Wake Up America… Wake Up World!All this has happened so many times before. The Kennedy assassination wasused by his successor, Lyndon Johnson, to increase the powers of the State, as haveother such engineered events and ‘problems’. The CIA, often in league withMossad, has been responsible for some horrific terrorist outrages abroad involvingthe murder of children, thousands of them if the full truth be told. In Beirut in 1983,a car bomb planted by the CIA-Mossad went off. It failed to kill its intended target,a muslim cleric, but instead murdered 91 passers-by, a story later revealed by theformer CIA operations analyst in Vietnam and Latin America, Gordon Thurlow.93We are dealing here with a consciousness working through these people thatknows no scale of horror it would not use to achieve its end and, as we saw inOklahoma, it is supported by a media peopled by a combination of the few whoknow what is going on and the many who are nothing more than manipulators’mouthpieces, while having no idea that this is so. The way the ‘journalists’ andtelevision ‘correspondents’ simply repeated the government’s version of eventswithout question was incredible. Anyone who suggested that the New World Orderwas happening was dismissed as ‘paranoid’ and yet at least 99.9% of thosereporters will never have read a single word about the conspiracy. Nice to knowthat those who inform us are so informed themselves!Margaret ThatcherThe sort of methods of covert manipulation and cover-up I have mentioned here arehappening around the world every day. Even the demise of Margaret Thatcher asPrime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1990 is also linked with the stories I haveoutlined here.Assassinations can become a problem when investigators won’t let them goaway, as with the JFK killing in particular, and it is easier and ‘cleaner’ from theElite point of view to remove people more subtly by creating events, often economicin nature, which undermine leaders and cause them to be removed ‘democratically’.Margaret Thatcher, a Bilderberg attendee, was an Elite choice who served the causewell economically during the 1980s when she and Ronald Reagan set the themes forthe decade under the control of Paul Volcker, the head of the Federal Reserve andthe International Banking Commission. One of the people who did most to ensurethat Margaret Thatcher became conservative party leader in the 1970s was SirAlfred Sherman, who would later be advisor to the Serbian leader RadovanKaradzic, the man responsible for so much suffering and horror in the civil war inthe former Yugoslavia. Thatcher was selected by the Elite, possibly without herknowing what was really going on. But politicians are only there to be used as appropriate to the plans of the Global Elite and she outlived her welcome when shecontinued to oppose the removal of national sovereignty by the EuropeanCommunity through a European currency and central bank. In May 1989, TheSpotlight newspaper reported that the Bilderberg Group meeting on La Toja Islandoff Spain in that same month, had decided she had to go. A year later she wasremoved by her own MPs while still in office.Mrs Thatcher would not have been removed by people going to ConservativeMPs and saying: Hey, the Bilderberg Group says she’s got to go. It is much morecovert. The media is used to undermine the target, drip, drip, drip style, and unrest,doubts, and fears, are stimulated among ministers and MPs who want to keep theirjobs. The threat of losing their privilege because We will never win the nextelection with Margaret Thatcher as leader is a wonderful way to concentrate theminds of politicians to believe that something must be done. A momentum iscreated which in the end makes the target politician’s removal inevitable. When, inBritain, we hear of the men in grey suits who decide when the leader of theConservative Party will come and go, we are looking at Elite/Brotherhoodrepresentatives within that party. Not top of the pyramid people, or anything like,but those who do as they are told when a change is demanded. The same with otherparties in other countries. There are so many world events I could list over the last40 years that would all come back to the same group.The UFO Cover-upThroughout the period since the war, reports by the public of UFOs have beencontinually dismissed by the authorities. They don’t exist, we are told. About thesame time that the Warren Commission reported its covered-up version of theKennedy assassination, the Condon Report came out which did a similar job onUFOs. It said there was nothing about the phenomena worth investigating. If that isthe case, why are the files on UFO reports designated at ‘above top secret’? Becausethis is probably the biggest cover-up of them all, that’s why. A cover-up of the truththat the American elite have flying saucer, anti-gravity technology which makes theSpace Shuttle look like an antique, and to smokescreen the fact that extraterrestrialsare visiting this planet from the Fourth Dimension. This whole area is a minefield ofdisinformation and we need to keep a very open and flexible mind here, especiallyas the UFO investigation