All banks and money-flows would becontrolled by the handful of people who would control the World Central Bank. Theidea is to concentrate power into regional centres, as with the European CentralBank, and then fuse them together as one. The present World Bank and IMF wouldbe absorbed into this centralised global financial dictatorship. In the same way, theproposed European currency is a stepping-stone to the planned one-world currency.The momentum towards this centralisation will be furthered by increasing pressureto allow the United Nations to levy taxation via tariffs on all air travel, cross-bordertrade, or other means, to give it an income independent of the sovereign states it issupposed to be serving. It can then fund its own empire and the world army, whichis being created by fusing NATO with the UN ‘peacekeeping’ forces. The worldarmy is designed to ensure that no nation refuses to concede to the global dictators.The manipulation is seeking to intertwine all economies and governments into aglobal system, from which even those who eventually see what is going on will findit very difficult to delink. You only have to read the newspapers and the Elitepublications to see what is afoot. In 1984, Professor Richard N. Cooper (CFR, TC)said in the CFR’s Foreign Affairs propaganda sheet that the world required a newmonetary system: …I suggest a radical alternative scheme for the next century; the creation of acommon currency for all the industrial democracies sic, with a common monetarypolicy and a joint Bank of Issue to determine that monetary policy. …The key point isthat monetary control – the issuance of currency and of reserve credit – would be in thehands of the new Bank of Issue, not in the hands of any national government. …Asingle currency is possible only if there is in effect a single monetary policy, and asingle authority issuing the currency and directing the monetary policy. How canindependent states accomplish that? They need to turn over the determination ofmonetary policy to a supranational body.29This has been the Global Elite’s game plan for centuries. The manoeuvrings andthe politic-speak can be observed every day. Look at what President Bill Clintonand the other heads of the elite Group of Seven (industrial nations), said in thesummer of 1994. Under the headline G7 reaches out for new order – UN andfinance reforms urged, the London Guardian reported on July 11th:The West’s leading industrial powers yesterday took the first tentative steps towardsthe creation of a post-Cold War economic and political order, calling for a fresh look atthe Bretton Woods financial institutions and a revitalised United Nations……At the initiation of President Clinton and with the support of President Mitterand, theGroup of Seven pledged itself to a revamp of the International Monetary Fund, WorldBank, and the G7 itself. The world needed new global economic institutions to ‘ensurethe future prosperity and security of our people’, Saturday’s communique said.The global currency is not intended to be physical money. It will be entirelycredit, figures on a computer screen. The plan is to replace all paper money andcoins, and even credit cards, with a bar code inserted under the skin of everyhuman being. This barcoding would be programmed with all the details about us,including our financial assets. You would go into a shop and pay for the goods byholding the bar code, probably in your wrist, over a beam at the check out. This willread the bar code, check that you have enough credit, and reprogramme yourunder-the-skin bank statement to remove the amount you have just spent.This offers enormous potential for control. At present, if you go into a shop andthe computer refuses your credit card, you can pay with cash. But what happenswhen cash no longer exists and the computer says no to your barcoding? You haveno means to purchase anything. And, naturally, those who campaign against the(by then) global fascist /communist dictatorship, will find that the computer doesn’twant to know. Far fetched? Not in the least. The technology already exists and it isonly a case of bouncing public opinion into accepting it. We will be told that thissystem will end all tax evasion (no ‘readies’ to avoid taxation), stop credit cardfraud, and help to fight the ‘war on drugs’, a classic problem-reaction-solutionscenario, because the Elite control the illegal drugs market. Credit cards are astepping-stone to lead us along the road to barcoding and the end of cash, just as microchipped identity cards are also stepping-stones to the under-the-skinmicrochip which will connect us permanently to a central computer – if we don’twake up and stop it.The day I completed a draft of this chapter, or thought I had, I went into the nextroom to read the newspaper. It was the London Times of January 6th 1995, and inthere I found an article by writer Paul Penrose, headed Will plastic smart cards beEurope’s common currency? All that I had been writing that day, and had outlinedin The Robots’ Rebellion, was there before me. The best banking brains of theEuropean Union are designing the money of the future, the article said. It made thepoint that the introduction of the planned European currency would be very costlyfor governments and businesses with all the new notes and coins involved. So therewas a problem. What could the solution be, one wonders expectantly? It couldn’tjust be..? Oh yes it could. I quote:One novel solution is to phase out physical cash altogether. Under this scenario,electronic money credit loaded into a microchip embedded in a plastic card wouldbecome the symbolic common currency of a united Europe. In the Federal superstate ofthe next millennium, there may be no rustle of Euro-notes, no jingle of Euro-coins, justthe battery operated blip of machine-readable data changing