I was determined to act to bring an end to the manipulation, although others say hewas an Illuminati Pope. Anyway, he was found dead, murdered by agents of P2,and this was covered up with lies about ‘natural causes’. The doctors who wereallowed to examine him appeared confused, with each suggesting a different cause- heart attack, cancer, and brain tumour. Take your pick. Many believe he waspoisoned, but the truth was never investigated by the authorities. He was founddead at 5.30am and by 9.30am his body had been embalmed and his intestinesremoved and burnt. There was no post mortem. Standsfield Turner (CFR), theformer CIA director, said that Pope John Paul’s personal physician, one of the firstto examine his body, was an asset of the CIA. Cardinal Villot himself died in 1979before the P2 story was exposed. In the period leading up to his death, he said thathe would reveal the story of the Pope’s demise, but he never did. The doctors whowere allowed to examine Villot gave the cause of death as bronchialpneumonia. . .sorry, kidney trouble.. .no, hold on, hepatitis.. .no, er, internalhaemorrhage. Remind me not to call the Vatican if I ever need a doctor.Michele Sindona, the P2 member, financial swindler, money launderer, and laterconvicted murderer, became involved with the Vatican bank, L’Istituto per le Operedi Religione (IOR) and introduced his partner, Roberto Calvi, to the bank’s chief,Bishop Paul Marcinkus. Calvi had his own bank, Ambrosiano, in which the Vaticanbank became a major shareholder, thanks to the Freemasonic connections andGelli’s close relationship with the top officials and the Pope. A massive fraudensued and when Banco Ambrosiano collapsed in 1982, it had debts of £800,000,000.The Vatican bank paid creditors £164,000,000 which created a cash crisis for theRoman Catholic Church, similar to the one faced by the protestant Church ofEngland in more recent years.Roberto Calvi, who became known, as did Sindona, as ‘God’s Banker’, fled toAustria and then England, where he arrived on June 15th 1982. Two days later hissecretary, Graziella Corrocher, who kept the books for P2, ‘fell’ from a fourth floorwindow at the Ambrosiano Bank. The following day Calvi was dead, too. He wasfound hanged from scaffolding under Blackfriars Bridge in London, with his pocketsfull of masonry, four miles from the Chelsea Cloisters where he was staying.Even as his body was being found and reported, Italian police and other officialswere chartering a plane to England. They need not have been so hasty, there wereplenty of Freemasons within the London authorities who could cover up hismurder. A City of London Inquest announced a verdict of suicide, which beggarsbelief. A man who wants to kill himself leaves his apartment, where the deed couldhave been done, travels to Blackfriars Bridge and despite suffering from extremevertigo, he climbs down onto scaffolding underneath the arches which he could nothave known was there. He then somehow rigs up the rope, fills his pockets withrubble, and hangs himself. Yeah, sounds feasible. A second inquest in June 1983returned an open verdict, which at least was a little more sensible, though far fromthe outcome the evidence demanded.There was certainly Freemasonic symbolism involved in his death and theMasons love their symbolism. Blackfriars was once the site of a friary church run by a Dominican Order who were called Blackfriars because of the black habits theywore. It was they who expanded the use of pulpits, hence the pulpit is a theme inthe stonework on Blackfriars Bridge. Members of the P2 lodge dressed likeBlackfriars for their rituals. Also, one of the masonic penalties talks of the victimbeing .. .buried in the sand of the sea at low water mark, or a cable’s length fromthe shore, where the tide regularly ebbs and flows twice in twenty four hours….One tarot card depiction of death is also a man hanged beside water. Whatever thedetailed background, Calvi was clearly murdered, either for what he had done orfor what he knew about what had happened. It was probably both. And that is thepenalty faced by many Freemasons who have outlived their usefulness.It would be nice to think that the P2 scandal was an isolated case, but I do notbelieve that to be so. Yet to be uncovered in most countries (certainly in the mostinfluential ones) are, I have no doubt, similar cells of elite Freemasons creating andcontrolling a state within a state. I do not accept, either, that even the P2 has ceasedto exist, nor that the Elite’s control of the Vatican has been purged. One other pointis the name itself, P2. That indicates that somewhere there must be a P1. But where?Almost certainly the United States, or the United Kingdom, possibly both.The Knights of MaltaDuring the period of the Crusades in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries when thePope tried to remove the Muslims from Jerusalem, a number of ‘Knights’ ordersemerged. They included the Knights Templar (Knights of the Temple) and the Orderof Knights Hospitaller of St John of Jerusalem. Both suffered persecution after theCrusades failed, but the Knights Templar survive to this day and their creed formedthe basis of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry with its 33 degrees. The Order of St Johnof Jerusalem changed its name with its changes of location. It became the Knights ofRhodes when it was given the island by the Pope and then the Knights of Malta,which it ruled as a sovereign state until the Order was removed by Napoleon in1798. After a period of nomadic existence, or so their official history says, Pope LeoXII (a dogmatic Catholic extremist) established a new headquarters for the Order inRome in 1834. Today they are called the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and theyenjoy all the diplomatic rights of a head of state. More than forty countries recognisetheir sovereignty and have full diplomatic relations with this official, and oh-soaccurately described, state within a state. By Papal Decree, the international head ofthe Order, the Grand Master, has the rank of prince, the importance of a cardinal,and the title Most Eminent Highness. The overall chief, officially at least, is the Pope.The Knights of Malta are major powerbrokers within the Elite network, with closeties to the Black Nobility and world politics, not the least in the United States.Alexander Haig (CFR), the secretary of state in the Reagan administration, is amember and some believe Reagan may have been. Valerie Giscard d’Estaing, theformer president of France, was also a member. It was d’Estaing (Bil) and formerGerman Chancellor, Helmut Schmidt (Bil), who did so much together to promoteEuropean integration.11 The Order has particularly close links with the securityservices like the CIA. In 1948, it gave one of its most prestigious awards of honour to General Reinhard Gehlen, who was Adolf Hitler’s head of anti-Soviet espionage.After the war, Gehlen was hired by the newly created CIA to organise its operationsin Europe! CIA directors known to be Knights of Malta have been John McCone andWilliam Casey, and so was George Rocca, a deputy chief of CIA counter-intelligence.The Knights of Malta were almost certainly involved in the guns-for-drugs IranContra affair in the US, which brought Oliver North to world public attention. Northwas represented at the hearings by the law firm of Bennett Williams, a Knight ofMalta. One of the Americans who intervened to ensure that selected Nazi personnelescaped from Germany to the United States after the war was the industrialist, J.Peter Grace, the one-time American head of the Knights of Malta.This Order is an ultra-extreme authoritarian organisation which connects withthe highest levels of the Elite web. Research by the writer, Betty Mills, for her 1990book, Colonel North, William Casey, And The Knights Of Malta, reveals that in the1930s there was an attempted coup by the Order in America. At the centre of thiswas the Knight of Malta, John J. Raskob, but it failed when Marine General SmedleyButler refused to take part and instead produced evidence of the plan. Heimplicated Raskob, board chairman of the J.P. Morgan-controlled General Motors,and one of the thirteen founders of the Knights of Malta in the United States.Congressional hearings were held, but amazingly, or perhaps not so amazingly,Raskob was never called to testify. And, as Betty Mills says: It is interesting and atthe same time very disturbing to note that the 1930s plot to seize the White House isnot to be found in history books or encyclopedias as far as we can tell.12 Whocontrols the media and the official versions of history? Correct.Once more we see how the Knights of Malta cross-reference with the otherpieces in the puzzle, including the media. William F. Buckley, the publisher andoilman, is a member of the Skull and Bones Society, the Council on ForeignRelations, and the Knights of Malta. Frank Shakespeare, another Knight, waspresident of CBS Television, vice-chairman of RKO, and the United Statesambassador to the Vatican. Shakespeare has also served on the Elite-controlledHeritage Foundation under the ultra-right chairmanship of Paul Weyrich. This haslinks to the Habsburg family, one of the driving forces behind the Pan EuropeanMovement which led to the European Community, and a key family within theGlobal Elite. The social historian Stephen Birmingham says: The Knights of Maltacomprise what is perhaps the most exclusive club on Earth. They are more than theCatholic aristocracy… they can pick up the telephone and chat with the Pope.13 Iwould go further than that and say they control the Vatican in league with otherElite elements and, far from being the Catholic aristocracy, they are not evenCatholic. This is only a cover for their activities and they worship a very differentversion of ‘god’, the Luciferic Consciousness symbolised by the Pyramid and AllSeeing Eye. The Vatican was controlled by the Elite via the Knights of Malta beforeGelli’s P2 got involved. Indeed, Gelli was a member of the Knights of Malta.The present Pope and official head of the Knights of Malta is the Pole, KarolWojtyla, a former actor and employee of I.G. Farben. He has had one attempt on hislife, which might have been a warning to do as you’re told or else. It’s difficult to say. Certainly he carries with him the bent or broken cross, depicting the distortedfigure of Jesus. This was an invention by Satanists in the fifth century