field will have been seriously infiltrated by those whowish to deflect us. But there are now an average of 150 reported UFO sightings aday. If you accept the claim that only ten per cent of sightings are reported, that’smore like 1,500 a day, across the world. They can’t all be flown by Earth humansand while the Elite could use their craft to set up specific events to manipulate thehuman mind, there are, in my view, also increasing numbers of true extraterrestrialsoperating on this dimension. Some are here to help, others to hinder thetransformation of humanity and Planet Earth. The latter are linked with the GlobalElite, either by face-to-face contact, or via channelling and consciousness control.I have presented a lot of evidence relating to UFOs in The Robots’ Rebellion, butthere is much more available for those who wish to research further. What’s for sure is that there is a whole library of information about UFOs and extraterrestrialswhich the public is not being told about, including the background to humanabductions and the mutilation of cattle and other farm animals all over the world,in ways that can only be done by technology not known in the public arena. Eitherit is the work of extraterrestrials or of the human scientific elites at the undergroundbases in the United States (at places like Area S-4 near Groom Lake in Nevada andthe Dulce facility in New Mexico). John Lear, a one-time pilot for the CIA, told aDallas UFO Group in 1988:The nation has been brainwashed by a CIA mind-control operation based on fear ofridicule. There have been at least one million abductees in the US since 1947. In thelast 13 years, there have been over 40,000 cattle mutilations in the US. There areapproximately 70 alien civilisations known to be visiting us at the present time.Gordon Cooper, one of our very best astronauts, lost his chance to go on the Apolloflights because he dared to speak out about UFOs in a letter to the United Nations.During the past few years, there has been a steep increase in the number of missingpersons. It is estimated that there are about ten million of the Grays an alleged ETrace in bases on the Earth and Moon, but it is not known whether they are able toreturn to their home base. They enter and exit their underground bases throughinterdimensional transference, a hyperspace manoeuvre which accounts for theapparently nonsensical stories of UFO witnesses who report having seen UFOs going inor out of mountains. Those witnesses are truthfully describing a manoeuvre that is atpresent incomprehensible to our science.It was President Eisenhower who allowed the reins of power to pass from the hands ofthe President into the control of the Pentagon. Ever since Eisenhower, the real rulers ofthis nation have been a military junta.94Again Lear’s claims may be disinformation. But the themes cross-check with anenormous number of other reports (which, of course, might also be disinformation).I am now certain to my own satisfaction that the human form was created byextraterrestrials; that negatively-inspired ETs from the Fourth Dimension have soughtto control this planet throughout known history by actual appearances and (mostly)by controlling the consciousness of those humans operating within a negativefrequency range; that those who have conspired to install the New World Order sinceancient times have been puppets of these beings (quite possibly, in part, theMelchedekans or Elohim) and the same applies to the Global Elite of today. I feelthat contact has probably taken place between the Elite and certain negative ET races,and the most unspeakable genetic experiments are being carried out in theunderground bases around the world, especially in the United States, on those whoare written off as ‘missing persons’. The Nazi mentality is alive and well andcontrolling America under the direction of an extraterrestrial consciousness which isthe Nazi mentality. I believe that these ETs of the Fourth Dimension feed off negative human emotion. They feed off the energies of fear, guilt, and misery, and thereforeseek to increase our pain and sense of fear and hopelessness, both for nourishmentand to diminish our sense of worth and potential, thus making it easier to control thevibratory prison. When we love and respect ourselves, we cut off the food supply andopen our minds and hearts to breach the blocking vibration. This we can and will do.The reason for the UFO cover-up is to keep information from us about othercivilisations and worlds that would open people to a far greater perspective of lifeand Creation, and to keep hidden the Global Pyramid of manipulation which (at itshighest levels) is knowingly in contact with – and guided by – a negative force fromanother dimension. The number of scientists and computer programmers in the UKand the USA working with advanced technology who have met strange,unexplained, deaths is ridiculous. Most have been written off as.. .’suicide’. One afterthe other has died, many of them linked to the Star Wars project and Marconi, asubsidiary of General Electric in the UK. If the Elite do have ‘flying saucer’, antigravity craft (and I believe they certainly