hands.And, of course, something will be found to be less than perfect about this systemonce it is introduced and the cash has gone. The solution to this ‘problem’ will bethe barcoded human being. What is clearly planned to hurry along the worldcentral bank and one world currency is a global crash and currency chaos, using thetried and trusted methods. For that to work and the public mind to be conned, theElite will need to find a scapegoat for the crash, so the bankers and politicians canappear over the horizon on their white horses to offer the solution.An Englishman called Jonathan May, who worked in financial and oil circles formany years, realised what was going on and began to tell anyone who would listen.He tried to form a group of wealthy people who could construct an alternativemoney system to the one the Elite controlled. Threats were made on his life inEngland and he moved to America to continue his work. When he tried tointroduce a non-interest credit system for Minnesota farmers struggling under amountain of debt, it was crushed by the Federal Reserve. He was charged withfraud and jailed for 45 years.May says that not only did he not commit the crime – no crime actually tookplace! May’s view is that the oil price shocks of the 1970s and the tidal wave ofpetrodollars channelled from the Arabs, through the Elite banks, to the ThirdWorld, were part of the plan to crash the global economy at some future date. TheArab oil producers, especially Saudi Arabia, didn’t realise what they were beingused for, May says, nor that the global oil and banking cartels were owned by thesame people. He believes the plan is to forgive the debt of the Third World countrieswhen the time is suitable in return for the rights to their natural resources forever.This, says May, would mean the Arabs would lose their petrodollars held on deposit for a fixed term in the global banks (or rather, held by the companiescreated at arms’ length from these banks to protect them from the consequences ofsuch action). Arab nations would then have to raise cash flow by selling offenormous amounts of their shares, land holdings, property, and businessesthroughout the United States and the industrialised world. This, May’s scenariocontinues, would collapse the global economy and the ‘greedy’ Arabs would get theblame for it. The bankers and politicians of the Elite in the midst of the chaos andturmoil would step forward with the solution.. .the end of cash and a one worldcredit currency administered by a world central bank.I don’t know if that is precisely correct, but Jonathan May was obviously sayingsomething the Elite didn’t want the people to hear. I am sure the plan involvesevents similar to this in outcome, if not in detail. May also reveals that the wholeconfidence trick is made possible by the unique privileges enjoyed by the bankingtrusts set up by the original John D. Rockefeller. Such trusts have since becomeillegal, but the ones already created have been allowed to continue. May says thatthe ownership of these trusts was vested in thirteen long-established bankingfamilies, most of which will have been mentioned in this book.The Food BankAnother aim of the Elite is to control the land and production of food at every levelof the process. The natural crop seed varieties are being systematically destroyedand replaced by genetically-engineered seeds, which a handful of Elite-controlledmultinational companies are patenting. Under Plant Breeder’s Rights legislation,anyone using these seeds must pay a royalty to these companies or face a six-monthjail sentence or fines of up to $250,000. This applies to anyone from a Westernfarmer to a poverty-stricken peasant in Bangladesh. The same ‘patents’ are beingapplied to all plants, animals, fungi, genes, and viruses, that have been geneticallytampered with. The Uruguay Round of the GATT agreement has increased the holdthat companies like Britain’s ICI (supported by BP) and the US giants have overglobal seed varieties. This is giving them control over what we eat and even if weeat. This was the GATT agreement that the politicians, the media, and the big-namenews presenters were telling us was so vital to our economic well-being!The ‘Green Revolution’ of the 1960s and 70s which was sold as a means to feedthe poor countries of the world was, in truth, a means to steal the natural plantvarieties used there and replace them with hybrids dependent on chemical inputswhich the same companies monopolise. The chemical inputs are killing the landand the body, in another form of population control. Control and dependency wasthe plan. The Rockefeller Foundation collected the seeds from 95% of the world’smajor cereal crops in the years leading up to the GATT Agreement and the PlantBreeder’s Rights Bills. The multinationals are phasing out the varieties they do nothave rights to and making the world dependent on those that they do. UN statisticsestimate that 75% of genetic diversity in agricultural crops has been lost in thiscentury and what is left is now in great danger. More than 1,500 varieties ofvegetable seeds were withdrawn from use in England in the first few years after a national list of ‘approved’ species was established. The costs of registering seedvarieties is so high that only the multinationals can do it and yet geneticallyengineered varieties forced upon Third World countries are often useless in thoseenvironments. This adds to the hunger and debt. In India, a million farmers took tothe streets when a US patent was awarded for the active genes of the neem tree,which has been used for centuries as a herbal remedy. No-one should own thepatent to any seed or animal and especially not the mindset that controls themultinationals.The farming policies of the European Community and those demanded byGATT have been designed to