The Freemasonry lodges in France, particularly thoseunder the control of the Grand Orient form of the order, were infiltrated byIlluminati manipulators and used to fire the revolution. In 1786, Mirabeau formedan Illuminati lodge at a meeting at the Jacobin College in Paris. They becameknown as the Jacobins. In the same year, another All-Seeing Eye Illuminati groupcalled the Frankists (after Jacob Franks) was created in Frankfurt. One of its leadinglights was Michael Hess, an employee of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. These twogroups, the Jacobins and the Frankists, were at the heart of the French Revolution.The Brotherhood plan was openly revealed when a member of AdamWeishaupt’s Bavarian Illuminati was struck by lightning and killed at Ratisbon whilecarrying secret papers. These revealed the plans for world revolution and the New World Order and they had a remarkable resemblance to the Protocols Of The EldersOf Zion, of which more shortly.23 The Bavarian government had the headquarters ofthe Illuminati searched. Much more information was found and the Frenchauthorities were told of the plan. But events in France had by now reached such amomentum that nothing could stop them. By 1789, more than 2,000 Freemasonrylodges had affiliated with the Grand Orient organisation which, in turn, wascontrolled by the Illuminati. They were, themselves, controlled by the Global Elite.The central organisation of the revolution and the printing and distribution ofpropaganda was based at the Palais Royal, the home of Egalite. He was so in debt tothe money lenders that he had to sign over his palace and estates to them. Part ofthe mind manipulation in any Elite/ Brotherhood operation is the characterassassination of the opposition. One such example in the French Revolution was thefamous diamond necklace ‘bought’ by the Queen, Marie Antionette. She had beenwarned about Freemasonry by her sister in Austria some years before, but theadvice went unheeded. She had informed her sister that in France, Freemasonrywas open and ‘everyone knows all’. The ‘open’ Freemasons were actually planninga bloodbath at the guillotine as she wrote those words. Bitterness with themonarchy in France was further fuelled when the propaganda machine announcedthat the Queen had bought a diamond necklace for a quarter of a million poundswhen, in truth, it had been ordered without her knowledge by an agent of theBrotherhood, a close associate of Adam Weishaupt. This was political dynamite at atime of such poverty in France. The scheme was organised by Joseph Balsamo (realname Cagliostro), an Italian from Palermo, who was initiated into the Illuminati byWeishaupt.24This ‘peoples’ revolution’ continued to discard its stooges and frontmen as eachnew layer of violence unfurled. Others were introduced like Danton, Marat, andRobespierre, who would also be removed once they had been used to their fullpotential. Mobs were organised to go out onto the streets and stimulate moreviolence and unrest. In September 1792, the ‘September massacres’ came when8,000 people were killed in the prisons of Paris alone, in the name of a revolutionwhich was supposed to be about ‘freedom’ from royal tyranny. At its core, therevolution wasn’t even organised by French people. As Sir Walter Scott said in hisLife Of Napoleon: The principal leaders of the… revolution.. .seem to have beenforeigners.25 Robespierre was said to be the leading light of the revolution as itgathered pace, but this was just another smokescreen. In his book, The Life OfRobespierre, G. Renier, says:On the 28th July, 1794, Robespierre made a long speech against ultraterrorists…uttering vague general accusations. ‘I dare not name them at this momentand in this place. I cannot bring myself entirely to tear asunder the veil that covers thisprofound mystery of antiquity. But I can affirm most positively that among the authors ofthis plot are agents of that system of corruption and extravagance, the most powerfulof all the means invented by foreigners for the undoing of the Republic; I mean theimpure apostles of atheism and the immorality that is at its base’. At 2am that night, Robespierre was shot and the next day he was taken to theguillotine. He was getting too close to speaking the truth about the ‘glorious’ FrenchRevolution, and in the strange world of the Illuminati/ Elite, that meant he had togo. Think on that, those of you in the Brotherhood who believe you are in control ofevents. Stop now, let me have the information you have about what is going on, andget the hell out of it before you become another Robespierre or Egalite! From theFrench Revolution we can see the elements of manipulated wars and revolutionsthat are common to all the ‘peoples’ uprisings’ in Europe which ousted themonarchies and to conflicts around the world up to the present day. These are: thefinancial crisis to create suffering and the desire for change (Something must bedone); the duping of influential people who support the ’cause’ without realisingthe real agenda; the dumping of these people when they have served their purpose;the mass propaganda to exploit the public’s natural sense of injustice, to disinform,and to lead opinion in the desired direction; the lies told about opponents of theplan and the assassination of their character to the point where people have greathatred for them; the organisation of ‘rent-a-mob’ to cause agitation and encourageothers to overthrow the established