How would you go about healing a wart, which doesn’t seem to be internal like the other ailments we have been discussing?
A wart is a virus that attaches to the DNA of your skin. It changes the original blueprint to create a new map of your DNA structure. This causes the cells of your body to look at the new map and start building this lump of skin. The virus does not build the wart. The virus takes over the DNA of that particular area and the cells create this structure.
Your body will show you how to see things. A good healer sees the organ in their mind. That is the only way that I can describe it. A good healer will actually probe their energy to the source and visualize exactly what they are doing. They actually knit the cells together, seeing them
being repaired in their minds as their energy is doing it. That is what I see.
When I visualize a wart virus, I see what looks like a little white hairline worm with hexagonal spine platelets. It lives in the bottom center or on the side of the DNA strand, and it manipulates the actual DNA structure. I see all these hexagonal bits of cells creating the structure, and I see this worm with a hexagonal-like thing going through it. To solve the problem, I zap it, putting my hand where the virus is located. I just give it a little flick of my energy. That blows its brain and it dies. I do the same thing with the whole body system. If the virus is in the whole body system, I flush my energy through the person, sending my energy out at a certain frequency in my mind.
Your blood is like water. Electricity doesn’t just move through water. It hops from platelet to mineral platelet. It needs to connect to something in order to move through your body. If you taste your blood, it’s very salty because of the minerals. This makes it very easy for electricity to move through your body. If you removed the minerals, your body would be lifeless. Your body has an electrical field. If someone touches you, their energy affects you. It just bounces and ricochets at the speed of light.
Well, my brain becomes aware of this entire process. I can see your whole inner-universe. It just depends on how much I want to see. I become aware of what I am looking for. By the time I start to flush my energy through a person, I know what I am looking for. I’m looking for these little white worm-like creatures with hexagonal segments going down through them. I simply zap them, killing them. I just send this signal and it is over. The energy I send runs through the entire body like an electrical wave.
One time when I was flying in an airplane past the city of Hartford, I saw this black cloud that looked like a giant horseshoe. It was huge, bigger than a city. The sun was glowing orange on the top as it was shining down, and below it was very dark. I was watching when, all of a sudden, I saw electricity start in one spot and move – similar to how a crowd flips the signs they are holding while at a football game, like a wave. Electricity wants to travel. It’s the same thing in the body. You start at one part of the body and you let the energy, or electricity, move right through it. The electricity kills all of the wart viruses in the body. That is how I know it’s cleared. That’s how I remove warts. The skin that is recreated is flesh. You
can’t just snap your fingers and dissipate the wart. With something that micro, it’s easy to use just a little bit of electricity to kill it. Flesh is like a building to energy. You have to destroy it using something to remove the structure. But deep inside, whatever made the structure will not recreate it because it has been destroyed.
When I say, ‘Zap,’ it is the same thing as when I say I am going to heal or work on somebody. There are two kinds of ailments. When there are viruses, you can heal the body by destroying the virus. Those you have to kill. So healing also involves death. Since it is the death of a living organism of some type, you have to kill it in order that the giant living organism is not threatened. Healing also means fixing something cellular; you correct the blueprint so the workers in your body are not confused.
There are two different forms of healing that can go on to affect the human body.
Removing a virus is different than healing cancer, tumors, cataracts, etc. You can heal somebody temporarily. If you truly want to heal them, you may have to do multiple sessions. This is because their cells can revert to working on the same old program after you corrected it. You have to work on them a couple of times so that the program is reinforced. If you are a very powerful healer, you can go into that person’s brain and affect the change. You just know that the program is being written. The rest of it is not only deleted, but also thrown entirely out the window.
Let’s talk about different methods of healing practiced by others. One of the healings you will commonly hear about is called prayer healing. In the same way that I reach in and correct someone’s blueprint, prayer healing is a signal that is simply done by telephone. It is like a TV signal that is sent from a tower to an entire city. The signal is picked up on via their television. For prayer healing, you focus on a person saying you want them to be healed. In most cases, that works best when you focus not just on them being healed, but rather when you specifically say, “Heal the heart.” Visualize their heart functioning properly when you think about it.
So you keep broadcasting this signal to the person. The signal gets stronger because multiple people start sending the same signal. The bandwidth hits and bombards the consciousness of that person, again, reprogramming it. Instead of powerfully sending the signal and then shutting it down to reboot, it starts to slowly inject the commands over
days, weeks, and months until it corrects itself. You see the person slowly being healed. Or, all of a sudden, they are healed, depending on how well they receive the signal.
Now, let’s bring up something else. Years ago, I was watching a program on TV that showed the screen split in half. On one half of the screen, there was a woman walking down the street. On the other half of the screen, there was an electrometer from a lab. The lab had drawn a sample of her blood a few hours before. They connected her extracted blood to the electrometer, which had a scale from one to one hundred. If there was any stimulation from the woman’s blood with the electrodes in it, the result would show up on the meter. The meter would show little movements going from one to three, and one to two because the blood still had electrons and life force in it – living organisms.
