What changes in a person when they surrender?
Everything that you did not like about yourself is gone, just like that.
You are the garden: You start off as the dirt that later becomes something beautiful. All of the challenges in your life are really about helping you become the person you need to be until you are ready to accept that you can be something more, something beautiful. You are the ugly duckling that becomes the swan. You are the song that raises the spirit. There is hope.
There is always hope. It’s not a matter of whether or not you can surrender to become this person. It is a matter of acknowledging what you already are.
You are so busy with life, its problems and getting caught up with your issues, that you forget who you really are. You are searching for wholeness.
In the midst of the search, you wonder, “Am I good enough? Is there something special about me? Is there something there? I just want to know.” There is something about you and I’ll tell you what it is: You are made from the fabric of God. You are supreme. You just have to believe it, accept it, and not be ashamed of it. Let it shine, let it resonate with you. If you can accept this truth and embrace it, that you are made from the fabric of God, the finest thing in all of the Universes, you will shine. You will feel it tingle. It just resonates as a beam of light that tingles throughout your whole body.
That is all you need to reflect on. Just think about that, about what you are made of. When you do, you will realize that no matter what happens in your life, you haven’t contaminated your perfection. It is just that someone has fooled you into thinking that you have. Life is an illusion, so do not buy into it. Listen to the song, “You Are So Beautiful.” It says everything you need to know. Listen to that song. Think about what you are really made of.
That’s all you have to do. Everything else just falls away from you because it does not matter anymore. Your problems and your perceptions cling because you unknowingly let them cling. Just know what you are. You are
made from the fabric of God. God wants you to know that. You are just not listening.
Can you encounter fear when surrendering?
You can encounter the darkest of the dark. You can be in the abyss of abysses. You must simply acknowledge what I am saying. God leaves no one behind. Simply put, there is absolute forgiveness. It comes from you.
All you have to do is acknowledge what you have done. You will go through your own purging process. You will go through your own inner pain. In the end, the world is made of flesh and it can be harsh and cruel, but it can also be beautiful. It can be kind. Ultimately, life is a journey. It is a journey to experience. If you look at nature, and you look at life, you can say that people can be incredibly cruel and unkind. And I absolutely agree.
There is a point when you let that go for your own spiritual growth. You deal with it in human terms. You come to terms with it, and then you need to move on.
Looking at the cruelty of life in nature, such as lions hunting the beautiful deer and unmercifully ripping them apart — you could justify that by saying, “Well, that’s nature. It’s different.” But it is really your perspective of how you perceive things. You have to intellectually let go of some things. Letting go of something does not mean that it does not matter or it was insignificant. You have knowledge and wisdom for all things that have happened in your life. You don’t want to make it so personal that it reflects biochemically in your body.
What is the difference between love and surrender?
Love is surrender and surrender is love, but most people do not think about love. I touched upon one kind of love, a controlling love. There is also love that you have for family, love that you have for a friend, and love for your pets. There is sexual love. There are a variety of kinds of love, and most of them are very biologically oriented.
The greatest love is agape, a love of God. And if you love God, you must love yourself. You are made of the fabric of God. Therefore, if you do
not love yourself, essentially you do not love God. People think mostly about lustful or physical love. You certainly can love your children. Your children are made of the fabric of God. Love all people. They, too, are made of the fabric of God.
Every religion shares the same foundation. They all understand this; however, politics gets in the way. You can throw out all of the politics.
There is no need for it. In the dimensional levels of the Universe, politics do not apply. Politics only apply to the physical reality and for the most part, it does more harm than good.
Again, there are many different kinds of love. Some loves are not particularly good. Love can be so embroiled, so passionate that it can suffocate you. Perhaps that love is not letting you move on with your life or grow as an individual. That type of love can become very taxing.
If you surrender people that are close to you, could you potentially stop caring about them?
No, you will always care about them. Our families and friends are the people that are closest to us in our lives; however, we often have a lot of pain tied up with them. By separating yourself from them, you probably cause yourself more pain by letting them go. What you need to do is acknowledge the negativity, release it, and surrender it.
Society has taught us a very flawed way of thinking. The mind may think, “If I surrender, it’s like letting them get away with all the bad things they have done to me.” They know what they did! They may not tell you.
