How does Surrender open the gateways to perform miracles?
It boils down to removing the fibers that keep you stuck in the Doe. If you remove them, you can move up to a higher octave, which begs the question, “Is it possible to stay in the surrender mode twenty-four/seven?”
As you move up to the higher octaves, you resonate with it and receive Prana at a much higher rate than before. You will profoundly affect the world around you. You will raise other people’s tonals. When you walk up to someone to say, “Hi!” you will infuse this energy into them. You will affect them spiritually.
Maybe you will learn how to heal others with the help of the material from Higher Balance. You can learn how to open yourself as a conduit to heal others by releasing energy. If you use your abilities in this way, it will just flow from you. There will be less resistance from this dimension. You will change this reality because you are a pure channel of energy that becomes solidified into this dimension. Right now, you are a purer level of energy that naturally flows through you. You have achieved what you have been trying to achieve your whole life.
Would staying in a constant state of love or bliss not be desirable?
That is a double-edged sword because sometimes, if you are too blissful, you stream from much higher energy. You are here to experience this dimension, so participate in this reality. You have to accept the pain in order to find the beauty. It is a tradeoff, but it is not that bad in the end. You can find a happy medium with inner peace. If you want to make a difference in this world, you have to go through the struggle. I, for one, am willing to trudge through the struggle along with everyone else. I can endure the suffering because I know that if I need to step away and heal or rejuvenate myself, I can.
How does the act of surrendering open you up to paranormal and metaphysical experiences?
You remove all of the obstacles that are created by the billions of other programs, therapies, systems and medications. You are using a simple process, although it is a very complex one at the same time. When you remove those blockages in the fluidic sensory of your sixth sense, you free up and increase its capabilities. It is all tied in together. But because it is a sixth sense, it is more of an energy consciousness. It is the highest level of your consciousness that’s closest to your physical sensory. By removing those deep-rooted issues, you can free that sensory, enabling it to broaden and expand, opening you to new possibilities.
Are mindfulness and surrender related?
Mindfulness empowers you to achieve the states of surrender. You can be bombarded by negative energies that prevent you from surrendering.
They keep you busy by building emotional blocks, which are deeply rooted.
They permeate into your spirituality. Mindfulness says, “Oh, no you don’t.
Out you go.” It’s the bouncer or doorman theory. It’s the trouble maker that is screaming and yelling, and the bouncer who is saying, “I’m not letting you in. Now we have to clean up the damage you created.” Instead of allowing these things to keep doing more damage, you prevent them from continuing. You repair and fix the damage and move on. Mindfulness and surrender are very useful to one another.
Are there noticeable changes in a person’s physiology when they enter a state of surrender?
People say there is a different intensity about them or a diverse physiological outlook about them. I think it’s because your immune system kicks in. If you have a cold or an illness when you surrender and you have achieved positive levels of consciousness, your immune system will spike.
You run the illness right out of your system. If you have a disease, your body copes better and repairs itself rapidly. You will also discover that if you can stay in the state of surrender without asking to be healed, there is a good chance the Universe will heal you. I have seen it happen before, but you cannot ask for it. You just have to work on yourself. If miracles had a frequency of opportunity, that would be the state.
Let’s talk about cancer. Many people believe that cancer runs rampant in the body because you give up the fight. Or that it is something that you are not willing to let go. That sounds a little crazy, but going back to what I said earlier about the body being miraculously healed, you can surrender your illness. Accept the terms of it. So, then you might think, “If I accept it, it will run rampant and spread because my body is learning not to deal with it,” or “I will not be fighting it anymore.” That’s not true at all. Every part of your instinct will tell you to fight it with everything you have. It will tell you not to surrender to it. If you surrender to the devastation, you are doing the same thing as when you forgive a person by forgiving the damage
they did to you. It somehow relinquishes it. I don’t want to say it is definitely going to cure you, but it has cured people before.
What should someone expect from their ego when surrendering?
