This expanded into refineries, a vast chemicalplant, a tanker fleet, and an engineering subsidiary. He began negotiations withEgypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser and the Shah of Iran, to whom he offered 75% of allprofits. Mattei was challenging the Seven Sisters monopoly like no-one had beforeand his competition forced down petrol prices in Italy by a quarter. The last strawfor the Seven Sisters came in October 1960 when Mattei went to Moscow tonegotiate a deal to access the massive oil fields of the Soviet Union. Two years laterto the month, as the pipelines were being constructed to exploit the Soviet reserves,Enrico Mattei was killed when his private plane crashed on a flight from Sicily, thehome of the Mafia, to Milan. Charges of deliberate sabotage continue to this day.The head of the CIA station in Rome, Thomas Karamessines, who would later helpto organise the coup against the Chilean leader, Salvador Allende, left Italyimmediately after the crash without explanation. The CIA chief at the time, theKnight of Malta, John McCone, owned more than $1 million worth of shares inStandard Oil of California, better known as Chevron. At the time of his death,Mattei was arranging to meet President Kennedy, who, according to someresearchers, was pressuring the oil cartel to reach agreement with the Italians. Ayear later Kennedy himself was assassinated.The oil companies, governments, intelligence agencies, the banks, themultinationals, the media: all of these are indivisible because all are owned orcontrolled by the same forces. The intelligence agencies work for the interests of theoil companies and vice versa. Sir Henry Deterding was known to have beenconnected with British Intelligence as was Weetman Pearson (later Lord Cowdray),who sold his Mexican Eagle oil interests to Deterding’s Shell. Pearson (Comm 300)used the profits to establish the Pearson Trust, which owns The Economistmagazine and the London Financial Times. It also holds a substantial share of theinternational merchant bank, Lazard Freres. The Economist was launched in 1843 topress for the abolition of the Corn Laws and the advent of ‘free’ trade.The Oil Price ShocksThe Elite coordinate a single overall policy through the many and various elementsin the pyramid and nothing reveals more obviously how the banks, oil companies,and politicians work in concert than the oil price shocks of the 1970s. Part of theBretton Woods Agreement of 1944 was to make the dollar the world’s premiercurrency and link its value to gold. It was decided that $35 would equal an ounce ofgold and that US gold could be redeemed for dollars. The United Statesgovernment, however, found itself in serious trouble by the early 1970s, as so manydollars were exchanged for gold that US reserves couldn’t cope. An Americanfinancier friend, who has many contacts at high levels in the States, says that since this time there has been little or no gold in Fort Knox, although this is obviouslycovered up. President Richard Nixon decided to suspend the policy of exchangingdollars for gold. This sent the world financial system (those who didn’t knowbeforehand) into chaos. Nixon was acting on the advice of his chief Budget Advisor,George Shultz (CFR, TC, Bil, Comm 300 and later Kissinger Associates), PaulVolcker (CFR, TC, Bil, and future head of the Federal Reserve), and Jack F. Bennett,a future director of the Rockefellers’ Exxon Oil. On Nixon’s shoulder at this timewas Henry Kissinger, of course. The other architects of Nixon’s policy were thefinancial institutions and merchant banks in the City of London.The ‘City’ is alive with Freemasonry and it is no coincidence that such a smallcountry can have so much influence, via the City institutions, on the worldeconomy. The Freemasons, and more particularly Illuminised Freemasonry, run theCity and the UK Government, regardless of which party is nominally ‘in power’.Among the main characters in the manipulation of Nixon at this time were themerchant bankers, Sir Siegmund Warburg, Edmond de Rothschild, and JocelynHambro (Comm 300).13 The dollar was revalued at $38 an ounce, but this was nowonly theoretical, because dollars could not be redeemed for gold. This created the socalled Eurodollar market to handle the investment of the huge flow of dollars inEurope which once bought US gold. This Eurodollar market was based on London’sfinancial centres which made colossal profits from their ‘accidental’ windfall. LordRoll of Ipsden (then Sir Eric Roll), was one who exploited this situation to greateffect and made vast sums for S.G. Warburg. Roll is a former chairman of theBilderberg Group, a Trilateralist, a member of the Committee of 300, and a boardmember of Kissinger Associates.The value of the US dollar plummeted as a result of these events, but delinking thedollar from its exchange for gold was only the first stage in the Elite strategy. In May1973, the Bilderberg Group met on an island at Saltsjoebaden, Sweden, owned by theSwedish banking family, the Wallenbergs (Comm 300). Under the chairmanship ofPrince Bernhard, the meeting brought together 84 leading financial and politicalmanipulators. They