As long as Scorpio North Node people focus on material needs,their needs seem endless. The irony is that when they stop feedingthe inner mechanism that urges them to possess, they beginreleasing what they own and feel much better. A new energy enterstheir lives. The peace and contentment they seek come in a new andunexpected way: a spiritual way. In this lifetime they are scheduledto give up trying to fill the emptiness inside through material thingsand instead pursue pathways that will lead to fulfillment of theirspiritual needs. Acknowledging the intangible, spiritual part ofthemselves will bring them a sense of self-worth. Any step they takein the direction of gaining insight—by keeping a journal,undergoing psychotherapy, or learning self-mastery through takingrisks and having transformational experiences—will reap immediaterewards.
These folks often seem to have money at the forefront of theirconcerns. There is a feeling of crisis around money, and always thedesire to accrue more. There can also be a lack of logic aroundmoney, either holding on to it too tightly or spending it too freely.Often they feel they are constantly struggling—working incrediblylong hours “just to get by.”They have serious “money karma” and a lot of ideas aboutmoney that are not accurate; by allowing other people to advisethem about money, they would experience a lot less stress. But theyare stubborn and want to do things their way—the hard way. Everytime they do that, they lose. For example, someone might say tothem: “Well, all you have to do is get rid of this electric heater andyour electric bill will go down by $50 a month.” The Scorpio NorthNode person will say: “No, no! I have to keep this electric heaterbecause my daughter used it in college, etc., etc.” Such attachmentskeep them poor. To gain prosperity and ease, they have to let go.The secret to accumulation is proper distribution. If they want tobe wealthy, these folks must learn to be stewards of money ratherthan hoarders of money. They think the key to having money isholding on to it, whereas in fact the opposite is true. Money loves tocirculate and is attracted to people who will keep it in motion. Ifthey don’t allow money to flow to others through them, only acertain amount can come back to them because they are not a clearchannel.They are beginning to learn that as they release money with love—gladly using it to increase the wealth of others—more moneycomes to them. It is an attitude about money, as well as appropriateaction. They need to love both parts of the process of money—thereceiving and the giving—in order for money to be easily attractedto them. However, these folks often have a difficult time letting goof anything—and money most of all!There are many things Scorpio North Node people can do tofoster the habit of releasing money with love. When they pay theirbills, they can consciously feel love around the process (they haveto spend the money anyway; they might as well feel loving aboutit!). When they write the rent or mortgage check, they canconsciously send love and wishes for prosperity to the person orbank. If they add the ingredient of gratitude (“Thank heavens I haveenough money to be able to pay my bills”) rather than begrudgetheir expenses, they become receptive to more money coming in tomeet their expenses and thereby strengthen the energy of goodfinancial karma coming into their life.Another key to increasing their capacity as money magnets is toconsciously praise the universe for the financial bounty currentlyoperating in their life. Even if it’s only a little, the idea is toappreciate and feel grateful for what is there rather than desiringmore—which, on an energy level, translates into fear and anxietyabout not having enough. Gratitude for what they have releasesanxiety so they no longer block the flow of money and materialthings. If they let money and possessions pass through them in love,more will always be there.