Expect the same battle as when you are dealing with the Babbler. Ego comes in many shapes and forms. Ego is often associated with pride, arrogance, overconfidence and zealousness. Ego can be a subtle echo, yet have such a profound effect. Ego is like going into surrender feeling that you do not have a problem surrendering. You can do it. Accept the challenge that it might be difficult and that you may not be able to achieve it. Accept it all. Accept the overwhelming obstacles that you face as it is pressing on you, and then surrender it. You will become ethereal. It will still remain as matter, but the weight of it will pass through you.
You cannot allow ego to even be involved. And the only way that you can get rid of ego is to surrender it. At first, maybe you should start off by saying, “I surrender my ego.” Say it right now. Sit in the lotus position. Put your hands on your lap, thumbs touching. Take a nice deep breath in. Say aloud, “I surrender my ego” and breathe out. Again, breathe in, saying out loud, “I surrender my ego,” and out. One more time, breathe in. Say it aloud.
How do you feel? Something has opened up within you. How much you allow this to happen by releasing your ego will determine the depth of what you are able to release. If you really want to let go of your ego, you will let it go. You are in control of your consciousness, but you do not always choose to exercise the power that you have. It is ego that tells you that you are being arrogant if you think you can control your consciousness, so it defeated you. If you just accepted that thought now, do you understand what I am saying? Think about it.
When you sit down to do your session you say, “I am releasing my ego.” Your ego may demand, “What makes you think that I am not here?”
Or your babbler may say, “What you believe is your higher consciousness is really your ego telling you that you can get rid of your ego.” It really doesn’t matter. Continue with phase two of your surrender program and just move on. It’s like the whole “blowing out” thing from Foundation. You
know you’re just blowing out an issue. You are blowing out your ego. Out with the ego, breathe in. What else are we going to take on? I am letting it all go. Out it goes. That’s it.
It may sound too simple. You may have to chip away at this, but you will go deeper and deeper into the recesses of your mind. It is as if the problems are layered like sediment. They are deeply rooted and when you skim off the top layer, it is like pulling the top of a weed out of your garden. You may feel relieved and think that you got rid of the problem, but you need to pull it out by its roots. You may not see it anymore but you need to keep working to release it. You will know if you have cleared it or not. Then you will feel deep emotional releases. It will come out in different ways.
Is there ever a time when you should surrender something that you don’t think is negative?
If you surrender it and it isn’t negative, then it won’t flow out. It is already part of your conscious knowledge and does not have any roots. You don’t want any roots; that is the bottom line. You can have conscious knowledge to draw upon as experience. You are not letting it dig into you to solidify, holding you to this physical realm to the Doe. You are letting it go.
If there is nothing to let go of, then you are just checking to see if there is anything there.
This is such a potent tool to possess. It doesn’t matter if you are a victim of abuse, if you have post-traumatic stress disorder or an illness of any sort. I don’t care what it is, just visualize it. Feel it. You don’t have to feel the full emotion of the problem, but just acknowledge that feeling inside of you. And say, “I release it. I surrender it.” Work on it every so often. Move on to the next issue. Don’t sit there wondering if you got rid of the problem. It’s okay. Sometimes it might take an hour for it to release.
You might be sitting down watching TV and suddenly think, “Whew, boy, I don’t know why, but I suddenly feel so much lighter.”
It is a work in progress. Don’t push it; let it take its course. Do your work and move on with your day. It can be applied to everything you do.
You just simply feel it as you are doing your ritualistic surrender process.
Choose to release it. Breathe in. Release it out. Internalize. Feel the emotion. Release it out. Then deal with whatever emotions surface: the relief, the joy, the pain, the tears, however it comes out. If nothing comes out, just wait. If you don’t feel anything the rest of that day or the rest of that week, go back and do it again. It will surface when it’s ready. It’s like a loose tooth for a child. It has to wiggle and take its time, but it is going to come out eventually. Don’t be ripping it out before it’s ready. The fact that you’re dealing with it is telling you it’s ready to go. It’s loose.
Are there events in life, like dreams or meditative states that can trigger surrender?
