When you become very experienced in the art of palmistry, you will find you don’t even need to see the person’s face before you can decipher and reveal things about them. Suppose you have to read a person behind a curtain. This means you can’t see their face. Here, the hair on that person’s hand is important to your study. It helps to
know about the rules around the growth of hair on the hand. The hair is one-way nature fulfills its purpose (s) in connection with our body.
Scientists say that hairs are similar to tubes that connect to your skin and nerves. The energy in your body exits through the hair. Thus, you can determine the nature of a person by examining and analyzing their hair color. Since energy exits through the hair, it affects the color of the hand. Basically, the hair color on your hand reflects the energy coursing through your whole system.
For example, if you have a considerable amount of iron in your system, it flows through the tubes and colors the hair. The color could be black, blond, brown, white, or even gray, depending on the amount of iron or pigment in your body. People with blond or fair-looking hair often have small amounts of iron and pigment in their system. As a rule of thumb, people like this are generally gentle, languid, and listless. They are also more susceptible to influences from their environment than people with darker hair.
Individuals with dark hair tend to be passionate, temperamental, and less energetic when working. They are also highly irritable yet
affectionate than people with fairer hair. Often, the color of the hair on the hand also determines its texture. For instance, red hair is usually coarser than other hair colors such as brown, blond, and black. The tubes through which energy passes to exit the hair may be wider depending on the amount of energy coursing through. It may make a person very excitable and impulsive if the energy is forceful and of great quantity.
When a person starts getting old, the energy generated considerably reduces. It also no longer emits through the hair tubes since most of it used to keep the body going. When this happens, it results in a decline of pigment flow through the hair. This makes the hair turn white, which is why a person’s hair may become whiter the older they become. Other things that often result in white hair include shock and grief. How does this happen? When one experiences something that triggers grief or shock, there is a rush of nervous energy that forcefully flows through the hair tube with the pigments.
The natural reaction to this is that the hair turns white. Rarely will the hair gain its color back after experiencing such a strain.
Let’s take the United States, for example. Many people in the U.S.
have white hair on their hands due to a mix of different factors. The first is the climatic conditions, which causes people to develop a competitive mindset. The state of mind of people in the U.S. typically keeps them on their feet. Despite circumstances, they don’t mind enjoying life. Another factor that causes white hair is the kind of lifestyle pressure that many people experience. These factors and more can contribute to how hair color appear on people’s hands.
Chapter Six: Reading Fingernails Initially, I wanted to talk about the fingernails under the color and texture chapter, but I decided against it because the fingernail is one of the most critical components to study in hand analysis. It deserves to have its own chapter. The color, texture, and shape of your fingernail can say a great deal about you to someone who knows how to read fingernails.
In palm reading, you can tell an individual’s luck by looking at their fingernail’s shape. The size of the fingernail can also determine the character of a person. You can learn more about yourself by studying your fingernails. Just like skin texture, nails show the quality of different aspects of your life. It also reflects the health of your nervous system. The healthier your nervous system, the healthier your names will appear. Fingernails protect your nerve endings, so your ability to cope with stress is evident in their appearance. The longer and larger your nails, the more you can cope with stress. This also applies to the opposite. One by one, I discuss the meaning of the fingernail’s color, shape, and size.
In most people, the nail shape is based on the type of fingertip, i.e., if the fingertip is narrow or thick. Before we delve into this, keep in mind that your nail can change over time, depending on your habits.
For instance, someone who continually deals with stress, anger, or nervousness may develop a fan-shaped nail. But if the problem causing the stress or anger goes away, the nail returns to its natural shape. Small fingernails can become more prominent over time if a person changes their habit or lifestyle.