and used byblack magicians. It was outlawed in the Middle Ages. In 1978, the year that PopeJohn Paul I was murdered and Pope John Paul II took over the papacy, a set ofVatican stamps was issued featuring a pyramid and an all-seeing eye.The Orange Order and Sinn FeinBehind the ongoing conflicts in the world’s trouble spots you will find the GlobalElite secret society network manipulating both sides. The news is full of storiesabout freedom fighters and arms struggles around the world. Most of thepeople involved believe they are fighting for freedom in their country orcommunity when they are really being used as part of a coordinated globalrevolution to destroy communities and nation states on the road to worldgovernment. In Northern Ireland, the arms struggle has cost the lives of 3,000people on both ‘sides’ of the so called Catholic and Protestant Divide. At the lowerlevels, there is no doubt that two perceived ‘sides’ exist if only in the minds of thoseinvolved. But the Protestant political and paramilitary groups are underpinned by asecret society, the Orange Order. This is the same secret society controlled by theBlack Nobility that put King William of Orange on the British throne and importedthe Dutch central banking system to Britain in the form of the Bank of England. TheCatholic political and paramilitary wings are also part of the secret society networkand far from fighting for freedom, they are a Lansky-style organised crimesyndicate. Why, at the highest level, can’t they have been working together all alongto play one side against the other in classic modified Hegel fashion while at thesame time projecting at the public mind a belief in two deeply opposing forces?Pollard’s The Secret Societies Of Ireland says that the force behind the revolutions ofEurope had Ireland in its sights:These emissaries from France aimed at bringing England low, and spreading thedoctrine of world-revolution by means of an alliance between the Catholic malcontentsof the South and the Republican Presbyterians of the North.One vehicle for the Irish strand of the world-revolution was the IrishBrotherhood, later the United Irishmen, founded by the Freemasons, Wolfe Toneand Napper Tandy in 1791. The writer and researcher of the eighteenth and earlynineteenth century, Robert Clifford, said that the Irish revolutionary networkmaintained contacts with similar international movements through the IlluministJacobin Club in Paris (a force behind the French Revolution), the RevolutionarySociety in England, and the Scottish Committee of Reform. The Fenian Society, laterthe Irish Republican Brotherhood, was formed between 1857 and 1858 under theguidance of James Stephens who, from the start, saw this Brotherhood as a part ofthe much wider European revolutionary movement. Fenians travelled to Paris tostudy the methods of the Carbonari, the Italian Elite-Brotherhood network, veryclosely connected to the Black Nobility. In 1865, the Fenians joined the secret society network under Karl Marx known as the International Working Mens’ Associationand founded the Irish Brotherhood in London on September 28th 1864, which, withhelp from the American Fenian Brotherhood, was not primarily designed to windemocracy, freedom and justice for the Irish people. It was created to exploit theirthoroughly understandable sense of injustice to further the world (Elite) revolution.Marx saw Ireland as an important weapon to undermine England and it has beenused that way ever since with the Irish people as the pawns of the manipulators onboth ‘sides’. Robert Clifford wrote:What unhappy deluded people then were the lower associates, who were informed ofnothing, but were to be mere agents of rebellion and murder, and were hurried on intothe abyss of horrors by a few political liberties who grasped at dominion, and wished towade to the helm of the state through the blood of their countrymen! …In those partswhere the whole population was Catholic, hand bills were distributed, purporting to bethe Constitution of the Orange Men, which was death and destruction to every Catholic;for, if the common people could once be stirred up to rebellion, it was easy to turn theirminds against government as the centre of the Orange Men.Meanwhile, you say something similar to the Protestants about the Catholicleaders and, bingo, you have the horror of Ireland throughout the twentiethcentury. It is classic modified Hegelianism or, you might also say, Kissingerism orHarrimanism (Figure 10). The secret society network in Ireland is phenomenal forsuch a small population and it is this which led to the creation of Sinn Fein in1905, the political wing of the Irish Republican Army (IRA). This network is, inturn, connected to the webcontrolled by the Global Eliteand it is through this that thewell-documented links betweenthe IRA and other terroristgroups have been coordinated.The New Covenant Times said inits January/March 1994 edition,that the loyalist paramilitarymovement was deliberatelybacked by an MI5 operationcalled Tara with the intentionof creating so much violenceand tit-for-tat murder by boththe IRA and Protestant loyalistparamilitary, that the UKParliament would agree toallow Northern Ireland to be absorbedof Ireland.