away and fall off the roof. When he had all the fun he wanted out there he came in himself. Everyone was pretty much disturbed about it, because it was a 30 feet [sic] drop to the ground.” Smith, Hostage to Fortune, 10.


30. Cameron, Rose, 82; RK, Times to Remember, 82–83.

31. Smith, Nine of Us, 68–69. Jack was christened at St. Aidan’s. Rose was not present, as mothers were confined for three weeks then and she insisted on her children being christened as soon as possible.

32. RK, Times to Remember, 84–85.

33. JPK to Edward Place, July 2, 1920, box 21, JPKP. Earlier, Joe wrote: “Mrs. Kennedy and I feel that we can never repay you for the interest that you have taken in Jack. We would feel very badly to have the little fellow away for the period that we feel he must be, if we did not feel that he was under your care.” JPK to Edward Place, March 4, 1920, box 21, JPKP.

34. Anna Pope to JPK, May 14, 1920, box 21, JPKP; Smith, Hostage to Fortune, 9; Nasaw, Patriarch, 63; O’Brien, John F. Kennedy, 26. In response to Sara Miller, Joe wrote, “As I have told you personally over the phone, Mrs. Kennedy and I feel we can never repay you for the interest you have taken in Jack….It makes a great difference to us to know that he is so happy with you, and is getting along so very well under your treatment.” JPK to Sara Miller, March 4, 1920, box 21, JPKP.

35. Kessler, Sins of the Father, 34; Whalen, Founding Father, 54.

36. The entrance is now at 51 Abbottsford Road.

37. RK, Times to Remember, 83.

38. RK, Times to Remember, 81.

39. RK diary, April 3, 1923, box 1, RKP.

40. RK diary, April 3, 1923, box 1, RKP; RK, Times to Remember, 94.

41. Perry, Rose Kennedy, 15; Kathryn Kish Sklar, “Victorian Women and Domestic Life: Mary Todd Lincoln, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Harriet Beecher Stowe,” in Women and Power in American History, 3rd ed., ed. Kathryn Kish Sklar and Thomas Dublin (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2009), 122, 128; Linda Kerber, “The Republican Mother,” American Quarterly 28, no. 2 (summer 1976): 187–205.

42. Holt, Care and Feeding.

43. Watson, Psychological Care; O’Brien, John F. Kennedy, 39–40.

44. RK, Times to Remember, 7.

45. Cameron, Rose, 83, 85; RK, Times to Remember, 111.

46. Burns, John Kennedy, 22–23; Eunice Shriver interview, CBP.

47. Whalen, Founding Father, 57–58; Hamilton, JFK: Reckless Youth, 59.

48. RK diary, December 5, 1923, February 28, 1923, October 26, 1923, and September 11, 1923, box 1, RKP; Perry, Rose Kennedy, 61–62; Perret, Jack, 24.

49. RK diary, November 21, 1923, box 1, RKP; RK, Times to Remember, 97.

50. Flood, Story of Noble and Greenough, 79; Hamilton, JFK: Reckless Youth, 53.

51. Hamilton, JFK: Reckless Youth, 54–55.

52. Also on the team was another set of brothers, McGeorge and William Bundy. For the latter’s recollection of being a classmate of Jack’s, see Bird, The Color of Truth, 36.

53. Hamilton, JFK: Reckless Youth, 57; Bird, The Color of Truth, 36.

54. Myra Fiske OH, Dexter School, quoted in Hamilton, JFK: Reckless Youth, 57.

55. Quoted in Leamer, Kennedy Men, 35.

56. Rostow, World Economy, 210; Eckes and Zeilier, Globalization, 73.

57. On U.S. reluctance to face the challenges of world leadership in the interwar era, see Tooze, Deluge; and Thompson, Sense of Power, chap. 3. The Eurocentered world as artificial is from Kennedy, Rise and Fall, 277. On Wilson and the League fight, see Cooper, Breaking the Heart; Ambrosius, Woodrow Wilson; and Nichols, Promise, chap. 6.


