Who supported him? TheRepublicans, Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole. In June 1995, the leaders of the 67industrialised countries met in Halifax, Nova Scotia, a week after the Bilderbergmeeting in Switzerland, and agreed to increase the role and powers of the IMF.Their excuse for this? The financial collapse of the Mexican peso! Bill Clinton alsocalled for a national identity card in the United States to deal with the wave ofillegal immigration from Mexico that was sure to follow. Meantime smallbusiness people the world over are being ruined by a market rigged in favour of themultinational banks and corporations which control the politicians who pass thelegislation.World ArmyThe progress to a world army has advanced quickly through the 1980s and ’90s. Theidea is to manipulate conflicts which will lead to demands for greater militarypowers for the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces. They will then be fused withNATO into a world army. What would a world army do? Invade any country orcommunity that refuses to bow to the world government, central bank, andcurrency. The Gulf War in 1991 was created in part to hasten this process withNATO countries funding and fighting that conflict under the United Nations flag.The conflict in the former Yugoslavia has been manipulated to this same end. As aresult of the horrors of Bosnia, we now have a 60,000-strong, 30 nation world armyassembled in the former Yugoslavia working under centralised control, the biggestmultinational force to be seen since the second World War. Exactly to the Elite plan.Any occasion which sees NATO forces operating outside their designated area is another precedent which takes us closer to the world army. We can expect to seemoves, too, which extend NATO’s area of operation, particularly into the MiddleEast and the former Soviet Union, and you will see moves to expand the number ofnations in NATO in the same way that the European Union is expanding. The UNtroops will continue to evolve from peacekeepers to peace enforcers and then, oncethat precedent is set, to enforcers of policies issued by the global political andeconomic elite. When the UN troops are seen to be ineffective in places likeRwanda, the former Yugoslavia, and Somalia, the public perceive this as a badthing. But for the manipulators, this failure is essential. If the UN Peacekeepingoperations were working effectively, there would be no demand to give them morepowers. They have to be seen to be not working (problem) to attract the desiredreaction (something must be done), and open the way to the greater powers (thesolution). The immediate victims of this are the men, women and children,slaughtered by the Elite-engineered civil wars designed to show that the UN forcesneed more power. We can expect more Rwandas and Bosnias until public opinioneither bows to the manipulation for a world army or acts to bring an end to theNew World Order. The former UN Secretary-General, the Elite-stooge, Dr BoutrosGhali, was echoing the words of Henry Kissinger at the 1991 meeting of theBilderberg Group when he called for the formation of a UN Army under its owncommand with the right to go into a nation state at will and without the need toconsult other countries for permission. In his Washington speech, Sir ShridathRamphal said that the UN should be backed by the ability to rapidly deploy UNforces, and he said that protecting the security of states was clearly authorisedunder the UN charter. The following day, Jessica Mathews, a senior fellow of theCouncil on Foreign Relations, called for exactly the same, a UN Standing Army,when writing in the Elite-controlled, Washington Post.Readers of The Spotlight newspaper have been sending in pictures of UN troopsin the United States on manoeuvres all across the country and UN tanks andequipment being transported by rail trucks. The authorities have denied theexistence of any such thing. As I detail at some length in The Robots’ Rebellion,government organisations like the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) are fronts for the creation of holding areas (concentration camps) for thosewho oppose the New World Order conspiracy once it has launched its physicalcoup d’etat across the world, particularly in America and Europe, against thosewho challenge the tyranny. Indeed in some areas this has already begun. FEMA wascreated under an Executive Order (which required no debate in Congress), andsigned by President Jimmy Carter, the Trilateral Commission frontman. This allowsFEMA to take control of the United States during any national emergencydeclared by a president. These powers include martial law and the right of themilitary to enforce whatever FEMA decides. All the laws are already in force whichallow a military take-over of the United States. They have been passed byPresidential Executive Order and any time a president calls a state of emergencythey can be invoked. At the forefront of this plan are the Delta Forces in their blackuniforms and unmarked black helicopters. These have often been seen at the scene of cattle mutilations, which some researchers connect with extraterrestrial activity.People can ignore all this and walk away if they like, but their children will reap theconsequences if we hand over our responsibility for much longer.The Spotlight edition of December 5th 1994, revealed the creation of a joint UNNATO force called the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) which will have fourmultinational divisions of some 80,000 troops when combat ready. According tothe article, the designated commander-in-chief is Sir Jeremy MacKenzie, aLieutenant General in the British Army. The justification of this force was the failureof the UN and NATO operations in the former Yugoslavia! A report quoted bySpotlight from the