.” If they don’t
have a partner, they can say: “Thank you, Universe, for the friends,
family, co-workers, children, pets, etc., you have sent into my life to
love me.” This is the key to the fullness they have been seeking. It
has nothing to do with what is happening externally; it has to do
with graciousness in accepting and appreciating what they have. As
they take the time to appreciate what they do have—with openness
and feeling—they begin to experience the fullness of love inside
them, which replaces the agitation they have so often felt.


Everyone needs to receive nurturing energy in order to feel
renewed and satisfied. In past lives, Taurus North Node people
became dependent on soul mate relationships to provide that
nurturing. In this lifetime, whenever they depend on others to fill
these needs, they feel let down. It’s set up this way, because their
lesson is to become independent in meeting their own needs.
In this incarnation, these folks have a magical relationship with
Mother Nature and with the earth, and that is where much of their
nurturing is destined to come from. Their attunement to Mother
Nature empowers them to connect directly with her energy and
absorb it in a healing and reenergizing way. For peace of mind and
inner strength, Taurus North Node people need to spend time in
nature on a regular basis, consciously appreciating the support
Mother Earth is giving them. This process will magically shift their
basic emotional state to one of serenity. Situations with others that
evoke insecurity will occur less frequently when these folks are
consistently reinforcing a base of calm support inside themselves.
Some of these folks have a green thumb, and they may find
working with plants or spending time gardening soothing. It is in
their best interests to fully absorb the energy from Mother Nature—
to touch a plant or tree and let the earth nurture them. Hugging a
tree can evoke the same energy and happiness for them as hugging a
person. Hugging a person is also good (sensual affection is always
beneficial for them), but if they feel any reservation about whom to
hug or what their motives are, a tree will always provide the
“connectedness” they need.

Their ability to receive energy from nature is a gift they can share
with others. For example, if they’re walking in the park with a
friend and share their knowledge of “tree energy,” the friend will be
more aware of the gift of nature’s energy while in the presence of
the Taurus North Node person and will be permanently enriched by
the experience.


To keep themselves focused on furthering their aims requires
facing the issue of self-worth. These folks may feel unworthy
spending time and energy on themselves; however, such feelings are
totally off track. Taurus North Node must spend time doing things
they consider to be important, as this will build the resources
they need to experience life and relationships from a foundation of
The fact is that for spiritual balance, their destiny in this
incarnation is to experience the sensual enjoyments of life, to
become grounded, and to regain a sense of their own earthy
substance. In past lives, Taurus North Node people developed a
deep enjoyment of the spiritual/psychic senses. Now it’s time to
develop a deeper awareness of the five physical senses. In this
incarnation, their senses are generally quite sensitive and well
developed. The idea is to pay attention to the pleasure their physical
senses offer them: the smell of springtime, the taste of a good meal,
a perfume they enjoy, or the touch of their lover. Even lifting
weights or other physical exercise can be sensual—anything that
gets them in touch with their bodies in a way that results in pleasure
and/or self-esteem.
Music is an excellent source of enjoyment for these folks that
eases their mental frequencies into harmonious patterns; they may
benefit by having music playing regularly in the background. They
are attuned to the sounds of nature—waves crashing on the beach
and birds singing. To enjoy their sense of hearing is altogether “on
path” for them. They also gain pleasure from their sense of sight—
noticing beauty around them, appreciating artistic creations, or
taking time to enjoy a sunset.

Taurus North Node people generally have well-developed taste
buds; fully enjoying the pleasure of a good meal and going to posh
restaurants are totally “on path.” To become aware of their sense of
touch is also beneficial. Taking the time to touch a tree, a leaf, a
piece of wood, or fabric—and to experience physical comfort—is
altogether appropriate. Even being aware of the sensation of snow
crunching under their feet can be a sensual pleasure.
Another way to enhance their sense of grounding is to become
more conscious of their clothing in terms of how it feels on their
bodies. Does it feel sensual or comforting? Do they like the touch of
that fabric? These are the clothes they should put on their bodies in
order to take care of and pamper themselves. Clothing can also be a
powerful vehicle for establishing self-worth. For an important
appointment, if the choice is between an outfit in which they are
comfortable and confident versus an outfit they think will impress
the other person, their best bet is to wear the clothing in which they
feel comfortable. That way, regardless of the other person’s
response, they feel comfortable within themselves.
Other sensual experiences that are “good karma” for these folks
include giving or receiving a massage or being pampered with a
manicure, facial, body wrap, sauna, or Jacuzzi. When they spend
time giving themselves physical rewards and sensual pleasure, they
won’t need as much from others.
