On a practical level, I would like to acknowledge my editor throughout the years, Judith Horton, whose work on this book was truly monumental. Thanks also go to my editor at Bantam: Stephanie Kip.
I would like to acknowledge all the teachers, those spiritually based and those astrologically based, who have helped me along the way. Spiritually: Ramana Maharshi, through Gangaji, Nome, and Bob Spiegel. Astrologically: Morningland, Martin Schulman (for his book on the Nodes), and Gina Ceaglio, my first astrology teacher. This work would not have been possible without the research and intuitive gifts of those who have gone before. I especially want to acknowledge the work of Martin Schulman and Zipporah Dobyns on the Nodes.
For his support, encouragement, and insights on this project, my father, Bill Nunn, together with the influence of his teacher, Bob Gibson. My clients and friends for their willingness to add insights and feedback on this and other projects, including but not limited to: Sheri Zucker, Helen Thomas-Williams, Sandy Ingoglia. Thanks to Philip Weiss for his ideas on integrating the music with the book. For his support and backing that gave me the conditions I needed to write this book, I would like to acknowledge my friend, Russell. Thank you.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge the presence of the Guides and Knowledge Banks available to all of us when we listen with an open heart and nonjudgmental mind to deeply understand the inner workings of others.
Jan Spiller