Sagittarius North Node people have spent many past lives in
positions where it was essential for them to understand how others
think: as teachers, writers, orators, and salespeople. Teachers aren’t
successful unless they understand their pupil’s thought process and
impart information in a way the pupil can accept.
Sagittarius North Node people came into this incarnation with the
talent of seeing everyone else’s point of view, but in the process
they have lost touch with their own truth. Now they need to connect
with their spirituality—and rediscover themselves.
The gift of understanding also means that these folks can talk to
anyone about anything—they have the gift of gab. They can see into
the mindset of the other person and keep small talk going for hours,
making the other person feel comfortable through an easy exchange
of friendly conversation and acceptance.
But they are so aware of the mindsets of other people that they
often overtranslate the others’ ideas. They think they need to speak
the other person’s words to be understood, and soon they get lost
and forget what they really wanted to say. Thus, when they “get
something” from their intuition, they should say it directly without
trying to edit or “translate” it.
Sagittarius North Node people have a tough time making
decisions. They are accustomed to seeing both sides, so even when
they know what to do they also see the alternative viewpoint and get
confused. For example, if they ask themselves: “Should I go to the
party or stay home and rest?” they have an instinctive “knowing” or
“feeling” that tells them which choice will make them happy. But
then they question their knowing: “Yes, it would make me happy to
stay home and I need to rest, but if I don’t go to the party, maybe
I’ll miss something. . . . On the other hand, I really need the rest—
I’ve been out three nights in a row. . . . And yet this party might be
attended by some very interesting folks . . .” and on and on. Pretty
soon they can’t make a decision. To avoid this problem, they must
not allow themselves to question their first feeling of “knowing.”
Their intuition is almost 100 percent accurate. They are learning to
recognize it, rely on it, and allow it to lead them. Additionally, they
need to trust that they won’t “miss” anything or anyone that is truly
destined for them. When they follow their spontaneous inner
knowing, they will always be “on track.”
These folks are indecisive because they think of so many reasons
for going in any direction. It’s never just between yes and no—it’s
“yes, because of such-and-such” and “no, because of something
else”—until it becomes so convoluted that they can’t decide at all.
Sagittarius North Node people go through a lengthy and nervewracking process of second-guessing themselves (and others)
owing to insecurity. They don’t trust their intuition. In past
incarnations, they were so accustomed to being part of other
people’s lives and ideas that they lost touch with their own identity.
All their past lives of identifying with society have taught them
reliance on others. But now they need to rely on themselves—
without trying to “explain” their intuition. When they apply logic to
intuition, they become even more confused.
This process is very painful for them. They become so internally
conflicted that they feel they have no stable base. These people can
see the pros and cons of any decision, and by the time they’ve
thought through all the possible ramifications it feels like a “no
win” situation. The entire process is associated with loss: What do
they stand to lose with each of the different options? By focusing on
this negative aspect, they become more and more insecure.
Yet what these folks really want is to win something. They have
to stay focused on their goal, and when they consider others, it
should be in terms of who can assist them in getting what they want.
The irony is that the minute they make a firm decision, the universe
supports them and everything works smoothly and beautifully!
However, before they reach this point, they drive the people
around them crazy because they want to check each decision with
everyone they know. Their good friends can hear what these folks
really are seeking behind their frantic, “logical” points of view and
lovingly point them back to their original, intuitive knowing.
Sagittarius North Node people need a lot more help to make their
dreams come true than they realize. They need spiritual help—
straight from the universe itself—to reach their goals, and it is
available to them in this lifetime if they are open to it.
They are learning that to take the next step toward their dreams, it
is necessary to let go of the step below. Loss is always part of a
greater gain. To gain the benefits of an independent lifestyle, they
must let go of dependency on their parents; to gain the benefits of a
promotion, they must let go of their former job. They need to stay
focused on gain—the new growth, environment, and people that
surround them as they work toward their goals and follow their
spontaneous inner prompting.
Sagittarius North Node people need to switch their sense of
responsibility from evoking a desired response to being an accurate
channel for their gift of inner guidance. Instead of being the
caretaker, in this lifetime they are to be the initiator. It’s so simple if
they let it be! The minute they make the decision: “I’m choosing
this,” or “I’m taking that road,” they reach a new level. They don’t
have to go through the painful intermediate process of secondguessing themselves. All they have to do is to trust what they
intuitively feel to be right, decide to follow their intuitive path, and
use their logic to figure out the best way to make it happen.