included: Lord Roll of Ipsden from S.G. Warburg; HenryKissinger; Robert O. Anderson, owner of Atlantic Richfield Oil; Sir Eric Drake, thechairman of BP; Sir Dennis Greenhill, a director of BP; Rene Granier de Lilliac, ofFrench Petroleum; Gerrit A. Wagner, president of Royal Dutch Shell; Olof Palme(Comm 300), the later assassinated prime minister of Sweden; George Ball of LehmanBrothers; David Rockefeller of Chase Manhattan Bank; Zbigniew Brzezinski, directorof the newly formed Trilateral Commission and future national security advisor toJimmy Carter; Giovanni Agnelli, head of Fiat; Helmut Schmidt, the German FinanceMinister; Otto Wolff von Amerongen of German Chambers of Commerce; and BaronEdmond de Rothschild. Also representing Britain were Denis Healey of the LabourParty and the Conservative, Reginald Maudling, another regular Bilderberger in the1960s and 70s. The meeting was organised by Robert D. Murphy, who, as US Consulin Munich, sent back favourable reports about Adolf Hitler in the 1920s.14At this meeting, a presentation was made that was to affect the entire world.Walter Levy, the US Government’s official oil economist for the Marshall Plan after the war, announced a proposal to increase the price of oil by 400%.15 Just fivemonths later, in October 1973, came the ‘Yom Kippur War’16 when Egypt and Syriaunsuccessfully invaded Israel. It was this excuse that the Arabs used to massivelyinflate the price of oil, cut production, and announce an oil embargo against theUSA for supporting Israel. Yet again the world economy was thrown into a frenzyof pain and turmoil. In Britain, there was a three-day working week to preserve fuelstocks and millions lost their jobs and livelihoods throughout the world. The poorcountries of the Third World were devastated, making them open to the next stagein the strategy – unrepayable debt. The architect of the Yom Kippur War was the USNational Security Advisor and Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. The ‘shuttlediplomacy’ for which he became famous and much revered was, in fact, a policy ofmisrepresenting each side’s position to the others, thus making war inevitable. Thisis what Kissinger did via the Israeli Ambassador in Washington, Simcha Dinitz, andhis diplomatic contacts in Egypt and Syria.17 Look at the wars and terror thatKissinger has been responsible for and then remember this: in this same year, 1973,Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize! There’s nothing like a Nobel PeacePrize to hide what is really going on. Look at some of the other recipients and thetiming. How do you win a Nobel Prize? Start a war secretly and then get the creditfor stopping it. How appropriate that Alfred Bernhard Nobel, after whom the peaceprize is named, made his fortune from the discovery of dynamite and themanufacture of explosives!The Bilderberg Group had secured its enormous rise in the price of oil and sowell had it been done, the manipulators also had someone else to blame for it – theArab oil-producing countries. This is a vital ingredient in every Elite strategy. Makeevents happen, but find someone else to blame for them so that you, the ‘innocentparty’, can step forward with the ‘solutions’ to the problems you have covertlycreated. All of this had been long planned. Look at the sequence of events: through1972 and 1973 before the Yom Kippur War, the multinational oil companies in theUS, like the Rockefellers’ Exxon, had been cutting back on the domestic supply ofcrude oil, reducing stocks to alarming levels in time for the Arab Oil embargo andsoaring prices they knew were planned in late 1973. The oil companies were given afree hand to do this by Nixon on the advice of his aides, who included HenryKissinger and George Shultz. In February 1973, Kissinger, Shultz, and JohnEhrichman (who was implicated in Watergate) were appointed by Nixon as an’energy triumvirate’ and they effectively controlled US energy policy. Three monthslater came the Bilderberg meeting which agreed to the 400% oil price rise. Fivemonths after that came the Yom Kippur War and the price rise and oil embargo onthe USA. With domestic supplies so low, the US economy collapsed. All theseevents dovetailed perfectly.We should not underestimate the role of Britain in this story. Diplomatic sourcesquoted in A Century Of War say that the British and Kissinger worked hand inhand in countless covert projects to manipulate events in other sovereign states.”The British, you know, were very clever” the sources said. “They were willing tolet the Americans do the public dirty work and take the blame, while they worked very effectively on a more discreet level.. .