These folks are so used to accumulation from past lives thatthey think solutions have to do with more accumulation. They thinkthat if they can describe their problem they will own it. They knowthemselves—all their functional and dysfunctional areas—so theythink there’s nothing else to know.If they share a problem with a friend, even if the friend offers asolution that could lift the problem from them, when they leave theytake the problem rather than the solution. They don’t wantsolutions. They want the feeling of accumulation, and that meansholding on to their problematic patterns. They don’t realize thatthrough the process of accumulation and ownership they areaccepting limitation after limitation, until soon their life is boringand stagnant. For Scorpio North Node people, gain is equivalent toletting go of limiting ideas. In this incarnation they are learning tovalue the input of others and to gratefully allow the solutionscoming through others to lift their self-imposed limitations. Thenthey become free and begin enjoying life’s vitality.The theme of accumulation was a primary focus in past lives forthese folks, and it carries over on every level in this incarnation. Inthis life they tend to save everything long beyond the point ofusefulness or need. They are learning that too many possessions arean encumbrance, slowing down their mobility and the vitality ofchange. Having excess possessions is like weighing an extra 40pounds—it’s tiring!In the Bible, the old wine had to be poured out before there wasroom to receive the new. If Scorpio North Node people want newactivity in their lives, they must get rid of excess. For example, theyhave clothes in their closets they haven’t worn in fifteen years—maybe even of a different size—yet they think they “may need themin the future.” The best thing they can do is go through their closetsand pack up stuff for Goodwill or other charitable organizations.The idea is to have more trust in life: If they have a need, theuniverse will fill it. They don’t need to hang on to things to protectthemselves from lack.They will be amazed at how this re-energizes their lives. Oncethey have decided to give something away—or walk away fromsomething—they must not look back. These folks have such strongaccumulation karma that if they look back at a relationship they’veleft, or think about a possession they’ve decided to part with,they’re goners. They’ll bring it back into the house again.Scorpio North Node people make their lives a lot easier whenthey release attachment to ownership on all levels. They are evenreluctant to allow the input of others because they want totalownership over ideas as well as material things. They don’t want tosay “It was his idea” because they want the ownership and thecredit. Also, they want to be part of the deal—they’re afraid that ifit isn’t completely “their thing,” they might be left out. In fact, aslong as they are a source of power for a project, others won’t wantto leave them out because they depend on these folks.
To regenerate their lives, make money, and gain a sense ofpower, Scorpio North Node people need the help of others. Thatrequires the humility to say: “Look—you’ve got an energy I need.What do I have to do to get an interaction going?” They need toexperiment to find out what is going to get the energy they needcoming back to them on a practical level, since identifying andfeeling that kind of energy in the physical world is new for them.They are not familiar with it because they are not used to looking toothers to get their needs met. But the energy they need can onlycome from other people—who will only give it to them when thesefolks are giving the other person exactly what that person needs.Scorpio North Node people need to tune in to what others are tellingthem and support them in exactly those ways. If they feel boggeddown in any way, they can team up with another person who iswilling to invest time, energy, or money with them—and suddenlythat area of their lives will be bursting with vitality.
Scorpio North Node people may think they have self-discipline,but actually it’s a character trait they need to develop in thislifetime. These people tend to excess and often don’t set healthylimits in their lives. In fact, they have no choice but to acceptdiscipline imposed from without because they don’t have it withinthemselves. Sometimes they mistake “being driven” for selfdiscipline, but their compulsive overdoing is really a sign of excess.Self-discipline involves leading the self in a balanced, self-awareway to a predetermined goal—the ability to conceive and execute aplan.Once these folks do decide to discipline themselves, they go forit! They postpone for a long time with halfhearted efforts, and thensuddenly they just do it—they don’t give themselves anyalternatives. It’s easy for them to stray; when they do, they oftenslide back into excess and feel terrible about themselves afterwards.Eventually, they learn that they experience more self-esteem whenthey maintain their self-discipline.For these folks, self-discipline also means directing themselves inways that are in their best interest. They need to begin treatingthemselves in the way they are learning to treat others: being kinder,more sensitive, and less driven. They need to periodically askthemselves: “In this situation, what is going to give me a sense ofpower and a feeling of freedom and vitality?” Rather than goingfrom task to task, they should notice their