The conditioned thought patterns in the collective Jewish mind have repeatedlycreated the physical reality of oppression, prejudice, and racism which matches thepattern – the expectation – programmed into their collective psyche. They expect it;they create it. When Jewish people as a whole break free from the mind control oftheir hierarchy and start to let go of those feelings of fear and expectation ofprejudice, they will stop attracting such experiences to them. When they openlyreject the inherited view of racial superiority, those patterns will disperse from theirmagnetic cape/aura, and they will cease to attract racism to them. Also, like thosebrought up in the extreme versions of Roman Catholicism, Jewish people need tolove themselves and leave behind the guilt their controllers demand that they retain.Of all the people I meet, those brought up in the Roman Catholic and Jewish faith areamong the most screwed-up, mentally and emotionally. This is no coincidence. Bothfaiths brainwash children with fear and guilt from the earliest age.Jewish people are simply wonderful when they allow themselves to be who theyreally are. I love their humour and their spirit. They have such a contribution to make to the good of the world. But I have rarely met one who really loves themselfor does not carry the burden of inherited guilt. My friends, it is all about control. It’stime to let it go.Jewish people (who, like the rest of us, are evolving consciousnesses whichhappen to be experiencing a Jewish lifetime), will never be free until they step outof the mental and emotional control of this tiny clique, which uses them in the mostmerciless ways to advance its own sick and diabolical ambitions, in league with anequally sick clique of non-Jews.Official history has been tampered with in the most extraordinary way, so thatwe continue to see the world in the childlike simplicity of good and evil, heroes andvillains. It is rarely like that. After the war, the Nuremberg Trials sat in judgementon the Germans. When you look behind the sanitised history books you see thatthose trials were a farce, a calculated exercise in revenge and manipulation, oftenpunishing those without influence to cover the tracks of those who had it.. .like theAmericans on the boards of the US-Nazi cartels and parent companies. These wereshow trials of those Nazis not considered important enough or with enoughpolitical and scientific knowledge, to be removed to the United States and SouthAmerica where they could continue their work for the Elite.14 The defence offollowing orders from a superior officer was not allowed at Nuremberg. This meantthat if they had disobeyed an order during the war they were shot, and if theyobeyed the order they were hanged at Nuremberg. The precedent for removing thedefence of following orders was made by the War Office in London in April 1944,just as the list of Nazi war criminals was being compiled and the preparations madefor the post-war ‘trials’. At that time the wording of Paragraph 443 of Chapter XIVof The British Manual Of Military Law was changed to reflect the wording of anarticle written in The British Year Book Of International Law For 1944 by Dr HerschLauterpacht. The revised Paragraph 443 reads as follows:The clearly illegal nature of the order – illegal by reference to generally acknowledgedprinciples of international law so identified with cogent dictates of humanity as to beobvious to any person of ordinary understanding – renders the fact of superior ordersirrelevant.Dr Lauterpacht was a former Austrian with an interesting background. He wasan assistant lecturer at the Round Table-influenced London School of Economicsbetween the wars. Then, in 1940, he became a visiting professor at the Elitecontrolled Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, which was shown to bepromoting war. After his words were used to destroy the defence of superior orders,Dr Lauterpacht was appointed to the British War Crimes Executive and to a streamof international law publications and positions, including the United NationsInternational Law Commission.15 His son, Elihu Lauterpacht QC, was consultant tothe UK government’s Central Policy Review Staff during the Premiership of EdwardHeath (Conservative) and Jim Callaghan (Labour), and a host of international lawbodies.16 The head of Heath’s policy unit was Lord Victor Rothschild. Nuremberg was an insult to natural justice. It doesn’t matter what thedefendants were supposed to have done. If people don’t administer justice fairly,they cannot claim to be any better than those they condemn. The American judge,Justice Wenersturm, the president of one of the tribunals, resigned and went homein disgust at the injustice and manipulation of it all. Another American judge,Edward L. van Roden, was one of the three members of the Simpson ArmyCommission which was appointed to investigate the methods used at the Dachautrials