North Atlantic Assembly, an offshoot of NATO, says that themultinational interventions in the Balkans have been characterised by massivefailure and shortcomings (problem). To cope with this new challenge, the reportcontinued, NATO required a new organisation (solution). The joint NATO-UNAllied Rapid Reaction Corps had already completed its first exercises under UNauspices by the time of the Spotlight article, a NATO report obtained by the paperconfirmed. Some 2,000 troops were involved in a rapid deployment of riot controlforces from northwestern Germany to .. .an imaginary crisis spot in the UnitedKingdom. The veteran military analyst Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Coulterm,said when told of this:Troops that practise multinational military intervention in the internal domesticquarrels of Great Britain today will be preparing to do the same thing in the UStomorrow. We must cut off the head of this one-world monster before it bites us.9Ironically when the Bosnian hostage crisis unfolded in May 1995, somepoliticians called for a UN-NATO rapid reaction force. It already existed! Theprocess of centralising the world military is also happening with the police forces.A little debated or publicised clause in the Maastricht treaty for European Unionestablished the K4 Committee to create a European police network operatingoutside democratic control. This must have been one of the clauses the votingfodder politicians missed when they failed to read the treaty before passing it intolaw. K4 is supposed to coordinate pan-European police action against drugtrafficking, money laundering, and illegal immigration. It will also establish aEuropean police network called Europol and a massive database of informationabout the population. Some have described it as a European FBI. Under theMaastricht Treaty, the ‘democratically’ elected European Parliament will have theright to be ‘consulted’ about the policies of K4, but has no right to change or vetothem! The membership of K4 is also to be kept secret and inaccessible to journalistsand human rights groups. Tony Bunyan, a director of the civil liberties group,Statewatch, said that K4 is a major step forward in the creation of the Europeanstate infrastructure that will be largely unaccountable and undemocratic. TheBritish government and establishment which talks from time to time of its concernabout the centralisation of power in Europe is a keen supporter of K4. This isbecause the rhetoric of those in power is only for public consumption. The overwhelming majority of them support the centralisation of Europe, whateverthey may claim.The Microchipped PopulationThis is the part of the Elite strategy which some people find hardest to accept. Webelieve that we would never allow it to happen. Well, let’s take a look at how closeit is. Already domestic animals are being microchipped in ever greater numbers andlinked to a computer. It’s been sold to pet owners on the basis of: You’ll never loseRover or Fido again. The Queen of England has had some of her corgismicrochipped. Who next, Prince Charles? Alongside this, the move to phase out theuse of coins and notes is being quickened and all money transactions will beelectronic via a credit card and/or smart card. This is planned to become a jointidentity/money card with all personal details on a microchip. If things go to plan,all these transactions will be recorded by a global computer – the beast, possibly,mentioned in the Biblical Revelations. The mark of the beast, the microchip, isplanned to be moved from the smart card to the human body when a story can behatched to persuade people to accept it. Some researchers suggest that the humanbarcoding system will include three sets of six digits in the computer – hence 666,the number of the Beast. Once we have agreed to the end of cash and there is noturning back, we will have to accept the microchip implant or we will have nomeans of purchasing anything when they decide to phase out smart cards. Also itwill be sold to people as a convenience which will end credit card fraud and lostcards. It is the ultimate control. Everything about you, including your location, willbe constantly observed by the computer. I am told by a very good source that theGlobal Elite computer system is based underground in Brussels, Belgium. It iscalled the Krypt or Crypt because it is located in 100,000 square feet of office spaceunderneath the Church of the Sacred Blood of Jesus, known locally as the BloodChurch. The main entrance to the underground facility is from buildings across theroad from the church. Similar computer centres are located at the Air ForceAcademy, Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs, USA, and the Satellite ControlCentre, Alice Springs, Australia. These systems lock into government computersacross the world to gather information on everyone on the planet who has a socialsecurity number or identification code of some kind. Your details will be on thiscomputer now, waiting for the start of microchipping.Today if you go into a shop to buy food and your credit card is refused by thecomputer, you can pay with cash. What happens when there is no cash? You are atthe mercy of the computer. If it refuses your card or microchip, you have no meansto purchase anything. We will then be robots in every sense, an extension of acomputer program. In the US, Food Stamps and some other benefits are beingconverted to the card based Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) and the whole socialsecurity system is planning to do the same. The plan to phase out cash movesapace. A United Kingdom company, AIM UK, which specialises in automaticidentification, produced a face with a bar coding on the forehead as part of itspublicity material. One of this company’s products is Radio Frequency