own needs for rest andrecuperation and then to do those things that re-energize them. Theidea is to be open to forces outside of themselves—whether peopleor nature—to redirect them in ways that make their tasks and theirlives easier.So-called obstructions can actually be helpful ways of breakingtheir stubborn and debilitating single-mindedness. For instance, ifit’s a rainy day and they can’t fix the shed, maybe it’s the universe’sway of saying that they need to slow down and rest. When otherpeople appear to be “opposing” them, the universe may be saying:“You’re working too hard. Here’s some outside intervention tomake you take a breather!” If they look at it that way, they willrelax their overfocused energy and accept others’ input.Sometimes Scorpio North Node people hear advice from othersand know it’s something they “should” do, but they have an innerresistance to doing what is in their own best interest. When theyfocus on their immediate needs for gratification, those needsbecome magnified and their feelings go totally out of control. Toprevent this, the key is to stay mentally focused on only what theyreally want. This will give them the power to rise above the trap ofneeding immediate gratification, and they will automatically havethe self-discipline to teach their goals.Often Scorpio North Node people have to be pressured from theoutside to make a change. When they have a crisis, it stimulatesthem to action. But rather than wait for a serious crisis (a healthproblem, bankruptcy, etc.), they are better off accepting changesooner. By “planning” a crisis (giving themselves a deadline ofthree months to prepare their house and put it on the market, amonth to figure out a new dietary plan, etc.), they access the energythey need to change without having to face a situation that threatenstheir well-being. But either way, they have to make the decision andthe commitment to go through a temporary period of hard work anddiscomfort in order to get out of their rut. And it helps when they letothers help them, rather than doing it their way—the hard way.
Scorpio North Node people need their whole value system to bereborn because the old is wearing them down. One way the universehelps them let go is by bringing them into contact with peoplewhose beliefs and values are contrary to the specific things thatthese natives need to change. If they need to let go of believing thatthey should wait three seconds after the traffic light changes togreen before they proceed, because that belief is limiting them, theywill attract a person who believes that “Time is of the essence;when the signal turns green, it’s the universe’s way of prompting usinto immediate action.”As soon as the new value or belief is presented, Scorpio NorthNodes’ opposing value will rise to the surface. Right then and there,these folks start feeling tense: What should they do? Which wayshould they follow? If they “tune in” and feel that the new value isactually more useful and accurate, they need to immediately dropthe old value, embrace the new, act on it, and not look back. This ishow they change. It takes integrity, courage, self-discipline, andaction. When they choose change, they win; when they choose theold way of doing things, they lose.These folks are learning to be more open in terms of what willwork for them—they can be too rigid about their past-life valuesystems. The principles they are attached to are often correct; but ifthey become fixated on the form in which those principles aresupposed to manifest, they lose the spirit and are bound by thebehavior. For example, they may value beauty (a spiritual attribute)and then become attached to everything in their environment beingin “perfect order.” They may value devotion in marriage and thenbecome attached to a specific form of devotion. They tend to nottake into account other people’s ideas about form, which, ifcombined with their own ideas, could actually promote a heightenedexperience of the value they seek.For example, rather than being compulsive about “Perfect orderin the home equals beauty,” they could say to their housemates: “Iplace a high value on beauty. Do you have any ideas for how wecould bring more beauty into our home?” This could lead to anexpanded idea of beauty beyond what Scorpio North Nodeconsidered. They need to remember that in this lifetime, their sourceof nourishment will come not from the value or task but fromsynergistically combining with other people.Scorpio North Node people are also learning how to meet theirneeds without going to extremes. For example, if they value beautyand order, putting energy into creating those things is energizing forthem—up to a certain point. But then comes the law of diminishingreturns: They tend to continue past that point and feel enslaved towhat they’ve created. Or they may expect others to continue theirefforts (their way) so things can be beautiful and orderly. And thatkeeps them invested in the task at the expense of other people.On the other hand, if these folks feed that same energy to aperson they want to support, the other person will eventually startfeeding them energy back—which will empower the native to feedhim even more. Scorpio North Node people think they don’t knowhow to feed that essential energy to another person, but actually it’ssimple. Other people know their own needs, so all these folks haveto do is have the humility to ask the others what they need, listen towhat they say, and give it to them.