The countries the Kissinger-Scowcroft memorandum highlighted for specialattention were India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia, and Colombia. Look at what hashappened in these countries since 1974.In the Memorandum, Kissinger said that the truth behind the motivation forpopulation control had to be kept secret from the leaders of these countries:It is vital that the effort to develop and strengthen a commitment on the part of lessdeveloped countries not be seen by them as an industrialised country policy to keeptheir strength down or to reserve resources for use by the ‘rich’ countries. Developmentof such a perception could create a serious backlash adverse to the course ofpopulation stability.In the early 70s, Kissinger asked the State Department’s Office of PopulationAffairs to produce a study targeting Central/South America and Africa. This led,to a considerable degree, to the engineering of ‘civil wars’ in the countries ofCentral America and Africa which have caused so much famine, death, andsuffering beyond imagination. It was a means to reduce the targeted population ofthe world, as are designer diseases. The US-Kissinger (Elite) policy was articulatedby Thomas Ferguson, the Latin American case officer for the Office of PopulationAffairs. He said:There is a single theme in all our work – we must reduce population levels. Either theygovernments do it our way, through nice clean methods, or they will get the kind ofmess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran, or in Beirut all Kissinger engineered.Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control it requiresauthoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it. Or rather, you need the ‘problem’to justify fascism….The professionals aren’t interested in lowering population for humanitarianreasons…We look at resource and environmental constraints. We look at our strategicneeds, and we say that this country must lower its population – or else we will havetrouble. So steps are taken. El Salvador is an example where our failure to lower thepopulation by simple means has created the basis for a national security crisis. Thegovernment of El Salvador failed to use our programmes to lower their population. Nowthey get a civil war because of it. …There will be dislocation and food shortages. Theystill have too many people there.64Some more of Mr Ferguson’s little gems include:To reduce the population quickly you have to pull all the males into the fighting and killsignificant numbers of fertile, child-bearing age, females… Speaking of the civil war inEl Salvador he said You are killing a small number of males and not enough fertilefemales to do the job on population…If the war went on for 30 to 40 years like this,then you might accomplish something. Unfortunately sic, we don’t have too manyinstances like that to study. I know it’s horrible to know that anyone can see life in such terms, but MrFerguson is outlining very well the attitude of the Elite, its US State Department,and the Club of Rome. When prominent environmentalists stand in front of crowdsof non-white peoples in the Third World telling television cameras that we musthave population control, they are helping the Elite’s agenda. Some will know that,many will not, but the effect is the same. I am in favour of all peoples having thechoice not to conceive children if that is their wish. Choice, however, is not a wordthe manipulators can spell. Again look at the timing of the launch for so many ofthe population control initiatives by Kissinger and others: the late 60s and early 70s,just as the Club of Rome was getting started. Coinciding with the Club’s beginningsin 1968, came the book by Professor Paul R. Ehrlich, The Population Bomb, which hassold upwards of 20 million copies. In that he said:Our position requires that we take immediate action at home and promote effectiveaction worldwide. We must have population control at home, hopefully through a systemof incentives and penalties, but by compulsion if voluntary methods fail…We can nolonger afford merely to treat the symptoms of the cancer of population growth; thecancer itself must be cut out.66Ehrlich was a biologist at the Elite-controlled Stanford University and his wife,Anne, was a member of the Club of Rome.67 He said that compulsory birth controlcould be imposed by governments via the addition of temporary sterilants to watersupplies or staple food.68 Shortly, when we come to the Report from IronMountain, you will see the even greater relevance of this statement. The ‘brutal andtough-minded’ decisions which Ehrlich