order; and, finally, the installation of a phoneydemocracy or alternative dictatorship.Look at the background of any revolution or war and you will see most, usuallyall, of these methods at work. This system I am describing is the means throughwhich the extraterrestrial Prison Warders and the Luciferic Consciousness on thenon-physical frequencies around this planet, project their control into the physicalworld as the Global Elite/Illuminati/ Brotherhood network. Divide and rule,control of the flow of information, secret manipulation, and conflict. Over the lastthree hundred thousand years or so, all these methods of control by the PrisonWarders can be seen in the Elite network on Earth. One is merely another level ofthe other. Revolution and war continued throughout Europe during the ninteenthcentury, much of it coordinated by Lord Palmerston, the British Prime Minister,who directed the policies of his country to carry out the designs of the Illuminati.Lord Palmerston was the Grand Patriach or Grand Master of Grand OrientFreemasonry – another name for the Illuminati.It was Palmerston who was prime minister during the ‘opium wars’ whenBritain forced the Chinese to import opium, a policy which addicted the populationand made them easy to control. One result was the British ownership of HongKong, from where Britain ran its drug trade and, with the Americans and Chinese,still does.There was another ambition on the Prison Warder/Global Elite agenda duringthis period: the end of God in the human mind. The Elite’s god is the LucifericConsciousness, but they wanted the human mind to reject all beliefs in eternal lifeand believe in mortality, finality, and materialistic ‘science’. This would turn humanconsciousness into an even greater slave to this material level. In the very late 1800s,a controversial document came to light called the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion. Icall them the Illuminati Protocols and I quote many extracts from them in TheRobots’ Rebellion. Some say they were a forgery made public only to discredit Jews, and I use the term Tlluminati Protocols’ to get away from the Jewish emphasis. Ifthey were a forgery, something that is quite possible, what were they a forgery of,and by whom? The authors of the best-selling book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, concludethat the original Protocols were indeed authentic. They suggest that they were thework of an elite group called The Priory of Sion, the inner, controlling, core of theKnights Templars.26 They believe that this original document was changed to makeit appear as a Jewish plot. I certainly would not dismiss such a conclusion. It is themanipulation they describe that interests me, not who has been blamed for it. Ibelieve their origin lies with the Illuminati, as does Rabbi Antelman. Whatever thearguments, one fact cannot be denied, given the hindsight of the last 100 years. TheProtocols, from wherever they came, were a quite stunning prophecy of what hashappened in the twentieth century in terms of wars and the manipulation I amexposing here. Whoever wrote them sure as heck knew what the game plan was.One protocol speaks of the way the manipulators intended to destroy the idea ofGod in as many human minds as possible:It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing ablind confidence in these scientific theories. The intellectuals of the Goyim Gentileswill puff themselves up with their knowledge and without any logical verification of it willput into effect all the information available from science, which our agentur specialistshave cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the directionwe want. Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: thinkcarefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism…Protocol 2…It is indispensible to undermine all faith, to tear out of the minds of the Goyim thevery principle of Godhead and the spirit, and to put into its place, arithmeticalcalculations and material needs.Protocol 4Darwinism, of course, refers to Charles Darwin, the man most effective inachieving a widespread belief in one-life-and-that’s-it. He suggested in the mid-1800s that the potential of the mind is developed by genetic inheritance. This ispatent nonsense, but it did provide the justification for the eugenics (racial purity)movement that would follow and lead both to Adolf Hitler and the populationcontrol policies of today. His work, Origin Of Species, to give it a shortened title, wasto become the basis for ‘scientific’ thinking and its mindset dominates what webravely call science to this day. His most famous theory, that of the survival of thefittest, didn’t even appear in the first four editions. He lifted it from the writings ofa contemporary, Herbert Spencer, who had lifted it from someone else. The word’evolution’ did not appear until the sixth edition, in 1872. I understand that evenDarwin didn’t believe his theory by the end of his life, and he thought God createdhuman beings. But his Origin Of Species went on to take over ‘scientific’ thoughtanyway. It was designed by the Elite to do just that. Darwin was another stooge. He was the frontman for a coup on the human mind which was coordinatedover many years. A small group of people known as the Lunar Society inBirmingham, England, was significant in this. The group continued its influenceunder the name of the London-based Royal Society, which is still one of the