Churchill’s speeches were never broadcast live or in theirentirety by the BBC. He made them in the House of Commons and short recordedclips were later used in the news bulletins. After the war, it was an actor whorecorded his speeches in full for the Decca record company.19With Roosevelt, Churchill, and Hitler all in place, the Elite could step up the warand turn it into a worldwide conflict. It would be a massive global problem insearch of a massive global solution: the United Nations, the European Community,and all the other centralised institutions that would appear after 1945. According toRoosevelt’s son, Colonel Elliot Roosevelt, his father used the cover of an inventedfishing trip in August 1941 to meet Churchill on board a warship in Argentia Bay.Also at the meeting were Lord Beaverbrook (the owner of the London DailyExpress) and Averell Harriman (whose family business had financed the BolshevikRevolution, Adolf Hitler, the Nazi war machine, and eugenics organisationsadvocating the forced sterilisation of the Tower classes’ to bring about a MasterRace). These were the people who met to discuss opposition to Hitler! Churchill,Beaverbrook and Harriman were all members of the Committee of 300.Harriman was close to both Roosevelt and Churchill and he acted as the gobetween, advising both of them. From this position, he could manipulate the twoleaders as he liked, or rather, as the Global Elite liked. The Elite’s problem was tobounce the American people into sending their sons and daughters into anotherwar in Europe which, on the face of it, had nothing to do with them. The Americanpeople were so keen to avoid war that Roosevelt could only get re-elected bysaying he had no intention of sending their children to fight in Europe or anywhere else, thus echoing the words of Woodrow Wilson before he took Americainto the First World War. Like Wilson, Roosevelt was lying. Look at some of thethings he said:…And while I am talking to you mothers and fathers, I give you one more assurance.I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again. Your boys are notgoing to be sent into any foreign wars.20You can therefore nail any talk about sending armies to Europe as deliberate untruth.21All the time he was saying these things, he knew the Second World War wasbeing executed by the Elite and that the means to make American public opinionaccept US involvement had long been unfolding behind the scenes. Roosevelt wasbreaking the international laws on neutrality and defying his own speeches bysupplying the British with ammunition and weapons both covertly and through theLend Lease Act. Some members of Congress could see what was happening.Representative Philip Bennett of Missouri said:But our boys are not going to be sent abroad, says the President. Nonsense, MrChairman; even now their berths are being built in our transport ships. Even now thetags for identification of the dead and wounded are being printed by the firm of WilliamC. Ballantyne and Co of Washington.22To this day, popular accounts of history portray Roosevelt as a man whostrove in vain to ward off war.23 The Elite plan, long known by Roosevelt, was toengineer an attack on the United States which would so anger public opinion thatpeople would agree to go to war against the aggressor and, as a consequence ofthat, join the European conflict also. As a member of Woodrow Wilson’sadministration in the First World War, Roosevelt would have been well-schooled inmanipulating public opinion with engineered events. In 1939, Senator P. Nye ofNorth Dakota said that he had seen a series of volumes called The Next War,including one called Propaganda In The Next War. This was the document towhich I referred some chapters earlier. It revealed that the Americans had beenpromised that Britain would recognise a Jewish homeland in Palestine if theAmericans entered the First World War. As Senator Nye revealed, the material alsoincluded the game plan for manipulating public opinion into accepting Americanintervention in the second global conflict, which these documents – writtenbetween the wars – said was coming. The propaganda document, which originatedin Britain, said:To persuade her the United States to take our part will be much more difficult, sodifficult as to be unlikely to succeed. It will need a definite threat to America, a threatmoreover, which will have to be brought home by propaganda to every citizen, beforethe Republic will again take arms in an external quarrel… The position will naturally be considerably eased if Japan my emphasis were involved,and this might and probably would bring America in without further ado. At any rate, itwould be a natural and obvious effect of our propagandists to achieve this, just as inthe Great War they succeeded in embroiling the United States with Germany…Fortunately with America, our propaganda is on firm ground. We can be entirelysincere, as our main plank will be the old democratic one. We must clearly enunciateour belief in the democratic form of government, and our firm resolve to adhere to…the old goddess of democracy routine.24The manipulation around Roosevelt was coordinated by Bernard Baruch andthat front for the Global Elite, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Baruch waschairman of the War Industries Board during World War I and was among the’advisors’ who negotiated the German reparations at Versailles. He was the voice inRoosevelt’s ear, as he had been for many presidents. The Council on ForeignRelations devised the plan to antagonise Japan