he protocols describe the Masons on the lower levels of degree – the greatmajority – as a part of a ‘show army’ who are there only to kick dust in the eyes oftheir fellows. Everyone is manipulating everyone else. Unless we know the secretsociety background of people employed by the controlling institutions, be it thepolice, politicians, doctors, military officers, editors and journalists, or governmentofficials, and unless we know what that secret society truly stands for, how can wepossibly know what agenda those who run a country or community are working from? These people pledge their total allegiance to their secret society in these ritualceremonies, so what happens to their allegiance to the public they have been electedor appointed to serve? While people in the secret societies are allowed into suchpositions of control and influence without even having to acknowledge theirmembership, the whole system is open to the most outrageous corruption. And thatis what happens. The system is outrageously corrupt. Not every member is corrupt;most are not. But it doesn’t take many to have a terrific impact on society.Once you have Freemasons in the top positions, who decide which people arerecruited or promoted within an organisation, you can make sure that fellowFreemasons get into the key positions of power. One generation of Freemasonsfollows another as the baton is handed over. When you have achieved this you canrun an organisation or a country almost as you like. Or a world. Freemasons alsocommit themselves to helping each other in distress. That sounds very nice, butwhat about those who are not part of the club, the ‘Profane’, as we are called? Doesthat mean we are subject to lesser consideration when faced with a Freemason inauthority? In at least a number of cases, the answer is most certainly yes. TheFreemasons have a series of signs and words which allow them to recognise eachother, including the funny handshake. These also include the Freemasons’ sign forgrief and distress (i.e. Get me out of trouble), the verbal version of which is: Willno-one help the widow’s son? The widow’s son is Hiram Abif.These signs and signals come in very handy when you are arrested byFreemason police officers or appear in court before a Freemason judge. It doesn’talways work, of course, but we are kidding ourselves if we think it doesn’t happen.The political determination to tackle this dangerous injustice is simply not there,because either the politicians involved – of all parties – are Freemasons themselvesor connected with the wider network, or they are frightened to act because theirposition depends on them not upsetting the secret society elite. Some leadingpoliticians are high ranking Freemasons. Lord Palmerston, the British PrimeMinister at the time of the opium wars against China, was the Grand Patriarch ofthe Grand Orient Illuminati version of the order. The former French president,Francois Mitterand (Comm 300), was also a Grand Master of the Grand Orient.6Most of the names I have mentioned in the book, those involved with theTrilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, andall the rest will also be Freemasons or members of some connected secret society.But they are all answerable to the same master – the Global Elite. In most countriesthere is an elite Freemasonry ‘cell’ which is particularly powerful and which may beunknown even to some high ranking Freemasons. There are many cells linked tothe Illuminati-controlled forms of Freemasonry, the Grand Orient Lodges. TheFrench Revolution was partly hatched and coordinated by the Grand Orient Lodgein Paris. In Britain there are, according to some, an elite cell called the Parlour Cluband a European elite group called the Club of the Isles.7 In the US they have the theSkull and Bones Society, which is closely related to Freemasonry, and so is theOrange Order which is at the heart of the Northern Ireland conflict. The RoundTable is designed on Freemasonic lines and links in with that network. The infamous Knights of Malta are another elite organisation which coordinates itscovert activities with Illuminised Freemasonry and has enormous influence withinthe system. Its official head is the Pope! The best known of the Elite Freemasonrycells is the Propaganda Masonica Due Lodge (P2) based in Italy, but operating inother countries also. When this was discovered, it produced one of the greatestpolitical scandals in history. If we look at the background of the P2, you willappreciate how these Elite Freemasonry cells operate in countries around the worldand the methods they use.Propaganda Masonica Due (P2)The P2 Lodge in Rome was founded in 1877 for those Freemasons who werevisiting the capital from other parts of Italy. It had only fourteen members by themid-1960s, but it was about to be launched into world prominence when it was’restructured’ by Licio Gelli at the request of the Grand Master of Italy, Lino Salvini.Once Gelli took over, the membership of the P2 Lodge soared within a few years toalmost a thousand, although he was almost certainly the vehicle for other powersbehind P2 who kept their control secret. Some researchers believe this hiddencontrol to be the Alpine Freemasons’ Lodge in Switzerland, which has had amongits membership, Henry Kissinger and the founder of the Club of Rome, AurelioPeccei (Bil). Others say this was only the ‘middle man’ between P2 and its realcontrollers, the banking interests centred on the House of Rothschild. P2 initiationceremonies took place at its headquarters in the Excelsior Hotel under thesupervision of a former Grand Master of Italy, Giordano Gamberini, but the namemost associated with P2 is Gelli.Gelli was a fascist supporter of Mussolini during the