Can you give us a detailed explanation of frequency? I started thinking about it after reflecting on the module “Time Stepping.” If I understand this correctly, the past, present, and future are all happening at the same time?
Yes, that is correct.
Is it correct to say that each one happens at a different frequency? Can you explain this in a little more detail?
The term frequency is used in so many different ways. I think it is very important to address exactly what frequency is because it is actually many things. When the word is used to describe a certain term, right away most people say, “Oh, I know what you are talking about. What about that frequency?”
The simplest way to describe frequency is to compare it to radio channels. How many of them are moving through the atmosphere right now? There are probably hundreds of thousands of them. Each one is an individual frequency and all of them are happening right now. The only way you can experience any one of those frequencies is to move into its dimension. Then you can experience the textures of the music of that specific station. It holds data and experience, so that would be a frequency.
By tuning into it, you are tapping into that dimension.
When you speak of a frequency, you are speaking of the frequencies of music, and also the frequencies of dimensions and realities. You are within a specific frequency; and that frequency is held together in its own motion, its own perpetual vibration.
You can compare it to cars driving at different speeds in different lanes.
You are driving a car that is going thirty-five mph on the ramp. Other cars on the highway are going fifty-five, sixty-five, seventy-five, and eighty-five mph in different lanes. You can see the cars and acknowledge that they are there, but you cannot experience what is going on in their reality until you drive at the same speed as them. Once you move up to the same speed, you can look over and see someone who is flipping through People Magazine or chewing Wrigley’s Spearmint gum. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. However, when you step on your brakes, that frequency is broken and you have now dropped into a lower frequency. You are no longer part of that higher frequency; you are now a part of the lower frequency. If you speed up, you can no longer see the lower frequency because you are in a higher frequency.
Right now, you are moving at a frequency and everything in this room is vibrating. It only appears to be still because everything is in unison. If you concentrate on the concept of frequency, you will start to move into the In-Between state. And if you really start to think about it, you will feel slightly strange. If you focus and look around the room, you will see with your eyes. To help you rationalize and bring your mind into the moment, look for static on the edges of things. You can almost see a light haze, a light fog, or a sense of something there. Do not acknowledge it, because if you do, then it’s like acknowledging that our reality is not real. That is when your organic body takes control and says, “No, wait, come back here.” It puts you back into the Doe so you don’t mess with another dimension.
However, the more that you start to focus on the static, the easier it will be to ‘get in.’ That’s when you start focusing on sound. Perhaps you will start to hear a voice. You may start to hear the echo, the hum, and other different things. You can hear people moving. So you are pushing the temperament of reality. As this happens, you will start to feel your tongue, which will start to have a bland taste. It’s almost like a metallic flavor that is associated with LSD. When people experiment with LSD, they taste something like a strychnine flavor. It is basically from blotter acid, which is a little piece of paper with a chemical sprayed on it. It causes an LSD
effect. LSD manipulates certain molecules in your brain that produces this
effect. You can produce the same effect by doing this exercise. This is what we call the In-Between.
By acknowledging and paying attention to those things, you will begin to shift. You will eventually find quirks, nuances in your reality. You will notice that people seem to act a little weird in their body. For a second you will say to yourself, “Now that’s weird!” However, if you even acknowledge that you thought it was weird, you bring yourself back again to ‘normal’ reality. You can’t think about it if you are in that state. Trees, colors, everything starts to very slightly change, almost like you’re not sure what you are seeing. The more you let your mind go, without thinking about it, the more you allow yourself to keep experiencing those things and paying attention to them. Your consciousness begins to shift deeper. If you allow yourself, you will go into very deep states. It is a skill that you learn.
You are effectively leaving your organic body. Your consciousness is moving faster than the cellular level of the atoms of your body. If you really push it, you can literally enter a whole other dimension. Frequency is still a part of this because you’re simply changing lanes, but you are doing it through your own consciousness. The reason you are able to do that is because you are aware of the possibility of that concept.
Is it the speed of consciousness that allows you to enter this state of mind?
Well, you cannot say speed. That is when it gets complicated. We use
‘speed’ as a jumping off point to get the idea. It’s an analogy because
‘speed’ would not be relevant. When we think of speed, we think of distance. In truth, it is almost like you are vibrating. But even vibrating can be considered speed because there’s still a back and forth motion that gives you a concept of that. It is like forgetting backwards. You just simply choose to not think. If you do not think, then you are not anchored into this reality. This is why we always practice non-thought. Thought is what holds you into this frequency. If you shut down thought, you no longer have an anchor that’s going to hold you to this dimension or to this frequency.
You simply have intent. Your intent is to move into this other frequency or into a frequency other than this one. If that is your intent and that is your
direction, then that is what’s going to happen.
If you’ve never been there before, how can you find that frequency with your intent? Wouldn’t you have to feel that frequency before?
Let me ask you a question. How did you find this location?
Someone showed me the way.
Somebody told you how to get here. Somebody passed on the information that this was a place to gather for like-minded people. How did you get here? Did a friend give you a ride? You did not know what to expect. The difference between going to an unknown location of this frequency and going into another frequency is expectation. Everything is mental for you and that prevents you from going into another frequency.
