The Robot RadicalsThis is the name I give to those locked into the thought pattern considered to be onthe ‘Left’ or ‘radical’ wings of the Elite-created Left/Right spectrum of allegedpolitical ‘opposites’. This thought pattern has its whole view of life controlled bywhere it considers itself and others to be on that mythical Left/Right scale. You areeither Left or Right. There is no ‘in-between’ to a Robot Radical, precisely as themanipulators intended. It all appears so simple. Left is good and Right is bad andvou must be one or the other. It is a thought pattern which speaks of freedom, butactually believes in anything but. It is another form of inflexible, mentaldictatorship decked out as freedom – the freedom to pursue and impose its owndogma. The Robot Radicals are a manipulator’s dream. Smash the Tories and allwill be well. Summon the revolution of the people against the fascist state. That’swhat they said in France during their revolution. That’s what they said in Russiaduring theirs. Millions were slaughtered in the name of ‘people power’ and onetyranny was replaced by another. Those on the Robot Radical vibration do notappreciate that the same force that controls their ‘opposition’ also controls them.They are the foot soldiers and propagandists for the Elite and the overwhelmingmajority have no idea that this is so. Any suggestion of a global clique manipulatingLeft and Right is such an attack on their simple good-guys-bad-guys/freedomfascist view that they find it easier to ignore or condemn the messenger than toopen their minds to the evidence.The nature of this mindset was brought home to me when The Robots’ Rebellionwas published in the UK in 1994. It contains a wealth of information about thebackground to the ills that the Robot Radicals say they oppose. I do not claim thatevery last word and detail is accurate, because we are dealing with the history of asecret strategy, after all, but it makes (I and many, many, others believe) a significantcontribution to the debate. Was it accepted as such by the Robot Radicals? Notquite. My use of extracts from the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion was too muchfor political purity to take. It didn’t matter that I had emphasised, as I do in thisbook, that this is not a plot by Jewish people; it didn’t matter that I renamed themthe Illuminati Protocols for the specific reason of getting away from theirassociation with Jewish people; it didn’t matter that these Protocols, which came tolight in the late 1800s, contain details of the very plan of manipulation which hasprovably unfolded through the twentieth century. It doesn’t matter because theNazis used the Protocols against Jews after Hitler was given a copy by a man ofJewish extraction, Alfred Rosenberg, and so anyone else who mentions them mustbe condemned. How the Elite must laugh with glee. A Robot Radical refuses to beselective or discerning and divide the two issues of who was blamed for theProtocols from what they actually say. What they are missing is a flexibility of mindand yet it could be theirs now, this second, if they summoned the courage to makethat choice.For some years in the 1980s, I was a national speaker for the British Green Party.I was attracted by their desire to protect the planet and their alleged support forfreedom of information. When a Green Party group in Salford, Manchester, asked me to speak about my book at the Green Party national conference in the Autumnof 1994,1 was banned by the party hierarchy for, in effect, inciting racial hatred. Thecampaign was whipped up by two Robot Radicals called Derek Wall and DavidBlack, the author of a charming little article about me headed “Son of God or Son ofthe Devil?” They were supported by others in the Green Party’s Robot Radicalclique, like Penny Kemp. I have a letter from the conference organiser which saysthat of the members of the committee who issued the ban only two had read thebook and both went into the meeting determined to say it was not racist. Theyended up being persuaded to vote for a ban by those who had not read it! And themembership which is so ‘anti-hierarchy’ allowed its own hierarchy to deny theirright to hear me speak.There are many genuinely open-minded people in the Green Party groupsaround the UK, but at the collective level, it is just another strand in the Elite web ofmind control and self-deception. The sad thing is, they don’t realise it. I hadintended to use the opportunity at the conference to talk about the underlyingmanipulation which is creating the problems the Green Party was set up to address,and the way that pollution-free energy sources are being suppressed whichsupercede anything the Green Movement has been promoting. The membership didnot get the opportunity to hear this, however. The hierarchy in this ‘anti-hierarchy’party had decided what they should and should not hear. Much better to do thatthan to have a black-and-white belief system challenged. It has become anotherRobot Radical party, at the hierarchy level, which talks of freedom, but refuses tolive it.You see this attitude constantly expressed in the various forms of RobotRadicalism, represented in the UK by newspapers like The Guardian, The NewStatesman, and The Socialist Worker. So it is with other ‘radical’ parties andorganisations who see freedom as having the right for their beliefs to take over thecentres of control from those they disagree with. One form of imposition replacinganother. And each new generation is enticed into the web and locked into thisRobot Radical thought wave which not only makes life easy for the manipulatingelite, it also imprisons the new recruits