Fake self-identity
The foundation and bottom-line of mass perception programming is to maintain humanity in ongoing ignorance of who we are and where we are. The idea is to program the belief from cradle to grave that we are cosmic accidents of random ‘evolution’ and to define self-identity only by the labels we are given and give ourselves. Life has a beginning and an end and when you’re dead you’re dead. For those who won’t buy the latter you tell them they are subject to the demands of an angry, judgemental external ‘God’ with rules and regulations (Cult rules and regulations) which must be followed to avoid the fires of hell or secure a date with multiple virgins waiting only for believers. Whether religious or atheist the labels of limitation still apply. These are the labels of ‘I-am-a’ as in: I-am-a man, woman, gay, transgender, black, white, rich, poor, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jew and all the rest. These labels are not who we are. They are merely what we are briefly experiencing . We – the eternal ‘I’ – are an expression of an Infinite State of Awareness having those experiences. Think how impossible it would be to pressure, frighten, intimidate and manipulate people to do what the Cult demands if we knew that we are a point of attention within a state of Infinite Awareness having a brief experience called human in whatever form, colour, race or sexuality. How even harder would it be to divide and control people aware that we are all aspects of the same consciousness and who understand that our temporary labels are illusory divisions and not real in the way that they seem to be? How would the Cult instigate the essential divide and rule and conflict between labels of race, culture, sexuality, politics and income bracket if we all knew they were temporary illusions and that our reality is just another type of ‘dream’? Or that human life is like donning a headset and playing virtual reality? Such games may seem so real, but take off the headset (symbolic of ‘death’) and you see that it was all a technologically-generated illusion, a dream or nightmare that we believed in the moment to be real. Such is the nature of human life. As Rumi, a 13th century Persian mystic, said:
This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief.
These truths must be kept from us for the Death Cult conspiracy to prevail. This book is about how that is being done and how we can return to the true and eternal ‘I’ that we are and always will be beyond the illusory diversions of the five senses. The inner circle of the Cult knows what reality is and how it works and their power comes from keeping that knowledge from the population. They do this by dismissing or demonising such information in the public arena while passing it on to generations of chosen initiates in the secret society networks of The Web. Secret societies and other assets of The Web answer in the end to the Cult which itself answers to its non-human masters or Spider. We have in this way been manipulated to forget our real nature and live in an isolated ‘Bubble’ of self-identity and limitation that I call Phantom Self – label self (Fig 15 ). This is the whole foundation of human control, but it doesn’t have to be. Open your mind and it’s wakey, wakey time.