(through).. .Chatham House.. .”18 Andlook at what Kissinger himself said in a speech to the Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs at Chatham House on May 10th 1982. Speaking of the AngloAmerican special relationship, he said:“Our postwar diplomatic history is littered with Anglo-American ‘arrangements’ and’understandings’, sometimes on crucial issues never put into formal documents…TheBritish were so matter of factly helpful that they became a participant in internalAmerican deliberations to a degree probably never before practised between sovereignnations. In my period in office, the British played a seminal role in certain Americanbilateral negotiations…In my White House incarnation, then, I kept the British ForeignOffice better informed and more closely engaged than I did the American StateDepartment.”In my negotiations over Rhodesia, I worked from a British draft with British spellingeven when I did not fully grasp the distinction between a working paper and a Cabinetapproved document. The practice of collaboration thrives to this day…”19The British Foreign Secretaries involved in the negotiations to pull the UK out ofRhodesia were David Owen, then of the Labour Party, and member of the TrilateralCommission a year after leaving office, and.. .Lord Carrington, now chairman of theBilderberg Group, a Trilateralist, and founding board member of his close friend’scompany, Kissinger Associates. Another consequence worthy of note is that the leapin the price of oil suddenly made it far more financially viable to exploit the UK oilreserves in the North Sea by BP, Royal Dutch Shell, and others. In January 1974,Kissinger’s reluctant puppet, The Shah of Iran, demanded and achieved another100% increase in the price of oil by the Organisation of Oil Exporting Countries(OPEC). The 400% increase decided upon by the Bilderberg Group had beenachieved.Third World DebtSo what did the Elite bankers and oil companies gain from the oil price shocks?Money, power, and manufactured dependency for great swathes of humanity. Theeconomic collapse allowed the banks to accumulate yet more land, businesses,people, and control, and their oil companies flourished. In 1974, the Rockefellerowned Exxon replaced General Motors as the biggest American corporation. Butthe real motivation went well beyond that. Part of the deal behind the scenes withthe Arab oil producers was that a large percentage of the billions of dollars theArabs were receiving in extra revenue would be invested in the global Elite banks.The main recipients were Chase Manhattan, Citibank, Manufacturers HanoverTrust, Bank of America, Barclays, Lloyds, and Midland. They then set about’investing’ these enormous revenues in the poor countries of the world in Asia,Africa, and South America, who were forced to borrow to prevent starvation in thewake of the oil price shocks. The Rothschild-controlled Manufacturers Hanover Trust of New York, led the way in this.20 Millions of men, women, and childrensuffered and died from this callously created depression.These loans which caused the debt crisis of the 70s, 80s and 90s were theBilderberg Group’s ‘petrodollar recycling’ strategy at work. The deal with the Arabswas that oil would only be purchased in dollars, and that created another killing forthe holders of dollars and Eurodollars in the USA and London. Kissinger ensuredthat the Saudi Arabians were well supervised. David Mulford, the head of theLondon eurodollar operations of White Weld and Company, was made director andsenior investment advisor to the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, the country’scentral bank. In 1974, 70% of OPEC profits were invested in stocks, bonds, and landoverseas. Sixty per cent of this ($57 billion) went to the financial institutions basedin New York and London in one year alone.But even these incredible sums were nothing compared with the figures therecipient banks were actually lending to the Third World. Banks are allowed to’create’ new money (non-existent credit) many times in excess of the wealth theyhave deposited in their vaults and on their computer screens. If they lent only tentimes the money they received from the Arabs in one year, 1974, they would haveloaned (and charged interest on) $570 billion. But thanks to a banking scam calledfractional reserve lending, they could loan 26 times the funds they had on depositand, in some cases, 66 times! This is the ‘debt’ that has caused such untold famine,poverty, and death in what we call the Third World. It is credit that does not, inreality, exist. A third fact of life on Planet Earth:The so-called third world debt which is crucifying great swathes of our fellowhumanity across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, causing unspeakable misery, isdebt on money that has never, does not, and will never exist!The banks sent out representatives in droves across the Third World, lending moneylike confetti and looking especially for corrupt and incompetent politicians whothey knew would waste it. Why would they do that? Because it was the land andnatural resources of these countries the Elite are after, and still are. They want themto default on their debts, that’s the idea. The plan was to offer them a forgiveness ofdebt in return for rights over those countries’ natural resources for all time. This ishappening today and those leaders who refuse are being removed in ‘people’srevolutions’ and assassinations. The non-existent money was lent to the ThirdWorld at flexible interest rates. If world interest rates went up, the repaymentsincreased. So, lend them the money when interest rates are relatively low, and thenhit them with the