war and helped to organisethe rat line which smuggled Nazis out of Germany when the Allies invaded. Hefled to Argentina some years later when his background came to light and he mademany political friends there, including the dictator, Juan Peron (for whom hebecame an economic advisor), and Jose Lopez Rega, the man behind the Triple Adeath squads responsible for thousands of murders. Rega raised vast sums bysmuggling cocaine into the United States. When Peron came out of exile to takepower for the second time, he fell on his knees in public to thank Gelli. Many Nazisfled to South America after the war and P2 is closely connected with NaziInternational. Gelli, as a committed fascist, would have been very much at home insuch company. Indeed it was he who helped many Nazis, like Claus Barbie, escapeto South America (which became a bigger version of Germany as it was underHitler). Gelli was close to the Nazi dictator of Nicaragua, Somoza, and he was alsoconnected with the Nazi paramilitary organisation operating in Italy called UGladio (a CIA front).Gelli returned to Italy in the mid-1960s as Argentina’s honourary consul. Hebuilt a network of contacts in high places around him after he became a GrandOrient Freemason in 1965. This was helped by his membership in the Knights ofMalta, which gave him an ‘in’ to the highest levels of the Vatican, a link he and P2were to exploit so effectively. Gelli’s friends in the United States Republican Party invited him to the inauguration of President Reagan in 1981. (Reagan would laterlay a wreath on the graves of SS storm troopers during the 40th anniversaryceremonies of the Second World War, the symbolism of which would have beenvery powerful for the Nazi mentalities in the CIA and the Global Elite, the realcontrollers of the P2.) Gelli also attended the inaugurations of Presidents Carter andFord, and he called himself a friend of George Bush.In July 1981, Gelli’s daughter was stopped at Rome Airport and documents wereconfiscated from the false bottom of her suitcase. They were copies of the UnitedStates document known as Supplement B. This was a supplement to the US FieldArmy Manual FM 30-31. It was dated March 18th 1970 and signed by GeneralWestmoreland. It describes how to destabilise a country through infiltration of thecontrolling organisations and the use of agents provocateur.8 This is precisely whatGelli and his controllers did.Gelli worked successfully to win official recognition for Italian Freemasonryfrom the centre of world Freemasonry, the United Grand Lodge in London. ItalianFreemasonry has a long history of controversy and involvement in politics. It wasbanned by Mussollini, as was German Freemasonry by Hitler, not the least becausethey were both helped to power by secret societies and realised their influence.After the war, the American OSS, the forerunner to the CIA, put pressure on thedesperate Italian government to allow Freemasonry to return and the Mother Lodgein London conferred official recognition. In doing so, they had officially recognisedan organisation that has the closest of connections with the Mafia. These ties goback to the ‘Carbonari’, an amalgamation of Freemasons, the Mafia, and themilitary, which was formed in the nineteenth century to oppose Napoleon. TheCarbonari were also closely linked with the Guelphic Knights – the Black Nobility.Through the 1970s, Gelli was recruiting some of the most powerful people inItalian society into P2 until he had created a state within a state, working from acommon agenda. The names of the membership were known to him and maybe oneor two others. Not even the other members knew all the names on the P2membership list. Using the well-tested Elite structure, he divided the membershipinto two divisions and then subdivided them into a series of other groups. Only theleaders of these groups knew who their members were – and then only those in theirparticular group. P2 members were controlled by the terror of knowing the horrificpenalties for not doing as they were told. When, in March 1981, Gelli’s premiseswere raided by police they discovered 962 names on the P2 membership lists in hisoffice safe and suitcase. There were three cabinet ministers, forty other MPs, fortythree generals, eight admirals and hundreds of civil servants and diplomats, headsof the security services, the chiefs of police in the country’s four biggest cities,industrialists, financiers, TV stars, and twenty-four journalists. I believe strongly thatsomething similar is happening in the United Kingdom and many other countries,which mirrors the methods and aims of P2. Henry Kissinger was believed by someto be a member of P2 or at least a major force in its policy and methods. P2 certainlyhas a powerful foreign membership, which gives it tremendous influence withinEuropean and US intelligence and banking. The Italian Prime Minister, Giulio Andreotti was close to Gelli. When Andreotti stood trial for involvement with theMafia he named his character witnesses as the former United Nations SecretaryGeneral, Perez de Cuellar (a reputed P2 member), and.. .Henry Kissinger.9 Thejournalist, Mino Peccorelli, a member of P2, said it was actually run by the CIA. Hewasn’t allowed to say it for very long, though. Peccorelli was murdered by a meansacknowledged as a Mafia death-ritual for those who say too much. More evidencefor the CIA connection came from former CIA contract agent, Richard Brenneke, inan interview on Italian Television on July 2nd 1990. He said:We the CIA have used the assistance of these people P2 to get in and out of theUnited States drugs and money, and to get in and out of Italy drugs and money. Weused these people to create situations that would favour the explosion