said would be required are evident in HenryKissinger’s much-loved abode, China. It was here that the one-child-per-family policywas implemented and paid for directly, or indirectly, by the United Nations. Westernand Chinese observers have spoken of seeing thousands of women rounded up andforced to have abortions; of women locked in detention centres or hauled beforemass rallies and harangued into consenting to abortions; of vigilantes abductingpregnant women on the streets, hauling them off, sometimes handcuffed and trussed,to abortion clinics. There are much worse stories even than those.The United Nations network of organisations is awash with interlinkedpopulation control policies and eugenics. Behind them all is the Elite’s secretgovernment. When the UN secretary general, U Thant, started the UN Fund forPopulation Activities, it was administered by one Paul Hoffman (CFR, Bil), a USchief of foreign aid, trustee of the Institute of Pacific Relations and administrator ofthe Ford Foundation funds. He was also a member of the London-Wall Streetfinancial clique. Professor Jacqueline Kasun, an outspoken opponent of UNpopulation policies in her book, The War Against Population, revealed the network ofagencies linked to the UN Fund for Population:Deriving its income from the United States and other governments, it provides supportto numerous ‘non-governmental organisations’, including the Rockefellers’ Population Council, the Population Action Council, Worldwatch, the Population Crisis Committeeand Draper Fund, and the Centre for Population Activities. These organisations in turnmake grants to each other and still other organisations.69The Elite’s World Bank, which is supposed to make grants to help thedevelopment of the poorer countries, also has population control at the top of itsagenda. In 1992, the World Bank President, Lewis Preston (CFR) said at the RioEarth Summit that he would increase substantially the bank’s support forpopulation control – later pledging to double the money made available. The bank’sInternational Safe Motherhood Initiative is a joint project with the InternationalPlanned Parenthood Federation, Family Care International, the Population Council(funded by US government aid programmes), and other agencies. These includeseveral from the UN such as the Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World HealthOrganisation (WHO). This ‘initiative’ involves forced birth control on pain ofeconomic reprisals. As President Preston said, the Safe Motherhood agenda wouldbe integrated into the bank’s policy dialogue with developing countries. Cut yourpopulation or you get no cash. There, Mr Preston, that’s a simpler way to put it.Robert McNamara (TC, CFR, Bil), the head of the World Bank in the 1970s, is avehement campaigner for population control. The threat of unmanageablepopulation pressures is very much like the threat of nuclear war he said in theBoston Globe in 1982. This is the mindset of the organisation which controls’development’ funding in the Third World.So the Club of Rome and its associated connections within the United Nations,the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and nation governments has therole in the network to promote the use of the environment to demand centralisedcontrol and eugenics. The Club of Rome was launched publicly in 1968, just a fewyears after a group of invited ‘experts’ met in the United States to prepare a reportwhich, it is plain to see, was to inspire the sort of policies I’ve just described.The Report from Iron Mountain70This was the secret report of the Special Study Group of fifteen people broughttogether during the Kennedy years. The proposal for the study group came around1961 and it was established in August 1963. Among those assembled is claimed bysome researchers to have been John Kenneth Galbraith (CFR), the Keynesianeconomist. The first and last meetings were at Iron Mountain, an undergroundfacility near the town of Hudson, New York. It is a place where importantdocuments are stored and the base for the emergency corporate headquarters forcorporations like Standard Oil of New Jersey (the Rockefellers, Exxon),Manufacturers Hanover Trust (Rothschilds), and Shell. The content of the reportwas revealed by one of the group who believed the public should know what itcontained. This group member had the code name ‘John Doe’ and his friend,Leonard C. Lewin, produced a document summarising the Iron Mountain report. Ihave a copy of this.71 It says that the idea for the study came from members of theKennedy Administration like Robert McNamara (TC, CFR, Bil), McGeorge