at Nuremberg. His findings were reported in the Washington Daily News andthe British Sunday Pictorial in January 1949. He described the ways that ‘confessions’were secured:Posturing as priests to hear confessions and give absolution; torture with burningmatches driven under the prisoner’s finger nails; knocking out of teeth and breakingjaws; solitary confinement and near-starvation rations;…The statements which wereadmitted as evidence were obtained from men who had first been kept in solitaryconfinement for three, four, and five months…The investigators would put black hoodsover the accused’s head and then punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick himand beat him with rubber hoses…All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases weinvestigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair. This was standardoperating procedure with our American investigators…Strong men were reduced tobroken wrecks ready to mumble any admission demanded by their prosecutors.These were the people sitting in judgement of others for their war crimes. Onceyou fall for the trick of seeing two sides as ‘good’ and ‘evil’ with no shades of greyin between, you become a robot. Life is not like a John Wayne film. Shortly after theFalklands War in 1982, a soldier who served there told me how he had beendevastated to see his fellow British soldiers bayonetting to death Argentineprisoners of war who had put down their weapons and surrendered. He describedhow other British ‘heroes’ cut off the fingers of dead Argentines to steal their rings.He was so appalled, he left the forces in disgust. Years later, evidence came to lightabout these very events which led to a police investigation, but their findings wereignored and the British government refused to press charges against those involved.The newspapers said what an outrage it would have been to charge ‘our boys’ withsuch offences when they were ‘only fighting for their country’. It is about time werealised that some of ‘our boys’ act just as horribly as those in Germany and Iraq.Mind you, that would explode the nonsense we are supposed to accept that Britain,America, and the West in general are on white chargers, ‘fighting for freedom’ tothe sound of angelic choirs.Perhaps nothing demolishes this simplistic idea of ‘free’ world v tyranny morethan Hitler’s genetic experiments in pursuit of a Master Race. Ask most peopleabout the master race mentality and they will point to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.But again, it is not as simple as that. The plan for a master race and the eliminationof ‘lesser’ races did not begin and end in Nazi Germany. It began long before and itis still going on. All that happened under Hitler was that he had such a grip on the country and the German mind that he could openly promote it. This master racementality is another part of the Elite’s plan for the New World Order. When youthink that the Prison Warders are seriously into genetic engineering of the mostadvanced kind, it is hardly surprising that their stooges on Earth would reflect thatin their own attitude of mind. The Nazis were doing and saying publicly what theElite in Britain and America had been saying and funding long before the wordNazi was even heard of.Eugenics is, to quote the Oxford Concise Dictionary, .. .the production of fineoffspring by the improvement of inherited qualities. The term eugenics was coinedby the Englishman, Francis Galton, in the later years of the nineteenth century. Hecalled for society to intervene to maintain racial purity. Galton wanted the forcedsterilisation of the ‘unfit’. Another ‘pioneer’ of this mindset was Thomas RobertMalthus, born in 1766. It was from him that the theory of the ‘survival of the fittest’was passed on through Herbert Spencer to Charles Darwin. Malthus was obsessedwith the culling of the population and proposed a series of measures against theTower races’ (the poor), to keep the population down and, as he saw it, to preventthe human genetic stream being dominated by such ‘inferior’ racial lines. In his bestknown work, Essay, he suggested that streets should be made narrower and morepeople crowded into houses, to encourage the return of the plague. Villages shouldbe built next to stagnant pools and, above all, remedies for preventing and curingdisease ought to be strongly condemned, he said. Malthus went on:We are bound injustice and honour formally to disclaim the right of the poor tosupport. To this end, I should propose a regulation be made declaring that no childborn…should ever be entitled to parish assistance…The illegitimate infant iscomparatively speaking, of little value to society, as others will immediately supply itsplace…All children beyond what would be required to keep up the population to thisdesired level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the deathsof grown persons.17From such a mind did