When you came here, you didn’t know what to expect. What is the first thing that you do? You want to know. So you start wondering in your mind.
You start imagining what this place will be like before you get here. That’s a knowing because you are dealing with consciousness. Consciousness is a whole different ball game. It is like thinking in light. If you can think enough in light, you can create another world.
What if I wanted to see a past life?
In my mind, that is completely different from what we are discussing now. To see into a past life, you go into another dimension or another frequency. Why is it that way in the brain? I do not know, but that’s the way it is.
Does it take intent with an open mind to find this frequency?
Yes, absolutely. Simply forget and let yourself fall backwards. In so doing, you are effectively trusting and conquering your fear of death. You have to let go of everything because everything is an anchor to keep you in
this dimension. The people that you love are anchors. Your body is an anchor. Your life, in general, is an anchor. All of these things collectively hold you in this dimension. The only way to get past that is to release it, and that is very hard to do. If you do that, you might just vanish altogether.
Then again, you could wake up and realize that you were dreaming the whole time in another world. It happens.
The idea is to still maintain some kind of control. It is pretty easy to always hang on to this dimension, but it is the forgetting, the actual act of letting yourself forget that allows you to pop into somewhere else. It depends on what level of intensity you want. If I were to give you a map of how I see this, I would take a bunch of parallel lines with each line representing another dimension. If you zoom into it with a microscope, each line would be made of thousands of little microfiber lines. We’re in one of those microfibers. You need to get through all the other microfibers before you can jump to another solid line. It’s very difficult to do.
I have to think of a zipper and a light switch to shut down when I’m driving or when I’m using your meditation because I start to see the energy coming from cars and people.
Some people might think you are crazy for saying that, but there is an element of truth to that. This is really, really important: sometimes you have to create things that you can relate to. It’s like the whole Windex thing. When I say, “Think of a type of glass cleaner,” most people say Windex because of the word association. Window/Windex — I’ve covered this before. So, in order to fool your consciousness, you had to come up with some concept that your brain can relate to. It doesn’t necessarily make sense to other people, but it makes perfect sense to you because there’s some part of you that can accept it for what it symbolizes.
In order for you to get out and about, pretend that there is a zipper over your head, like the zipper on your clothes. Pretend to unzip it, open it, and pop your head out into another dimension. You are really creating a back door. The brain is so smart, yet it is obtuse because something absurd fooled it. The concept you created makes perfect sense to it. So it can now achieve what you need to achieve.
A long time ago, I used to create a kingdom in my mind. The kingdom itself was not that important, but it represented the key. You use the kingdom in your mind the same way your brain perceives that it works in this reality. The special tag for this concept is having your field of protectors, your filters, control what you let into your consciousness and what you let out. At that time, I created a kingdom in my mind because I could relate to that concept. Everything has layers of meanings, and these layers are infinite. A kingdom to a non-spiritual person may simply mean a castle and some property.
What if your consciousness was the kingdom? What if this represented your mind? What if the kingdom was the whole of your existence? Just like your body is made up of trillions of living cells. It is difficult for us to envision. But if you think that your consciousness is a kingdom in your mind, it is more palatable for the brain to accept. The fact that we say this kingdom is our mind is the first thing that fools the brain. You are telling the brain this is who you are. This is a different way of looking at yourself.
With this kingdom, you want to have a core. The king or queen would obviously be you. You have to be careful on this because the queen is always considered to be less than the king. If you’re a female, you have to say that the king is dead.
That is how it works. As the monarch, you have now taken command of the kingdom. In my case, I am the king. In my mind, I envision the whole castle. Most people see its shape as circular. If you observe yourself building it, you’ll see it very circular. You have to ask yourself, why is that?
Why didn’t I build it into a mountainside? The brain already knows that you’ve set the standard for the concept of a castle. It’s working with you, setting up a parameter because the body thinks in a circular sense.
As you’re building your kingdom, you can almost see that there are layers to it. It’s as if the center is higher. Then it drops lower. You have a wall, another wall, and then another wall. These are all regions to get into the core – the center.
What is that core?
That is your middle pillar. That is your true self enclosed in there.
You’re the king. There’s a center point that your king is protecting. In a sense, you can say that is your true soul. Then you set up your knights.
These are your protectors, your warriors. You give them armor, weapons, and shields. Of course, you give them highly polished armor because they have to look cool and intimidating. They’re bad ass because they have to be. If they’re sissies, you’re screwed.
You know they’re bad ass. All of your knights will die for you because they are willing to do anything for you, even if it means they die in battle.
You have them and you have a certain amount of corsairs. In addition to that, there are legions of armies.
Next, you have your people. Those are your laborers, which represent your red cells. The red cells are basically going to work on your health, whether you have an illness or whatever. You say to them, “This is what I want you to do. There are some holes and deterioration in the castle wall.
Your job is to go out there and fix it.” Now that might sound silly to the average person, but again like the zipper the brain says, “Oh, you’re talking about the cells of my body!” You know that is correct, but you are not saying this is what it feels-like. Then they’re going to go out there, start working on it, and repair it. How do they know what to repair? Let’s say that you already know that your knee is bad. Then the wall part you told the red cells to repair is really your knee, but in a different perspective and consciousness.
