When you read Gnostic philosophy it is easy to understand why the Cult’s Roman Church wanted rid of them wherever they located. Gnosis means ‘knowledge’ and more specifically hidden or spiritual knowledge. What I am calling Body-Mind the Gnostics called ‘Nous’ and what I am referring to as Infinite Self they gave the name ‘Pneuma’. From this comes the phrase about ‘using your nous’ which would translate as using your mind. It’s much better to use your Pneuma – your expanded awareness. It was believed that any detailed record of Gnostic belief had been lost with their demise at Monségur until an amazing find in 1945 at Nag Hammadi about 80 miles north of Luxor on the banks of the River Nile in Egypt. A local found a sealed jar filled with Gnostic texts or scriptures that became known as the Nag Hammadi Library (Fig 182 overleaf). They included 13 leather-bound papyrus codices (manuscripts) and more than 50 texts written in Coptic Egyptian. The texts are estimated to date from about 350 to 400AD which would fit with the period before the attack on the library in which Hypatia was killed. It’s thought likely they are representations of Greek works going back to maybe 120-150AD or earlier. From this incredible find far more is known about the Gnostic view of reality and this is especially significant with the texts hidden away and remaining unchanged when many religious texts have been manipulated, rewritten and translated to suit the authorities of the day. I was taken aback to read the Nag Hammadi works after what I had already concluded about the Fallen Ones and the simulation. More than 1,600 years ago (as we perceive ‘time’) the Gnostics wrote about a non-human force they called ‘Archons’ and a ‘fake reality’ which in modern parlance was, in effect, describing a simulation. No wonder the Cult-created-and-controlled Roman Church wanted them gone. Archon is a Greek word meaning ‘ruler’, ‘prince’, ‘authorities’ and ‘from the beginning’. A fifth of the Nag Hammadi manuscripts are about the Archontic manipulation of human society under the chief Archon which Gnostics refer to as ‘Yaldabaoth’, or the ‘Demiurge’, and the Cult calls Lucifer the Light Bringer. Other names for Yaldabaoth/Demiurge are Satan and the Devil which are biblically referred to in reptilian terms (Fig 183 ). Gnostics believed that Yaldabaoth and the Archons were the source of evil in human society and that they indeed created the material world that I am calling the simulation. They said human bodies were a trap to enslave us in the fake reality. Gnostic texts referred to Archons in their base form as energy beings (what I would describe as wavefields of consciousness), but they said Archons could take ‘material’ form. They described their most common manifestations as … reptilian or serpentine and beings that look like ‘an unborn baby or foetus with grey skin and dark, unmoving eyes’. Reptilian entities have featured in my books since the 1990s as manipulators of human life from the hidden realms with their bloodline human/reptilian hybrids operating within the simulation and appearing outwardly to be human. The description of grey foetus-like entities with dark eyes captures the appearance of the classic ‘Greys’ of UFO research fame (Figs 184 ). They are by far the most common ‘alien’ entities reported by witnesses and those dubbed ‘abductees’ across the world who describe in remarkably consistent detail how they were abducted by a non-human species, usually ‘Greys’. Gnostic texts have their version of ‘The One’ which they symbolically call ‘The Father’ and ‘The All’.
The Nag Hammadi Bruce Codex says:
He is an incomprehensible one, but it is he who comprehends All. He receives them to himself. And nothing exists outside of him. But All exist within him. And he is boundary to them all, as he encloses them all, and they are all within him. It is he who is Father of the aeons, existing before them all. There is no place outside of him.
Figure 185:Gnostics described Prime Reality and fake reality – what I am calling the simulation. Prime Reality was a place of harmony, love and the NOW. Fake reality was a place of disharmony, evil and ‘time’ created by Yaldabaoth (Lucifer the Light Bringer).