58. Whalen, Founding Father, 65–66; Collier and Horowitz, Kennedys, 42.

59. An excellent history of Prohibition is McGirr, War on Alcohol.

60. Okrent, Last Call, 366–71; Nasaw, Patriarch, 79–81. Nasaw did find a “Joseph Kennedy Ltd.” involved in the liquor-smuggling trade, but the owner was a Vancouver-based Canadian whose given name was Daniel Joseph. See also Smith, Hostage to Fortune, xx.

61. “Mr. Kennedy, the Chairman,” Fortune, September 1937.

62. Arthur Krock OH, JFKL; Whalen, Founding Father, 59.

63. Whalen, Founding Father, 58–59. Quoted in O’Brien, John F. Kennedy, 29. See also Beschloss, Kennedy and Roosevelt, 65.

64. RK, Times to Remember, 57; RK interview by Robert Coughlan, January 7, 1972, box 10, RKP.

65. RK, Times to Remember, 166; Hamilton, JFK: Reckless Youth, 62.

66. “Mr. Kennedy, the Chairman,” Fortune, September 1937; Collier and Horowitz, Kennedys, 46–47; Kamensky et al., People and a Nation, 622.

67. Parmet, Jack, 11; Smith, Hostage to Fortune, 9.

68. Beauchamp, Joseph P. Kennedy Presents, 93–99; Nasaw, Patriarch, 100–102.

69. Quoted in Goodwin, Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, 393–94.

70. Byrne, Kick, 19; Beauchamp, Joseph P. Kennedy Presents, 122–25.

71. Swanson, Swanson on Swanson, 356–57, 359. Though the family had moved to Riverdale, Rose returned to Boston to give birth.

72. Beauchamp, Joseph P. Kennedy Presents, 272–73; Nasaw, Patriarch, 144.

73. Swanson, Swanson on Swanson, 385–86.

74. Goodwin, Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, 391–92; Perry, Rose Kennedy, 78; O’Brien, John F. Kennedy, 35. In Marriage and Parenthood: The Catholic Ideal (1911), Father Thomas Gerrard stated that sexual intercourse should be completed quickly.

75. Dallek, Unfinished Life, 23–24.

76. Swanson, Swanson on Swanson, 394. According to the book, Kennedy had sought permission from the Catholic Church to live apart from Rose and maintain a second home with Swanson.

77. Nasaw, Patriarch, 146–47; Higham, Rose, 110–11.

78. On June 3, Kennedy wrote to Joe Junior to commend him on how he had carried himself at the funeral. “Everybody says you were perfectly fine and handled yourself splendidly. I was terribly disappointed not to be there myself, but I was more than proud to have you as my own representative and delighted everybody liked you so much.” JPK to JPK Jr., June 3, 1929, printed in Smith, Hostage to Fortune, 84.

79. Goodwin, Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, 420; Kessler, Sins of the Father, 80–81.

80. Allen, Only Yesterday, quoted in Whalen, Founding Father, 106.

81. Leamer, Kennedy Men, 57; Goodwin, Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, 391–92, 425–26.

82. Hamilton, JFK: Reckless Youth, 50.

83. RK, Times to Remember, 150; Parmet, Jack, 14.

84. Quoted in Burns, John Kennedy, 21.

85. Riverdale Country School scholarship report, June 7, 1929, box 20, JPKP; O’Brien, John F. Kennedy, 29.

86. “Plea for a Raise,” n.d., box 1, JPKP. Jack signed the letter “John Fitzgerald Francis Kennedy.” Mystified by the inclusion of “Francis,” which was not part of his name, his mother could only surmise that Jack added the name of the kindly saint to increase his chances of getting his wish.


87. O’Brien, John F. Kennedy, 29.

88. Damore, Cape Cod Years, 19–21; Nasaw, Patriarch, 92.
