It was under the influence and guidance of the Club of Rome and its ‘data’ thatanother report was produced which has had a fundamental effect on theacceleration of ‘environmentalism’. This was a study ordered by the TrilateralCommission-controlled Carter administration. On July 24th 1980, in the last monthsof the Carter presidency, his secretary of state, Edmund Muskie (TC, CFR),presented the Global 2000 report to the President. It painted a global picture ofoverpopulation, resource and food shortages, and environmental dangers which, itestimated, would cause the deaths of at least 170 million people up to the year 2000.This was followed six months later by another report, Global Future: A Time To Act,the work of the White House Council on Environmental Quality. This called for aseries of measures to respond to the crisis set out in Global 2000 and at the top ofthe list of responses was.. .population control through sterilisation and other means.Both reports called for, in effect, the restriction of scientific development andtechnological transfer to developing countries and soon these policies were beinglauded around the world. Cyrus Vance (TC, CFR, Bil, Comm 300), Carter’s secretaryof state before Muskie, chaired the Committee for the Year 2000 for this purpose.Vance was the man who instigated both Global 2000 and Global Future during histenure at Carter’s State Department. In his first official speech at the United Nationsin 1977, Vance rejected calls from developing countries for changes to theInternational Monetary Fund and the unfairness of the economic system, andinstead he suggested a .. .new world order based on environmentalism.I would have more confidence in the problems and solutions presented by theClub of Rome and these two US reports if the people behind them were not the verysame politicians, bankers, industrialists, and academics who support and promotethe policies of the Elite-controlled International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank ofInternational Settlements, and World Bank, which in turn, are responsible for thedeath, starvation, and suffering of billions of people across the planet. One of thearchitects of the Global 2000 Report was Robert McNamara (TC, CFR, Bil), a formerpresident of the World Bank, the policies of which have wreaked environmental andhuman genocide in the Third World! I would have more confidence if these’environmental messiahs’ were not the same people who suppress the introductionof known technologies, such as free energy technology,52 which could in a few yearsreplace today’s fossil-fuel-burning environmental carnage. I differ from those whosay there is no environmental crisis and that the whole thing is a propagandacreation. I think we are inflicting appalling wounds to Planet Earth and if we go onas we are there will be serious consequences, indeed there already are. What I feel,however, is that these wounds are being knowingly inflicted by the Elite, and nodoubt in certain areas, exaggerated for propaganda purposes to create yet anotherglobal problem-reaction-solution scenario.If those behind all this really cared about the environment and the lives of thosewho suffer so terribly from the present system, they would be releasing thesuppressed technologies which would dramatically reduce the damage which isbeing wreaked upon the Earth. Reports like Global 2000, Global Future, and thoseproduced by the Elite/Club of Rome, base their findings on what they call ‘current trends’. But what are ‘current trends’? They are only the result of the currentpolicies of the Elite manipulators. Change the policies and you change both the’trends’ and the recommendations on how to react to the ‘trends’. The rape of theThird World environment creates dependency by billions of people on the Elitecontrolled economic system, as their ability to live sustainably without outside’support’ is destroyed. Environmental damage is therefore terrible for the mass ofhumanity, but an excellent tool for the Elite’s ambitions. Change these policies andchange the ‘trends’ (environmentally-created dependency) and you make irrelevantthe ‘solutions’ suggested in Club of Rome reports. But funnily enough, such reportsnever call for an end to Elite policies, because these publications are part of them.Most environmentalists are genuinely campaigning for what they believe to beright, but there are some who are knowingly working to the New World Orderagenda and I must say I am less than convinced when I hear people like Al Gore(CFR), the vice president to Bill Clinton (TC, CFR, Bil), being presented as an’environmentalist’. I would take his concern for the environment and humanity alittle more seriously if he had not been one of the Democrats who voted withGeorge Bush’s Republicans in favour of the war in the Gulf in 1991, and had hisenvironmental policies not come straight off the pages of Club of Rome and Global2000 reports. I was an environmental campaigner throughout the 1980s and becamea national spokesman for the British Green Party, so I can see how many of theresponses of the environmental movement resulted from the Club of Rome, Global2000, approach to both problems and solutions. I am still an environmentalcampaigner, but now from a much, much, wider perspective and I can appreciatehow the ‘green movement’ is being manipulated to promote the New World Order.When, for instance, the green movement presents wind power and wave power asalternative forms of energy to fossil fuels, this so lacks credibility that there appearsto be no choice but to continue to exploit the planet and create pollution. This ishelping to obscure the fact that free energy technology exists. I can also see todayhow the pressure for population control is, and