What a perfect description of The One , the still and silent ‘isness’ of All Possibility and Infinite Intelligence pervading all existence and to whose influence we can open any time we choose. Nag Hammadi texts divide reality into what they call the ‘Upper Aeons’ (Prime Reality) and the ‘Lower Aeons’ or material world. Aeons in the Gnostic context are bands of perception, reality and potential. Upper Aeons, the realm of All That Is in Awareness of Itself , is ‘The Silence’, ‘the silent Silence’, ‘the living Silence’, with its ‘Watery Light’ (Fig 185 ). This light is very different from the simulation light within the speed of light and has been described by near-death experiencers. Water symbolism is often used by Gnostics for Infinite light as with ‘… the waters which are above’; ‘… the waters which are above matter’; and ‘… the Aeons in the Living Water’. The Bible describes in the opening to Genesis how the Old Testament ‘God’ (I say ‘Yaldabaoth’) created the earth from the ‘void’ by moving upon the ‘face of the waters’:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Gnostics said there is no ‘time’ or ‘space’ in the Upper Aeons as I described earlier. One text says that ‘since the emanations from ‘The Father’ are limitless and immeasurable’ there can be no time or space and they are pure consciousness or awareness named Pleroma or ‘the totality’, ‘the fullness’ and the ‘perfection’ of ‘emanations of the Father’. The Tripartite Tractate text says:
The emanation of the Totalities, which exist from the one who exists, did not occur according to a separation from one another, as something cast off from the one who begets them. Rather, their begetting is like a process of extension, as the Father extends himself to those whom he loves, so that those who have come forth from him might become him as well.
Gnostics speak of the interaction between ‘The Father’ and ‘The Mother’ which they refer to as ‘The Thought’. Their interaction produced a third force or extension of The One which they symbolised as the Son. There are many themes in the Nag Hammadi texts which Christianity twisted through the centuries and took for its own.
Archontic fake reality
Nag Hammadi manuscripts say the material world was created ‘in error’ when an emanation of the ‘The Father’ disconnected from his influence and this is the Gnostic version of ‘The Fall’ and Fallen Ones. The emanation called by Gnostics Yaldabaoth or the Demiurge (Lucifer/Satan/Devil) is said to be a ‘formless entity’ that proceeded to create a ‘bad copy’ of the Upper Aeons (Prime Reality) which became the Lower Aeons or ‘material’ world and what I say is a simulation (Figs 186 and 187 ). I suggest that using modern language what Gnostics described as a ‘bad copy’ is a wavefield/digital copy of cosmic Prime Reality – a virtual reality representation. A simulation could be very accurately dubbed a bad copy and once it was created the copy could be continually changed and downgraded just as once you have downloaded a copy of a website you can change its nature while the original continues to exist as it always was. This has been happening since the simulation was installed and never more so than with the current technological transformation. The Gnostic Apocryphon of John says that Yaldabaoth is a ‘counterfeit spirit’ and Nag Hammadi texts describe this entity as ‘The Blind One’, ‘The Blind God’ and ‘The Foolish One’. Samael, a name for Yaldabaoth in Jewish Talmudic writings, translates as ‘Poison of God’, or ‘Blindness of God’. Gnostics said this ‘insane’ fake ‘god’ oversaw chaos without limit. The Nag Hammadi Origin of the World manuscript says: ‘…There appeared a force, presiding over the darkness Lower Aeons. And the forces that came into being subsequent to them called the shadow “the limitless chaos”.’ You only have to observe Planet Earth for confirmation. Nag Hammadi texts depict our reality of chaos as ‘Hell’, ‘the Abyss’ and ‘Outer Darkness’, where trapped Souls are tormented and manipulated by demons (as I have been writing for decades). The Hypostasis of the Archons quotes Yaldabaoth as saying: ‘It is I who am God, and there is no other power apart from me.’ You have heard similar in the Old Testament from the Genesis ‘God’ that ‘created the world’ – created the simulation: ‘I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me’ (Isaiah 45:5). The ‘Lord God’ of the Bible is the ‘Lord Archon’ or Yaldabaoth of the Gnostic manuscripts. Yaldabaoth is depicted in popular culture as the ‘Dark Lord’, ‘Lord of Time’, Lord (Darth) Vader and Dormammu, the evil ruler of the ‘Dark Dimension’ trying to take over the ‘Earth Dimension’ in the Marvel comic movie, Dr Strange . The angry, hate-filled, vindictive ‘God’ of the Old Testament, known as Yahweh/Jehovah, is quite clearly Yaldabaoth of the Gnostic manuscripts. Here he is quoted in Leviticus:
You will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters. I will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars and pile your dead bodies on the lifeless forms of your idols, and I will abhor you … I will scatter you among the nations and will draw out my sword and pursue you. Your land will be laid waste, and your cities will lie in ruins.