in a barely-one-dimensional view whichshuts out their higher consciousness. It is just another mental prison.It is a reflection of the thought patterns of the Global Elite. The Elite manipulateminds by emphasising some information and suppressing or ignoring the rest. Sodo the Robot Radicals. They claim to be anti-racist, but, in reality, they are onlyagainst non-politically-correct racism. If you claim to be against racism, it mustmean all racism, surely. To see any race as inferior is not only deeply unpleasant, itis downright silly from the view of life that I hold. Our minds, our consciousness,incarnates into endless physical bodies and life situations, white, black, yellow,Jewish, Arab, all of them. To judge someone by their genetic spacesuit – body – isthe ultimate misunderstanding, I feel. But the Robot Radicals posture their politicalpurity (or knowingly work for the manipulators) by attacking as racists those whoare legitimately investigating the global conspiracy, while they ignore completelythe blatant examples of Jewish racism. The child-like mind of the Robot Radical cannot challenge Jewish racismbecause the Nazis they so despise are anti-Jewish, and so they must not say aword against Jewish racism because they might be seen to be supporting theNazis. Showing themselves to be against all racism is far less important to a RobotRadical than playing their silly political games on a black and white chessboard.So while New World Order researchers are condemned as racists because theyname some people who happen to be Jewish (and far more who are not), nothingis said by the Robot Radicals about the Talmud, the Jewish Book of Law, which isamong the most appallingly racist documents on the planet. There is silence, too,about rabbis who say they would never drink wine that had not been bottled by aJew. Yet there would be vehement condemnation of someone who said theywould never drink wine that had been bottled by a Jew. The stench of hypocrisyfills the air.In the same way, there is silence from the Robot Radicals when people like theFrenchman, Jean Briere, are fined or jailed for expressing an opinion. Briere, aformer spokesman for the French Green Party, was given a three-month suspendedprison sentence and fined £1,800 for “anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli remarks”. He hadsaid the Jewish lobby had influenced the US to start the Gulf War and he describedIsrael as “racist, militaristic, theocratic, and expansionist”. The Robot Radicalswould have been united in their condemnation of Briere and yet had he spokenthose words about America and Americans, those same Robot Radicals would haveburst into spontaneous applause.What is the difference between the anti-Jewish laws in Nazi Germany and lawsunder which you can be fined and imprisoned for saying what Briere said? What isthe difference between the controlled anti-Jewish media under Hitler and the waythe Japanese magazine, Marco Polo, was closed down by its parent company in1995 because of a campaign by the global Jewish hierarchy to stop its advertisingrevenue after it published an article questioning some of the official stories of theNazi concentration camps? Both come under the heading of authoritarianism, butdon’t ask a Robot Radical to see that. Their dogma could not cope with it. Theseapparent ‘opposites’ like Right and Left, fascists and Robot Radicals, are actuallyoperating on the same thought patterns. They just use different words to describethe same thing: imposing their dogma on everyone else while seeking to deny aplatform to views and information they disagree with.When I spoke in Glastonbury, Somerset, in 1995, a Robot Radical from the localGreen Party handed out leaflets and went to the media condemning me and TheRobots’ Rebellion for spreading racial hatred. This campaigner for freedom, aDavid Taylor, wanted to ensure that I would not have the opportunity to speak inGlastonbury again, so denying the people the right to make up their own minds.He listed a series of staggering misrepresentations and untruths on his leaflet insupport of his case. This did not surprise me when I realised that Mr Taylor,despite his campaign and condemnation, had not actually read the book! I kid younot. When asked about the manipulation of the Freemasons, he replied that theywere an organisation that did a lot for charity, and when faced with the information about the way Roosevelt had provably manipulated America into analready manipulated Second World War, he said that unless the Americans hadcome into the war, Hitler would have won. Mr Taylor was speaking and acting fora collective mindset that grips the consciousness of hundreds of millions of RobotRadicals all over the world. No wonder the Global Elite have had such a free ridethus far.The Robot Radical mindset is a telling mixture of naivety and arrogance and thatis one heck of a combination! How ironic that the people who have done most toattack me for trying to make suppressed information available are those who claimin their angelic, politically-correct, lily-white sense of their own purity, that theystand for freedom from tyranny. The Robot Radicals are a tyranny and they are justtoo full of their own political perfection to realise it. And on the other ‘extreme’ youhave the Robot Right, the same tyrannical thought pattern as the Robot Radicals,but wearing a different uniform. The Robot Radicals are convinced of their moralpurity and the Robot Right are convinced of their genetic purity. But they are thesame thought pattern disguised as opposites.Nothing has illustrated the arrogance and naivety of the Robot Radical mindsetin my recent