Sagittarius North Node people are learning to trust themselves
and their inner knowledge of what is “true.” Theirs is an irrational
kind of knowing—an intuitive feeling about the truth of a situation.
Because it’s irrational, they often question their conclusions, and
their ability to make decisions becomes paralyzed. But when they
trust logic as an accurate barometer of the situation, they generally
lose. As long as they trust their inner knowledge, they generally
Sagittarius North Node people worry about others’ responses to
every move they make. They jump past their intuitive knowing to
what they “should” do to please everyone else. Their challenge in
this lifetime is to stick with what they feel and take action
appropriate to that initial knowing. Once they have made a decision,
other people come into alignment with them and give them support
and strength—it’s simple! They have such complex minds that it
can be a challenge to defy their logic and, instead, trust the
simplicity of their intuition.
These folks are strongly motivated to help others. But they need
to recognize that the best help they can be in this lifetime is to share
with others what they’re intuitively given, allowing themselves to be
a channel for their gifts and keeping their ego (and their secondguessing) out of the way. As long as their motive is pure, Sagittarius
North Node people can trust their inner knowing in any situation.
Discerning the other person’s motive will help Sagittarius North
Node people know when to be open to another person’s point of
view and when to be cautious. What ate the needs and desires of the
other person? What does the other person consider important in
For example, if the other person considers social image important
(having more money or possessions than her neighbors, or the
approval of her peers), then all her ideas will reflect her perception
of how to succeed in the material world. If the Sagittarius North
Node person’s values are different, he might not get much out of the
other person’s ideas of “truth.”
Sagittarius North Node must also ask: What is the specific motive
of the other person toward me? Does she want to be helpful and
supportive, or is she just seeking a sounding board for her own
opinions? When Sagittarius North Node listens to his intuition, he
can feel the other person’s motive: If it is to help and support, then
it is to the native’s advantage to allow the other person’s truth to
reach him.
The absolute necessity of living a life of integrity can be a
difficult lesson for Sagittarius North Node people. They are so
accustomed to justifying their position by seeing all points of view
that it is very easy for them to overlook the integrity of aligning
oneself with the truth of one’s own being and acting from that
center regardless of the consequences. This can be tough, because
these folks so often get their way through being “nice,” using tact
and saying what people want to hear.
However, for their lives to become strong, these folks must
commit to living by the principle of morality. Just as one cannot
violate the law of gravity without falling, these folks cannot violate
spiritual laws without suffering painful consequences. Thus, it is to
their advantage to acquaint themselves with the spiritual laws
operating on this earthly plane and cooperate with them rather than
resist them.
Sagittarius North Node people are also learning that the outcome
of lying is always destructive. Lies may seem to succeed
temporarily—or lull a difficult situation into status quo—but this
only postpones facing an outcome based on truth. The
postponement may even cause a deteriorating situation to go
beyond the point of no return. The underlying truth in any
circumstance is always the key to change, renewed growth, and
greater aliveness; and it is the only way to discern natural
Sagittarius North Node people are discovering that even on the
most mundane level, lies in all forms represent a breaking of a
higher, universal law. Ultimately, lying results in lack of clarity
about one’s own nature, distrust of others, isolation, and anxiety.
The “temporary fix” that lies provide holds no true resolution, but
instead leads to more lies, more confusion, and decreased personal
power. On the other hand, speaking with love, honesty, and caring
creates receptivity in the other person, empowering both people to
be themselves in a way that leads them to even greater intimacy.
Being of service wherever they can is a quality of love in this
nodal group. They are capable of handling lots of information and
doing lots of things at once, so they become a cog in the wheel that
makes things run smoothly for everyone else. Their desire to help
needs to be focused on being true to the voice within themselves,
rather than all the other voices they hear. Once again, they need to
release worry about what everyone is thinking and just do what they
know is right. By setting an example, they more deeply serve others
through their own expression of a Higher Power. The infusion of
truth into daily life is a key lesson Sagittarius North Node people
are learning; and as they learn, they teach.