Figure 188:The Speed of Light is the simulation.
Nice bloke. I emphasise that I came to all the conclusions outlined earlier from a list of other sources before I read the Nag Hammadi documents which made them even more compelling to me. The texts say that Yaldabaoth left the Upper Aeons (left the ‘garden’). He created subordinate like-entities, AI software copies called Archons, and a likeness ‘in him’ of the Cosmos (simulation). Note the term ‘in him’. I recall a quote by Caleb Scharf, Director of Astrobiology at Columbia University, who said that ‘alien life’ could be so advanced that it transcribed itself into the quantum realm to become ‘physics’ and numbers. He talked of intelligence which is indistinguishable from the fabric of the Universe. This has been my view for a long time and I say that ‘AI’ beyond what we have been told about is ‘Yaldabaoth’ and the Archontic force which has transcribed itself into the quantum realm to become physics and numbers. This would explain why the physics of our reality are so different to those outside the speed of light (Fig 188 ). The AI connection will become incredibly important in the chapter ‘Where are we going – if we allow it?’ Gnostic texts say of Yaldabaoth: ‘He became strong and created for himself other aeons with a flame of luminous fire which exists now.’ Flame of fire = the ‘light’ of the simulation within the speed of light. The same themes can be found in ancient societies across the world as I have detailed in other works. Archons are the Gnostic name for the Islamic (and pre-Islamic) Jinn or Djinn (also genies), Christian demons, and Zulu Chitauri ‘Children of the Serpent’, or ‘Devastators’. Satan is known by Christians as ‘the Demon of Demons’ while Gnostics called Yaldabaoth the ‘Archon of Archons’. Both are known as ‘The Deceiver’. Nag Hammadi documents call Archons mind parasites, inverters, guards, gatekeepers, detainers, judges, pitiless ones and the Deceivers. Gnostics describe Archons in terms of ‘luminous fire’ while the Jinn are said in Islamic belief to be made from ‘smokeless fire’ (Fig 189 ). Archons and Jinn are both said to be entities in the unseen manipulating humanity. I was talking to a Muslim taxi driver in New York about my work and I mentioned the Archons and how they were described. He said immediately – ‘That sounds just like the Jinn’. Gnostics portray the ‘material’ world with words like ‘deficiency’, ‘imperfection’, darkness and the Abyss while the Upper Aeons are ‘fullness’. Prime Reality is called ‘the existent’ while ‘material reality (the simulation) is ‘non-existent’. The Bruce Codex says:
And then the existent separated itself from the non-existent. And the nonexistent is the evil which has manifested in matter. And the enveloping power separated those that exist from those that do not exist. And it called the existent ‘eternal’, and it called the non-existent ‘matter’. And in the middle it separated those that exist from those that do not exist, and it placed veils between them.
Figure 190:The ‘Ouroboros’, or ‘Leviathan’ is the reptilian symbol marking the walls of the simulation. We pass through those perceptual limits to escape the Matrix.
