The same attitude that suppressed the challenge to the manipulation of WorldWar Two, today sees people vilified and jailed for questioning some of theofficial versions of The Holocaust in Nazi Germany. If you do that, no-one listensto the evidence because this is lost in the tidal wave of vilification andcondemnation. If people want to believe that all those who question the officialline are Nazis and apologists for the Hitler regime, or anti-Jewish, then they mustgo ahead and do so. But I’ll tell them this. They are kidding themselves, becausethat isn’t true. It simply isn’t.As the old vibration of life begins to crumble and the new one emerges, we are inthe period now when the muck of the past which has remained hidden is coming tothe surface to be dealt with and dispersed. The content of this book is part of that. Itis not only individuals who have suppressed emotions which eat them away andeventually have to be dealt with, it is the Earth and the collective mind of humanityalso. The process of cleansing the Earth takes many forms, and one of them is for allthat has been secret and suppressed to come into the public spotlight. Whetherpeople like it or whether they don’t, the official version of The Holocaust cannotavoid this exposure to proper debate for very much longer. The process of cleansingand transformation will ensure that this will happen.The way the Nazis treated many Jewish people is unspeakable. There are nowords adequate to describe it. The pain, as we see in the commemorations, appearsundiminished for those who lived through it. What an insult it would be to thosepeople who suffered so, if it were established that their pain and unimaginablehorror is also being used without their knowledge, to promote and protect a longerterm plan. It would qualify, perhaps, as one of the ultimate inhumanities. Arepeople who did not suffer under the Nazis using the emotions of those who did tomanipulate events for their own diabolical ends? We can only establish if that istrue by allowing all information about that period to be made public withoutvilification or condemnation.As Professor Yehuda Bauer, the chairman of the Vidal Sassoon Centre for theStudy of Anti-Semitism, said, Someone is misusing people’s fears and obsessionsand presenting things we know today did not happen.1 He was reacting to storiesabout ‘human soap’ which holocaust ‘experts’ have said the Nazis made out of thebodies of Jewish victims in the concentration camps. This has become an accepted’fact’, but Professor Bauer said there was no documentary evidence that any suchthing took place. In the researching of this book, for the first time in my life I stumbled across information which questions the official holocaust line. I wasshocked, to be honest. I looked at it and I wrote it down, a process that always helpsme to get things clearer in my mind. I pondered on it endlessly for weeks. Myconclusion was that there were the most terrible atrocities against Jewish people, asthere were against others in Germany, the Soviet Union, and in Japanese-occupiedcountries. The whole war was a holocaust. What the European settlers did to theNative American tribes was a holocaust. The atrocities that Jewish people did sufferunder the Nazis, makes the pain that we see thoroughly understandable. But I alsoconcluded from the evidence I came across that the official line has a vast number ofquestions to answer and enormous tracts of documented information to explainbefore we can really know what happened. Like I say, nothing is ever what it seems,no matter what we may be told. When, for instance, a Jewish American like DavidCole produces evidence and video documentaries demolishing the official claimsabout the events at Auschwitz, you cannot, if you are interested in truth, justdismiss his findings and condemn him as a Nazi apologist. That is not to say thateverything people say is correct, but why are we so frightened to allow the public todecide for themselves? Why is such information suppressed?People might not like me making these points, but I ask them this: what is a truelove for humanity? Is it saying what you believe people need to know and takingthe flak? Or is it saying what you think they want to know and taking the plaudits?I come back to something that I see often in my research into the Global Elite: theway Jewish people are used as mere propaganda fodder by the upper reaches oftheir own hierarchy, especially the Rothschilds and others like the Habsburgs. Jewishpeople are not seeking to take over the world. The opposite is true. They just want toget on peacefully and joyfully with their lives, like all of us. Instead, they are beingused