There are people who are probably more spiritually evolved from previous lives. In their dream worlds, they are able to act as their own therapists to help with their release because dreams themselves are mechanisms to help you release those issues in life. The reason we dream, in the first place, is to cope with life on Earth.
There also are beings that have a vested interest in you and they will work with you in your dream state to help you release things. If you find that you’ve accepted something or you say you’ve accepted it, it really means you’ve surrendered it. In many cases, I work with individuals on a dream level because there are fewer issues, consciously, to battle. I can work with a vast amount of people in their dream reality versus the conscious state. Many people are aware of the work that I do in a dream state. But if ever you feel uncomfortable about that, it’s your ego putting fear into the overwhelming possibilities. I would never do anything negative to someone. It is just inner fear, the inner-mind working. It’s a matter of being overwhelmed with ideas of what I could or couldn’t do.
How does someone begin to surrender?
You decide whether or not you are ready to surrender. Breathing is the key element. Breathe in and think about the area on your body where you will be surrendering. If you feel tightness in your chest, and you exhale out, that is an indication that you are ready to start the process. If you don’t feel
a subtle feeling inside of you, then you are probably not ready yet. Once you are ready, you must have quiet. You must have privacy. You must have alone time because you may cry or you may laugh. You may be thinking,
“This is the happiest moment of my life because I am finally able to let this go.” But you are going to need private time.
Start off by standing, facing north. Do a few breathing exercises, breathing in, blowing out the basic issues for the day. “I’m not going to worry about laundry. I’m not worrying about my bills right now. I’m not going to worry about those things.” Just blow them out like you are doing a traditional meditation. Maybe do a meditation first. When you are finished with the meditation, stand up to change the feel of what you’re doing. I would recommend choosing a slightly different spot than you normally would choose for meditations because that’s a very special energy you’re developing there. You do not want all of this released baggage in that vicinity. So select a different area, but if that is the only area you have to work in, do it there.
Then, as you stand up, do your breathing. You want to feel that you are ready to start releasing. You might want to sit in a chair, feet flat on the floor, not crossed, hand within hand as you would in meditation. Then go within, and work with the first big issue that turns up.
You know what you need to surrender already. You know what your issues are. It does not really matter whether they are health, emotional, or family issues. Just choose one. If you feel more than one issue, then say, “I surrender all of it.” It’ll start to flow out. You will feel it. Just use your breathing. Breathe in and when you surrender, just let it out. Say to yourself in the most intimate way, “I surrender. I forgive myself. I forgive myself,”
over and over again. “I forgive myself. It’s okay.” Just keep using those words. “I forgive myself.” Or say your name, “Eric, I forgive you. It’s okay.”
You are really talking to your physical self, which affects your spiritual self. It’s okay to talk in the second person because you are internalizing your spiritual self with your physical self. It’s a duality, but it’s not that much of an issue, in this particular case. Just keep working with it, saying that to yourself. Then maybe go to your heart chakra and fill that space with positive energy. Smile, and then breathe in through the heart chakra.
And then let it back out again. When you feel a little tired or you’ve gone
through your emotional run, it is time to stop. Bow to the Universe. Breathe out; breathe back in, just as you would for your meditation. Then get on with your day.
Is there anything you’d recommend outside of the Higher Balance system for someone who has buried away some of their deeper issues?
See a therapist. Seeing a therapist is not weakness. It’s not a bad thing.
A good therapist does not judge you. Sometimes you just need to vent.
Sometimes you just need to talk to someone who will hear what you have to say and give you an unbiased opinion or help you to resolve inaccurate perceptions. This understanding can facilitate the removal of a lot of stuff from you. If you cannot afford a therapist, sometimes just a good friend can help. But you need to say to them, “I just want you to listen to what I am saying and acknowledge it. If you feel like you have something to add, briefly give it to me because I am releasing this with you. Are you okay with that?”
Do whatever it takes. If you don’t have anybody to do this with, release your issue into a mirror. Talk to yourself in the second person. Give advice that you might give to someone else. It may sound crazy, but there is a point of logic in this. You’ve got to help yourself any way that you can. The bottom line is that, inch by inch, you gain a mile. If you are ready to release something and you catch your hand in the door, I am willing to bet it will be a while before your hand stops demanding your attention.