Bundy (TC, CFR, Bil), and Dean Rusk (TC, CFR, Bil). The brief was to study theimplications of a world without war while still maintaining the control of thepopulation wielded by war and the fear of war. Part of the report said:There is no question that a universal requirement that procreation be limited to theproducts of artificial insemination would provide a fully adequate substitute control forpopulation levels. Such a reproductive system would, of course, have the addedadvantage of being susceptible to direct eugenic management. Its predictable furtherdevelopment – conception and embryonic growth taking place wholly under laboratoryconditions – would extend these controls to their logical conclusion. The ecologicalfunction of war under these circumstances would not only be superseded, butsurpassed in effectiveness.The indicated immediate step – total control of conception with a variant of theubiquitous ‘pill’, via water supplies or certain essential foodstuffs, offset by a controlled’antidote’ – is already under development.Remember this was the 1960s. More than thirty years have passed since thenand such an ‘indicated immediate step’ was ‘already under development’. Sowhat the hell is going on today in our water supplies and essential foodstuffs,both of which are largely controlled by Elite companies? Also, just look again atwhat Professor Paul Ehrlich said in his book, The Population Bomb, publishedtwo years after this secret report was completed in 1966. He said thatgovernments could enforce birth control by the addition of temporary sterilantsto water supplies or staple food…. Yet another amazing coincidence. The ReportFrom Iron Mountain laid out the functions of war which new policies wouldhave to replace:1 Economic. War has provided both ancient and modern societies with a dependablesystem for stabilising and controlling national economies. No alternate method ofcontrol has yet been tested in a complex modern economy that has shown itselfremotely comparable in scope or effectiveness.2 Political. The permanent possibility of war is the foundation for stable government; itsupplies the basis for general acceptance of political authority. It has enabledsocieties to maintain necessary class distinctions, and it has ensured thesubordination of the citizen to the state, by virtue of the residue war powers inherentin the concept of nationhood. No modern political ruling group has successfullycontrolled its constituency after failing to sustain the continuing credibility of anexternal threat of war.3 Sociological. War, through the medium of military institutions, has uniquely servedsocieties, throughout the course of known history, as an indispensable controller ofdangerous free-thinking social dissidence and destructive antisocial tendencies. Ecological. War has been the principle evolutionary device for maintaining asatisfactory ecological balance between gross human population and supplies availablefor survival. It is unique to the human species.Very nice, I’m sure. So what did these ‘experts’ suggest as alternatives to furtherworld wars? Unite the people behind the controllers under the threat of war orsome other form of destruction and keep them in a permanent state of fear,therefore dependent on their perceived ‘saviours’. In the light of this need to controlwithout world war, the Report From Iron Mountain proposed the following forconsideration:An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force a world army nowcalled the United Nations Peace Keeping Force and NATO; an established andrecognised extraterrestrial menace now being engineered with the themes of horriblealiens and a possible invasion of Earth?; massive global environmental pollution;fictitious alternate enemies; a modern, sophisticated form of slavery; new religions orother mythologies; a comprehensive programme of applied eugenics.All of these things have emerged since the report was completed. There you seethe proposal for the environmental threat/eugenics scenario which was to followvery soon afterwards. The report called for the establishment of a secret War/PeaceResearch Agency using unaccountable funds which would study both the peaceand war options. Among the research required, said the report, was the…determination of minimum and optimum levels of destruction of life, property,and natural resources prerequisite to the credibility of external threat essential to thepolitical and motivational functions and the frequency of occurrence, length ofphase, intensity of physical destruction, extensiveness of geographical involvement,and