The British government armed both sides in this conflict and some (but onlysome) of this scandal has surfaced through the Scott Inquiry into illegal arms salesto Iraq. I wonder if this inquiry has heard of a company called Midland IndustrialTrade Services, which is claimed to be the Midland Bank’s secret arms operation.This is based, I am told, behind the facade of an ‘ordinary’ branch of the Midlandin Victoria Street, Westminster, London SW1H ONJ. I wonder also if the ScottInquiry has heard any allegations that Midland Industrial Trade Services wereintroduced to the Iraqis by Kissinger Associates? I’m sure there is nothingwhatsoever in these rumours from very well informed sources. The Midland Bank,that pillar of respectability, involved in secret arms sales? The very thought isridiculous. Isn’t it?The Iran-Iraq war is a grotesque example of modified Hegelianism. The CIAlooked after Khomeini during his exile in Paris to ensure he was ready and waitingto take over when the Shah, another CIA puppet, had outlived his usefulness. Atthe same time, as The Wall Street Journal of August 16th 1990 reported, it was theCIA in 1968 who supported the Baath Party in Iraq and installed Saddam asdictator. Now Saddam would be used again, knowingly or otherwise, to start upanother war in the Gulf, another war planned long before. George C. Andrewsreports in his book, Extra-Terrestrial Friends And Foes:A little known fact about the Gulf War is that one month before our Declaration of Waron December 15th, 1990, Secretary of State, James Baker, signed the US Army reportfrom the 352nd Civil Affairs Command on the New Kuwait unclassified, and thereforeavailable to those interested. This report describes in detail how extensively Kuwait willbe destroyed, how the oil wells will be set on fire, and then how it will all be rebuilt’better than before’, with despotism, instead of democracy, even more stronglyentrenched than it had been before. The report includes a list of US corporations whoare to be assigned the profitable task of rebuilding Kuwait and extinguishing the oil wellfires, as well as the Arab names they will be operating under.Why have none of his political opponents thought of asking the obvious questions:How did George Bush’s so called ‘blind trust’ make out during the time frame of theGulf War? Why are the huge business deals between Bush and Hussein still off-limits tothe public’s right to know?21To readers of this book, the answers to those questions will be obvious. The’blind trust’, by the way, is the farce which insists that presidents must hand over alltheir business dealings to a trust during their term in office, which is supposed tomake sure that they can’t make political decisions which affect their owninvestments and companies. Do you believe it works like that? No, nor me. Bush’s’blind trust’ was controlled by William Farish III, his close friend and grandson ofWilliam Farish, the President of Standard Oil of New Jersey when they wereworking with I.G. Farben and supplying Adolf Hitler. I will come to Bush’sbusiness links with Saddam shortly American reconnaissance advised President Bush around July 16th and 17th1990 that Iraqi troops were assembling along the border with Kuwait. Nothing wasdone. On July 25th Saddam Hussein met with the US Ambassador in Baghdad,April Glaspie, who told him she was acting on the instructions of President Bush.She said that the Bush government had no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflict, likeyour border disagreement with Kuwait.221 wonder if the Argentine governmentwere told something similar before they invaded the Falklands? Glaspie added thatshe had instructions from the President to seek better relations with Iraq. She thenleft for a summer holiday, another indication to Saddam that the Americans weredisinterested in the whole thing.That date of July 25th is most significant because it was in the days before that,according to CIA and Naval Intelligence operative, Gunther Russbacher, thatGeorge Bush, Brent Scowcroft (Kissinger Associates), and other close advisors drewup an agreement to be submitted to President Gorbachev, through which he wouldagree not to intervene if the United States invaded Iraq. Remember this was beforeGlaspie met with Saddam and while Bush was ignoring the Iraqi troop buildups.Russbacher says he was briefed on the plan in mid-July by Scowcroft and Bush’sCIA chief, William Webster. Russbacher was one of the pilots of four CIA SR-71swhich flew to Moscow on July 26th from the Crows Landing Naval Air Station inCalifornia, refuelling twice on the way. On board were Scowcroft and Webster.Russbacher, who spoke Russian, met with Gorbachev who signed the agreement.23While all this was going on, Bush still had nothing to say in public about thetroops’ buildup along the Kuwaiti border. By July 31st perhaps 100,000 troops wereinvolved. Still Bush was silent. Two days before the invasion, John Kelly (CFR), anassistant secretary of state, was asked by a congressional hearing if the US woulddefend Kuwait in the event of an attack. He replied: We have no defense treaty withany Gulf country.24 On August 2nd, Saddam invaded Kuwait. That same day, andagain on August 6th, Bush met with Margaret Thatcher at Aspen, Colorado, and atthe White House. The British prime minister was, as usual, highly belligerent aboutthe need to teach Saddam a lesson. Henry Kissinger was behind the scenes, too, inthe form of Brent Scowcroft, the national security advisor, a long-time Kissinger aideback to the days of the Nixon presidency, and an executive of Kissinger Associates.Scowcroft was urging military intervention. The Bush tone began to change. TheSaudi Arabians