Identification which reads electronic labels in manufacturing, warehousing, shops,and on people. The technology now being developed will allow every thought andaction to be monitored and recorded. The London Sunday Times of April 16th 1995,also reported that:The next computer you buy may be the last one you will need. In future, scientists wantto insert electronic chips into our heads so we can plug directly into the informationsuperhighway. British researchers are among international teams working on an implantto translate human thought into computer language. In a generation, one group says,people with a peppercorn-sized chip in the back of the neck will be able to talk tomachines.Or, rather, the machines will be able to talk to them. People with satellitetelevision are amazed to find that their individual decoder cards can be programmedfrom the TV headquarters. When you ring to subscribe to a ‘scrambled’ channel, theoperator activates a beam which programmes your card and the picture appearswhile you are still on the phone! If they can do that to a card, they can do it to amicrochip inside a human being. The Elite plan includes the microchipping of allbabies at birth. It would take only a fraction of a second to do. The technologyalready exists and the only thing that remains is to persuade public opinion to acceptit, or even demand it. One way this will be done is to highlight missing childrenstories, including the abduction of babies from maternity wards. While I have beenwriting this book, there have been such incidents in the United Kingdom andimmediately the ‘solution’ offered was electronic tagging. This is a tiny step from animplanted microchip. The electronic tagging of criminals is also a stepping-stone tothe microchip. With the mind control techniques I discussed in the last chapter, it isno problem to program a woman to go into a hospital and steal a baby to create thesomething-must-be-done scenario. She would have no recollection of herprogramming and she would believe it was her decision. A highly acclaimedelectronics engineer in the United States was developing a microchip implant to helpspinal injury patients when, he said, the project was hijacked by the one-worldbrigade. The story of Dr Carl W. Sanders was reported in the investigative magazine,Nexus, in the summer of 1994. He said that he attended 17 meetings of the OneWorlders in places like Brussels and Luxemburg. The meetings, he claimed, weretying together the finances of the world. Dr Sanders said:I was at one meeting where it was discussed: ‘How can you control a people if youcan’t identify them?’ People like Henry Kissinger and CIA folk attended these meetings.It was discussed: ‘How do you make people aware of the need for something like thischip?’ All of a sudden the idea came: ‘Let’s make them aware of lost children, etc.’This was discussed in meetings almost like people were cattle. The CIA came up withthe idea of putting pictures of lost children on milk cartons. Since the chip is nowaccepted, you don’t see the pictures anymore, do you? It’s served its purpose. Dr Sanders said the manipulators want the chip to contain a name and a pictureof the person’s face, an international Social Security number, fingerprintidentification, physical description, family and medical history, address, occupation,income tax information, and criminal record. Another selling point of this, nodoubt, would be the end of passports. The chip recharges itself by turning thechanges in body temperature into a dynamo system and the most effective placesthey have found for this are the forehead and the back of the wrist. The BBC’science’ programme, Tomorrow’s World, revealed in September 1995, how in the UK,people are already being microchipped with their medical records. This stuff ishappening NOW! The implications of allowing ourselves to be microchipped are farwider than I’ve even outlined. It also involves the suppression of the spiritualtransformation now underway. The Sanders chip, he said, can be used to modifybehaviour. During the Vietnam War, he told Nexus, they had a Rambo Chip whichstimulated a greater flow of adrenaline. Timothy McVeigh, the man charged withthe Oklahoma bombing, says he was microchipped while serving in the US Army.How many mind-controlled service and ex-service personnel are out there withmicrochips within them that can be activated at will? Dr Sanders pointed out that ifyou stop the output of the pituitary gland, you can stop the flow of oestrogen, causeinstant menopause, and stop conception. The chip can be a form of mass birthcontrol, another theme of the New World Order. Messages from the computer to theimplanted chip can change mass behaviour, act as an emotional upper and downer,a sexual stimulant and depressant, and trigger violence at will. And the majorstepping-stones to the microchipped human being are the microchipped identitycard and the end of cash. Don’t let it happen.Supermarkets are now experimenting with barcoded cards which customers willuse to keep a tally of their purchases and then pay for them when they leave,without the need for a checkout assistant. The big supermarket chains already havethe facility for customers to pay by credit card in ways very similar to this. The nextstep is to say how much more convenient it would be if customers had a littlemicrochip under the skin without the need to use a card. Give your freedom away.You know it makes sense. Look at the supermarket queues you will avoid! InFebruary 1995, the now defunct London Today newspaper included a centre pagearticle predicting that cash would be phased out by the end of this decade andreplaced with electronic money. ‘Trials’ are underway in England, as they are acrossthe world. The new European currency will almost certainly be electronic.As I write this, there has been a