The woman started walking and both sides of the screen were synchronized by time. You could see the minutes, seconds, and the date rotating simultaneously. Both sides were set identically. So here she is walking across downtown Los Angeles and a man in front of her turns around and says to her, “Hey lady! You got a light?” The meter shoots up from zero to seventy-five! It just leaps for a second and then it goes back down. She gets into a conversation and it leaps up to ten and then twenty.
The numbers usually fall in the ten to fifteen ranges, but it jumped all the way to seventy-five when she got startled. There was nothing connecting her to the blood sample in the lab! There was nothing in between. No one was on the telephone talking. There was no connection whatsoever that we know scientifically. Yet the cells of her body that came from her blood somehow knew and reacted to her being startled, despite being over fifty miles away.
So there is a field of energy that conveys a signal instantaneously at the speed of light. That signal is communicated to the living organisms in her blood which are at the same frequency as the rest of her living body.
This example tells us that this type of communication is possible. It is possible to send signals to other people in order to heal them. This is a form of prayer. Prayer is simply a state of repetitive thought, created in the mind, asking or willing something to happen. It boils down to that. It is really a form of meditation. Therefore, under the right conditions, we can heal somebody from a distance. The real question is, “What are these conditions, and can we recreate them in other situations? Can we make them more intense?” The answer is yes.
We understand now that through prayer and will, these things are done.
A very similar state of mind, one of the most powerful states of mind, allows you to achieve psychic feats, such as but not limited to healing.
That state of mind is a place. Always remember that. It’s a place of consciousness where one’s mind is residing temporarily. You have to put yourself in a very placid, plain, unthinking state of mind. Clear your mind of all thought and emotion. Then create a very loving, healing feeling, such as the feeling of life. Create a very joyous, positive vibration inside of you. Then bring that person’s thought to you. See their face; see them and experience them. Everybody can be experienced. When I look at you, I can feel you. I can feel what you are. It’s a tonal. It’s a feeling. For
instance, your lover has a certain smell. Everyone has a very specific smell. Not only do they have a specific smell, they also have a specific energy that you feel from them when you are in their presence. It is like their essence. You can feel a sense of them. That sense is very different than what you feel when you are close to somebody else. If you’ve had more than one lover, you know that previous lovers felt very differently to you than your current one. They hold a different feeling inside of you.
Your mother holds a certain feeling for you, doesn’t she? Can you visualize your mother right now? See yourself holding your mother. Your mother is holding you; she loves you and you love her. There’s a certain feeling that means ‘Mom.’ You can feel that right now because you are familiar with that feeling. That is tonal. That is frequency. That is 93.6.
That’s 107.8. Everyone has a specific frequency. That is energy. It is not a mental thing; it is real. It is just that you do not know what to call it. You just say, “Well, that’s Mom.” What is Mom? What’s that feeling? It’s a frequency.
After somebody dies, you might hear someone say, “I felt the presence of this person.” How did you know it wasn’t just a random presence?
“Because it was their presence,” they say. What defined ‘their’ presence?
It’s just a knowing. It’s just like sight, smell, and taste can be specific.
This feeling is just as specific. It’s their frequency. It is them. Personalities help to contribute to make one frequency. No person is really just one personality; it is made of thousands of personalities. You have an “inner child.” You have an adult in you, a music lover, and also all of the personalities that you act on in different phases of your life. Well, it is really just complex parts of you that make up one being. It is just different weights of measure, such as the part of you that is an artist, dancer, or whatever you see as your particular skills. Everybody’s very different, but the combination of all the personalities creates one final tonal.
If you want to tune into someone’s tonal, you first clear your mind.
Then you create your ritual environment. You never want to do this in a place with dark or dim lights or become methodic. This is very low energy.
If you’re doing it inside, turn the bright lights on. Better yet, go out to the park with the sunlight and feel the energy, the life, the vibrancy. You’re getting ready to heal somebody, not methodically tromp through his or her brain. I dislike all these dark images. I want a premium vibration.
Sit and clear your mind. Take a deep breath. Remove yourself of all thought, all emotion. This is because thought and emotion are selfishness in many ways. Clear yourself of this and any vexation. That includes people that are walking around you, people who are talking, and people who are not allowing you to do what you need to do. You have to be isolated. If somebody walks past your path, it’s going to annoy you. In a sense, you’re trying to spread wings from your body, your energy. Clear your mind, and remove all of your expectations. Then create one feeling –
love. Create the feeling of absolute love. Not love for your dog or your friend or anything specific. Just love. Then turn around and feel life. Raise it inside of you and feel it; just feel it. Next, invoke the tonal of the person that you want to heal. You obviously should know the person.
So create the feeling, almost as if they are within your reach, like you’re just going to hug them right there. Bring them close to you. Take that love, that light, and push it from your chest, from your stomach, from all of your chakra points and project it into them. Do this with no fear of giving them all of your energy. Just give unconditionally. That’s absolute love.