mercilessly by their own privileged, manipulating cliques to be the ‘fall guy’, toprotect the few from legitimate investigation and exposure. So much of their historyis kept from them to ensure they remain under the mental and emotional control ofthe few. Major Alojzy Dziurski, of the wartime Polish underground movement, wasno apologist for the Nazis and nor was he anti-Jewish. He had a wide circle of Jewishfriends and expressed a deep gratitude to the Jew he said had saved his life. In hisbook, Freedom Fighter, Dziurski told how he heard that the German attitude to Jewshad changed quite dramatically after they realised the Zionist influence in Stalin’sSoviet Union. This prompted Major Dziurski to meet with Polish Jewish leaders inMarch 1942, to warn them that they must disperse the Jews living in the ghettos,move them to homes among Polish farmers in remote areas, and establishsettlements in forested areas. He said the leaders refused, with terrible consequences.The major said he became a close friend of a Jewish captain, who had been a PoliticalCommissar in the Red Army. Dziurski said in his book:Because of my interest in Jewish affairs, he the Captain would share with me a wellguarded secret. Accepted as a devoted Zionist, he would attend a secret meeting for initiated Zionists only. It was conducted in Hebrew, not in Yiddish, as most meetingswere. The majority of the speakers were foreign Zionist leaders, but he recognised onlyone, Moshe Sneh, a Polish Jewish leader, who had left for Palestine before the war andreturned in 1945 as Berihah leader to organise the mass emigration of Polish Jews.Every speaker emphasised the unique opportunity that had come to snatch Palestineand the Middle East from the Arabs and the British…The whole non-Jewish world had tobe made to feel guilty for The Holocaust together with the Nazis. The Holocaust must beshown to be the greatest Christian crime against the Jewish people. Intensivepropaganda would be launched, and all publishing houses and the press under Jewishinfluence had already been instructed to propagate the story of Jewish sufferings.Moshe Sneh had demanded that the maximum number of Polish Jews must be forcedto leave Poland for Palestine or any country of their choice. Instructions had beenissued to Western European Jewry to prepare for the reception of Polish immigrants…tofilter later into the United States. The USA must be made the great reservoir of Jewry toinfluence American politics because the USA would become the decisive world power.2You may or may not accept that. But you have a right to hear it, and much,much, more of the documented background information relating to this subject willbe coming to the surface in the years to come. No-one will be more stunned by whatwill be made known than the mass of Jewish people themselves. They are going tolook on their hierarchy in a very different light. Major Dziurski compiled a largenumber of writings and archives about his wartime experiences and theinformation given to him by Jewish friends and acquaintances. These were stolen ina robbery at his home in May 1965, after which he emigrated to Australia.I strongly believe that a small Jewish clique which has contempt for the mass ofJewish people worked with non-Jews to create the First World War, the RussianRevolution, and the Second World War. This Jewish/non-Jewish Elite used the FirstWorld War to secure the Balfour Declaration and the principle of the Jewish State ofIsrael in Palestine (for which, given the genetic history of most Jewish people, thereis absolutely no justification on historical grounds or any other). They thendominated the Versailles Peace Conference and created the circumstances whichmade the Second World War inevitable. They financed Hitler to power in 1933 andmade the funds available for his rearmament. Their representatives in other nationsmanipulated their governments to allow Hitler and the Nazis to invadesurrounding countries and increase their military power and potential by acquiringthe resources of those countries. They gave Hitler the impression that he couldexpand across mainland Europe without challenge, but then, at a prearranged time,the attitude of Britain changed dramatically and he found himself in a war he couldnot win – especially after Roosevelt manipulated the American people, via PearlHarbor, into a conflict he said they would never be involved in.Meanwhile, those Jews in Germany who were part of, or useful to, this tinyJewish/non-Jewish Elite were allowed to leave the Nazi-occupied lands and escapeto the USA, other safe countries, and to Palestine to begin the work that would culminate in the creation of Israel after the