of terrorism inItaly and other European countries at the beginning of the 70s. The P2 is still alive andit is still used for the same purposes as at the beginning of the 70s. The CIA hasfinanced the P2 to the tune of $1 million to $10 million per month…That CIA moneywas used for several purposes, one of them terrorism. Another purpose was to obtainsupport in smuggling drugs coming from other countries into the US. There also hasalways been a connection between P2 and the CIA.Brenneke was another who said that Licio Gelli was only the nominal head of P2and the real control came via Switzerland and the United States. The 1970s andearly 1980s were terrible years for Italy. Terrorism sponsored by P2 included thebombing at Bologna Railway Station, in which eighty-five people died in 1980. Aterrorist group called The Red Brigade was blamed for many atrocities, includingthe kidnap and murder in 1978 of the Christian Democrat leader and former PrimeMinister of Italy, Aldo Moro, in which five of his bodyguards also died. Terroristgroups like the Red Brigade and the Baader-Meinhoff Gang in Germany are not allthat they seem. As with these two groups, their members are often trained by theCIA or other Elite organisations. They are part of the problem-reaction-solutionprocess, a cover for the assassination of ‘difficult’ people, and a means to destabilisesocieties. At the hearing into the death of Aldo Moro, several members of the RedBrigade said they knew of high level US involvement in his murder. On November10th 1982, the court heard devastating testimony from a close associate of Moro,Gorrado Guerzoni. He said that a top United States politician had threatened Morothat unless he changed his policies he would be dealt with. Moro wanted to stabiliseItaly, the US politician wanted to destabilise her. Aldo Moro’s wife, in her evidence,also said that a high ranking United States political figure had told her husband:Either you stop your political line or you will pay dearly for it. Who was the manthat Gorrado Guerzoni named in court?Henry Kissinger.This was widely reported in Italy, but not a single word appeared in the NewYork Times or the Washington Post, even though one of America’s most famous people had been accused in a court of law with involvement in the death of a leadingforeign politician kidnapped and murdered by a terrorist gang. Free press? Surethere is. When Moro was kidnapped, the Italian government refused to negotiate hisrelease. This was strange because they had negotiated when others had beenabducted. His family could not understand it at the time. It was as if the authoritiesdidn’t want him released. The truth was that they didn’t. The Elite conspiracy doesnot have an allegiance to one country or political system. It has its members in allparties and countries and they cooperate for their common aims. To them bordersand countries do not exist, except as a means to play one side against another.Two significant names found on the P2 membership list were the financiers,Roberto Calvi and Michele Sindona. It was while investigating the fake kidnappingof Sindona and his work as financial advisor to the Vatican and the Mafia that thepolice uncovered Gelli’s P2 scandal. The Roman Catholic Church had longoutlawed Freemasonry within its ranks, although many of its clergy and officialsare members. During the period of Gelli, however, when official Vatican hostility toFreemasonry was significantly reduced, the P2 Lodge took over the Papal Statethrough the infiltration by Gelli, Calvi, and Sindona. The Pope through these yearsof P2 infiltration was Pope Paul VI and it was he who reduced the opposition toFreemasonry within the Roman Catholic Church. Interestingly, a Canadianpublisher, Daniel Scallen, employed the Pinkerton Detective Agency of New York toinvestigate the Pope’s behaviour. A detective went to Rome in 1973 and reportedthat there were two Pope Pauls in the Vatican! He reckoned that plastic surgery hadbeen used to make an impostor resemble the Pope. When you see different close-uppictures of the Pope from this time, it is certainly feasible. There do appear to bedistinct differences. Tapes of the Pope’s speeches at Christmas and Easter wereanalysed by the FBI and found to be the voices of different people. During hisinvestigations, the Pope’s niece admitted to the detective that there was indeed animpostor, and his family (who visited the real Pope regularly at the Vatican) wasaware of this, she said. The investigation ended when the detective was arrested inRome and sentenced to four years in prison. He was later deported and then’disappeared’. There were some who found it far-fetched when I said in The Robots’Rebellion that look-alikes were used for some public figures. It isn’t, you know. Ithas now been shown that the Saddam Hussein we saw after the Gulf War was notthe same man we saw before the war. It was a plastic-surgery-created look-alike.10When the P2 scandal broke, top ranking Vatican officials were implicated,including the Secretary of State, Cardinal Villot. It was Villot, according to StephenKnight’s book, The Brotherhood, who many believe applied pressure on the RomanCatholic hierarchy to tone down its opposition to Freemasonry. He was also named,in another investigation by David Yallop called In God’s Name, as a prime suspectin the murder of Pope John Paul I, who died after only 33 days in office in 1978.This Pope perhaps knew something of what was going on, both in terms ofFreemasonry infiltration and the stealing of Vatican wealth. The ‘Christian’ wing ofthe All-Seeing Eye cult wants to infiltrate and destroy Christianity in the same wayits Jewish membership are working to undermine Judaism. Maybe Pope John Paul