sting.Enter Paul Volcker, Margaret Thatcher, and Ronald Reagan at exactly the righttime during the 1980s to launch the madness called monetarism which sent interestrates, and so Third World debt, through the roof. This policy, decided by the Elite’sInternational Banking Commission in Geneva, which swept across the world fromLondon and Washington in the 1980s, began with the appointment by PresidentCarter of Paul A. Volcker as head of the Federal Reserve Board. The President’s right to appoint the chairman of the ‘Fed’ is another little ploy to kid the people that theFederal Reserve is part of the government. Carter was told to appoint Volcker by hispuppeteer, David Rockefeller. Reagan said during his election campaign that hewould replace Volcker. Reagan was elected, but Volcker stayed put. Volcker is a highranking member of the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group.So is his successor, Alan Greenspan. You get the picture? Monetarism, the oil priceshocks, the Yom Kippur War, and Third World debt are all interconnected and part ofa coordinated Elite policy to take over the planet on behalf of the Prison Warders.Across the world in the 1980s, the regulation of the stock markets, banks, andfinancial centres, was dismantled in the name of ‘freedom’. The Elite’s control of theworld financial system reached new heights. Companies which had served thecommunity for a hundred years and offered sound employment to thousands weretaken over on borrowed money by manipulating the share price and then assetstripped and destroyed. We heard the new wisdom of “You can’t buck the markets”and “Set the people free”. They forgot to add “.. .and hand them over to the Elitecartels”. In the United States, Ronald Reagan deregulated the savings and loanssystem through the Garn-St Germain Act of 1982. This opened the doors for thefunds of these businesses to be looted by the CIA, the Mafia, and other organisedcrime. One of them, the Silverado Bank Savings and Loan, was a CIA operation.21 Itcrashed to the tune of billions of dollars which the American taxpayer is having toreplace. On the board of Silverado Savings and Loan and its most prominentdirector, was Neil Bush, the son of George Bush (who had been at the forefront ofderegulation).This was the period of the yuppie, young people who could make hundreds ofthousands of pounds and more in a week by guessing the future price ofcommodies desperately produced for export by the starving Third World. The effectin Africa, Asia, and Latin America, was beyond words. With each percentage rise inworld interest rates, the repayments and the debts themselves soared. All this andmore continues today. Yet despite all this suffering, the interest rate policies of theElite and its political stooges, meant that at the end of each ever more desperateyear, these countries owed more than they had owed twelve months before, withoutborrowing a single extra cent. Meantime, the Elite banks like Citicorp, theRockefeller/Rothschild Chase Manhattan, and the major British banks werereporting record profits.The impression is given that all this debt was the result of stupid and corruptpoliticians in these countries. Yes, there are stupid and corrupt politicians in theThird World, as there are in the House of Commons and the Congress, and the Eliteare quick to seek them out and often promote them into positions of power. Butmany politicians in the Third World are neither corrupt, nor stupid. Their difficulty,once again, is that the banks, multinationals, intelligence agencies, the media, andgovernments, work as one entity to an agreed-upon policy. Because ofcompartmentalisation, most people involved in these organisations don’t evenrealise that this is the case. In August 1976, the heads of 85 non-aligned countries(those not involved with the USA or USSR), met in Colombo, Sri Lanka, to discuss the mounting debt crisis. Their declaration called for a restructuring of the globaleconomic system to remove the rigged, built in, subservience of developingcountries to the industrialised world. It also demanded a resolution to the debtcrisis which was swamping these countries in hunger and disease. The UnitedNations did nothing. And one by one the leaders who signed and promoted theColombo Declaration were removed from office. Frederick Wills, the representativefrom Guyana, was among them. He told the authors of A Century Of War.