war. They were not the ones who were tosuffer so terribly under Hitler. Far from it. They were the ones who were going touse and exploit the suffering of those left behind. When the privileged elite, like thebanker Max Warburg, had left Germany, the Jewish men, women, and childrenconsidered expendable in pursuit of a wider goal were left to their fate. That fatewas sealed when Alfred Rosenberg with his Jewish background, made a copy ofThe Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion available to Hitler.So what could possibly motivate this manipulating Jewish clique to treat theirfellow Jews in such a subhuman way? Quite simply, the manipulators are not reallyJews, as Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman points out in his 1974 book, To Eliminate TheOpiate. Antelman, who lost seventeen members of his family to the Nazis, says thatthis clique does not want to promote Judaism, it wants to destroy it, as it wants todestroy all alternatives to its own focus of worship, the All-Seeing Eye cult ofantiquity. It is this which provides the common themes of loyalty and motivationbetween the Jews, Arabs, British, Germans, Americans etc, who are knowinglyworking together to bring about the global fascist tyranny known as the New WorldOrder. The ‘Jews’ of the Global Elite could not give a damn about Jewish people, asthe Germans in the clique could not care less about the German people. To them,the masses of whatever race, colour, or country, are a herd of nonentities who arethere to be used only as necessary to serve their master – the LucifericConsciousness on the Fourth Dimension. The ‘All Seeing’ Jews, however, and theirnon-Jewish conspirators, use the smokescreen of ‘anti-Semitism’ and the genuinesuffering of real Jews to prevent investigation of their sinister activities. I amconvinced that it was this clique which wrote and leaked the Protocols and made itlook like a plot by Jewish people as a whole. It is not. No, no, no!After the war, the unimaginable suffering of Jewish people, condemned by theirown elite, among others, was used to bring the State of Israel into being on a waveof understandable emotion, given the stories the world was being told. It has beenused ever since to block legitimate investigation into the manipulation of thehuman race. The label ‘anti-Semite’ is hurled at anyone who challenges the officialversion of history and who exposes the people who really control the world. Onevehicle for this Jewish and non-Jewish clique – which has made Jews suffer so much- is called Zionism and so is the State of Israel, a country and a ruling mindset,which to me looks remarkably like the Nazi mentality.The British hierarchy has provably manipulated, exploited, and sent to theirdeaths multimillions of British people to serve the ‘national interest’ – the interestsof the ruling clique; the German hierarchy has done the same to the German peopleand the American hierarchy to the American population. These ruling cliques haveutter contempt for their ‘unwashed masses’. They see them as cattle to be used andabused as required. Why is it so amazing that the Jewish hierarchy should see themass of Jewish people in the same terms?The exploitation of those who did suffer by those who didn’t has allowed theruling elite of Israel to commit the most terrible atrocities without challenge fromthe wider world community, while any perceived threat to Israel is immediately condemned and dealt with. Why do we not hear about the decades of atrocities byIsrael against the dispossessed Palestinians, which have been reported again andagain by members of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency? The grotesqueirony is that while complaining about the ‘far Right’ and ‘anti-Semitism’, the Israeligovernment has supported Nazi regimes across the world, including the terrorist,Somoza, who was responsible for the slaughter of tens of thousands of his ownpeople in Nicaragua.3 Israel has armed or supported neo-Nazis and terrorists inTaiwan, Saudi Arabia, Central America, Argentina, and scores of others,4 in leaguewith the neo-Nazis who control the United States and the CIA. When Israelpontificates about racism and the far Right, it turns my stomach. The Israeligovernment, its army and its intelligence arm, Mossad, are neo-Nazi, terroristorganisations. This mindset is personified by many of the Israeli settlers in theoccupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. The Israeli authorities hide this fact behindJewish people who genuinely suffered in Hitler’s Germany. The Israeli leaders whoare part of, or controlled by, the All-Seeing Eye cult, have used this suffering formore than fifty