The scam was to transfer the debts from the Third World countries to the WorldConservation Bank and, in return, those countries would give land to the WCB.Should the WCB collapse or get into repayment difficulties on the debts, it wouldthen owe its assets to the global bankers, who would be at liberty to seize the landsof the Third World. Alternatively, in the ever-gathering centralisation, there couldbe a ‘takeover’ of the WCB by the United Nations, thus giving control over thelands to this New World Order front. As the fact sheet published by the Secretariatof the Wilderness Conference said:…plans for the WCB propose that it act as an intermediary between certain developingcountries and multilateral or private banks to transfer a specific debt to the WCB, thussubstituting an existing ‘doubtful debt’ in the bank’s books for a new loan to the WCB.In return for having been relieved of its debt obligation, the debtor country wouldtransfer to the WCB natural resource assets of ‘equivalent value’.Problem-reaction-solution. If accepted, this would give the World ConservationBank control over 30% of the Earth’s land surface through this means alone, nevermind all the rest that the Elite own. When George Hunt delivered a written protest toDavid Rockefeller via the ‘great man’s’ bodyguard, Hunt says he received a warningfrom Rockefeller’s office saying that: I’d better stay out of politicking or I’d regret it.Note also that while the manipulators are quite happy for loans from othercountries to be, in effect, forgotten – ‘retained in-country’ for environmental projects- the loans from the Elite banks would not be forgotten. They would be transferredfrom the Third World Countries (‘doubtful debts’) to the World Conservation Bank,which would guarantee the repayments in money or Third World land. Anotherwell known face at this conference which initiated the WCB was the SocialDemocrat Prime Minister of Norway, Gro Harlem Brundtland. This wasappropriate because she recommended an organisation like the WCB in the UNsponsored Brundtland Report on the environment called Our Common Future.This was compiled in league with David Rockefeller’s ‘green’ associates, MauriceStrong (Comm 300) and Jim MacNeill, two leading lights in the UN Commission onEnvironment and Development and the 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil. Same names,same agenda; on and on it goes. If it wasn’t so tragic, it would be funny. In fact,some of it is anyway. In the Moneychanger article, George Hunt reported thecontribution to the environmental debate made by Baron de Rothschild:He said innovation is the key to the pollution problem. We need growth anddevelopment. For instance, we have a CO2 problem. Baron de Rothschild proposedthat we create large dry ice machines that will absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, andthen take the dry ice that we create up to the polar ice cap to keep it from melting.Moneychanger interviewer: Oh, come off it.No, I’m not kidding. I said to myself, this guy has either lost his mind or… (Moneychanger interviewer in fits of uncontrollable laughter)…or he is just laughing at us. Isn’t that something? And by the way I’ve got the wholeconference on tape.I tried to track down the World Conservation Bank in 1995 and no-one seemed tohave heard of it. I rang Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, and the BritishGovernment’s Environment Department, and they all scratched their heads. I rangthe United Nations Environment Agency and at first they acknowledged the namebefore returning to the phone to say that they, too, had never heard of it. Maybe itnever got started or maybe it is working quietly out of the public eye, I don’t know.I do hope the first one is the case. If you know what happened to the WCB, pleaselet me know.The Nuclear Power ‘Sting’One effect of the oil price shocks which the Elite oil cartels had to suppress was themove to nuclear power. I have great reservations about nuclear power and I feel it isjust a middle stage before we realise it is possible to harness the natural energies ofPlanet Earth to give us all the safe, non-polluting, warmth and power that we need.What is clear, however, is that there has been a well-organised campaign by the oilcartels to discredit and destroy nuclear power as a credible alternative to oil. Whatfollows will provide more cause for reflection by the environmental movement, andgive you another example of how the network of banking/oil-business/politicalinterests work together to deceive and use people of genuine intent.In December 1971, McGeorge Bundy (CFR, TC, Bil), the head of the FordFoundation, arranged for the $4 million funding of a study called A Time ToChoose: America’s Energy Future. This made its report in 1974, amid the energydebate stimulated by Henry Kissinger’s oil price hike. Bundy was Kissinger’sformer