Through direct communication of what they sense to be true, they
are acting in alignment with a larger picture that they may not
understand but feel is correct. Experience has shown them that
others didn’t respond as expected once they took their stand. So
they might as well align themselves with the power and protection
of speaking their truth—being a mouthpiece for what they feel to be
correct—and see how the drama around them unfolds. They will
find that taking the leap of faith adds more adventure to their lives!
These folks have spent so many lifetimes seeing things from so
many different points of view that they are often naive and
shortsighted, not looking far enough ahead to realize the
consequences of their actions. They feel vacant spiritually: bereft of
the joy, faith, and substance others seem to have. In this incarnation,
Sagittarius North Node people have the job of connecting with their
spirituality and walking the spiritual path.
To restore their spiritual connection, they must work to maintain
integrity, morality, and commitment—putting their allegiance to
Truth instead of falling to the temptations of manipulation and
trickery. When they walk the spiritual path and trust and follow
principles of Truth and honesty in their daily lives, the whole world
yields to them and they attract those things that truly make them
Sagittarius North Node people see everything as a point of view
and thus tend to discount integrity as an absolute. If they are
tempted to do something for personal gain at someone else’s
expense, their conscience will admonish them: “No—don’t do that.
That’s not right.” But then they may use logic to rationalize their
way out of it: “It doesn’t feel like that’s the right thing to do. But if I
don’t do it, this thing or that thing could happen. And it isn’t really
such a bad thing.” By considering the situation from so many
different points of view, they lose sight of the truthful view and end
up justifying a decision based on self-interest.
Truth is not a point of view; if Sagittarius North Node people act
against the voice of their conscience, they always lose. They lose
the connection with their own spirituality—because their bad
decision closes the door to the sense of well-being they seek. They
also expose themselves to unexpected material loss, since the
situation may well backfire further down the line. They cannot
expect to gain the benefits of spiritual peace if they are not living
truthfully in their daily lives.
These folks rob themselves of divine protection when they rob
others by disobeying their conscience. When they turn their back on
the Light by not choosing Right Action, they open themselves to
manifestations of negative energy. Negative things, seemingly
unrelated to things they have done, begin to affect their lives. They
may suffer unexpected financial losses, betrayals, even public
disgraces; emergency and crisis follow one after another. Other
repercussions of ignoring their conscience include general unrest
and anxiety—a sense that “all is not well.”
Their only redemption lies in turning back to their spiritual path
and promising—on the deepest level—to follow the voice of their
conscience and intuition. For these folks, loyalty to Truth is vital in
order to disconnect from the realm of superficiality and reclaim
their moral and spiritual strength. They know that when they
consistently practice the principles of Truth and Integrity in their
own personal lives, they gain the peace of mind they seek. When
they choose Right Action over desired results, they make
themselves worthy of receiving the greatest gifts life has to offer.
Sagittarius North Node people have had so many past lives
making decisions that benefited them temporarily that they are
accustomed to a shortsighted view. Yet commitment—keeping their
word, no matter what—builds moral strength that will lead to peace
and joy. These folks can easily talk themselves out of keeping their
word by seeing an alternate perspective that justifies their behavior.
Commitment doesn’t mean staying with something (a job, a
relationship, etc.) if it becomes destructive or devitalizing.
Commitment means being direct about one’s intentions and, if the
situation changes, communicating honestly with the other person.
Essentially, it is commitment to follow one’s own integrity—it is a
commitment to Truth.
Sagittarius North Node people are learning to keep their word. If
they promise to do something or to be somewhere at a certain time,
they should keep the appointment as if their life depended on it. In a
way, it does. When they keep their word 100 percent, their word
gains strength. Any breach of integrity causes their word to lose
power and the universe to pull back its support. If they always
support their commitments (or communicate in advance when they
cannot), others will come into alignment with them to support the
things Sagittarius North Node people seek. They are learning the
power of loyalty. It’s simple: Their joy and peace lie in walking the
straight and narrow path.
Sagittarius North Node people are most successful when they
listen to their internal responses. For example, when the outside
environment gives them something to make a decision about, their
inner knowing will immediately say “yes” or “no.” They don’t
always realize they’re being directed, but these folks have a special
connection with their Guides—their personalized sense of Higher
Power—that clearly shows them which direction to follow.