years to conceal and justify daily atrocities against the Arabpopulation. Palestinian children are shot by Nazi settlers in the occupied lands, butthe killers escape without punishment. Meanwhile, Arabs are routinely shot by thesame soldiers who look the other way when settlers are terrorising Palestinian men,women, and children.5 As Hitler treated those Jews cast adrift by their ownhierarchy, so does Israel treat Palestinians today. I’ll take no lectures on racism andNazism from apologists for Israeli terrorism, thank you very much.Indeed those who led the terrorist organisations which created Israel after thewar, later became its leaders. To challenge the behaviour of Israel is not to condemnJewish people. The opposite is the case. Those who have controlled Israel and itsinternational terrorist arm, Mossad, are not true Jews. They are a bunch ofunbalanced thugs who have used (abused) Jewish people for their own horrificends. Israeli Prime Minister Menachim Begin was a leading light in the Jewishterrorist underground organisation, Irgun, and as a result was responsible foruntold murder and mayhem. He would later win the Nobel Peace Prize, as didHenry Kissinger. Another Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Shamir, was a terrorist inthe Jewish underground before becoming (appropriately, I guess) the head of theMossad assassination squad at the time of the murder of John F. Kennedy. In a laterchapter I link both Shamir and Begin to Kennedy’s assassination. Prime MinisterYitzhak Rabin was lauded as a great peace maker after his own assassination in1995, but he too was a terrorist. As Naeim Giladi, the Israeli historian and author,says: Rabin launched his career.. .with terrorist murders that shed both Arab andJewish blood when cold political calculation demanded it.6In 1940 when illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine became a flood, the Britishmilitary government began to detain and deport those Jews who did not have thecorrect documentation. The Zionist underground decided to sabotage the refugeeships rather than allow them to be turned away. Giladi goes on: In those daysRabin was a member of Palmach – the name means ‘action squads’ – it was aviolent underground force.. .in November 1940 his group blew up the refugee ship Patria in Haifa harbour. More than 250 Jewish emigrants died in the explosion.7Three other ships were later given the same treatment by Rabin’s Palmach andmore than a thousand Jews died as a result. But it was the Arabs who were blamedfor this barbarity and that was the whole point of the carnage, of course. The Zionistleader, David Ben-Gurion, wrote in his diary that the bombings stirred more worldwide sympathy and support for us than we anticipated.8 Later I will also connectBen-Gurion to the Kennedy assassination. I am coming more and more to theconclusion that what happened to Jews in Nazi Germany (whatever the truth turnsout to be) was supported, even planned, by these crazy people to ensure that bothIsrael was created and that ‘anti-Semitism’ could be used as a defence againstlegitimate investigation of their sickening activities. That has certainly been theoutcome. Anyone who exposes these breathtaking horrors is dubbed a neo-Nazi.What’s more, a lot of the money and the armaments used both by theseunderground terrorists and the founders of Israel were supplied by the MeyerLansky organised crime syndicate which was based in the US, but operatedinternationally. Lansky, who was born Maier Suchowjansky in Grodno, Russia, rosefrom the slums of New York to the top of the heap in the international underworld.He was above the Mafia. Lansky acheived these dizzy heights by the usual means -murder and terror. This was the man who used his crime and terror networks tochannel funds and guns to the Jewish terrorists and the later Israeli State. Such washis contribution that he has been described as Israel’s Godfather.9 Lansky wouldrun to Israel whenever the heat was turned up in the States and eventually settledin his beloved homeland. Lansky, too, was at the heart of the murder of John F.Kennedy, as we shall see. These are the sorts of minds that created Israel under thesupervision of the Rothschilds. And yet if you challenge and expose these people,you are called a Nazi! Give me strength.Some brave Jews have spoken out against the behaviour of Israel and the plightof the Palestinians, people like Noam Chomsky and Israel Shahak10 (a survivor ofthe Belsen concentration camp), but where are the British government and theUnited States government? Silence. These are legitimate points in a democracy(hilarious, I know), but people are frightened, even terrified, to