the idea of the ‘survival of the fittest’ emerge, and it hasdominated ‘science’ ever since! Add to this the belief that the intellect of a person isgenetically determined by the intellect of the parents and you have the eugenicsmovement, which came to the surface so infamously under the rule of Adolf Hitler.Although advanced esoteric knowledge is known at the top level of the Elite, someof those lower down on the pyramid are encouraged to believe some incrediblegarbage. Genetic superiority of the intellect through interbreeding is one of them. Itappeals to the ego, I guess. Note, also, how the Malthus proposals of theencouragement of disease and of forcing upon the poor conditions they are unlikelyto survive, are still at the forefront of Elite policy in the Third World and withinindustrialised countries, too.Names now familiar to us in this book, such as the Harrimans and theRockefellers, were seriously into eugenics. Averell Harriman’s mother funded thelaunch of the race-science movement in America in 1910, and built the Eugenics Record Office as a branch of the Galton National Laboratory in London. TheHarrimans were responsible for the Bush family fortune and they were close toanother Bush family backer, George Herbert Walker (a relative by marriage ofPrescott Bush and grandfather to George Bush, who would go on to be President ofthe United States). By the late nineteenth century, some mentally ill people andchildren were being sterilised by US health officials as a result of eugenics policies.The State of Indiana made the sterilisation of the mentally ill and ‘undesirables’compulsory and 475 men were sterilised at the Indiana State Reformatory.After the turn of the century, the Harrimans and Rockefellers spent more than$11 million to establish a eugenics research laboratory at Cold Springs Harbor onLong Island, New York, close to the Dulles brothers’ estates. The study of eugenicswas encouraged at the Elite-controlled universities, such as Harvard, Columbia,and Cornell. In Germany, the same line was taken by Ernst Haeckel, the mystic andAryan master race promoter, whose ideas would influence Hitler. Haeckel said itwas the duty of a nation to enforce breeding, and he and his supporters formed theMonist League to promote their sick beliefs in Germany. The first InternationalCongress of Eugenics was held in London in 1912. Among its directors wereWinston Churchill and Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone. By 1917,fifteen US States had eugenics laws, and all but a few of them made legal thecompulsory sterilisation of epileptics, the mentally ill and retarded, and regularcriminals.In 1932, a year before Hitler and Roosevelt came to power, the Harrimans helpedto organise the Third International Congress on Eugenics at the American Museumof Natural History in New York. Averell Harriman’s sister, Mary, was the director ofentertainment for the event. These wealthy American families, like theircounterparts in Britain, feel themselves to be racially superior and they wish toprotect their racial purity. This – along with the pursuit of power, wealth, andinfluence – is the reason why so many intermarriages take place within thesefamilies. America may not have an official royal family or aristocracy as they existin Britain, but they have an unofficial one, and every effort is taken to trace one’sline back, often falsely, to William of Orange and the British Royal Family, or tosome wing of the British aristocracy.The aim of the eugenics movement was, and is, to create a Master Race by thesterilisation and forced birth control of those races considered ‘inferior’. TheInternational Congress of Eugenics in New York in 1932 tackled the ‘problem’ (asthey saw it) of African-Americans and other ‘inferior’ stock reproducing andexpanding their numbers. It was decided that the way to deal with this ‘danger’ tothe higher races (themselves) was through sterilisation and ‘cutting off the badstock’. The Congress was dedicated to the work of Averell Harriman’s mother andAverell did his best to support the proceedings. He personally arranged for theHamburg-Amerika Shipping Line (controlled by himself, George Walker andPrescott Bush) to transport Nazis from Germany to New York so they could takepart in the Congress. The best known of them was Dr Ernst Rudin, a psychiatrist atthe Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Genealogy and Demography in Berlin. There he occupied an entire floor with his eugenics ‘research’, and all of this was madepossible by funds provided by.. .the Rockefellers.18Dr Rudin was unanimously elected president of the International Federation ofEugenics Societies at the New York Congress, and this was, in part, a recognition ofhis work as a founder of the German Society for Race Hygiene. The eugenicsmovement called for the sterilisation of mental patients (mental hygiene societies);the execution of criminals, the