They may not acknowledge it. They may act like it never happened. But they know what they did to you. Ask yourself if you have a similar situation in your life no matter who it is, and even if they do not acknowledge it, you already are aware of it. They are suffering because of it and you know it. You do not acknowledge it because you want to see their remorse in a physical way.
If you already forgave them, what else do you want? Free yourself.
Don’t let them hold you in that place anymore. Take your power back from them. Surrender it. Free yourself from their hold. Look them in the eye and let them feel your forgiveness, your love, and your compassion. They are so
engrossed in this dark place that they are acting out in darkness. They have nothing compared to what you have now. Nothing. They will recognize that because they want the same thing. You have tried to inspire them to heal their own pain, their own ugliness and their own darkness. They have their own battles in trying to accept the wrong they did because they cannot forgive themselves until they acknowledge internally what they have done to you. They will eventually face their own demons just like you do when you surrender. You can only let go if you truly understand the error of your ways. You cannot fake it, so just forgive them.
Forgiving them does not mean that you leave yourself vulnerable. Don’t be foolish by putting yourself in similar situations. By surrendering, you do not give up the wisdom of that experience, nor do you put yourself in a similar situation. You assert yourself now, but you release the pain and control they have over you. You say, “You no longer have a hold over me anymore. I will no longer wallow in the pain that I carried for all these years, nor will I let it become me. No more.”
Take your place as a dimensional being and release it. Surrender it and step forward. Look the person in the eye and forgive them, “Forgiveness does not mean that I agree with your actions or that I am doing your part of you having to forgive yourself. I am not saying that I am giving you permission to release this. I am saying that I forgive you. Let it go so that I can move on. You need to resolve this issue yourself. I am saying I let it go.
You need to come to your own terms with it.”
No one else can give forgiveness for you; that’s what I have always taught. Only you can forgive yourself, and you can only forgive yourself when you have learned from the error of your ways. Then you say, “I feel the pain that I caused others. I know that I hurt someone. I know I did something terrible and I want to change that. I want to fix that.”
You may think that you don’t care, that it doesn’t matter, but I assure you that it does. You cannot lie to yourself. I believe that you do care and I will bet my life on it. If you want to hang on to it, that’s fine. I can look at your tonal and tell it has not changed at all. I know when someone has suffered to the point where they deserve their own forgiveness. And when they do forgive themselves, you can see their frequency change. With someone like me, you can see an octave of frequency changing inside them.
That is the only way I can explain it. But if someone asked me, “Do you
think I did something bad?” I’m going to say, “Yeah, what you did was horrible. It was atrocious and I would not want to be you.” They may say,
“Well, I don’t care.” I’ll reply, “I don’t care if you care. I’ve let it go already. I’ve moved on. But that does not mean I will forget what you did.
Do you want my forgiveness? I don’t know if I will forgive you. I know that I’ve surrendered it. But if you asked me if it was a horrible thing that you did, the answer is yes.”
Should they repent, suffer, and correct it? That is for you to decide, but you can forgive the situation inside yourself. You can surrender it. No matter how cruel it was, no matter how much damage was done, you can surrender it.
When they surrender it, you look them in the eyes and you see on a soul level by their expression and your intuition that this person took responsibility for what they did and deserve your forgiveness. If you already surrendered it and did your part, you will give them that forgiveness. You will acknowledge that they moved on. They got it. That is what matters.
It is very hard to do that though. Ego wants to hang onto it. Hate wants to hang onto it. Anger wants to hang onto it, but you need to let it all go.
You need to let it go or you will be trapped forever in this inner dimensional holding cell. And that cell is locked from the inside. You might think that you cannot open it, but you have the key to open it right in front of you. The lock is facing you on the inside, it’s a choice.
How does age play a role in surrendering?
There are many remarkable people, both old and young, no matter what their age. There is no way of knowing, for sure, whether or not there is an advantage with age in surrendering. However, as a general rule of thumb, probably someone in their fifties, sixties, or seventies may have more of an advantage. For women, it is during menopause. During that phase of their life, women gain their strength and self-empowerment. They are more respected by men, if not already. It’s kind of an internal thing. It happens a little bit earlier for some women, but this is still regarded as a man’s world.