always has been, promoted by theElite to justify a policy of eugenics.The theme of these various environmental reports is that economic growth mustend, something with which much of the environmental movement would agree. Sowould I, in fact. As with everything, I feel, we need to look at the shades of grey ifwe are to find the truth of any situation. On one side you have theenvironmentalists who challenge growth and on the other you have some of thosewho are investigating the New World Order conspiracy, who say the environmentalproblems are all a hoax. I see the truth in the middle somewhere. Yes, there areenvironmental problems, but the questions we need to ask are these: Have theenvironmental problems been created deliberately, largely to produce a situation ofproblem-reaction-solution? And are at least aspects of the ‘environmental crisis’being deliberately emphasised and exaggerated to quicken the problem-reactionsolution response by the public? I believe the answer to both questions is yes.We can look in the same way at economic growth. Some say it has to stop, somesay there are no limits to growth. But what is growth? It is merely the measurement of the amount of money that is spent for goods and services in any year. This figure- what we call Gross National Product (GNP) or Gross Domestic Product (GDP).Therefore ‘growth’ is the sum total of all the positive and negative events in theworld every year that involve money being spent, that’s all. The money spent onimproving the quality of people’s lives and that spent on wars, road accidents, andresponding to oil tanker catastrophes are all measured exactly the same by thissystem, because all are adding to the economic tally – GDP. This is plainly farcical.What we call growth tells us nothing, except how absurd our economic indicatorsare. When we speak of an end to growth or we say there are no limits to growth, wehave to ask What kind of growth? And the growth of what? Of course there arelimits to growth if you are talking about the constant expansion of what we takefrom the planet and throw at her in pollution. But, when the true understanding ofphysics and technology is revealed and introduced in our everyday lives, we willsee that this suppressed knowledge can give us the warmth and power we need fora comfortable life for all the peoples of the world without dismantling the planet.Under this system, the growth in take-make-and-throwaway and mine-burn-pollutecan slow down and end, while – at the same time – everyone in the world has abetter, not a more primitive standard of life. The end to growth in take-make-andthrowaway and the expansion of better living conditions for all are not acontradiction. They are made possible by ending the suppression of scientificknowledge that will solve the environmental and human ‘problems’ which havebeen engineered to control us. What is clear is that the use of environmentalism tojustify centralised control continues apace. Working to this end alongside the Clubof Rome is the United Nations. In February 1972, an advertisement sponsored bythe Rockefeller/CFR-controlled World Association of World Federalists53 appearedin The Humanist, the magazine of the American Humanist (this-world-is-all-there-is)Association. Note the use of words like problem and solution. It said:World Federalists believe that the environmental crisis facing Planet Earth is a globalproblem and therefore calls for a ‘global’ solution – a worldwide United NationsEnvironmental Agency with the power to make decisions stick. WAWF has submitted aproposal for just such an agency to be considered at the 1972 UN EnvironmentalConference to be held in Stockholm.The timing is interesting here. 1972 was the year of the publication of the Club ofRome’s Limits To Growth report. The troops were being gathered for the battle. Itwas a battle to persuade the public that there was a global environmental problemin need of a global – centralised – solution. The momentum generated from that UNEnvironmental Conference led to just such an Environmental Agency, the UNEnvironment Programme (UNEP). The first executive director was a Canadian,Maurice Strong (Comm 300), a millionaire oilman and former trustee of theRockefeller Foundation. He had been the secretary-general of the Stockholmconference and is a major voice in the Club of Rome. Strong and David Rockefellerwrote the foreword for a Trilateral Commission book, Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing Of The World’s Economy And The Earth’s Ecology.54 Among the co-authorswas Strong’s friend and fellow Canadian, Jim MacNeill, who had advised him atStockholm. They were also both members of the World Commission onEnvironment and Development and MacNeill, as secretary general of thatorganisation, played a leading role in writing the report called Our CommonFuture, another tome constantly quoted by the environmental movement. It is alsoknown as The Brundtland Report, after the prime minister of Norway, Gro HarlamBrundtland, who put her name to it. She is an enthusiastic supporter of theEuropean Union and population control measures. Her husband, Arne OlavBrundtland, is a Bilderberger.In 1992 came the much-heralded United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil, which brought together the heads of world governments and the best knownenvironmentalists, such as Britain’s Jonathan Porritt, the former head of UK Friendsof the Earth and now advisor to Prince Charles. The secretary general of the RioSummit was, well I never,.. .Maurice Strong, David Rockefeller’s green friend.Strong was advised by Rockefeller’s other green buddy.. Jim MacNeill. BeyondInterdependence, the Trilateral Commission’s environmental offering, waspublished in preparation for Rio, as