story on the news that the new Europeancurrency will be delayed until the next century because of the time it will take toprint all the money and mint the coins. I can hear the punch line now: Oh wehave found a way of speeding up the process – we’ll have an electronic currency!The British government has made the UK the first country to introducecompulsory DNA profiles of everyone charged with a criminal offence. The DNAmakeup of a human being is a potentially catastrophic tool in the wrong handsbecause the underground science knows far more about these things than thepublic are told or even mainstream science knows. In the light of all these provable developments, it focuses the mind to reflect on the predictions in theBiblical Revelation:And he the beast or antichrist causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, freeand slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no-onemay buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number ofhis name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of thebeast for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.Revelation 13:16-18The Hopi native American people also have an ancient prophecy that no-onewill be able to buy or sell without the mark of the bear. When this mark becomesvisible, the prophecy says, the third Great War will come. If you look at the mark abear makes when it sharpens its claws on a tree, there is a remarkable resemblanceto the bar code of today. The New World Order is pushing ahead at this time fasterthan ever before to secure food control, energy control, business and credit controland the sum total of all these things and more: people control. That’s what themanipulators mean when they speak of One World and the Global Village. A globalfascist tyranny. A global plantation. The plan now is to divide and destabilisesocieties with terrorism and economic upheaval to dupe their collective minds intoallowing what is left of basic freedoms to be destroyed. Japan is one obvious targetof destabilisation, but all are in their sights unless we get wise to it. The idea is tostimulate fear in every heart. Nothing is too unspeakable to the Global Elite inpursuit of this. We can stop all of it and we will stop it, but only when peoplechoose to stop being pawns and victims. The Global Elite are not all powerful. Theyexist and control only because the human mind has opted out of responsibility andallowed them to run the world. With everyone who regains control of their ownmind, the task of the Elite gets harder and harder.If people are shocked by what they have read here, then I’m glad. I saw a badge,made in America, which said: The Truth will set you free – but first it will piss youoff! Reality often does shock and it’s time for human beings to look reality in theface – and change it to a better one. The reality which has been exposed here is thereality the collective human mind has created. It’s time to grow up. Human apathyand naivety are the greatest weapons of the Elite. Opening ourselves spiritually andrealising the full glory of Creation is wonderful. But if people float around in somespiritual mist, their feet dangling from the ceiling, they are copping out, in my view,and the complacency I see in so many areas of the spiritual movement is staggeringin the light of events in the world.I hear people who think that addressing or talking about something that is’negative’ must be avoided at all costs. It is disempowering, I hear. Knowledge isnever disempowering. But ignoring it is. What is more negative anddisempowering than being manipulated every day towards a global fascistdictatorship while having no idea that it is even happening? What is more negativethan having thoughts planted into our minds which we believe to be our own? And what does negative energy do, if it is not addressed? It stays negative, or gets moreso. Is that what the spiritual movement wants? Is that empowering? Or is it mucheasier to live in some semi-dream world where words like love and peace arescattered around like confetti while the Elite go on unchallenged because to exposetheir manipulation is considered too ‘negative’?It is easy to speak words, much harder to live them. And if we are going tochange this world for the better, then words like love, peace, respect, and freedomneed to be lived and not just parroted like some New Age speaking clock. As itsfoundation, any guide to freedom needs a thorough knowledge of why and howthat freedom has been removed in the first place. Without that, there can be noanswers. But answers there are if we have the courage and the vision to stopplaying around and get on with it.People of Planet Earth. It is wakey, wakey, time.Postscript to 21st century editionTen years after those words were written we can clearly see that the agenda heredescribed is now a fact. We have the European Central Bank installed with its unelectedbanker dictators controlling the single currency, the Euro. We have the former countriesof the Soviet Union being absorbed into NATO and the European Union and the effortsto turn Europe into a full-fledged centralised dictatorship unfold by the week. Since9/11, the microchip agenda has been pursued with vigour and thousands of people arenow chipped, exactly as predicted in this chapter. Proposals have also been revealed toreplace credit cards with microchips under the skin.How much longer are the vast majority going to ignore the obvious?(See davidicke.com headlines page for daily updates)SOURCES1 The Guardian (December 12th 1995) p122 Secret Societies, p218 3 Reported in the London Financial Times (March 9th 1995) p44 The Sunday Times (December 17th 1995) p25 Secret Societies, p2856 Ibid7 Ibid8 Ibid9 NATO, UN Contract, Marriage Made In Hell, The Spotlight (December 5th 1994) p110 Nexus magazine (June/July 1994) pl5