to such a degree that they wouldattack the United States. At the forefront of this was Roosevelt’s Secretary of War,Henry Stimson, a founder of the CFR. In his diary he wrote: We face the delicatequestion of diplomatic fencing to be done so as to be sure Japan is put into thewrong and makes the first bad overt move.25 The CFR’s War and Peace StudiesProject sent a memo to Roosevelt, suggesting that aid be given to China while shewas in conflict with Japan, and that Japanese assets in the US be frozen, a tradeembargo imposed, and Japan be refused access to the Panama Canal. I canrecommend an excellent book, Pearl Harbor, The Story Of The Secret War,26 byGeorge Morgenstern, which sets out in great detail how the Japanese were goadedinto the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7th 1941. For four yearsbefore the attack, the Roosevelt administration had been intercepting and decodingsecret Japanese messages. They knew that the Japanese intended to alert theirdiplomatic centres around the world of a decision to go to war through a falseweather report during the daily Japanese language short-wave news broadcast. Theforecast of ‘east wind rain’ indicated war with the United States, ‘west wind clear’would mean a decision to go to war with Britain and British and Dutch colonies inthe East, while ‘north wind cloudy’ meant war with Russia.As a congressional investigation27 heard in 1945, the messages indicating adecision to go to war with the United States and Britain, though not with Russia,were intercepted and decoded on December 3rd 1941 – four days before PearlHarbor. These messages subsequently went ‘missing’ from Navy files. Otherdecoded messages gave Roosevelt prior warning of the attack on Pearl Harbor, butthe people were not told. On January 27th 1941, the US ambassador in Tokyo, JosephGrew, had written to Roosevelt to say that in the event of war, Pearl Harbor wouldbe the first target.28 In all, Roosevelt had information from eight different sourcesindicating a probable attack.29 The attack was to happen purely to manipulateAmerican public opinion into agreeing to go into another war, which had been longplanned. And no-one was more duped than the Japanese. They had been tricked into attacking the US, both by the Americans and the Germans. The German foreignminister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, had been pressing the Japanese to attack theUnited States. On December 6th, Hitler had added to the Japanese resolve byindicating that the German forces were about to enter Moscow. On December 8th,the day after Pearl Harbor, the Germans were found to be in retreat from the Russianfront. Three thousand people were killed at Pearl Harbor, the latest victims in theElite’s plan to control the world, but most of the cream of the US Navy was out ofharbour at the time. Surprised? The day after Pearl Harbor, Allen Dulles wasappointed to the staff of the Office of the Coordinator of Information, which laterbecame the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and then the CIA.The plan worked brilliantly, as public opinion reacted in exactly the wayrequired. America was into another war in Europe and ‘our boys’ who were notgoing to be sent to Europe (according to Roosevelt) were now on their way, manyof them to die. Churchill’s reaction to the news was: That is what I have dreamedof, aimed at, and worked for, and now it has come to pass.30 He might haveadded, And I always knew it was going to. The Round Table/Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs were perfectly placed to coordinate the manipulation in theUnited States. Lord Lothian, who campaigned for the appeasement of Hitler andthen demanded war, was named British Ambassador to the United States. Whenhe died in December 1940, he was replaced in Washington by another elite memberof the Round Table/RIIA, Lord Halifax (Comm 300). This was the man, you willrecall, who suggested a deal with Hitler when they met in 1938. Apart from theBritish Embassy in Washington, the Round Table had its members in control of theResearch and Intelligence Department of the UK Foreign Office, the Ministry ofInformation, and all the agencies involved with economic ‘mobilisation andreconstruction’.31 A similar situation prevailed in the US. The influence onRoosevelt of the Council on Foreign Relations, with its membership throughoutthe government, banking, commerce, media, and military, cannot beoverestimated. Roosevelt’s son-in-law, Curtis Dall, quoted in Jim Keith’s CasebookOn Alternative 3, said:For a long time I felt that Roosevelt…had developed many thoughts and ideas thatwere his own to benefit this country, the USA. But he didn’t. Most of his thoughts, hispolitical ‘ammunition’ as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advance by theCouncil on Foreign Relations/One World Money Group. Brilliantly, with great gusto, like afine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared ‘ammunition’ in the middle of anunsuspecting target, the American people – and thus paid off and retained hisinternationalist political support. (p25)Dall also revealed that Roosevelt had ignored a German offer of an honourablesurrender in the spring of 1943. The offer was made to Commander George Earle,Roosevelt’s personal military attache in Istanbul, by Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, thehead of the German secret service, and later repeated by Fritz Von Papen, theGerman Ambassador. All the messages which Earle sent to Roosevelt detailing the offer of surrender