make them, becausethey will be branded ‘anti-Semitic’. Even some Jews who have made these pointshave been branded ‘anti-Semitic’! To this day, the clique continues to arrange for’anti-Semitic’ events and attacks which allow this manipulation of the Jewish andnon-Jewish communities to go on. The Jewish hierarchy wishes to keep the mass ofJewish people in constant fear, a state of mind which makes anyone child’s play tocontrol and manipulate. The far Right are a dream for this clique and they play intotheir hands by behaving in ways that make the manipulation so much easier. Notall of them are behaving in this way by accident, either. Who actually funds some ofthese ‘far Right’ groups? If you know, perhaps you’ll tell me.In Britain, I am told by an extremely reliable source very close to the intelligenceorganisations that the ‘far Right’ group, Combat 18, is a front for the sinister AntiDefamation League, the United States arm of the ‘Israeli’/Rothschild secret service,Mossad. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has been operating in Britain and Europe since at least 1991 and its role is to brand as anti-Semitic anyone who isgetting close to the truth of what is going on. What better way to discredit aninvestigator than to have a ‘far Right’ group like Combat 18 to praise them? Whatbetter way to control Jewish people through fear than to have the behaviour ofCombat 18 as an example of what is waiting for them if they don’t have thehierachy to protect them?If you find all this hard to believe there are many examples that prove the point.At the time of the Kennedy assassination the national secretary of the AmericanNazi Party was a man called Daniel Burros. He was a close associate of the NaziRoy Frankhouser, a man who once said: Hitler had the Jews; we’ve got the niggers.We have to put our main stress on the nigger question, of course, because that’swhat preoccupies the masses – but we’re not forgetting the Jew. If Jews knew whatwas coming – and believe me, it’s coming as surely as the dawn – they’d realise thatwhat’s going to happen in America will make Nazi Germany look like a Sundayschool picnic. We’ll build better gas chambers, and more of them, and this timethere won’t be any refugees.11 Charming. But Nazi Frankhouser turned out to bea professional federal infiltrator of the Ku Klux Klan and other Nazi andCommunist organisations. His close associate, the Nazi Daniel Burros, wasexposed in October 1965 as a Jew by the New York Times. The following day he wasfound shot dead at Frankhouser’s home in Reading, Pennsylvania. Verdictsuicide. Burros was also a key figure in the Nazi National Renaissance Party,which was controlled by the Anti-Defamation League. Life is never what it seems.The ‘opponent’ of Combat 18 in the UK is an organisation called Searchlight. Thesame source tells me that this is a front for the Board of Deputies of British Jews andthe ADL. Can anyone confirm this? It is an old, old strategy. Even Mossad is notwhat it appears to be. It is actually the intelligence agency primarily for theRothschilds, the banking cartel of the Global Elite, and the cult of the All-SeeingEye, as is the ADL. Researcher Gary Allen put the situation very well in his 1973book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy:One major reason for the historical blackout on the role of the international bankers inpolitical history is that the Rothschilds were Jewish. Anti-Jewish people…have playedinto the hands of the conspiracy by trying to portray the entire conspiracy as Jewish.Nothing could be farther from the truth. The traditionally Anglo Saxon J.P. Morgan andRockefeller international banking institutions have played a key role in the conspiracy.But there is no denying the importance of the Rothschilds and their satellites. However,it is just as unreasonable and immoral to blame all Jews for the crimes of theRothschilds as it is to hold all Baptists accountable for the crimes of the Rockefellers.The Jewish members of the conspiracy have used an organisation called The AntiDefamation League as an instrument to try to convince everyone that any mention ofthe Rothschilds and their allies is an attack on all Jews. In this way they have stifledalmost all honest scholarship on international bankers and made the subject taboowithin universities. Any individual or book exploring this subject is immediately attacked by hundreds ofADL communities all over the country. The ADL has never let the truth or logic interferewith its highly professional smear jobs… Actually, nobody has a right to be more angryat the Rothschild clique than their fellow Jews. The Warburgs, part of the Rothschildempire, helped