dean at Harvard University and his boss for a short time when Kissingerwas a consultant to the National Security Council of John F. Kennedy. The FordFoundation report pressed for ‘alternative’ energy sources like wind and solarpower, and dismissed nuclear power. The oil cartel is quite happy with theconventional green ‘alternatives’ because they do not have the credibility to replaceoil. They fear other alternatives, however, like nuclear power and, especially, thefree energy technology which uses the Earth’s energy field. This is why the latterhas been so soundly suppressed.The expansion of nuclear power was another reason for the environmentalagenda which was being stimulated in this same period via the Club of Rome andother Elite fronts. Here again we meet one of the oilmen at that infamousBilderberg Group meeting which agreed to the oil shocks, Robert O. Anderson,owner of the Atlantic Richfield Oil Company and a board member of KissingerAssociates. He channelled large sums through his Atlantic Richfield Foundation toorganisations opposed to nuclear energy. One was to become a front-runner in theenvironmental movement: Friends of the Earth. It was set up with the help of a $200,000 dollar grant from Anderson.24 He also donated to the Friends of the Earthcampaigns against the German nuclear programme in the mid-to late-seventies bypeople like FoE leader, Holger Strohm. The CFR/Rockefeller-controlled Ford andCarnegie Foundations poured millions into the environmental campaigns andpressure groups, as did the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation,the Rockefeller Family Fund, and the Rockefeller-connected Mellon Foundations(Gulf Oil).25The French Friends of the Earth director, Brice LaLonde, was a partner in theRockefeller law firm, Coudert Brothers, in Paris. LaLonde was appointedEnvironment Minister in 1989 by the Freemason, Francois Mitterand (Comm 300).Robert O. Anderson, the multimillionaire oilman, was chairman of his owncreation, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies. Where was most of theWilderness Conference held which discussed the World Conservation Bank? …theAspen Institute. Anderson has used Aspen as part of his anti-nuclear powerstrategy and to highlight the environment as a global problem in need of a global -centralised – solution. Aspen is partly funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.Some of the trustees of the Aspen Institute were Robert McNamara (CFR, TC, Biland World Bank President), Richard Gardner (CFR,TC, Bil, Comm 300), LordBullock of Oxford University, Russell Paterson of Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, LoebInc., and oil executives of Exxon, Gulf, and Mobil. Anderson appointed JosephSlater from the Ford Foundation as Aspen President. Here we had a close knit andcosy bunch of pro-oil, New World Order manipulators. Surely there would not bean environmentalist to be seen in such company!But wait, who’s this? There is a Maurice Strong named on the Aspen InstituteBoard. It couldn’t possibly be the same Maurice Strong I mentioned earlier as thefriend of David Rockefeller, could it? The Maurice Strong who was the first head ofthe UN Environment Agency and ‘Mr Green’ at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio? Itsurely could. Given that this ‘environmentalist’ is a Canadian oil man, he wouldhave had a lot in common with his fellow directors.Aspen financed an international network linked to the UN called theInternational Institute for Environment and Development and on its board wereAnderson, Strong, McNamara, and Roy (Lord) Jenkins, from Britain, the Labourcabinet minister, founder of the Social Democratic Party, head of the EuropeanCommission, Bilderberger, member of the Trilateral Commission, and a president ofthe Royal Institute of International Affairs. Anderson’s strategy was timed to beready to attack the nuclear power industry when its credibility was at its peak – theperiod following the leap in oil prices. Atlantic Richfield and the Rockefellersfunded the anti-nuclear ‘green’ lobby, including the World Wildlife Fund, chairedby the Bilderberg Group’s Prince Bernhard, and later by Trilateralist and Rockefellerassociate, John Loudon, an executive of the company of which Bernhard was amajor shareholder, Royal Dutch Shell.Today the WWF, now called the Worldwide Fund for Nature, is headed byPrince Philip (Bil), the environmentalist with a love of shooting birds from the sky.It is not only Prince Philip who can be seen to have a smoking gun in his hand. So can many who have shaped the environmental debate and the ‘solutions’ to ThirdWorld debt. It really is time for those in the green movement who genuinely care forthe planet – the majority – to wake up and take another look at what they areinvolved in. There is one heck of a confidence trick going on.Researcher, Dr Kitty Little, suggests