were ignored.32 The manipulators wanted the war to continueuntil the world was changed in their image.Symbolically, the Roosevelt mansion (on East 65th Street in New York) was nextdoor to the headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations! While hell was beingvisited upon this planet for a second time in twenty-five years, the Elite were righton course. As in the First War, the idea was to win the peace once it was all over,and to leave the world at the end of the war in a situation that could be mosteffectively controlled. Hitler didn’t invade Britain when it was there for the taking(after the Dunkirk retreat of 1940) because, I am increasingly convinced, those whowere controlling him did not want that to happen. And, as became clear after thewar, the Allied Supreme Commander, General Eisenhower, was prevented byRoosevelt (the Global Elite) from moving on through Germany when the Germanswere overrun, so that the Soviet Union Empire could be extended to Berlin and theCold War thus created. Eisenhower was a close associate of the Rockefellers andBernard Baruch. Thanks to them his progress through the ranks was astonishinglyfast. After the war he became President of the United States. On April 9th 1951, Lifemagazine reported that Eisenhower had radioed Stalin via the US military missionin Moscow, to detail his plan to stop at the Elbe River and allow the Russians to takeBerlin. The message was written by his political advisor, John Wheeler Bennett ofthe Royal Institute of International Affairs, received by W. Averell Harriman, andpassed on to Stalin.33 The Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall were Elite creations onthe classic principle of divide and rule and manipulate through fear. World war as aform of control was going to be replaced, at least for a few decades, by the fear ofapocalyptic conflict between East and West. This fear was fuelled by the unveilingof a new and devastating weapon, the atomic bomb. It was created by theAmericans under the so called ‘Manhattan Project’, led by Robert Oppenheimer,with support from the Elite-controlled Institute for Advanced Study at PrincetonUniversity (where Albert Einstein was a regular visitor).After Roosevelt’s death,34 his successor, another Freemason, Harry S. Truman,authorised the use of this ‘new’ weapon to destroy the Japanese cities of Hiroshimaand Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th 1945. Eighty thousand men, women, andchildren were killed by the explosion at Hiroshima alone. Goodness knows howmany have died or suffered since from the effects of the radiation. This grotesque actof inhumanity was justified by the politicians and military leaders as the only way toprotect American lives which, it was said, would have been lost in enormousnumbers had an invasion of Japan been authorised. We now know different. We nowknow that the Japanese had agreed to surrender the previous spring on the sameterms that were accepted after the bombs were dropped. Emperor Hirohito agreed tothis through secret negotiations with the US via the Vatican. The former Britishcabinet minister, Tony Benn, has said that he learned that this was the case when heentered government. Retired Colonel Donn Grand Pre, writing in the Americaninvestigative newspaper, The Spotlight, on September 12th 1994, said that he alsoknew for sure that the Japanese would have surrendered before Hiroshima. He saidthat in May 1945 he was with a military force, driving what was left of the Japanese army out of North Burma while B-29s were devastating Tokyo in a series of raids.Two days after those raids in the May, the Colonel said, the acting US Secretary ofState, Joseph C. Grew, recommended to President Truman that he add to his termsfor a Japanese surrender the words… surrender would not mean the elimination ofthe present dynasty (Emperor Hirohito) if the Japanese desired its retention. Thesewere the terms on which the Japanese would surrender after the horrors of threemonths later. Truman apparently favoured the addition, but after consulting with hisadvisors, the idea was dropped for ‘military reasons’. It was a question of timing, thedissenters said. Truman’s decision was to cost tens of thousands of lives, possiblyhundreds of thousands. The ‘question of timing’ related to the Potsdam Conferencewhen Truman, Churchill, and Josef Stalin would issue an ultimatum to Japan -minus the suggested addition. As Colonel Donn Grand Pre now says:The psychological spin behind the exploding of the bombs was to create such aworldwide fear of the power of nuclear energy that countries would give up theirsovereignty, turn all their weapons and armed forces over to a world government andsurrender their freedom.35President Truman said in an address shortly before Hiroshima: It will be just aseasy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for us to get along inthe Republic of the United States. This same approach of justifying centralisedworld government and all that goes with it can be seen in the statements of AlbertEinstein, the man remembered for his scientific genius to such an extent that todayyou still hear very clever people described as being an ‘Einstein’. But there wasmore to him than that. Einstein, who arrived in America from Germany viaSwitzerland, was a close friend of Bernard Baruch, the financier and string puller ofpresidents, and of Lord Victor Rothschild, the arch manipulator within BritishIntelligence who would gather atomic information for Israel’s secret nuclearweapons