optimum mean loss of life. This is the deeply imbalanced state of mind behindthose who promote and manipulate into being the New World Order, and conflictsare created to fit in with this plan – the war in the former Yugoslavia being anotherexample.In this chapter, I have described the network of Round Table-Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs-Council on Foreign Relations-Bilderberg Group-TrilateralCommission-United Nations-European Union-Club of Rome, which togetherconstitute a secret government of the world acting outside and above whatlaughably passes as the ‘democratic process’. I have further shown that themembers of these groups follow a long tradition of manipulators working from thesame agenda of world government, central bank, currency, and army, and agenetically engineered, microchipped population. But the organisation behind theNew World Order coup d’etat is far wider and more complex than this network offront organisations. They are a vital part, but only a part, of the Pyramid of Deceit.It is on that pyramid the spotlight will now be turned. SOURCES1 Noam Chomsky, What Uncle Sam Really Wants (Odonian Press, fifth printing, Berkeley,California, 1993) pl22 Ibid3 Ibid p244 Hans Heymann, Plan For Permanent Peace (Harper & Brothers, New York, 1941) p785 Time for all Good Europeans to Come to the Aid of Our Venture. The European (July7th-13th 1995) p66 RIIA Annual Report 1992-937 Ibid8/9 Barings and S.G. Warburg have appeared many times in my research into the globalmanipulation, and I do not believe that the collapse of one and the takeover of the other in1995 was an accident. The idea that one trader in the Far East, Nick Leeson, could be givenenough power to destroy Barings is ridiculous. I believe the Bank of England was involved inthe collapse. And the Bank of England is a tool of the Global Elite.10 All of this information comes from the RIIA Annual Report, 1993-9411 The Shadows Of Power: The Council On Foreign Relations And The American Decline, p7112 Quoted in The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p213 Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, The Wise Men: Six Friends And The World They Made -Acheson, Bohlen, Harriman, Kennan, Lovett, McCloy (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1986)pl22, 30514 Quoted by J. Anthony Lukas in The Council On Foreign Relations: Is It A Club? Seminar?Presidium? Invisible Government?, New York Times magazine (November 21st 1971)P125-12615 Elite Clique Holds Power In US, Indianapolis News (December 23rd 1961) p616 I can recommend an excellent book by William F. Jasper about the UN: Global Tyranny…Step By Step. The United Nations And The Emerging New World Order (Appleton, Wisconsin,Western Islands, 1992)17 Which World Will It Be? American Opinion, Reprint Series (The John Birch Society,Appleton, Wisconsin, 1970)18 Quoted in The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p24819 Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File (’76 Press, Seal Beach, California, 1976) pl5620 Treason At Maastricht, pl521 Global Tyranny…Step By Step. The United Nations And The Emerging New World Order,p24122 Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, The Wise Men, p28923 Merry and Serge Bromberger, Jean Monnet And The United States Of Europe, pl2324 Ernst H. van der Beugel, From Marshall Aid To Atlantic Partnership (Elsevier Publishing,Amsterdam, New York, 1966) p245 25 Quoted by James J. Drummey in The Establishment’s Man (A Profile Of George Bush)(Appleton, Wisconsin, Western Islands, 1991) p9226 Treason At Maastricht, p5227 For more on this, see Treason At Maastricht, ppll8-12528 Richard N. Gardner The Hard Road To World Order, Foreign Affairs (magazine of the CFR)(April 1974) p558-55929 Where I use the term (Bil) this refers to people known to have attended Bilderberg Groupmeetings. Some will know the real agenda, but others will have been invited along inignorance, to be sold the Elite line that World Government is good for you. Where peoplehave attended a series of Bilderberg meetings, or if they are the chairman or on the steeringcommittee, they will know the real situation.30 Joseph Retinger, The European Continent? (Hodge, London, 1946)31 Ibid32 Treason At Maastricht, pl733 Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, p39, and Trilateralism, The Trilateral Commission And TheElite Planning For World Management (edited by Holly Sklar, South End Press, Boston, USA,1980)p18234 Trilateralism, pl8335 Trilateralism, pl66-16736 Washington Observer Newsletter (July 1st 1971)37 Later the International Institute