do), or technology in the ‘defence’ fieldthey wish no-one to know about, it is just such scientists and computer programmerswho might know about it, either by accident or design. Maybe they found out toomuch about that or the technology linked to Star Wars, which may really be part ofthe global electronic communications network designed to monitor billions ofmicrochipped people. Each mysterious death has been claimed to be unconnected tothe others, under the familiar lone-assassin-no-conspiracy-type approach. Secrettechnology is put together under the rules of compartmentalisation. Each companyor scientist only works on part of the project. Only a tiny few know how each partfits together to produce the finished article.95One of the most famous scientific victims of the Elite was Dr Wilhelm Reich, whodied in a federal penitentiary in 1957 while the authorities destroyed all his workthey could find. His organs were removed at an ‘autopsy’ and were never seenagain. Reich’s last book was called Contact With Space, which detailed his UFOresearch. He understood how the Earth reflects the human mind and he recognisedthe barrenness and desertification of once beautiful landscapes as the result ofhumanity’s emotional barrenness. He identified the lifeforce energies, which hetermed orgone energy. He labelled positive energy ‘OR’ and the negative ‘DOR’.Reich believed that a particularly virulent form of negative energy, which he calledMelanor, was emitted by some of the extraterrestrial spacecraft he said were visitingthe planet. This Melanor took the form of a black powder-type substance whichsmelled like dead bodies. This has been mentioned in a number of stories bypeople claiming to have seen UFOs.Reich said that by using the knowledge of positive orgone energy, the lifeforce,he and his small team had grown grass to knee height in the Arizona desert, whereit had never grown before in modern times. He also realised that this energy couldbe harnessed to provide ‘free energy’ for all the warmth and power we need,without pollution and (virtually) cost free.This is what could be happening all over the world if the knowledge of how todo it were not suppressed. The ‘unsolvable’ problems of this world are only unsolvable because the solutions are kept from us. Throughout his career in theUnited States after fleeing Nazi Germany, Reich was harassed by what he called the’hoodlums in government’, the ‘higs’. He developed a weapon which, he said,made UFOs disappear and he discovered how to change the weather and make itrain in the desert. This was only a technological extension of what the NativeAmericans could do with their rain dances. They were both utilising the sameenergies. In Contact With Space, the book that helped to speed the end of his life,Reich was getting close to the truth. He wrote:Am I a spaceman? Do I belong to a new race on Earth, bred by men from outer space inembraces with Earth women? Are my children offspring of the first interplanetary race?Has the melting pot of interplanetary society already been created on our planet, as themelting pot of all nations was established in the USA 190 years ago? Or does thisthought relate to things to come in the future? I request my right and privilege to havesuch thoughts and to ask such questions without being threatened to be jailed by anyadministrative agency of society…In the face of a rigid, doctrinaire, self-appointed, readyto-kill hierarchy of scientific censorship it appears foolish to publish such thoughts.Anyone malignant enough could do anything with them. Still the right to be wrong has tobe maintained. We should not fear to enter the forest because there are wild cats aroundin the trees. We should not yield our right to well-controlled speculation. It is certainquestions entailed in such speculation which the administrators of establishedknowledge fear…But in entering the cosmic age we should certainly insist on the right toask new, even silly questions without being molested.96Sadly, for Reich, the freedom he so rightly proclaimed was denied to him, as ithas been for so many others who have been killed for the crime of acquiringknowledge of science and UFOs which the Elite and their extraterrestrial/Lucifericmasters wish to remain hidden. His fellow ‘scientists’ looked on as he was crucified.It is even speculated that another reason President Kennedy was killed was that hefound out about the ETs and pledged to make the information public. In 1965, aleading journalist, Dorothy Kilgallen, was investigating both the UFO cover-up andthe Kennedy assassination. She said in her column in the Los Angeles Examiner ofMay 22nd 1965, that she had met a high British official of cabinet rank in Londonwho had told her that British scientists had examined a crashed UFO crewed bysmall men, less than four feet tall.97 In the same year, she interviewed Jack Ruby in aDallas jail. Ruby, the man who killed the ‘patsy’, Lee Harvey Oswald, told hersomething which, she told close friends, would blow the Kennedy case sky high.Within days she was found dead. Verdict: suicide. Her friends searched herapartment for the notes of her meeting with Ruby. None