insane, and the terminally ill (euthanasia societies);and race purification by sterilisation and the prevention of births to thoseconsidered inferior bloodstocks (population control societies). All of this was upand running long before anyone had heard of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Hitler’sGermany was a vehicle for part of this movement; it wasn’t the whole movement.Soon after Hitler had abolished elections and become dictator of Germany in1933, the Rockefeller-funded Dr Rudin was commissioned to write the Law for thePrevention of Hereditary Diseases in Posterity, which involved the forcedsterilisation of anyone considered genetically inferior. A quarter of a million peoplewho were mental patients, blind, deaf, or alcoholics were sterilised on the order ofspecial eugenics courts. Rudin supervised this policy and trained the psychiatristsand doctors to order and perform the sterilisations. But where did the Nazi Rudinget his inspiration from for the wording of his race laws? From the Model EugenicalSterilization Law of 1922, presented by H.H. Laughlin, the eugenics ‘expert’ of theUS House of Representatives Committee on Immigration and Nationalisation,which was accepted by many States. Eugenics was not unique to Nazi Germany. In1942, the American ‘psychiatrist’ Foster Kennedy called for the killing of retardedchildren, and between 1941 and ’43 more than 42,000 people were sterilised inAmerica.19Nor did the master race mentality end in 1945 with the demise of Hitler’sGermany. Obviously, talk of master races, racial purity, and sterilisation to improvethe stock was bad PR, once some of the tales of Nazi projects began to be known.But all that happened was that the names for master race policies were changed todisguise the true meaning. We began to hear about euthanasia and populationcontrol instead of eugenics and race purification, but it’s all the same thing really.What the Harrimans, Rockefellers, and people like Prescott Bush were funding andsupporting before and during the war, their successors have continued to promoteunder the cover of ‘acceptable’ language. For instance, one of the people whoworked with the Harrimans and Prescott Bush in their funding of Hitler wasWilliam H. Draper Jr, the man who helped to fund the Nazi cartels and was thenappointed by Roosevelt after the war to decide what should be done with them.Draper, a close associate of Averell Harriman, was a major funder of theInternational Eugenics Congress before the war and was one of those responsiblefor making Dr Ernst Rudin the head of the world eugenics movement. In 1958,Draper was appointed to chair a committee which was advising President DwightEisenhower (CFR) on the use of military aid to other countries. This appointmentwas made possible by Prescott Bush, who was then a US Senator for Connecticut.Bush was a regular golf partner of the president and of National Security Advisor Gordon Gray (a close friend and eugenics promoter). By now, John Foster Dulles(Bush’s former lawyer during the funding of Hitler) was the Secretary of State, andhis brother Allen Dulles (formerly with Schroder, Hitler’s personal bankers) washead of the CIA. To put it mildly, a eugenics enthusiast like Draper had manypeople around him of like mind. This allowed him to change the whole thrust ofhis committee from that of advising on military aid to campaigning on the threatof the ‘population explosion’. His committee formulated plans to depopulatethe poorer countries: i.e. those people who do not have white skins. The growthof such peoples, said Draper, was a threat to the national security of theUnited States.20Eisenhower dismissed Draper’s proposals, but with support from his fellowracial purity fanatics, he went on to found the Population Crisis Committee/’Draper Fund’, which – together with the Rockefeller and DuPont families -continued to promote eugenics under the guise of population control. Draper wasadvisor to President Lyndon Johnson on this subject and that administration beganto use the overseas aid programme to fund birth control in non-white countries.Another of Draper’s21 like-minds in American politics was to be Prescott’s son,George Bush, a vocal supporter of General Draper’s policies. Bush arrangedhearings as early as 1969 into the dangers posed by the birth of too many blackbabies. Draper’s son and heir, William H. Draper III, was co-chairman for financeand head of fundraising for the George Bush For President campaign in 1980. Laterin that decade, Bush persuaded Ronald Reagan to appoint the younger Draper to beadministrator of the United Nations Development Programme, an organisationconnected with the World Bank and charged with supervising population control!Eugenics and master race policies were passed on across the generations ofthese ruling families of the Elite. During George Bush’s tenure in the White House,the population control element of the aid