experience, more than two people called Matthew Kalman and JohnMurray. They publish a magazine in Britain called Open Eye. This is some ironybecause I have rarely come across eyes and minds that were more obviouslyslammed shut. They claim to be interested in exposing manipulation andcorruption and yet appear to take every opportunity to attack and undermine thosewho are successful in raising these issues in the main public arena. It was they whohave led people to believe that I am a Nazi or Nazi sympathiser and anti-Jewish.They wrote two grubby articles, one of which was published in the Robot Radicalweekly, The New Statesman, under the heading “New Age Nazism”. The fact that Iam neither ‘New Age’ or a ‘Nazi’ is brilliantly symbolic of the standard of theirresearch. Apparently, anyone who has an open mind about history and the officialline is, by definition, a potential Nazi to Kalman and Murray. They also admitcontributing ‘information’ about me to The Guardian and for an outrageous articleby ‘journalist’, Mark Honigsbaum, in the London Evening Standard, entitled “TheDark Side of David Icke”. At no time before these articles were written did eitherKalman or Murray even take the trouble to talk to me. Kalman is also editor of aJewish ‘alternative’ magazine called New Moon, the November 1995 front cover ofwhich portrayed me as Adolf Hitler. Inside was a Kalman and Murray ‘review’ ofthis book in which they claimed I was saying it is all a plot by Jewish people to takeover the world. You’ve read the book and you can see the opposite is true. So whyare they saying this? Virtually every article attacking me in this way was written byKalman and Murray or had the ‘information’ supplied by them. Either this duo arejust being incredibly immature and silly (a strong probability) or they have anotheragenda. In my view, whatever their motivation, they have revealed magnificentlyhow the best defence the Elite have against exposure is the Robot Radical mentality.If people were in control of their own minds, the nonsense communicated byKalman and Murray would be of no consequence. Unfortunately the Robot Radical mind can’t wait to giveitself away. Most depressingwas the number of peoplewho believed the laughable’research’ behind thesearticles. Some began tohand out protest leaflets atmy meetings. Many werefrom the Anti-Nazi League.The leaflets were equally,often staggeringly,inaccurate. Most of thepeople doing it had not readmy books or heard mespeak. They were reactingto what they read in themedia, almost all of whichwas inspired by our friendsKalman and Murray! Someinvitations for me to speakwere also withdrawn on the strength of the same information. The manipulatorsmust be laughing themselves to death. Others behind the efforts to dub me a Naziare, I am told by a good source, connected to the Raelian Foundation of which Iwrote earlier.What the Robot Radicals can’t see, and don’t want to see, is that the Global Elitefund Jewish groups and anti-Jewish groups; communist groups and anticommunist groups; the far Left and the far Right. The Elite have no need to bringthese ‘opponents’ into conflict because they are so imbalanced within their beingthat they find each other like heat-seeking missiles and attempt to destroy eachother without any help from anyone. Whenever a person stands up to makesuppressed information public, the Elite network uses both wings in thediscrediting campaign. It uses its Robot Right organisations to come out in supportof the writer or speaker and then activates its Robot Radical organisations to attackthe person for being a tool of the far Right. That is precisely what has been triedwith me, and most of the people involved will not realise how they are beingmanipulated.If you really want to discredit someone, you arrange for anti-Jewish or antiwhatever events such as the smashing of graves, assaults on people, even a terroristbomb in the extreme. You then point the finger at your target person or group. Yousay they are either directly responsible or ‘incited’ the actions by what they arewriting and saying. Adolf Hitler used this very technique when the Nazis burneddown the German Parliament building, the Reichstag, in 1933 and blamed it on thecommunists. This method has an added bonus for a manipulator – it creates fear intheir own community or group, thus making them easier to control. I am not saying that there are no genuine attacks on Jewish and other groups by desperatelyunbalanced and misguided people, but to say that all of them are genuine is equallynaive. The combination of naivety and arrogance will ensure that most of themembers of both ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ don’t realise that they are being used by thesame force (Figure 16 on previous page). I would recommend that both the RobotRadicals and the Robot Right repeat over and over those words of John F. Kennedy.Whether he really meant them or not is by the by. The words themselves arebrilliant:“We seek a free flow of information…a nation that is afraid to let the people judge thetruth and falsehood in an open market is a nation afraid of its people.”That is what we have in this world today. Self-interest groups afraid of thepeople, and the Robot Radicals and the Robot Right are the same as all the rest.New Age – or the Old Age Revisited?The inflexibility of thought I am addressing here can be found in all areas of’alternative’ thinking and lifestyles, including that which is known as the NewAge. Significant parts of the New Age are, I believe, becoming little more thananother religion which believes in reincarnation and it is seeking to impose itsgathering dogma on others.