When they’re trying to figure out how others will react, what they
are seeing is how others would react before they make their
decision. But when Sagittarius North Node people make the
decision, it actually changes the other person’s reaction. Thus,
Sagittarius North Nodes cannot logically predict how others will
respond to them. All their experience with decision making brings
them back to the same point: In this lifetime, it works when they
trust their intuition and follow their own path.
Owing to past lives of being enmeshed in society and dependent
on others, these folks have learned how to “get along” with just
about anyone. And in past incarnations they used deductive
reasoning to reach their goals. They came to a conclusion based on
the information they gathered, together with their awareness of the
desires of those around them. Their decisions were based on a
complex system of weighing all the factors, which led them to the
“right answer” for their situation. The process worked well for them
in past lives; however, in this lifetime deductive reasoning is not
scheduled to work for them. What is scheduled to work now is
inductive reasoning. This process is based on intuitively knowing
the “right answer” and using logic to figure out how to make it
happen on the practical level. It involves seeing the solution first
and then working backwards to determine how best to implement it.
Sagittarius North Node people have permission to be illogical in
this lifetime. In past lives they overused logic, and now they will
see everything as “somewhat right” because they can see the truth
in any point of view. Therefore, logic cannot bring them to any
accurate conclusion.
Overthinking causes other problems for these folks, too. They
have a tough time saying “no,” chiefly because they hate the
possibility of missing a potential opportunity for anything. Also,
they don’t want to alienate anyone’s goodwill. But when they
communicate a decision they have made, it’s perfectly fine for them
not to give all their logical reasons. They should just be honest
about it: “Thank you for offering me the opportunity. It sounds
wonderful, but I feel I should go in another direction right now.”
They will be surprised at how easily people accept their decisions
without the need for justification. If pressed, they can always say:
“It’s just a feeling; I really don’t have an explanation for it.” It’s
much better than doing things they don’t really want to do simply
because they can’t think of a good excuse to decline. It’s also better
than lying: In this incarnation, lies tend to confuse their identity.
Thinking or speaking in terms of options is counterproductive for
Sagittarius North Node people, and it doesn’t work for them to give
others options, either. They need to be direct: “This is what I want
and when I want it.” If the other person doesn’t like it he or she will
leave, making room for someone of greater affinity. If the other
person does like it, he or she will support and respect the Sagittarius
North Node person and the relationship will become closer.
Facts are also not helpful to these folks, unless they are using
them as a springboard to launch their intuitive process. If they are
seeking more and more facts for the purpose of finally making a
decision, it’s an endless process. They can never get enough
information to feel certain about their decisions. When a decision is
based only on information, they change their mind when new
information becomes available.
But truth doesn’t change; so when they are making decisions
based on an inner feeling or intuitive knowing, they have the power
to stay with it. For example, I had a client with this nodal position
who was having digestive problems. She read a myriad of books but
was unable to heal herself. She would start down one path, read new
information, change her mind, and go in another direction. Then
one day she started a program that put her in touch with her own
truth: She fasted for three days and then gradually began to
reintroduce foods in a prescribed order, noting how her body
reacted to each one. She then concluded—from her own personal,
internal experience—which foods caused her problems. She is now
committed with 100 percent certainty (rare for these folks!) to
staying within her dietary guidelines because the decision is based
on her own personal experience.
If these folks have really lost touch with their intuitive knowing,
they could make a list of pros and cons regarding the matter
(“Should I buy a new car?” “Should I apply for this job?”). They
should write down all the pros (“A new car would boost my spirits,
give me more self-confidence, provide reliable transportation, etc.”)
as well as all the cons (“I would have to come up with extra money
each month; my mother will say I’m being extravagant; I’ll have to
sell my current car; etc.”), leaving nothing out. This helps empty
their minds of all concerns and considerations. Then, once
everything is written down, they can stand back and assess the
situation objectively. The process releases them to see the “bigger
picture” and puts them back in touch with their intuitive truth.
Too much “explanation” generally does not work for Sagittarius
North Node people. For example, if someone says something that
they interpret as “against” their goal, they insist on a full
explanation of what the other person meant. They will go over it
again and again, trying to use logic to talk the other person out of
his or her perspective. By hashing it out this way, they are actually
doing what they fear most: bringing negative ideas into powerful
focus and injecting negativity into the relationship. They are better
off letting the “small stuff” slide, unless their motive for questioning
the other person is actually to listen and learn more about the other.