mostinfluential bodies in the world with regard to science. The Royal Society wasfounded by the Order of the Rosy Cross in the reign of Charles II. Another famousscientific’ influence, Sir Isaac Newton, was a Rosicrucian and Grand Master of thePriory of Sion, the inner core of the Knights Templar. He was an inspiration behindthe founding of the Royal Society. Researchers into the background of the LunarSociety have shown that it mirrored (with remarkable accuracy) a group called theInvisible College, described in the Francis Bacon work, The New Atlantis. It wasknown as the Lunar Society because it met once a month at the time of the fullmoon. Among its members were Benjamin Franklin, one of the founders of theUnited States and close associate of French revolutionaries, and.. .Erasmus Darwin,the grandfather of Charles Darwin, the man who would later be the frontman forthis-world-is-all-there-is. What a coincidence! Another member of the Lunar Societywas the Unitarian, Josiah Wedgwood, founder of the famous pottery, and hisdaughter was to become the mother of Charles Darwin after she married Dr RobertDarwin, the son of Erasmus Darwin. Nothing like keeping it in the family!Six of the Lunar Society’s members were educated at Edinburgh University, aswas Charles Darwin. The society was a revolutionary organisation whichsupported the overthrowing of the monarchies and the undermining of God in thehuman belief system. Benjamin Franklin became a sort of shuttle ‘diplomat’ for thecause, in the same way that Henry Kissinger would come to be in the second halfof this century. I cannot recommend too highly the book by the Canadian scientistand researcher, Ian T. Taylor, called In The Minds Of Men: Darwin And The NewWorld Order. This reveals the story of how modern ‘scientific’ theory wasmanufactured and sold as truth to mislead the human mind. With detailed,documented evidence, Taylor dismantles the edifice of the scientific establishment,its beliefs, claims, and manipulation. Every student of science would benefitenormously from reading it.But, of course, most people don’t read such evidence. They go through theschools and university system and absorb all the accepted claptrap that originatesfrom Darwin’s time. This affects the way many of them see themselves and life ingeneral, and, as we have discussed, they create that reality in the world aroundthem. It is a world of What’s the point? We are only cosmic accidents after all, andlife is about the survival of the fittest. No room for sentiment; it’s everyone forthemselves. A movement which has emerged from the Darwin view of life iscalled Humanism, another vehicle for manipulation, even though theoverwhelming majority of its advocates will not realise it. Still today, organisationslike the Committee for the Scientific sic Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal(CSICOP) do all they can to discredit any explanations or phenomena which exposeestablishment science as a fraud. One vehement British campaigner againstalternative scientific explanation is Susan Blackmore, who is wheeled onto television programmes galore to defend the establishment line against all challenge.The padlock on such minds defies my imagination.In our brief history of the conspiracy, we are now in the early years of thetwentieth century. The manipulators have created the banking and financial system,introduced this-world-is-all-there-is science, and they have, through engineeredrevolution, installed a series of phoney democracies which they control and directwhile the people think they are free. In their misguided minds (controlled by thePrison Warders on the Fourth Dimension), the time was right to launch the nextstage on the road to the New World Order. It was time to go global.SOURCES1 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. X, p4992 George Armstrong, Rothschilds Money Trust (1940) p223 Eustace Mullins, The World Order, Our Secret Rulers (Ezra Pound Institute of Civilisation,Staunton, USA, 1992) p74 I have also seen this quote attributed to later Rothschilds.5 The Rothschilds, Financial Rulers Of Nations, pl676 John Reeves, The Rothschilds, pl04-1057 Jewish Encylopedia, Vol. 10, p501-5028 I say Dutch, in fact he was formerly a German prince from the house of Nassau.Interestingly, another German prince would marry into the Dutch royal family in this century.That was Prince Bernhard, of which much more later.9 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p2510 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p2511 Ibid p27612 Secret Societies, pl2213 There is another train of thought which suggests that Lincoln was killed because he wasrevealing too many of the secrets of the Brotherhood societies of which he was a member.I will describe the black esoteric basis of the Global Elite/Brotherhood in a later chapter14 The title ‘Colonel’ was purely honorary. He never actually served.15 Saturday Evening Post, (February 9,1935) p2516 Rothschild Money Trust, p4117 Secret Societies, p10918 McNair Wilson, The Life Of Napolean, p3819 Captain A.H.M. Ramsey, The Nameless War (Omni Publications, London, 1952) p25 20 Ibid p2521 The Nameless War, p2622 Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, To Eliminate The Opiate (Zahavia Ltd., New York-Tel Aviv, 1974)23 Secret Societies, p110-11224 The Nameless War, p2925 Ibid p3326 Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, Holy Blood, Holy Grail (Jonathan Cape,London, 1982) pl98-203