“The only Third World raw material that did well in the economic arena was oil, but thelarge oil reserves were centred on the Middle East, and manipulation of inter-Arab andArab-Israeli conflicts, together with inculcation of penchant for prestige projects meantthat Third World oil reserves could not be used as factors in Third World development.One by one Third World countries were gripped by inflation and starvation, by low lifeexpectancy and high infant mortality. The Old Order of Canning, Castlereagh, Pitt, andDisraeli remains.”22Note another reason for these policies. The culling of Third World, non-whitepeople. Eugenics. The Castlereagh mentioned there was a nineteenth century BritishForeign Minister who handed over Europe to the New World Order bankers,particularly the House of Rothschild, at the Congress of Vienna in 1815. A devoutstudent of this man’s methods was.. .Henry Kissinger. It was Kissinger whoblackmailed and threatened other developed countries into ignoring the appealsfrom the Third World and it was he, too, who set in motion the events that wouldremove those leaders, among them Indira Gandhi in India. This was done, as inmany other cases, by sending in the IMF to enforce policies of such austerity thatthe leader was blamed and thrown out. By now he had formed his own’consultancy’ called Kissinger Associates, the board members of which wereKissinger, Lord Carrington, Lord Roll of Ipsden, and Robert O. Anderson ofAtlantic Richfield. All except Carrington attended the Bilderberg Group meeting inSweden which agreed the 400% increase in the price of oil. IMF debt restructuringbecame the buzz words for increasing the debts without lending another dollar. Asa result the people of the Third World continue to suffer and all the Live Aids in theworld will not change that unless we address the cause – Elite exploitation with theaim of owning the planet and everything upon it, and the way the people of theThird World are programmed to expect and create that reality.Charity events like Live Aid, Band Aid, and Comic Relief are wonderful in thatthey help to highlight the plight of the developing countries. But we need to beaddressing the cause, so that such charities are no longer needed. Charities are asymbol of a global imbalance. They only exist because of that imbalance. It is notgifts of charity which the Third World needs as a first priority, it is the dismantlingof the system in which the rest of the world live off their backs and bleed them drywith the net outflow of funds and resources to the industrialised countries (readbanks) every year. The greatest gift we can give those people is a new vision of whatthey can achieve and what life can be like if they are determined to grasp it and create that reality. If you were born in unthinkable poverty and despair and in anapparently hopeless situation, you, like everyone else, would believe that life willalways be like that. A day-to-day struggle, just to survive. Such a mindset willcreate, and continue to attract, that reality. Breaking the spiral of despair is vital tothe creation of another and positive reality. There are many ways this can beachieved, but giving people a belief in their own potential and how they can changetheir lives for the better is at the heart of any solution.Stealing the PlanetToday we continue to see the next stage in the Elite/Third World debt strategy: toforgive or restructure the debt in return for land and resources. The environmentalmovement is playing a part, mostly unknowingly, in this. One of the initiativessupported by many in the environmental movement is known as ‘debt for equity’.Under this proposal, the international debt of Third World countries is forgiven inreturn for handing over areas of wilderness and ‘environmentally sensitive’ lands.It is promoted as a system that wins both ways. The debts of poor countries arereduced and these wilderness and other lands are protected. Unfortunately, thegreen movement in general has a very poor record of looking behind thesmokescreens thrown up by the New World Order crowd. Firstly, the scheme wouldnot reduce debt; it would change the nature of it and steal the lands of thesecountries. And secondly, who is behind the idea? Ladies and gentlemen let’s hear itfor.. .David Rockefeller and Baron Edmond de Rothschild! One example of this wassomething called The World Conservation Bank (WCB), which was apparentlyinitiated at the Fourth World Wilderness Conference, held on September 13th 1987at Denver, Colorado, and continued over the following four days at the notoriousAspen Institute for Humanistic Studies. James Baker, the US Treasury Secretary andlong time buddy of George Bush, made a speech in support of the WorldConservation Bank. The official host of the World Wilderness Conference wasGeorge W. Hunt, an accountant and investment consultant, who had done somereading about world conspiracy ‘theories’. This helped him to realise what wasgoing on before the eyes of some genuine environmentalists who had no idea howthey were being manipulated. An interview with George Hunt appeared inMoneychanger magazine in the United States. In that, he explained how the WorldConservation Bank was being designed as a world central bank to create yet moredebt in the Third World and steal the lands of the poor while trumpeting its successin reducing debt and ‘saving the environment’. He said:“…the banker Baron Edmond de Rothschild was at the meeting for six days. Edmond deRothschild was personally conducting the monetary matters and creation of this WorldConservation Bank, in the company of I. Michael Sweatman of the Royal Bank ofCanada. Those two were like Siamese twins, and that’s why I say that it appears theywere running at least the money side of this conference and I would say the conferencewas primarily to get money. Also, David Rockefeller (of Chase Manhattan Bank) wasthere and gave a speech on Sunday…