was Global Economics And The Environmentby the Council on Foreign Relations. The theme was.. .centralisation of control toprotect the world. Maurice Strong is President of the World Federation of UnitedNations Associations, co-chairman of the World Economic Forum, and a member ofthe Club of Rome, among countless other bodies steeped in the New World Order.Strong is using the environment to justify centralisation of power.Another well-known green face behind the Rio Summit was Lester R. Brown,the ‘anti-establishment’ head of the Worldwatch Institute in Washington. Hisdislike for the establishment does not, however, prevent him being a member ofthe CFR. His Institute publishes the annual State Of The World reports detailingthe demise of the global environment. The 1989 version on my own bookshelf tellsme that: The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Winthrop Rockefeller Trust, and theGeorge Gund Foundation supply the backbone of financial support for the State ofthe World series. I can’t claim to have been surprised. In his State Of The World1991, Brown said:…the battle to save the planet will replace the battle over ideology as the organizatingtheme of the new world order…with the end of the ideological conflict that dominateda generation of international affairs, a new world order, shaped by a new agenda, willemerge.55There had obviously been a mobilisation by the Elite to speak with the samevoice and also to use those environmentalists – by no means all – who don’t knowthey are being manipulated. David Rockefeller (Comm 300), Henry Kissinger(Comm 300), Francois Mitterand (Comm 300), Willy Brandt (Comm 300), MikhailGorbachev, and so many more all parroted the party line on the environment,which, put succinctly, was global crisis = global solution. Gorbachev, well-schooled by his friends Rockefeller and Kissinger, suddenly began to speak passionately ofthe environment. He said:The ecological crisis we are experiencing today – from ozone depletion to deforestationand disastrous air pollution – is tragic but convincing proof that the world we all live in isinterrelated and interdependent. This means that we need an appropriate internationalpolicy in the field of ecology. Only if we formulate such a policy shall we be able to avertcatastrophe. True, the elaboration of such a policy poses unconventional and difficultproblems that will affect the sovereignty of states.56The New York Times columnist, Flora Lewis (CFR) welcomed Gorbachev’s callto instigate a plan for a global code of environmental conduct.. .which wouldhave an aspect of world government, because it would provide for the WorldCourt to judge states.57 The secret government network has so many members inthe media that there is never a problem finding support for its manoeuvringsfrom that direction. There are environmental problems, most of them due toElite policies, but be very careful before you accept the propaganda of theenvironmental centralisers. It’s your mind they are after. I would suggest that it isvery much worth someone looking into the major funders of environmentalorganisations and the background to their front people to see if any links with theElite network exist.The Club of Rome and Population ControlAnother sinister aspect of the Club of Rome and the super dupers planning theElite’s ‘green’ campaign is their use of the environment to promote populationcontrol – eugenics. It is plainly true, as the New World Order promoters say, thatthere is a limit to the number of human beings who can live on this planet. Youcan’t argue with that because when there is a human being for every square foot ofthe Earth, there will be clearly too many. So there are limits. But again we need toask questions here. How many is too many? Would the comfortable carryingcapacity of the Earth be far greater if the industrial and banking elite were notdestroying the food-growing potential of the Third World and if suppressedscientific and technological understanding were made available to everyone? Havethe projected future numbers been purposely exaggerated to justify a policy ofglobal eugenics? The answers to those questions, I believe, are: more than we havenow; yes; and yes. When you read the findings of the Club of Rome publicationsand others like Global 2000, and you look at the people behind them and theirhistory of support for eugenics, its not hard to appreciate that these reports arereally excuses for the culling of those areas of the world population considered to beof inferior stock, i.e. the non-white peoples and even those considered inferioramong the whites. In political language it comes out something like this: .. .themost fundamental point underlying all American foreign policy needs isoverpopulation.58 Those words were spoken by Robert McNamara (CFR, TC, Bil),one of the men behind the Global 2000 report. At the centre of all this is again the name Rockefeller. In 1952, after decades offunding and supporting eugenics, John D. Rockefeller III established his PopulationCouncil, which still exists today. This Elite-front has been calling for zeropopulation growth in the United States and, in the words of its 1979 annual report:the spread of government-supported family planning programs throughout thedeveloping ie. non-white sector and the spread of the zero populationmovement and the Club of Rome’s Malthusianism in the developed countries.59Malthusianism is named after Thomas Robert Malthus, the guy I mentioned in thelast chapter. He was a paid agent of the British East India Company, which inflictedopium on the Chinese. His population theories were designed to justify the need tokeep down the lesser genetic stock, whom he saw as little more than animals.Officials of the Population Council were