If their motive is to talk someone out of his or her point of view,
they will generally lose in the interaction.
Debates do not work for Sagittarius North Node people. They
have too great a need for others to see life from their point of view.
For them, a debate is not a stimulating interchange between two
people meant to give both parties a broader view—these folks want
their point of view validated, so debates are about control. Others
sense this and tend to pull away.
When Sagittarius North Node people are trying to force their idea
of truth on others, they do very little listening. They focus on
manipulating the other person’s mind into alignment with what they
want. This approach can temporarily overpower the other person,
but the battle will continue!
These folks sometimes enter a debate inadvertently. If they
haven’t made a decision in their own minds, they may try to involve
another person in their intense logical process of wrestling it out.
The other person often gets angry and feels manipulated or forced
to come to a prearranged conclusion. Sagittarius North Node
doesn’t understand why the other person gets angry, but the other
person thinks Sagittarius North Node is trying to force acceptance
of a personally inappropriate opinion—the other person feels in a
battle to maintain his or her own integrity.
These folks are much better off staying away from debates
altogether. Whenever they try to win a point by getting their “logic”
involved, they are treading on thin ice. In such moments of
temptation, they should pull back to a peaceful place inside
If Sagittarius North Node people use their capacity for
understanding others to deceive others, they can get themselves in
trouble. Sometimes they get away with it for a while, but eventually
it backfires.
They may see a situation unfolding that—when they look at the
logical, linear progression of events—seems likely to leave them
with the short end of the stick. They panic and try to figure out how
to secure their position. They look at different ways the situation
could play itself out, then they go about influencing others’ thinking
so the results will turn out in their own favor.
However, when these folks get what they want by manipulating
others, they can only hold on to it through unending manipulation.
And it’s exhausting!
Their destiny in this lifetime is to channel healing truth,
optimism, and faith into the world. If they violate their destiny by
resorting to trickery to get their way, they inadvertently attract an
opponent stronger than themselves. All the opponent has to do to
win is be honest. If they refuse to align themselves as a channel of
honesty, they attract a situation where the truth will defeat them.
Sagittarius North Node people often panic when they view life
only from a logical base. For all of us, there are times when things
don’t go our way and the possible scenarios look pretty scary. This
is the time to remember faith. Logic does not include goodwill or
the fact that in the big picture, everything is working to our
advantage. If these folks look back over their lives, they will see
that every change has meant increase and improvement for them.
There are a thousand ways that a situation can unfold as people add
their own unexpected ingredients. If one has faith in an ultimately
positive outcome, the positive path will reveal itself.
Because Sagittarius North Node people are so friendly and want
to get along with others, they can slip into the habit of telling white
lies. Sometimes they seem to get away with it, but they are filled
with uneasiness because they know they are not standing on solid
ground. They have to stay alert to keep the lie going, and this
creates tension. Misrepresentation is not good karma for them, and
it inevitably backfires in unpleasant ways.
If they indulge in only a “little white lie”—hoping the other
person will forget the original agreement or will go along with a
“slight” lack of integrity on their part—they might as well forget it.
The discrepancy they sought to “cover” will inevitably come to
light in a way that is most embarrassing for them. But once they are
aware of the repercussions, these folks are too intelligent to waste
their mental energy on “covering up.”
Using manipulation to deal with others also severely limits
Sagittarius North Node people on a personal level—it is painful and
unnecessarily restrictive of their freedom in ways they may not even
recognize. These folks fear that if they can’t manipulate the other
person, they will have to go along with the other person’s will.
Aside from artful manipulation, they feel they don’t have any
power. But quite the contrary is true. Their strength in this
incarnation—their special gift—is truth. When they honestly and
directly reveal their own point of view, others respect what they say.
Other people will yield to them or respond in a straightforward way
that leads to greater understanding and trust.
Winning is very important to Sagittarius North Node people,
which is another reason they carefully consider all their options
before making a decision. The desire to move forward is so strong
for these folks that every decision becomes monumental—they
don’t want to make a mistake. Yet, if they look back over their lives,
they will see that when they followed their intuition they never
made the mistakes they feared they would. When they follow their
inner prompting, they don’t have regrets. The bottom line for these
folks is their desire to win and reach the next level—the desire to
win is correct and healthy for them.