In addition to your laborers, you also have villagers. Those are your farmers or the last outer wall. They actually go outside and they work with the land. They cultivate it and they bring stuff in, just like your body needs to get food. They determine what is good and healthy for you. You can say to them, “Don’t bring anything into the kingdom that is going to be bad for it. Here is a list of things that is bad for it.” You will find that your tastes start to change. Your desire for food will start to change. The foods that you had a taste for before, which were very destructive, are now unappealing to you. It’s great for people who smoke cigarettes or have habits they want to break. You can say, “Don’t bring in tobacco. Tobacco is bad for the kingdom. I command you not to bring it in.” Your body relates that to the cellular structure and all of a sudden, you don’t want it. You don’t know
why. You just don’t want it because you found a different way to communicate this message to yourself.
The first person perspective is very hard to work with because you see yourself as an individual. How can you tell yourself what to do? So you invert it, create a kingdom, and say, “This is a representation of my body; that is what it is.” You can make it as complex as you want. As the king, you can also create your church or your spiritual center. You can walk inside the spiritual center and create all of that. There are ways now to get into the back-end program. So how do you get there? Are you ready? I shouldn’t be telling you this.
In the church you can have your monument to God, if you will. It can be classical, like a stained glass piece. It can be beautiful or whatever you want to create. You can have chanting, too. Yet somewhere in the back of your mind, it’s just like a video game. You’ve got a pool of water. What does water represent? It’s fluidic. It represents consciousness. If you were to look into that water, who or what are you going to see? Are you going to see yourself or are you going to see nothing? You will look into it and there’s almost nothing to see but your reflection. Your brain scatters what it will be because you are dealing with your true self. You don’t know who you truly are so it’s hard to see your reflection. That is where your brain is at a loss.
Interestingly, you can dip into the pool and dive down into the water. So that represents escaping from this consciousness into some other kind of consciousness. When you come up for air, you open up your eyes in this reality. You are going to find that your awareness and your spirituality are heightened until you fall into your sleep – the Doe — and you become your everyday self. But you can also say, “If I go into this pool, I’m going to come up into another dimension.” So, in order to see different places, you keep yourself going. That’s why I didn’t want to speak of this because it now prepares your brain for what it is. It is what you do not know that is hard to find because that is the truth. If I give you texture, or say what is going to happen, then your brain will create an artificial thing.
When you create the kingdom, you create an arena that will work better with your body. You can work with aging. You can work with your youth.
You can tell your minions to do whatever you want. But like any other castle, and any other kingdom, it takes maintenance. It takes constant care.
You have to go to that kingdom at least once or twice a week to maintain it.
You can use it to help fight depression. If the king is depressed, what are you going to do about it? Well, you could have a festival. You can dance and have the maidens spinning around. That will all create a certain effect, but by the next day, you will forget you did it. When you will go into work, people will say, “Boy, you seem like you’re having a really good time!”
However silly it may sound, you’re doing the same thing with the zipper. You are using your mind and saying, “I have a zipper and when I go up there, I know what’s going to happen. I am going to unzip it,” and it immediately reacts to your demands. Your brain will say, “Okay, that makes sense to me!” But, if you argue with yourself and say, “How can it make sense to you? You stupid idiot! How can you be my brain?” You then just locked yourself out of it. It’s a matter of trusting yourself and using your imagination to allow the desired outcome of a higher state.
The kingdom also has gates. There are intruders, bad people, beyond the gate who are trying to get in. Because of this, you create checkpoints. You let them be there on the land because you have exterior watchtowers. When somebody comes up to the land, your guys come up on horses and say,
“What do you want? What are you looking for?” Any intruders have to get past them to get to the next level. So you tell them they have to screen everybody. There’s always someone trying to take advantage of you, get money from you, or trying to get you to sign something. Your guards at the watchtowers will determine how sleek you are. Even if you’re not paying attention, they do not let certain things get by you.
This leads us into awareness. How aware are you now? Are you conscious or are you just functioning? By setting up these guards, it will help you to remain in a certain state of awareness because it starts filtering information that is coming into you that you may not want.
I remember once when I had my guards up very strong and I was watching the movie The Exorcist. While I was watching it, I noticed that the film makers put in a creepy face for about two frames. Then it disappeared. Hardly anyone else would notice that. It was a green face and internally I said, “What the hell was that?” My filters were doing what I told them to do. In this reality, my guards were reacting by understanding that I was looking to stop anything in disguise getting past me. I want the guards’ attention on it. My guards aren’t looking for the guys hauling in the
wheat to feed me. They’re standing in the pile of wheat to see what is hiding in it. They’re looking for the stuff that’s sneaking by. That creates a higher sense of awareness.
Since I did this at a very young age in my life, it contributed hugely to how I think and perceive things. It enhanced the clarity of how I understand and see things. That was a big factor for me during that phase of my life. It was interesting that you brought up that whole zipper thing. That’s what I was doing with my kingdom, but of course it was much more elaborate. It’s something that I thought was important to bring up in case it helps someone else.