finance Adolf Hitler…Tyranny has many forms and most of them are less than obvious. Widespreadcondemnation of Jews in Germany was the result of the Nazis putting out oneversion of the ‘truth’ (Jews are horrid) while suppressing alternative informationwhich told another story (Jews are no different from anyone else). That is clearly amind-manipulating tyranny because people were denied all the facts and viewsavailable and their attitudes were subsequently imbalanced. But if that is a tyrannywhich we rightly pledge ourselves to oppose, why do we play a part in suppressingalternative information to the official line of the Second World War? How is it rightthat while this fierce suppression goes on, free copies of the Spielberg film,Schindler’s List, are given to schools to indoctrinate children with the unchallengedversion of events? And why do we, who say we oppose tyranny and demandfreedom of speech, allow people to go to prison and be vilified, and magazines to beclosed down on the spot, for suggesting another version of history? How can wenot be accused of hypocrisy and of criticising one tyranny while supportinganother? Once people think it is OK to suppress different views and evidence,whether we agree with it or not, we are playing God for the rest of our fellow menand women. If the evidence is wrong, then it will be shown to be so under thespotlight of the public arena. If it is true, then what the hell are we doingsuppressing it? John F. Kennedy supported this view in a speech at ColumbiaUniversity in February 1962, when he said:We seek the free flow of information…a nation that is afraid to let the people judge thetruth and falsehood in an open market is a nation afraid of its people.We live in nations afraid of the people and in a world afraid of the people. Wecling to dogmas that are afraid of the people. Those who wish to suppress bywhatever means alternative versions of history which challenge ‘the official line’ arealso afraid of the people – afraid that their manipulation will be exposed by such afree flow of information. The way the Jewish mind has been so seriouslymanipulated by the Jewish hierarchy over the centuries has had another effect. Likethe Roman Catholic Church and other religious and racial tyrannies, Judaism, andmore recently Zionism, has used fear and guilt to maintain control of its people. Ithas pressurised each generation to conform to what it tells them they must believeand it has programmed their minds to think of themselves as a people who havealways been, and will always be, the subject of oppression and prejudice from therest of society. A leaflet12 asking for financial support for The Board of Deputies ofBritish Jews has a picture of hostile neo-Nazis on the front. Inside the leaflet it saysthat the Board is the Jewish community’s protection against racism and Holocaust denial at a time when the voices of fascists are getting louder. It’s allfear, fear, fear, control, control, control. Many Jewish people have also beenprogrammed to see themselves as God’s ‘chosen people’, above all the rest, andwhen you read some of the Jewish literature and laws, they are incredibly racist,quite stunningly so. The Talmud, the Jewish book of law, contains among other littlegems, the following: Just the Jews are humans, the non-Jews are no humans, butcattle (Kerithuth 6b, page 78, Jebhammoth 61); The non-Jews have been created toserve the Jews as Slaves (Midrasch Talpioth 225); Sexual intercourse with nonJews is like sexual intercourse with animals (Kethuboth 3b); The non-Jews have tobe avoided, even more than sick pigs (Orach Chaiim 57, 6a); The birth rate of nonJews has to be suppressed massively (Zohar II, 4b); As you replace lost cows anddonkeys, so you shall replace non-Jews (Lore Dea 377,1). And so it goes on and on.So how often do the anti-racist protestors demonstrate outside Talmudic events?Never. Exactly.The irony is that the racism of extreme Jews and the racism of Adolf Hitler areboth based on a colossal myth. As Alfred M. Lilienthal, the Jewish writer andresearcher, said:There is no reputable anthropologist who will not agree that Jewish racialism is asmuch poppycock as Aryan racialism. As far back as 1938, the American AnthropologicalAssociation, at it’s annual conference in New York, condemned Aryanism as a fallacyand stated that both ‘Aryan’ and ‘Semitic’ were linguistic terms without any racialsignificance……Anthropological science divides mankind into three recognised races: negro,mongolian and oriental, and Caucasian or white (although some authorities refer to afourth race – the australoids)… Members of the Jewish faith are found in all three racesand subdivisions.