Sometimes they feel the guidance is unavailable, but actually
they’re just blocking it. It’s always there for them when they quiet
their minds, tune in, and listen for an answer.
Along the way on their adventure, spiritual truths and insights
will occur to them, and they will need to begin applying them in
their daily lives. Their pathway may not display much logic, and
they may occasionally feel foolish following their guidance without
any preplanned route. Sometimes this guidance may cause them to
go in an unexpected direction and have an adventure they can’t
predict—yet when they follow it, they win.
These folks are learning to discriminate between impulsiveness
and spontaneity. When they act impulsively, they lose. For them,
impulsiveness can be an obsession. When they allow their minds to
go into overdrive, especially relative to their fears of how a situation
may turn out, they feel compelled to do something to regain their
peace of mind. But here, motive determines the result. When
Sagittarius North Node tries to change the other person’s point of
view so he (Sagittarius North Node) can get what he wants, then
impulsive action results in less security for him.
On the other hand, spontaneity is the absence of obsession—it
means being free to act without thinking. Spontaneity is in
alignment with Truth; there’s no manipulation behind it.
Spontaneous people are sharing their truth in the moment, with no
fear, ego involvement, or conscious motive driving them. When
these folks respond to a situation in this way, they always take the
right action or say words that are in their best interest. Also, they
gain peace of mind because they know the action was not driven by
any hidden agenda. Owing to the purity of their motive, they can
trust that the long-term results will be in the best interests of
everyone involved.
In past lives, Sagittarius North Node people became reliant on
the “social mind”—the part of their thinking that tells them how to
survive in the context of society. Through many past incarnations of
losing themselves in the mindsets of others, they came into this
incarnation without knowing what their own ideas are. In a way,
this is beneficial. They have no preconceived beliefs and are
therefore open to ideas from their higher—or intuitive—mind. Yet
they are totally unaccustomed to trusting this gift of spiritual
In this life, they have such wonderful psychic and intuitive gifts
that they can help others, even professionally, if they want to. They
are natural channels of Truth. They can be unparalleled in reading
Tarot cards. The “feeling” messages of the pictures, combined with
Sagittarius North Nodes’ natural mental fluidity, can boost them and
others to new, creative ways of viewing life.
These folks also have the gift of direct access to their spiritual
Guides. When Sagittarius North Node says: “Okay—this is what I
want” and starts following her defined aim, then she is “on path.”
Her job is to allow her inner guidance to lead her directly to her
goal. For example, she may decide she wants an active social life
and a happy romantic relationship, and then a friend says: “Would
you like to go to a party Saturday night?” If her energy soars, that’s
her Guides’ way of telling her that going to the party will further
her goal.
But then Sagittarius North Node starts second-guessing herself:
“Well, the people who invited me will invite other people who are
not likely romantic candidates anyway. And my other friend invited
me to see a movie Saturday night. And I don’t have the perfect
outfit, so even if I did meet someone, it probably wouldn’t work out
because I wouldn’t look good.” After these complex mental
gymnastics, she doesn’t go to the party. Later she complains: “I
never get what I want!” Second-guessing equals “how to lose” for
these folks!
When her spirit spontaneously soars, her job is to follow that
soaring feeling, that intuitive “Yes!”—regardless of what her mind
says. It’s an adventure to see where that path will lead if she follows
that happy feeling. In this way, she allows her Guides to help her
realize her dreams.
These folks are surrounded by Guides and Angels. It is not a “doit-yourself” lifetime for them. This higher information and guidance
translate through the intuitive process, so it’s perfectly fine for them
to be illogical in this lifetime—relying on “feelings” rather than the
conscious mind.
Sagittarius North Node people spend so much time thinking
about what others think, they should worry about their poor Guides
and how they feel! Their Guides’ job is to direct them toward what
will make them happy—and these folks keep invalidating the
guidance. The Guides can see a lot farther than they can, so the
Guides go to great lengths to get everything set up just right—but
then the Sagittarius North Node person starts following logic
instead of the happy feeling his Guides give him! If Sagittarius
North Node people don’t follow their intuitions, their Guides can’t
help give them what they want. But it could be so easy: All they
have to do is to follow their sense of adventure and their intuitive
knowing—and joy will find them.