programme. Einstein worked on the development of the atomic bomb andBaruch called it the ‘absolute weapon’. Baruch set himself up as the head of anorganisation he called The United Nations Atomic Energy Commission in 1944 -sixteen months before the US Cabinet, including the then Vice President Truman,knew the bomb even existed and before the first meeting of the official foundinggroup of the United Nations! But then Baruch and his fellow manipulators hadknown since the First World War what was planned. When Truman becamepresident and learned of the bomb and the United Nations became official, heappointed Baruch to head… the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission. BothBaruch and Einstein sought to use the fear of atomic destruction to install a worldgovernment. What a help it was to have an example in Hiroshima and Nagasaki toemphasise its capacity for destruction! Einstein called for the formation of a worldgovernment by the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union, to which the ‘secretof the bomb’ should be given. He said that these three were the only three powerswith great military strength and he urged them to commit this strength (worldarmy) to the world government. The ‘genius’ went on: The world government would have power over all military matters and need have onlyone further power: the power to intervene in countries where a minority is oppressing amajority and creating the kind of instability that leads to war…There must be an end tothe concept of non-intervention, for to end it is part of keeping the peace.36These mental gymnastics were right off the pages of the Elite personnel manualand these themes are being parroted to this day by those seeking to turn the UnitedNations ‘peacekeeping’ forces into an Einstein-like world army. Just look at Bosnia.Under Einstein’s criteria of a minority oppressing a majority, the first interventionby the world government and army should have been in the Soviet Union which hesaid should be part of the world government and army! But, no. The genius had ananswer to that:While it is true that in the Soviet Union the minority rules, I do not consider the internalconditions there are of themselves a threat to world peace. One must bear in mind thatthe people of Russia did not have a long political education and changes to improveRussian conditions had to be carried through by a minority for the reason that there wasno majority capable of doing it.37Decoded, this Einstein-speak is saying that what we need is to use the fear ofmass destruction to install a world (Elite) government which will have a worldarmy at its disposal to intervene whenever it believed its interests and powerwould benefit. In 1946, Einstein’s British friend, Bertrand Russell (Comm 300),said that it was necessary to use the fear of nuclear weapons to force all nations togive up their sovereignty and submit to the dictatorship of the United Nations.38This was the approach decided upon in 1958 at the second of the PugwashConferences when the policy of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) was agreed.The conferences were hosted by Cyrus Eaton, a business partner of theRockefellers.39 In reality, the MAD policy involved building up nuclear arsenals onboth sides to the point where for either to attack the other would meanannihilation for both of them. The fear of this would be used as a wonderfulmeans of controlling government policy, arms spending, and public opinionthroughout the Cold War, while at the top levels of manipulation they were all onthe same side. Pavel A. Sudoplatov, head of the Soviet Intelligence Bureau on theatomic problem during World War Two, has now confirmed that Oppenheimerwas supplying data about the bomb to the Soviet Union during the war.40 KlausFuchs, the German nuclear physicist, worked on the Manhattan Project after he’fled’ from Germany to Britain in 1933. Fuchs, a close associate of Lord VictorRothschild (Comm 300), was later jailed for fourteen years for supplying Britishand American atomic secrets to the Russians. The post-war Pugwash Conferences,inspired by Einstein and Bertrand Russell, were another means through whichscientific data was passed from one side to the other during the alleged ‘ColdWar’. They also helped Victor Rothschild to amass nuclear information for Israel,as we shall see later. It is hard to believe at first, but you don’t have to search too far to realise thatalmost every major negative event of global significance has been part of the samelong-term plan by the All-Seeing Eye cult to take over the planet via a centralisedworld government, central bank, currency, and army. And it is being done byprogramming the human mind. If we are going to stop this and allow humanity toburst forth in its full potential for love and harmony, there is one thing we need todo above all else. We have to stop thinking in black and white and soften our rigidbelief systems. This world is not black and white. Nothing is. If you have a rigidbelief system that is not open to the endless subtleties of life, you become amanipulator’s party trick. If you believe that someone running a business in a pinstriped suit is bad by definition, without listening to what the person has to say,your mind is not your own. The same with those who see the homeless or travellersand immediately react with ‘scroungers’ or ‘dossers’. Or those who believe one raceor other is inferior to their own. No-one is all right and no-one is all wrong.Because the thinking of the mass of the British people