budget soared. His legal counsel from1980 was Boyden Gray, who became the chief legal advisor to the President duringthe Bush administration. Gray would have been able to give him plenty of adviceon population control. When Boyden was a boy after the war, his father, GordonGray (Prescott Bush’s close friend), launched the project which provided the basisof today’s global sterilisation programme. In 1946, the eugenics movement wastrying to rebuild itself in the wake of the rather unfortunate publicity aroused byone of its chief advocates, Adolf Hitler. During the war, The Sterilization League ofAmerica had changed its name to Birthright Inc., and was now looking for a meansto get back to business. Its efforts to relaunch itself in Iowa ended when a youngboy died during a sterilisation operation and the bad publicity brought an end tothe plan. Instead they moved to Gray family territory in North Carolina. GordonGray had founded the Bowman Gray (Memorial) Medical School in Winston-Salem.It was named after Boyden’s grandfather, who had owned the R.J. ReynoldsTobacco Company. The school became a centre for eugenics. It compiled extensiverecords of families carrying ‘inherited diseases’, and it began a project which.. .getthis.. .forcibly sterilised young children who were not considered to be of a highenough IQ. No, no, I am not talking about Nazi Germany during the war; I am talking about the United States of America in 1946-1947! Boyden Gray’s great aunt,Alice Shelton Gray, founded the Human Betterment League (the North Carolinabranch of the national eugenics sterilisation movement), and she was the officialsupervisor of the master race experiment that was begun at the Grays’ ‘medicalschool’. Others involved were Dr Claude Nash Herndon, the assistant director ofmedical genetics’ at the school, and Dr Clarence Gamble (the heir to the Proctorand Gamble soap empire), who was the chief of ‘national field operations’. Childrenenrolled in the Winston-Salem school district were given ‘intelligence tests’ andthose who fell below the mark considered acceptable to these bizarre people weresterilised. Their recommendations were passed to the State Eugenics Board, whichhad the authority to order sterilisation under North Carolina law. Dr Claude NashHerndon talked of his work in an interview in 1990 which was reported in GeorgeBush, The Unauthorised Biography:…IQ tests were run on all the children in the Winston-Salem school system. Only theones who scored really low were targeted for sterilisation, the real bottom of thebarrel, like below 70. Did we do sterilizations on young children? Yes. This was arelatively minor operation…It was usually not done until the child was eight or tenyears old. For the boys, you just make an incision and tie the tube…We more oftenperformed the operation on girls than with boys. Of course, you have to cut open theabdomen, but again, it is relatively minor. (p59)Oh, that’s OK then. What were the media doing while all this was going on? Nota lot, it turns out. Dr Herndon talked of their good relationship with the press.This is less surprising when you realise that Gordon Gray owned the Winston-SalemJournal, the Twin City Sentinel and the radio station WSJS. Eugenics was beingpromoted on a wide scale after the war in the guise of population control, just as itis today. In the early 50s, when John Foster Dulles was chairman of the tax-exemptNew World Order front, the Rockefeller Foundation, he travelled with John D.Rockefeller III on a number of world tours campaigning for policies to stem theexpansion of the non-white populations. In November 1952, Dulles and Rockefellerlaunched the Population Council with tens of millions of dollars provided by theRockefeller family. The American Eugenics Society left its old headquarters at YaleUniversity, the home of the sinister Skull and Bones Society, and moved in with thePopulation Council. The two organisations, in effect, became one. The firstpresident of the Population Council was Frederick Osborne, the long-time secretaryof the American Eugenics Society. The child-steriliser of North Carolina, Dr ClaudeNash Herndon, was made president of the Eugenics Society in 1953.When George Bush became ambassador to the United Nations in 1972, he andhis clique in the US Agency for International Development arranged the first officialcontract between the American government and the Sterilization League ofAmerica, which had, by then, changed its name yet again, to the Association forVoluntary Surgical Contraception. Under this contract, the US government(taxpayer) began to fund this organisation to do in non-white countries of the world what it had already done to children in North Carolina. In 1988, the year GeorgeBush was elected president, another contract was arranged which involved theAmerican taxpayer spending $80 million dollars over five years to expand thiswork in 58 countries in Asia, Africa, and