of Strategic Studies. The Ford Foundation gave $150,000over three years (Trilateralism, pl87)38 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p26739 The Sunday Times (December 17th 1995) p1, section 340 John Smith attended the April 1986 Bilderberg meeting in Gleneagles, Scotland, which waschaired by Lord Roll of Ipsden. Also there were David Steel, the then leader of the BritishLiberal Party; Denis Healey; Lord Home; Garret Fitzgerald, the Irish Prime Minister; LordYoung, the UK Secretary of State for Employment; Malcolm Rifkind, the Secretary of Statefor Scotland and later Defence and Foreign Secretary; Helmut Schmidt, former Chancellor ofGermany Helmut Kohl, the present Chancellor is also a Bilderberger; Lord Boardman,chairman of the National Westminster Bank; Henry J. Heinz II, chairman of Heinz and Co;Paul R. Jolles, chairman of Nestle S.A.; John Sainsbury, chairman of J. Sainsbury pic;Conrad Black; Andrew Knight; and Paul A. Volcker, the chairman of the US Federal Reserve,also an executive of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.41 The Spotlight, Special Report on the Bilderberg Group and the Shadow Government (Reprint,September 1991)42 Publicity material, European-Atlantic Group, 6 Gertrude Street, Chelsea, London SW10 OJN43 Where I use the term (TC) or (CFR) after a person’s name it denotes someone who is amember of those organisations, had been a member, or would later become one. As withthe Bilderberg Group, it does not necessarily mean that these people all know what is goingon. Many of them are probably being used without their knowledge. Those who know the realgame plan are pretty obvious. 44 Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: Americas Role In The Technetronic Era (VikingPress, New York, 1970) p945 Trilateralism, p7846 Quoted in Trilateralism, pl9747 Los Angeles Times (January 23rd 1977) p148 Quoted by Dr John Coleman in The Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of300 (America West Publishers, Bozeman, MT, USA, 1992) pl549 Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File (76 Press, Seal Beach, California, 1976) pl5250 Executive Intelligence Review Special Report, Global 2000: Blueprint For Genocide, pl651 Julian L. Simon and Herman Kahn (editors), The Resourceful Earth: A Response To Global2000 (Basil Blackwell Inc., New York, 1984) p34-3552 Free energy technology harnesses the Earth’s magnetic energy field and turns it into usablewarmth and power. There are a number of versions of this – all suppressed. It would bevirtually cost-free and require no electricity pylons or national grid. See The Robots’Rebellion.53 The World Federalists movement was formed in 1947 by two pillars of the CFR, James P.Warburg and Norman Cousins. Its slogan was one world or none. The United WorldFederalists amalgamated three groups, the World Federalists, Student Federalists, andAmericans United for World Government.54 Jim MacNeil, Pieter Winsemius and Taizo Yakushiji, Beyond Interdependence: The MeshingOf The World’s Economy And The Earth’s Ecology (Oxford University Press, New York, 1991)55 Lester R. Brown, State Of The World 1991: A WorldWatch Institute Report On ProgressToward A Sustainable Society (W.W. Norton, New York, 1991) p356 Mikhail Gorbachev addressing the 1990 Global Forum Conference of spiritual and politicalleaders in Moscow, January 1990.57 Gorbachev Turns Green, New York Times (August 14th 1991)58 Quoted in the Executive Intelligence Review Special Report, Global 2000, Blueprint forGenocide, p359 Ibid pl560 Now the World Wide Fund for Nature61 Russell R. Ross, Cambodia: A Country Study (G.P.O., Washington, USA, 1990) p5162 Cambodia: A Country Study, p4663 The US did not have diplomatic relations with China at this time and ‘ambassador’ Bush, infact, headed the US Liaison Office there. There was no US embassy.64 Executive Intelligence Review Special Report, p28-3065 Ibid66 Dr Paul R. Ehrlich, The Population Bomb, 1st Edition (Ballantine Books, New York, 1968)Prologue67 William Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse (Light Technology Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1991)p71 68 The Population Bomb, p88,13569 Professor Jacqueline Kasun, The War Against Population (Ignatius Press, San Francisco,1988)p200-20170 Report From Iron Mountain On The Possibility And Desirability Of Peace. With introductorymaterial by Leonard C. Lewin (Pirate Press, England)71 According to the foreword to the document I have, John Doe was a professor at a largeuniversity in the mid-west of America. His field of work was one of the social sciences.