before and during WorldWar Two was so set and inflexible, it bought the idea of good v evil, when the sameforce was behind both sides. It also allowed people who had the courage to standup and speak out against the manipulation to be jailed without charge throughoutthe war. If you challenge our side, you must be a supporter of the other side, thischildlike mindset believed. This is the type of non-thinking which allows themanipulation to go on. Still today, if you speak of the global deception and mentionany name involved which happens to be Jewish, you are immediately branded’anti-Semitic’. Some people do this purposely to discredit the researcher anddiminish the impact of their information. Others, like the people I call the RobotRadicals, parrot these slogans because their minds are so rigid at this time, that theycouldn’t cope with the idea that many of their ‘far Left’, ‘radical’, heroes, werecontrolled by the same force, sometimes part of the same force, which controls theirperceived enemies on the ‘far Right’.It was this naivety that allowed the World Wars to happen. For the second timein forty-five years both ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ had been manipulated into conflict withthe most devastating and horrific effect. Sadly, the same childish responses continueto this day.SOURCES1 Donovan, The Universal Soldier (Pye Records, London, 1965). Written by Buffy St Marie.2 Quoted in several books, including Trevor Ravenscroft’s The Spear Of Destiny (Corgi,London, 1974) p1063 Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler- The Missing Years (London, 1957) 4 Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, p2755 House of Lords, February 1938; Chatham House, March 24th 1938. The Anglo-AmericanEstablishment, p279-2816 Ibid p2847 The Anglo-American Establishment, p2858 Gertrude Elias, briefing paper for networked circulation, (London, 1995)9 The involvement of The Times in the manipulation of British public opinion was quiteappalling. As Carrol! Quigley reveals, the Round Table controlled the paper indirectly from atleast 1912 and took it over completely when the Astors bought the company in 1922. (TheAnglo-American Establishment, pll3.) A key Round Table frontman was Geoffrey Dawson,the editor of The Times from 1912 to 1941, which covered the periods in which both WorldWars were manipulated into being. He left the editor’s chair for three years between 1919and 1922 after disagreements with the owner, Lord Northcliffe. The moment the Astors tookover, lapdog Dawson was restored. (p102.)10 House of Commons, May 8th 194011 House of Commons, March 16th 193912 The Churchills (Independent Television, May 1995)13 Secret Societies, p20814 Some researchers believe that 18b was used without Churchill’s knowledge15 Lord Victor Rothschild went on to be a governor of the BBC and a key influence in atomicenergy policy, the National Research and Development Corporation, the Medical ResearchCouncil, and the Agricultural Research Council (in the period when British farming wasdestroyed and taken over by factory farming and the methods which have turned large areasof the British countryside into ecological deserts). He was good for pharmaceuticalcompanies, though. Lord Rothschild was named in a book in 1994 as the ‘fifth man’ in theBritish spy scandal involving Philby, Maclean, Burgess and Blunt.16 Dr Kitty Little, conversation with the author, July 199517 Captain A.H.M. Ramsey, The Nameless War (OMNI Publications, London, 1952) plOl.18 See John Howland Snow’s The Case Of Tyler Kent (The Long House, Connecticut, USA,1946)19 Source: The BBC Written Archive Centre20 Boston, October 30th 1940. Public Papers And Addresses Of Franklin D. Roosevelt(Macmillan, New York), 1940 volume, p51721 Ibid (December 29th 1940) p633-64422 Quoted by A.H.M. Ramsey in The Nameless War, p7523 Pears Cyclopaedia, 85th Edition, p85224 Congressional Record, 76th Congress, Vol. 84, No. 82, p6597-660425 Quoted in Casebook On Alternative 3, p2526 George Morgenstern, Pearl Harbor, The Story Of The Secret War (Costa Mesa, USA, 1991edition. First published in 1947)27 Joint Congressional Committee of the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack. It was largelya coverup. 28 Secret Societies, p21029 Casebook On Alternative 3, p2630 February 15th 1942. Radio address reported in the New York Times, February 16th31 The Anglo-American Establishment, p303.32 Secret Societies, p21233 When the victorious allies did make it to Berlin, the place was looted by the British,Americans, and Russians. Among the looters was one Captain Du Maurier. We know himbetter as Robert Maxwell, international publisher, thief, and agent of the Israeli secretservice, Mossad. The Berlin porcelain dining table set sold after his mysterious death at seain 1991 was stolen from a Berlin Museum in 1945. Source: The Spotlight newspaper (April17th 1995) p4.34 Some researchers claim that Roosevelt died earlier than officially announced and that alook-alike was used for the latter months of the war. The two men certainly have obviousfacial differences when their pictures are put side by side.35 The Spotlight (September 12th 1994) pl536 The Atlantic Monthly (November 1945)37 Ibid38 Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists (October 1946)39 Pugwash comes from the name of the Canadian estate of industrialist, Cyrus Eaton. Hebegan his career as secretary to J.D. Rockefeller before he became a business partner ofthe dynasty.40 The Spotlight (May 16th and September 12th 1994)