Spanish-America. Millions have beensterilised and most of it has been funded by the taxpayer. Other countries do thesame. And by the way, Dr Clarence Gamble, the sterilising enthusiast from theProctor and Gamble soap family and the Bowman Gray Medical School, has alsoenjoyed funding from the USAID budget. His so called Pathfinder Fund is paid toinfiltrate non-white societies and break down resistance to sterilisation.The Planned Parenthood Federation, which has been supported at everyopportunity by George Bush and the manipulating Elite, was actually founded inLondon, at the offices of the British Eugenics Society. You can see that while thenames change and the rhetoric may be couched in terms deemed acceptable topublic opinion at the time, we are looking at the same unwavering agenda, weavingits way through the decades and the generations. Nazi Germany was but its mostfamous example. Global centralisation of power, fundamental control of the mindsand bodies of the mass population, and the creation of a master race. These are thethemes that span the centuries and they still dominate the secret agenda today,which is manipulating our lives.But how many people in this world believe they are racially superior to the rest?The number is so vast it doesn’t bear thinking about. Ironically, many of those whohave suffered from the master race mentality of one race, actually believe that they,themselves, are superior genetically to others. That attitude, that thought pattern, isbroadcast into the collective mind, which creates a collective version of that reality.If within our psyche, we believe we are racially superior, we are more likely toattract that same mentality to us. A feeling of racial superiority is an imbalance andour subconscious attracts our imbalances to us as physical experiences so we canface them, learn from those experiences, and let them go. These imbalances oftenrelate to thought patterns we hold onto from previous physical lives as well as thisone, which is why someone who does not have a conscious feeling of racialsuperiority might still attract a racial experience to them. It is our subconsciousreality that we are creating. We – humanity as a whole – thought the global masterrace mentality/reality into existence and we can now think it out again, by seeingall colours and creeds as equal, which they are.The Elite can get away with its deception because it has so many faces andworks through so many different groups and organisations. In the next threechapters, I will unravel some of this structure and make it easier for those new tothis subject to understand how the Elite remains hidden from most of the worldwhile secretly plotting our collective fate. SOURCES1 Jewish Chronicle (April 7th 1995)2 Major Alojzy Dziurski, Freedom Fighter (J.A. Dewar, Portland, Victoria, 1983)3 Noam Chomsky, World Orders, Old And New (Pluto Press, London, 1994) p205-2064 Ibid p205-2065 World Orders, Old And New, p258-260. Here, he was quoting Yossi Torpshtein, acorrespondent for Ha’aretz, and other witnesses.6 Establishment Fakes Rabin’s History, The Spotlight (November 20th 1995) pi7 Ibid8 Ibid9 For the documented evidence of Lansky’s central role in the funding and gun running of theJewish terrorist groups and the State of Israel, I recommend Michael Collins Piper’s superbexpose, Final Judgement. The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy. Seebibliography.10 Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion – The Weight Of Three Thousand Years (PlutoPress, London, 1994)11 John George and Laird Wilcox, Nazis, Communists, Klansmen And Others On The Fringe(Prometheus Books, New York, 1992) p28512 The Board of Deputies is the Voice of the Jewish Community, published by The Board ofDeputies of British Jews, Tavistock Square, London WC1 OEZ.13 What Price Israel? p213-21414 Among these escapees who fled to South America was likely to have been Hitler. Dr RobertDorion, the Director of Forensic Dentistry in Montreal, compared the teeth on thephotographs of Hitler’s alleged corpse and those of the man himself. He found there weremany glaring differences between them.15 Who’s Who (1958)16 Who’s Who (1987)17 Thomas R. Malthus, An Essay On The Principle Of Population As It Affects The FutureImprovement Of Society (Reeves and Turner, London, 1878 reprint)18 George Bush, The Unauthorised Biography, p4919 Casebook On Alternative 3, p8620 George Bush, The Unauthorised Biography, p5621 In 1971, William Draper likened the developing nations to the ‘world famous animal reserve- the Kruger Park in South Africa’. Who will cull out the surplus in this country when thepressure of too many people and too few resources increases beyond endurance? heasked. Quoted in Global 2000, Blueprint For Genocide, a special report by ExecutiveIntelligence Review, New York. My copy was distributed by Contact Network International,A.B. Gorredijk, The Netherlands