original one on the cover. You will
perhaps appreciate why when you look at Figure 12. The esoteric knowledge and the themes of extraterrestrial master races pervade the Elite pyramid and have done
for thousands of years right into the modern world.
But I cannot stress too powerfully that esoteric knowledge is neutral. It is not the
knowledge we need to challenge, but its negative use. It can, and is, used to very
positive effect. When I hear Christian investigators of the New World Order
condemning all esoteric thinkers and groups as the ‘evil occult’ and ‘Devil
worshippers’, it reveals a serious misunderstanding of reality, in my view, and a
bigotry that ill becomes them. As I shall discuss in more detail towards the end of
the book, the positive use of spiritual knowledge is crucial to building the better
world we seek and which we are making a reality, have no fear. It is built on the
foundations of love and respect, the emotions – the energies – which are sweeping
away the blackness of hatred and misunderstanding.
In these last three chapters I have outlined the structure within which the
manipulation is coordinated, the means through which the dark force controls it,
and the mindset that motivates its behaviour. Now we can examine how this is
expressed in the world around us and how it affects our lives every day.
1 Enrique De Vicente, “The Occult Roots of the New World Order”, Exposure magazine, Vol. 1,
No. 2, p10
2 Alice Bailey founded the Arcane esoteric school. Again, I am not saying that she was a
negative force, but I think her name has been used by some of her ‘followers’ for purposes
of manipulation.
3 Quoted by Francis King in Satan And Swastika (Mayflower Books, London, 1976)
4 Quoted by J.H. Brennan in Occult Reich (Futura, London, 1974) and by Francis King in Satan
And Swastika
5 Verses from The Book Of The Law. Quoted by George C. Andrews in Extra-Terrestrials Among
Us, pl59-160
6 Quoted by Trevor Ravenscroft in The Spear Of Destiny, p106
7 Alan Bullock, Hitler, A Study In Tyranny (Pelican Books, London, 1960)
8 Hermann Rauschning, Hitler Speaks (London, 1939)
9 Ibid
10 J.H. Brennan, Occult Reich
11 Rudolph Hess was supposed to have been kept at Spandau Prison until his death in 1987.
But Dr Ewen Cameron, who became a CIA ‘mind doctor’, said that the CIA Chief, Allen
Dulles, told him that the ‘Hess’ in Spandau was a look-alike. When Cameron tried to prove
identification by examining ‘Hess’ and locating a First World War wound, he was not allowed
to do so. 12 Gerald Suster, Hitler And The Age Of Horus (Sphere, London, 1981)
13 Enrique De Vicente, “The Occult Roots of the New World Order”, Exposure magazine, Vol. 1,
No. 2, (1993) p7
14 “Black Magic Holds Sway Over A Paranoid Kremlin”, The European (May llth-15th 1995) p4
15 In 1965, for example, the Bilderbergers met alongside Lake Como in Italy, the ancient
headquarters of the Order of Comocine, the forerunners of the Medieval Masons. I spent a
lot of time at Lake Como in 1995 before later realising its esoteric significance. Among
those attending the Bilderberg meeting at Lake Como in 1965 were Prince Philip and Lord
Mountbatten of the British Royal Family.
16 Secret Societies, p325
17 Claude Vorilhon Rael, The Message Given To Me By Extra-Terrestrials. They Took Me To Their
Planet (AOM Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, 1986. Fifth printing, 1992)