Unfortunately, evolution is a slow process.
By the time you are in your seventies, you have already developed wisdom. It is when you reflect back on your life and accept the art of surrender. You develop more compassion and understanding. It comes from the self-realization that you have made a lot of mistakes in your life and have come to terms with it. You realize that you need to acknowledge the flaws you see in others. It is not the fact that you are acknowledging that they have learned from their mistakes. Rather, you acknowledge, with some level of confidence that they are going to get where you are. And because you have that insight, you are more forgiving of their mistakes now.
Surrender is achieved much easier as you grow older because knowledge is the foundation of vibration. It is the refining tool for how your consciousness resonates. It is how you internalize your emotions, your thoughts, your perceptions and your reality. All that changes as you grow older because you are more tolerant of the situations that were difficult to accept earlier in your youth when your reactions were more intense.
Wisdom decrees that you stop exhausting yourself. You think, “The last time I exhausted myself like that, I later realized that it really wasn’t such big a deal.” You cannot substitute perceptions for wisdom.
This is why all of the best presidents were older. This is why Native American chiefs were the oldest people in the tribe. There is wisdom in aging. They have been down the road before and do not generally overreact to situations. They see life and its finer qualities. They may have their own issues. There may be things that they need to work through, but the fact is, they acknowledge that graciously. They will look at their flaws and say,
“Yes, I need to grow in that area.” Most people do not want to acknowledge or admit that. It is a level of distinction.
Age refines and defines a person. It is like a fine wine. There is a difference in how you perceive things. It is not that you look forward to getting older; rather you look forward to gaining the wisdom. You know age is a tradeoff. With aging, there are advantages and disadvantages. I would say accept them all. Forget about the disadvantages. It’s just a constant exchange of growth. That’s really what it is in the end.
Can your intention be to surrender everything at the same time or do you have to surrender one thing at a time?
There are times when you just surrender, but you may not understand what it is that you are surrendering. You just have to trust that, in surrendering, it is helping you to release what you have to let go of. You will know when you release something; you’ll feel it. It’s not necessary to put a label on it. Maybe it is something you do not remember. It’s there, you can feel it. Your body will work with your dimensional energy. It doesn’t have to have a label. It doesn’t have to have an identity. Your dimensional soul does not have a requirement for that. It does not categorize everything like in this dimension.
There might be things that you do not remember from your youth.
Things that you have suppressed and are not conscious of right now, but you will feel those things coming out of you. You might not have a name for them. They can just start flowing for no apparent reason. It feels wonderful once they are released. It’s a very good experience.
Can things be surrendered from a past life or do you release that when you die?
You can release anything that is in your mind, unconsciously or consciously, within your dimensional realm. If it is affecting you it has to be alive. That means it is in the fiber of your being right now. If it’s there from a past life, it is going to surface.
Do you have to go through extreme turmoil to finally let go and truly surrender?
There are as many ways to surrender as there are stars in the sky.
Everybody is uniquely different. But it is very normal for most people to feel it intensely.
Are there any big stumbling blocks that could prevent someone from entering a state of surrender; such as their family background, the way they were raised or their religious background?
Sure. Your thought process or what you deem as your perspective on life is based on your knowledge which is based on your experiences. You make many changes throughout your life. You can change your religion, beliefs, and home address. How you perceive things affects whether or not you are able to surrender. It is the complex mind that can prevent you from having a good release.
Society is designed around the Doe, which does not like change. The most successful people with surrender are those who are familiar with the series we offer here at Higher Balance. Someone with a religious background may find it a little more challenging in letting go and releasing their issues. What you learned earlier in your life will or will not permit you to work with your brain and your mind. If you still hold the concept of sin and good and evil, as taught by many religions, you will not have the same results. It is because you believe that you have to be forgiven by a priest or someone of authority. Move past that and take responsibility for yourself.
Understand, without a doubt, that this is an internalized thing. You may not be able to accept that yet, so try to keep an open mind and gain the knowledge that gives you the tools to work with. Those tools yield experiences and those experiences are like reading thousands of books. It broadens your knowledge which, in turn, allows you to reach higher levels of Surrender. It is a self-fulfilling process. I don’t like to trash religion, but there is a time when you have to think for yourself.