were told by the Americans that Saddam was likely to invade theircountry next – utter nonsense – and Bush ordered US troops to assemble along the’threatened’ Saudi border. There would be no intervention, the world was told. TheUS forces were only there to protect Saudi Arabia, Bush said. Economic sanctionswere to be the weapon used against Saddam. The Saudi Arabians, Germans, andJapanese would be badgered into contributing large sums towards American costs.But sanctions were never going to be the real weapon. The rhetoric became everstronger. Bush labelled Saddam the new Hitler and he said that the Second WorldWar had shown that appeasement of such people was not the answer. He mighthave added that it also was not the answer to fund both sides at the same time andto help finance Hitler’s war machine, as his father had done. For those who knew the game plan, it was easy to see what was happening. On August 23rd, Kissinger’sman, Brent Scowcroft, said it all: We believe we are creating the beginning of a newworld order out of the collapse of the US-Soviet antagonisms.25 The term, the NewWorld Order, would now be used by Bush and enter into political-speak around theworld to the point of tedium. Bush (Comm 300) received enthusiastic support fromMargaret Thatcher and the Freemason President of France, Francois Mitterrand(Comm 300), who both sent forces to the Gulf to support the Americans. Theypresented themselves as a United Nations force. In effect, a world army. Bush saidin a speech to Congress on September 11th:Clearly no longer can a dictator count on East-West confrontation to stymie concertedUnited Nations action against aggression. A new partnership of nations has begun,and we stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the PersianGulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic periodof cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective – a new world order -can emerge…26For ‘fifth’ read ‘first’. On November 8th, Bush announced that the forces in SaudiArabia would be substantially increased. The ‘defensive’ force was now to switch tooffensive mode. A week later Bush left on a tour of Europe and the Middle Eastgathering support for the invasion. He met for three hours with President Assad ofSyria, a tool of the Elite, who pledged to increase his contribution to Bush’s forces to20,000 men. The Bush ‘UN’ forces attacked on Wednesday, January 16th. 120,000 airsorties were unleashed on Iraq, mostly, it turned out, against civilian areas. Theoperation was headed by Bush’s chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Colin Powell,a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, who has ancestral links with manyold American and British families. Every allied supreme commander and USsecretary of defense since the Second World War has been a member of the CFR.The number of dead and injured from the bombing of Iraq, the resulting disease,and the continuing economic sanctions can hardly be comprehended. Conditionsfor the innocent civilians in Iraq are terrible under the economic stranglehold, butthe West looks on. So this is the United Nations in all its glory, this is the bastion ofjaw, jaw, not war, war. This is the promoter of peace. This is the New World Order.The future president, Bill Clinton, supported the Gulf War and the United Nationspolicy. There is another stunner in all this, too. The United States governmentfunded Saddam Hussein to fight the war against the United States and UN forces! Itwas done through a branch of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) in Atlanta.Congressman Henry Gonzalez exposed the BNL scandal in 1991 after he noticedthat this little branch of the Italian government bank had loaned Iraq $5 billion. Thiscame after November 1989 when the White House guaranteed bank loans to Iraq ifthey were used for the purchase of US farm products. If Saddam defaulted, the UStaxpayers picked up the tab for the loan and since he was always defaulting, thatwas obviously going to be the outcome from the start. Instead of buying food,Saddam spent the money on arms, including purchases from the Matrix Churchill machine tool company in England (which was the subject of a court case in whichthe British government was implicated, and this led to the Scott Inquiry). Althoughmany US investigators warned Bush that the money was being used for arms, theloans were allowed to continue.The scam was so obvious, when you look at the other evidence. Son George wasdoing the same as Father Prescott did with Hitler. Funding an aggressor so you canstart a war with him. Some of the money was spent on buying poison gas from aCIA front called Cardeon Industries in Chile.27 When the war started, Saddamdefaulted on the loans and the US taxpayers are now paying for the money spent byIraq to fight their own sons and daughters. The cover-up of this, as usual, led to thescapegoating of the small fry. The whole thing was blamed on the bank manager atthe BNL’s Atlanta branch, Christopher P. Drogoul, who could never havesanctioned that sort of money without the highest authorisation. US District Judge,Marvin Schoob, said the claim that the Atlanta branch could loan $5 billion withoutthe approval of the head office in Rome could only come out of never, never land.The judge said that Drogoul and four other employees at the branch:…were pawns or bit players in a far larger and wider-ranging sophisticated conspiracythat involved BNL-Rome and possibly large American and foreign corporations and thegovernments of the United States, England, Italy and Iraq…Smoke is coming out ofevery window. I have to conclude that the building is on fire.28This is the last thing the