On a very basic level, if you just ate and usually fall asleep afterwards, then you are not helping yourself. If you are doing things that affect your physical body, then it will affect the outcome of your session. If you eat a healthy diet, more power to you. Be conscientious. Your body is your temple, so whatever you put into it is going to affect you biochemically.
Your brain will affect your mind because it is a stronger center point. You are here utilizing this body to hold you in this dimension. It is a very powerful mechanism, and your conscious mind is rooted into it until it has run its course. You are really reverse engineering to reach the mind, who you truly are.
Whatever condition your body is in will have an effect on you, whether you drink too much caffeine, soda or sugar or too many fatty foods. Do the best that you can. I do not consider myself the best advocate on physical health, but even I know my limits. I know that I have to exercise some willpower and say, “Okay, I cannot do that.” I certainly have more advantages than most people, but I still reserve my own physical health.
Take care of your physical body through physical fitness, such as walking a mile or so a day. Here is a key thought to remember: walking is one of the best exercises that you can possibly do. If you walk a mile a day, every day, in rain, sleet, snow or shine and you have a lot of issues on your mind, by the second week you will find that most of your issues start to unwind.
It’s almost as if the answers start popping into your head. Do you know why? Because you are physically moving the body and historically speaking, human beings were very nomadic people. As individuals, those were calmer times. Just by walking, with nothing in particular to think about, your thoughts unwind. Your inner consciousness can communicate with you without anyone else interrupting you, and without any other responsibilities. In this modern age, the computer, the TV and other forms of technology divert you from self-reflecting. You neglect or ignore it, and you are numbing yourself instead. When you take a walk, you exclude other people from easily accessing you. Walking is the best therapist and it is free, so just walk and you will reap the benefits.
Can Dreamscape sessions be integrated with surrender?
A dreamscape is a therapeutic tool for revealing and handling issues that are troubling your mind. It provides a means to explore various possible higher states of consciousness, like those experienced in lucid dreaming. It will guide you into a vivid dream-like reality, opening doors that are normally only available to you in a dream state. If you are working on Surrender, you will find that more stuff comes up in your Dreamscape.
The Dreamscape certainly complements it, but Surrender identifies specific issues that are probably things that you need to let go of.
Therefore, you are bringing them up with a very powerful tool that was
specifically designed for releasing them. The Dreamscape is not going to draw on major issues unless you are really ready to handle them.
Dreamscape will effectively help to release some issues, but not as thoroughly as with Surrender. It is difficult to compare the benefits of the two; however, Surrender is a huge instrument for removing issues very rapidly. Dreamscape can bring up some big issues and help you to resolve them. I don’t think there is a fair comparison between the two as it’s like comparing apples and oranges.
Does surrendering open you up to a direct experience or connection with the Universe?
As stated before, clear yourself from everything that acts as a resistance for attaining the higher levels of vibration. When you clear the debris or the logs, you clear the path for this absolute experience. Once you have that experience, it does not matter anymore. You are exactly where you need to be.
Can you develop multidimensional consciousness without surrendering?
It is harder to accomplish, but yes, absolutely. You will end up dealing with the same issues though. It’s just that you will probably deal with them a bit differently. It’s a longer process. It is still a lot more progressive than any other methods out there.
Do you consciously return from a state of surrender?
There is a settling back in to yourself period, but the difference is that you simply feel new and improved. You feel clearer. Your mind is clearer.
Your sense of well-being is amplified and you are happier. The only way it can be explained it is that you now have a more positive attitude. You let go of a huge weight that you carried around with you. You released it. Now, you remember the happier times that you had forgotten about. You think,
“Wow, now I’m in the same place I was in before those things affected me,”
and you feel relieved. This, in turn, changes your whole perspective on life.
The optimism/pessimism switch begins to take root.
Can surrender be fueled by desire?
Of course it can, and do not be ashamed of that. You have a desire to be a better person; why is that so terrible? You have the intention to sit down and do this. That is perfectly okay.