Margaret and Patrick are out in the front yard, and Ava is in her bedroom, so it’s the perfect time to ask.
“Dad?” Kevin says. “Since Isabelle is pregnant and everything, we were wondering…”
Kelley leans forward, his hands tented. He says, “Yes?”
“We were wondering if…” Kevin can’t quite figure out how to say what he wants to say, despite having rehearsed it.
“If we can take over running the inn,” Isabelle says.
Kelley laughs. “Where were you twelve years ago?”
Kevin isn’t quite sure how to respond to that. Twelve years ago, he was still married to Norah, living in their cottage, working at the Bar.
“Isabelle already knows how to run the inn,” Kevin says. “And I can learn.”
“I’m selling the inn,” Kelley says.