In this lifetime, they want to escape the maelstrom of other
people’s thoughts; they want vitality on a new level. Thus, to base
their decisions on thinking from the old level will not help them
win; it will keep them “stuck” in the same place. They need to trust
whatever gives them a sense of energy and vitality, and that’s the
“win” they’re seeking. The “win” is a feeling for them—it’s growth
and the desire to move forward and up. So when an idea occurs to
them and they intuitively feel: “Yes, I should do that,” accompanied
by exciting, vital energy, that is an energy they can trust and a path
that will lead to the new level they seek.
The opposite is also true for Sagittarius North Node people.
Whatever seems oppressive and makes them anxious is not an
appropriate choice. It’s better for them to say “no,” because
something about the situation will not turn out to their advantage.
However, their overactive mind will try to intervene and say: “It’s a
good thing and you have to do it, etc., etc.”
But when they give themselves permission to follow their
intuition, they can respond authentically. However, they must wait
until they have decided where they stand before responding. When
these folks are clear within themselves, they automatically present
their decision in a loving way the other person can accept.
The logic developed in past lives allows Sagittarius North Node
people to realize that it is self-defeating to view life from a negative
perspective. How we view our lives and circumstances determines
our emotional state. To augment the positive makes us happy and
Unfortunately, from so much past-life reliance on logic and
mental agility, these folks lost touch with the power of truth. They
tend to ignore the warning signals of their keen intuition and
continue to think positively, only to see important situations fall
apart. Then they feel totally unprepared—they didn’t see it coming.
To prevent this from happening again, they develop a “logical”
structure of fear to “protect” them from future pain. The following
scenario unfolds: Using logic, they think positively about a situation
and feel happy. Then, remembering past disappointments that
occurred when they felt confident, fear sets in. To avoid
disappointment, they think of all the possible negative outcomes
and become afraid and unhappy. The result of these mental
gymnastics is a basic distrust of life, of other people, and of
themselves. Therefore, in this lifetime, they need to learn to trust
their intuition in order to avoid pain.
Their logic tells Sagittarius North Node people that no person or
situation merits total trust. People change, situations shift,
unexpected events occur, and we ourselves make mistakes. Who is
to be trusted? If they look back over their lives, the one thing that
has always accurately shown them the outcome of a situation is the
clear voice of their intuition. That is the factor they can trust.
As an illustration of how their gift of intuition works, recall old
horror movies. A familiar theme would repeat itself: The haunted
house would be on an isolated hill, way out of town. A carload of
teenagers would be driving by, laughing, carefree. As they passed
by the haunted house, the camera would zoom in on one of the tires,
and suddenly it would go flat. From the camera work and the scary
music, the audience would think: “Don’t go in that house!” The
camera would show a close-up of the face of one of the teenagers,
and intuitively he knew it, too! If they went into that house, terrible
things would happen. But his friends were careless and confident,
so he discounted his inner prompting and followed them into the
house—and, in fact, terrible things did happen.
This is a perfect story for Sagittarius North Node people. They
always know what’s going to happen beforehand. When they
discount their intuition and walk into a situation because of “logic”
or out of concern for what others will think, they always lose—and
sometimes terrible things happen. When they listen to their inner
prompting and follow their intuition, they always win. Their lives
become magical; they avoid pitfalls and keep experiencing
Sagittarius North Node people ate positive, cheerful, and
outgoing. They have happy, lighthearted connections with others,
and they have a helpful disposition. They are attuned to insight from
their Guides and Angels, and are open to higher inspiration. These
folks have a natural optimism and are willing to work hard to get
the results they feel are awaiting them.
Even if their thoughts are giving them negative messages, these
folks still act from their positive expectations for the future. They
may talk about their fears, but in their behavior they follow their
optimism. They know good things will happen for them if they do
their part.
Sagittarius North Node people have a feeling they’re going to
make it—and that’s what supports their cheerful disposition. They
see all the things that could go wrong, but they go forward and do it
anyway—no matter how much it costs. When they become
negative, it’s because they’re thinking too much. Their minds have
been very overactive in past lives, so their best bet now is to turn
things over to their higher self and ask their Guides to lead them in
the right direction. As they relax their minds, their natural faith in
positive outcomes will be able to re-establish itself.
One of the greatest gifts Sagittarius North Node people can share
with others is their unique ability to help people overcome negative
thoughts and to show them how to take a positive point of view.
When their writing or speaking takes that slant—directing people’s
minds toward faith in positive outcomes—their message is
welcomed by all who are exposed to it. Also, when they help others
focus on the bright side, these natives become brighter in their own