another reason for the Elite’s attack onnuclear power. Dr Little worked at the British Atomic Energy Establishment atHarwell between 1949 and 1958, and she has been a major contributor at the publicinquiries into the nuclear power complexes at Windscale (Sellafield) and HinkleyPoint. Her research and contacts over more than 50 years led her to believe that theFrench arm of the House of Rothschild is seeking to monopolise uranium andnuclear power technology, together with the technology for reprocessing spent fuel.Dr Little says they are planning to achieve this monopoly by the time gas and oilsupplies are running out. In pursuit of this, they are using environmental concernsand political manoeuvring to destroy the coal industry and to stop the developmentof nuclear power and reprocessing by national governments. They want to hoardthe rights to this know-how themselves for when the world is running out ofenergy. The privatisation of the British electricity industry was part of this strategyof controlling energy supplies, Dr Little says. Who privatised British electricity andhelped to run down the coal industry? Lord Wakeham. Who did he work for afterhe left the government? N.M. Rothschild. Who advised the government on theprivatisation of electricity, coal, and gas? N.M. Rothschild. Who advised the Hansonmultinational in its efforts to acquire the privatised Eastern Electricity in August1995? N.M. Rothschild. The alleged KGB spy Donald Maclean was, in fact, feedinggeology reports to Guy Rothschild in France, detailing where resources had beenlocated, including uranium. Maclean had access to these reports in his job at theForeign Office. According to Dr Little, the Rothschilds now control 80% of worlduranium supplies.26I stress that I am not attacking Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, and theenvironmental movement in general. They have done some good work overall. I ammerely pointing out that they can, and are, used to promote the New World Order,mostly (though certainly not in every case) without their knowledge. Again theElite are not ‘pro’ or ‘anti’ the environmental movement. They will use it when itsuits their interests and undermine it when it doesn’t. The British Friends of theEarth campaigns director, Andrew Lees, a man I met and had great respect for, wasfound dead in Madagascar in January 1995 where he was filming the site of aproposed two billion pound mine, a joint venture between a subsidiary of theLondon-based multinational, Rio Tinto Zinc (RTZ), and the Madagascargovernment. The official verdict of a ‘heart attack’ sounds very convenient andcoincidental to me. When environmentalists can be duped into advancing the NewWorld Order agenda, they are supported, congratulated, and patted on the head.When they are behaving in ways that oppose the plans of those in power, quiteanother approach is used towards them. So it is with all people and all subject areas.When Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Ali Bhutto, proposed an expansion of hiscountry’s nuclear power programme, he came under tremendous pressure from Henry Kissinger by August 1976 to drop the plan. Independent power supplies ofwhatever kind are not good for control and what the Elite fear more than anythingis someone setting a good example that others will follow. What happened toBhutto also fits in with Dr Little’s contention about the monopoly of nucleartechnology. According to some Pakistani sources, Kissinger said that unless thepolicy was changed he would make a terrible example of Pakistan.27 Bhutto stillrefused and by 1977 he was overthrown in a military coup led by General Zia UlHaq, who reversed Pakistan’s policy of independence from the US Bhutto namedKissinger as the force behind the coup and, because he knew too much and wasprepared to say it, the controlling world community sat on its hands while Bhuttowas hanged. From his prison cell, Bhutto wrote:Dr Henry Kissinger, the Secretary of State for the United States, has a brilliant mind.He told me that I should not insult the intelligence of the United States by saying thatPakistan needed the Reprocessing Plant for her energy needs. In reply, I told him that Iwill not insult the intelligence of the United States by discussing the energy needs ofPakistan, but in the same token, he should not insult the sovereignty and self-respect ofPakistan by discussing the plant at all. I got the death sentence.28The list continues to mount. Even the campaign against nuclear power leads tothe same people and the same agenda. And by the way, it was the Elite-puppet,General Zia Ul-Hag, who was used to trigger the war in Afghanistan.What Next?What can we expect the banking-business manipulators to do from this point on?The Elite want the introduction of a world central bank that would run the planet asthe Federal Reserve now runs America.