strongly represented among the ‘outsideconsultants’ called in by the authors of Global 2000 and Global Future.The head of the Global 2000 task force appointed by Cyrus Vance was Gerald O.Barney, the supervisor of another Rockefeller environment/ population controlstudy, The Unfinished Agenda. Other agencies which supported the preparation ofthe report included The World Wildlife Fund,60 headed by Prince Philip (Bil) andbacked by Prince Charles (Bil), Prince Bernhard (Bil), and the Hapsburg Family; theInstitute for World Order, created by C. Douglas Dillon under the direction ofBertrand Russell (Comm 300); and the Draper Fund-Population Crisis Committeeestablished by the eugenics promoter, William Draper; and the Elite-controlledAspen Institute. In 1965, an organisation inspired by the Council on ForeignRelations was launched called the Agenda 2000 group. This produced a report coauthored by Zbigniew Brzezinski (TC, CFR, Bil) which called for an end topopulation growth in the Third World. The same year, George Ball (TC, CFR, Bil),the then Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs in the JohnsonAdministration, appointed a task force to investigate the ‘problem’ of populationgrowth. Appointed to the task force, which later became the Office of PopulationAffairs, were…Cyrus Vance (TC, CFR, Bil, Comm 300), who instigated the Global2000 Report to the President, and Richard Gardner (TC, CFR, Comm 300) whowould later become ambassador to Italy for Jimmy Carter and United Nationsadvisor to President Bill Clinton. Look how those demanding a New World Orderof centralised global political and economic control are also those who wantpopulation control – eugenics. This is the thinking behind the Club of Rome and theGlobal 2000 Report, which are so often quoted by the environmental movement!Wars have been used blatantly and without mercy to enforce population controlin non-white countries. Two of the main US military commanders in Vietnam wereMaxwell Taylor and William Westmoreland, both members of the Population CrisisCommittee-Draper Fund and committed to population control. The genocide by PolPot in Cambodia was one of the most obvious examples of the culling of a non-whitepopulation. Millions died as an estimated 32 per cent of the Cambodian populationwere murdered.61 There were many people responsible for this, including HenryKissinger, a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Kissinger, a legendary supporter of theChinese communist regime, has been the key voice in American-Chinese relations since the time of Richard Nixon. His attempts to undermine the established orderwere highlighted in 1969 when he and his president authorised the illegal bombingof Cambodia. They used the excuse that they were attacking North Vietnamesetroops stationed there during the Vietnam War.This genocide was the subject of an article of impeachment against Nixon put tothe House Judiciary Committee in 1974 in the wake of Watergate, but it wasdefeated. Kissinger always claimed the Khmer Rouge were the agency of the NorthVietnamese when in fact Kissinger’s Red China was behind them. Using the excuseof attacking the Khmer Rouge to stop their assault on the Cambodian capital,Phnom Penh, the US forces launched a campaign of terror bombing on that country.Nearly 80,000 bombing sorties by B-52s and F-111s have been officially confirmedand they dropped 539,129 tons of explosives. The number of Cambodian dead isestimated at anything at between 30,000 and 500,000.62 But the biggest carnage wasstill to come because the devastation caused by the Kissinger-Nixon policy madethe takeover by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge inevitable. The US ‘ambassador’ toRed China during this period, the man who communicated between the communistregime and his boss, Henry Kissinger, was George Bush.63 Cambodia was, at least inpart, about population culling, in my view.Kissinger took over from Averell Harriman as the ‘shuttle-diplomat’ of the Elite.Kissinger is always flitting around, manipulating the American administration andforeign governments. In 1969 he was head of both the State Department and theNational Security Council in the Nixon Administration. Nixon may have beenofficially president, but Kissinger ran the government. At his suggestion, Nixonnamed Laurance Rockefeller (TC, CFR, Bil) to lead a special commission onpopulation growth. This recommended in 1972 that population control beintroduced in America (i.e. among the ‘lesser’ stock). After discussions with theClub of Rome, of which he is a prominent member, Kissinger later established twoother population control organisations within the departments of governmentwhich he controlled with an iron fist. In the years 1968 to 1977, the USAIDprogramme for expenditure on health projects dropped by $40 million, while thosedirected at population control went up by $100 million. In 1974, Kissinger and theRhodes Scholar, Brent Scowcroft (CFR, TC, Bil), supervised the production of theNational Security Study Memorandum 200, called Implications Of WorldwidePopulation Growth For US Security And Overseas Interests. It has now beendeclassified and reveals some of the true motivations behind America’s enthusiasmfor population reduction in the developing world.Continued population growth in these regions, the document said, wouldincrease their political, economic, and military power in a number of these countriesand would lead to an increase in demands for sovereign control of resources and toanti-imperial movements. This is a long-winded way of saying that these countrieswould wish to run their economies for their own benefit and not America’s. Planstherefore had to be developed, it said, to remove opposition to population control.