Gnostics make the distinction between our ‘Spirit’ in the Upper Aeons and our ‘Soul’ trapped in the material world. Most psychics are connecting with the realm of Soul and only a relative few with Spirit where the really top-notch information can be accessed. If our point of attention remains in Soul (Mind/Psyche) and not Spirit when we withdraw from ‘physicality’ we are trapped in the Lower Aeons at other less energetically-dense levels before returning in another bodily form through ‘reincarnation’. Gnostics have a concept of what they call ‘the middle place’, a ‘space’ between the Upper and Lower Aeons which they describe as a state of temporary ‘non-existence’ as the Soul waits to reincarnate or is trapped there by ignorance (low-frequency wavefield). Archons are said to guard the exits and gateways, but they are low-frequency idiots and cannot block or affect high-frequency states. Texts entitled Pistis Sophia symbolise the limits of Yaldabaoth reality (simulation) as a dragon swallowing its own tail: ‘The outer darkness is a great dragon, whose tail is in his mouth, outside the whole world and surrounding the whole world.’ See the reptilian symbolism yet again. An esoteric/occult symbol portrays precisely this concept in the form of the ‘Ouroboros’, or ‘Leviathan’, which is a serpent swallowing its own tail (Fig 190 ). Gnostics said the outermost planetary sphere or Archon (of the Lower Aeons/simulation) is Saturn. Beyond that was the serpent Leviathan through which Souls had to pass to reach paradise (reconnect with pure Spirit). Readers of Everything You Need To Know will be aware of what I have written about Saturn and its role in the simulation which again fits with the Nag Hammadi manuscripts. Cult symbolism is awash with portrayals of Saturn which is dubbed ‘Lord of Karma’ and ruler of ‘time’ – both concepts of the simulation. I also say that the Moon (linked to the perception of ‘time’) and the constellation of Orion are very significant to the simulation and human control. The theme of the Gnostic great dragon or Ouroboros can be found in the ancient esoteric concept of the ‘Ring-Pass-Not’ (Fig 191 ). This is a definition:
A profoundly mystical and suggestive term signifying the circle or bounds of frontiers within which is contained the consciousness of those who are still under the sway of the delusion of separateness – and this applies whether the Ring be large or small.
It is a general term applicable to any state in which an entity, having reached a certain stage of evolutionary growth of the unfolding of consciousness, finds itself unable to pass into a still higher state because of some delusion under which the consciousness is labouring, be that delusion mental or spiritual.
Figure 192:Humanity is entrapped by ignorance through suppression of perception and true self-identity. This maintains a low-frequency state that keeps people in the Bubbles of the simulation. We can break out any time we choose as I will later explain. (Image Neil Hague.)
Common themes keep on repeating and among them are the following: Consciousness is trapped in the illusion of ‘material’ reality by perceptions of reality which dictate frequency. The simulation is a band of frequency which humanity and Body-Mind is manipulated not to breach by becoming aware of its true nature – formless Spirit (Fig 192 ). When this realisation is integrated as a knowing and not just an intellectual concept our Mind/Soul frequency quickens and we can pass after human ‘death’ through the Ring Pass Not/Ouroboros (outer frequency walls of the simulation). The Nag Hammadi Tripartite Tractate says of Souls trapped in the Lower Aeons: ‘Therefore they fell down to the pit of ignorance which is called “the Outer Darkness” and “Chaos” and “Hades” and “the Abyss”.’ Pit of ignorance = caught in the illusion = low frequency state. Gnostics describe humanity as a whole as manipulated ‘forgetfulness’. The way out of here is to remember our true nature and see through the illusion by opening the heart to a high-frequency state. The Jim Carrey film The Truman Show was very symbolic of this whether by accident or design. The Carrey character is born onto the mega-set of a TV soap and everyone around him is an actor although he doesn’t know that. The Sun comes up and down every day and seems real to him while in fact it’s a technological illusion orchestrated like the whole show from a control centre that looks remarkably like the Moon. Later in adult life Carrey’s character begins to realise something is not right (he ‘awakened’) and he sails a boat out into what appears to be an endless ocean to find the outer wall of the dome that marks the limit of the movie set which he was never allowed to see. He finds a door in the wall of the dome and walks through to the ‘real world’ (symbolic of Prime Reality). Interestingly, the term ‘firmament’ means ‘vast dome’ and the Biblical reference to ‘beyond the firmament’ takes on a whole new meaning from this perspective. The concept has been portrayed for centuries as you can see in Figures 193 and 194 overleaf which are depictions from 1888 and even 1475. The inscription on the second one reads: ‘A medieval missionary tells that he has found the point where heaven and Earth meet …’ Biblical texts describe how the Old Testament ‘God’ (Yaldabaoth) manifested the ‘vast dome’ firmament on the second day of the Creation sequence to divide the primal sea (Infinite Awareness) into upper and lower parts (Infinite reality and simulated reality):
Then God said, ‘Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.’ Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so.