were found.98The UFO scene is awash with disinformation and that means there is somethinggoing on which those in power don’t want the public to know. I believe there is ascenario in which a threat from an extraterrestrial force is hyped up by the GlobalElite to the point where public terror will allow them to install a world governmentand army. This was one of the suggestions in the Report From Iron Mountain. I have no doubt, as I said in The Robots’ Rebellion, that at least some abductionsattributed to ‘aliens’ are actually carried out by humans as part of a mindmanipulation and microchipping operation. The Rockefellers (via billionareLaurance Rockefeller) have been linked with the ‘research’ into extraterrestrials.As this book was being completed, I was approached with information aboutwhat was claimed to be a mass mind manipulation policy on the people of theUnited Kingdom, headed by the National Security Agency (NSA) in America withthe blessing of the British authorities. This has involved among other things thestaging of ‘UFO’ sightings, ‘alien’ abductions, and the microchipping of people,including some of those involved in UFO research. I want to know a lot more aboutthis to see if it checks out. If you know something and you would like to talk to anopen mind, please contact me.One thing’s for sure from where I am sitting: there is an underground facilityconnected with RAF Rudloe Manor in Wiltshire, England, which the British peopleought to know about, and the same goes for places like the top secret MountWeather underground city near the little town of Bluemont, Virginia, about 46 mileswest of Washington D.C. Some of the things you see in the James Bond films are notall fiction. Neither of these facilities, or the others, are operating in the interests ofthe people. Mount Weather is likely to be a centre from where the parallelgovernment of the United States, the one that really runs the country, coordinates itsoperation. It is also the place which supervises the surveillance of Americans whochallenge the tyranny. Congress, the ‘elected’ representatives of the people, hasbeen refused any information about what goes on there. Yes, ladies and gentlemen,this is the free world.The same Hidden Hand which was behind the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, theKennedy, King and Malcolm X assassinations, Watergate, Iran-Contra, terroristbombings, and the demise of Margaret Thatcher, is also responsible for thedisinformation and cover-ups over UFOs and extraterrestrials. On the surface, theseoften very different subjects and events appear to be unconnected, while they were- and are – coordinated by one force: the Global Elite, controlled by the FourthDimensional Prison Warders of the Luciferic Consciousness. But the truth aboutUFOs, whatever that may turn out to be, is not far from being known, and the veil islifting on so much that has been kept secret across the generations. This is the timewhen the hidden will be revealed and the cause of the manipulation removed.When the Elite network has been dismantled in our lifetimes, what a differentworld this will be. For it is this which is behind the global conflicts, the trafficking inhard drugs to young people, and the minute-by-minute abuse of what we calldemocracy and freedom. Yet still the mass of the people allow their minds to bemisled like bewildered rabbits caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.I have sketched out the mere bones (or should I say the skull and bones) ofGeorge Bush’s career up to 1989.1 have not even mentioned his endless businessdealings, or the number of times his business associates found themselvesappointed to the government payroll. That would take many chapters in itself, butthe information is all there and I recommend the book, George Bush, The Unauthorised Biography, if you wish to know more. He has been a constant theme inthe New World Order for over forty years. You have read some of his backgroundand the way his hand was symbolically holding a smoking gun when some terribleevents were unfolding. So what did the American people do about it? I’ll tell you.They made him president.SOURCES1 There is more to know about the JFK film and Oliver Stone, as we shall see shortly2 The Spotlight (December 11th 1995) p33 When CBS News presenter, Dan Rather, saw the Zapruder film for the first time, he raced tothe CBS studio to appear live on the news and announce to the nation that it confirmed theofficial view of events. In fact, it quite clearly does the opposite. Either Rather (CFR) was inurgent need of an optician or he had another agenda that had nothing to do with telling hisviewers the truth.4 The Rockefeller File, pl575 Michael Collins Piper, Final Judgement, The Missing Link In The JFK AssassinationConspiracy (The Wolfe Press, Washington D.C., 1995) p326 Sam and Chuck Giancana, Double Cross: The Explosive Inside Story Of The Mobster WhoControlled America (Warner Books, New York, 1992) p757 Interview with Michael Collins Piper on January 20th 1992 for Final Judgement8 Final Judgement, p359 Quoted by Seymour M. Hersh, The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal And AmericanForeign Policy (Random House, New York, 1991) p9410 Ibid p9711 Double Cross: The Explosive Inside Story Of The Mobster Who Controlled America, p230.12 C. David Heymann, A Woman Named Jackie (New American Library, New York, 1989) pl5113 Final Judgement, p4614 The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy, p10815 Dan Kurzman, Ben-Gurion: Prophet Of Fire (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1983) p 12116 Final Judgement, p5717 Mark Lane, Plausible Denial (Thunder’s Mouth Press, New York, 1992) p93.18 Secret Societies, pl2819 Ovid Demaris, The Last Mafioso (Bantam Books, New York, 1981) p32. Also quoted in FinalJudgement, pl59 20 Gary L. Wean, There’s A Fish In The Courthouse (Casitas Books, Oak View, California, 1987)p67921 Wilbur Crane Eveland, Ropes Of Sand: America’s Failure In The Middle East (W.W. Nortonand Company, 1980) p9522 Roland Perry, The Fifth Man (Sidgwick and Jackson, London, 1994) p22323 Ibid pl2924 Ibid p222-22325 Ibid p22226 Ibid p22427 Ibid28 Ibid29 Final Judgement, p9030 Ibid p8931 Ibid pl9132 Ibid pl8733 Ibid34 For more details of his Lansky-Mossad connections, see Final Judgement35 The Fifth Man, p7936 Ibid p79-8037 Final Judgement, p24538 Ibid p241-24239 Yitzhak Shamir, Summing Up, An Autobiography (Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London) p8140 Ibid pl341 Henry Hurt, Reasonable Doubt: An Investigation Into The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy(Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1985) p417-41942 Final Judgement, p25543 There’s A Fish In The Courthouse, p69544 Ibid p69945 Final Judgement, pl6646 Ibid pl7847 Ibid48 Ibid p21349 Or did he die? At least one person who knew Ruby well has said that she saw him boardinga plane for Israel after he was supposed to have died (Final Judgement, pl83)50 Stephen Green, Taking Sides: America’s Secret Relations With A Militant Israel (WilliamMorrow and Co, New York, 1984) p243-24451 Letter sent by Ford on October 31st 1975. The contents were revealed by Church andquoted in George Bush, The Unauthorised Biography, p291-292 52 Michael Milan, The Squad: The US Government’s Secret Alliance With Organised Crime(Shapolsky Publishers, New York, 1989) p20653 Final Judgement, p81-8254 Quoted in the Australian spiritual/conspiracy research magazine, New Dawn(November/December 1995) p2055 Quoted in Extra-Terrestrials Friends And Foes, p28956 Rodney Stich, Defrauding America (Diablo Western Press, Alamo, California, 1994)P316-317, 61557 Robert D. Morrow, The Senator Must Die: The Murder Of Robert F. Kennedy (RoundtablePublishing, Santa Monica, 1988)58 Psychology Today (September 1969) Vol 3, No 259 Ibid60 Ibid61 Private interview for Final Judgement with one of the Kennedy campaign volunteers who waspresent when Kennedy was shot.62 Final Judgement, p8363 Secret Societies, pl2564 David Emery, Conspiracy Nation, Vol. 1, No. 8865 Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy (Carrol and Graf Publishers, New York,1989)p58266 Conspiracy Nation, Vol. 1, No. 8867 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p8068 Chatham House, London, May 10th 198269 The Rockefeller File, pl5870 Ibid p18071 George Bush, The Unauthorised Biography, p25072 Ibid p247-24773 Ibid74 Ibid p24975 Testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, February 17th 195076 Valdamar Valerian, The Matrix (Arcturus, 1988)77 Russell S. Bowen, The Immaculate Deception, The Bush Family Crime Exposed (AmericanWest Publishers, Carson City, USA, 1991) p30-3178 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, pl2379 The Immaculate Deception, The Bush Family Crime Exposed, p30-3180 See Final Judgement, p306-31381 The New York Times (February 18th 1976)82 George C. Andrews, Extra-Terrestrials Among Us, pl73 83 Journalists and investigators have identified at least circumstantial connections between theHinckley and Bush families.84 George Bush, The Unofficial Biography, p39785 This meeting was confirmed by Felix Rodriquez and reported in the Miami Herald on June30th 1987. Ramon Rodriguez, a notorious drug money launderer, was invited to RonaldReagan’s Inauguration Ceremony in 1981. He would have had much in common withanother guest, Licio Gelli of the P2 Freemasonry Lodge.86 George Bush, The Unoffical Biography, p39987 Entry in North’s diary for January 9th 1986. Revealed in a court hearing in April 1988.88 The New York Times (March 2nd 1989)89 The Spotlight (Washington D.C., May 15th 1995) p1, 12, 1390 USA Today (April 28th 1995) p3A91 The Spotlight (June 5th 1995) p592 Ibid p393 Ibid (May 8th 1995) p4-594 Dallas MUFON group meeting, August 10th 198895 See Open Verdict by Tony Collins, an investigation into 25 mysterious deaths among peopleworking in the defence industry, (Sphere Books, London, 1990).96 Contact With Space, quoted in Extra-Terrestrials Friends And Foes, p4797 Extra-Terrestrial Friends And Foes, p23898 Story reported by Richard Deacon in The Truth Twisters (MacDonald, London, 1987)99 Watching For Aliens, The Spotlight (September 25th 1995) p2. It reveals LauranceRockefeller’s support for the Center for the Study of Extra-terrestrial Intelligence.