destroy the small and medium-sized farmer and allowthe land and the market to be taken over almost entirely by the multinationalcorporations across the world. Over-production in agriculture, the butter’mountains’ and the wine Takes’, has not been caused by stupidity. It has beencalculated to destroy smaller farms. What is happening to the smaller farmers in theindustrialised countries is only a continuation and expansion of the policies used tosteal the land of the Third World farmers. Ninety per cent of the food trade on thisplanet is in the hands of five multinationals. Half of our supplies are controlled bytwo of them, the Anglo-Dutch giant, Unilever (controlled by Bilderberg groupclones), and the Nestle corporation in the Elite stronghold of Switzerland. Onceagain we see that ‘free trade’ is really cartelism, the means through which the vastdestroy the small and get paid for doing so with public money. As John D.Rockefeller Jr once said: Competition is a sin.30 In the European Union it isestimated that the multinationals receive between 10 and 12 billion German marksevery year, merely for transporting goods and raw materials across national bordersto repackage them and give the goods a ‘national image’. The biggest beneficiary isUnilever, which has close family ties to the Sainsbury Supermarket Empire.Unilever increased profits in one year by 25.6%, at the same time that farmingincomes in Denmark dropped by 35.3% and in Germany by 27.5%. Such are theprofits to be made for the corporations that even car companies like Volkswagenand Daimler Benz entered the cattle-breeding market, a business which has led tothe destruction of enormous swathes of rainforest.This all fits into the global plan for dependency and control of every aspect ofour lives. They want us literally to be robots, programmed to do as we are told, andthe banking/business system is the backbone of this strategy. As with the wars andconflicts, I hope you can see that there is no need for all the poverty and economicsuffering that we can hardly bear to witness on our television screens. This doesn’thave to happen. We allow it to happen. There is enough for everyone – enoughfood, enough warmth, enough for all we need for a good life – yes, even with thenumber of people currently occupying Planet Earth. The suffering and poverty arethere by design to control us, to divide and rule, and to create the fear within us thatif we don’t conform and play the game by the rules of the Elite, we will end up indire straits, also. Everyone for themselves. Winner takes all. It is a battle calledsurvival, a battle to the death. The collective human mind has taken on thosethought patterns and created this reality. But remember, remember, remember. It doesn’t have to be like this. This doesn’thave to be the future. We are creating the future with every thought and act. If whatwe think and do changes, so will the future. If you summon your courage and getoff your knees, we can leave our children a world that is truly, truly, free. There isnothing and no-one who can stop us, if enough people demand an end to thismanipulation and are prepared to work unceasingly to that goal. No, not even theGlobal Elite.SOURCES1 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p60-612 Sheldon Emery, Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People – a Spotlight newspaperreprint, (February 3rd 1986) p8. This article was a summary of Emery’s book of the samename.3 Source: The United States Embassy, London4 Labour Hints At Bank Freedom, The Times (May 18th 1995)5 Sheldon Emery, Billions For The Bankers, Debts For The People, p2~36 Figures from Billions For The Bankers, Debts For The People7 Ibid p18 Dr Kitty Little, submission to the Committee on Standards in Public Life (January 1995) pl5,paragraphs 53 and 549 Jewish Chronicle (April 17th 1995)10 The Financial Times (March 3rd 1992)11 Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, p2012 Royal Dutch Shell is the amalgamation of Deterding’s Royal Dutch Oil Company and theShell Transport and Trading Co, owned by the shipping magnate, Marcus Samuel (LordBearsted).13 F. William Engdahl, A Century Of War (Dr Bottiger Verlags-GmbH, Germany, 1993) p147.A superb expose of Anglo-American oil politics and its place in the New World Order.14 A Century Of War, pl5015 Ibid p14916 Before the previous Arab-Israeli war in 1967, there was considerable UFO activity over Israeland the Golan Heights. This is often reported in war zones before and during the conflict.See Extra-Terrestrial Friends And Foes, by George C. Andrews.17 A Century Of War, pl5018 A Century Of War, pl80-181 19 Henry A. Kissinger, Reflections On A Partnership: British And American Attitudes To PostwarForeign Policy (Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London, May 10th1982). In June 1995 Kissinger was given an ‘honourary knighthood’ by the Queen forservices to Anglo-American relations! He became an Honourary Knight Commander in theMost Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George (KCMG) in a ceremony at WindsorCastle. The Honour was bestowed on the recommendation of the Foreign Secretary, DouglasHurd (London Daily Telegraph, June 14th 1995).20 A Century Of War, p20621 Rodney Stich, Defrauding America, A Pattern Of Related Scandals (Diablo Western PressInc., Alamo, California, 1994) pl7622 A Century Of War, pl7923 Moneychanger magazine (December 1987, Memphis, Tennessee)24 A Century Of War, pl5925 Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, p146-14726 Submission to the Nolan Committee on Standards in Public Life, p37-38, paragraphs130-13427 A Century Of War, pl8228 Benazir Bhutto, Tochter Der Macht: Autobiographie (Droemer Knaur, Munich, 1989)29 Foreign Affairs magazine (Autumn 1984 edition)30 Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, pl9