Bush administration and the Global Elite wanted tohear. Judge Schoob was removed from the case and replaced by Judge ErnestTidwell, who refused to allow any evidence to be presented about the CIA or BushWhite House involvement in the bank. Drogoul was persuaded by his attorney,against his better judgement, to plead guilty. The funding of the Iraqi arms build upbefore the Gulf War and its prosecution by the UN was a calculated plan to triggerthe conflict, and it involved the Bush administration, the British government of JohnMajor, the Italian government, the Soviet Union, and the other leading governmentscontrolled by the Global Elite. It also involved a familiar name: Henry Kissinger.As early as 1984, Kissinger Associates were arranging loans from the BNL to Iraqto finance its arms purchases from a little known subsidiary of Fiat, the Italian carmakers (headed by leading Bilderberger, Giovanni Agnelli). Charles Barletta, aformer Justice Department investigator, was quoted about this in the Spotlightnewspaper of November 9th 1992. The report said:Barletta added that federal probers had collected dozens of such incriminating casehistories about the Kissinger firm director, Lord Carrington. But Henry Kissinger seemsto possess a special kind of immunity. I’m not sure how he does it, but Kissinger wieldsas much power over the Washington national security bureaucracy now as in the dayswhen he was the Nixon administration’s foreign policy czar. He gets the payoff; othersget the blame. Kissinger will remain unscathed until Congress finds the courage toconvene a full-dress investigation into this teflon power broker. The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)The Bush (Republican) and Clinton (Democrat) wings of the One Party State haveanother mutual connection, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, whichhad close links with the Italian BNL. The BCCI was formed in the early 1970s andexpanded rapidly to boast 400 branches in 78 countries. Its name is remarkablysimilar to the Banque De Credit International (BCI) of the Mossad agent, Rabbi TiborRosenbaum, which was used to fund Permindex and launder syndicate CIA andMossad drug money at the time of the Kennedy assassination. Its successor, theBCCI, was a major player in the drug money laundering network and was used forthis purpose by the Elite elements within the CIA, British Intelligence, Israel’s (or theRothschild’s) Mossad, and others, who control the world market in illegal drugs.Money to fund covert operations, terrorist groups like Abu Nidal, coups throughoutthe world, and the financing of Iran-Contra and Saddam Hussein, was alsochannelled through the BCCI. Money could be transferred between apparentenemies through this network, as with Saudi Arabian money which found its way toMossad. In this case, Saudi and other Gulf money was laundered through the BCCIand transferred to CenTrust in Miami, which was later seized by federalinvestigators. The BCCI owned 28% of CenTrust. Allegations emerged that RobertGates, the man Bush had nominated as his Director of the CIA, had obstructed aninvestigation into drug money laundering by the BCCI. Gates withdrew hisnomination to be CIA Director, as he had once before, when implicated in IranContra. The BCCI crashed amid a worldwide scandal in 1991. It was the world’sbiggest banking collapse and cost investors billions of dollars. Three years before thecrash, Robert Gates was describing the BCCI as the Bank of Crooks and Criminals.29The BCCI began to operate in Pakistan in 1972 with most of its funding providedby the Bank of America and the CIA. Bank of America also loaned money to peopleto buy stock in BCCI, probably to hide the scale of its control, and the B of A knew allabout money laundering. In 1986, it was fined $7 million for 17,000 acts of washingdirty money. Some researchers say that the Bank of America is owned by theRothschilds. At the hub of Rothschild involvement in the BCCI was Dr AlfredHartmann who, at the same time, was the managing director of the Swiss branch ofthe BCCI; the head of the Zurich Rothschild Bank A.G.; a board member of N.M.Rothschild in London; and a director of.. .Italy’s BNL.30 The involvement of theRothschilds at the heart of the BCCI was never mentioned or investigated by the lapdog media, nor the alleged involvement of the Rothschild ‘gofer’, and currencyspeculator, George Soros (Bil).31 George Bush and Bill Clinton both had considerableconnections with the BCCI, among them one Jackson Stephens, owner of StephensIncorporated, a big investment bank based in Little Rock, Arkansas, the home of BillClinton. Stephens was one of the founders of the BCCI. He had connections with acompany called Harken Energy and arranged a loan for them from a Swiss Bankaffiliated with the BCCI. This would have greatly pleased George Bush Junior, thepresident’s son, who sat on the Harken board. Another son, Jeb Bush, also had numerous dealings with the BCCI. He was often seen in the bank’s Miami office32 andGeorge Bush’s deputy campaign manager, James Lake, worked for a major owner ofthe BCCI at the same time. When Bush’s ‘opponent’, Bill Clinton, ran for president,his main financial backer was Jackson Stephens who made the donations via hisWorthen National Bank which was connected to the BCCI. Stephens was implicatedin deals in which the BCCI secretly and illegally took over the First American Bank ofWashington and others. This was the man who funded the president.George Bush’s involvement with the BCCI was considerable, according to theChicago journalist, Sherman Skolnick, who made a detailed study of the bank. Hehas claimed publicly, including an interview on Radio Free America, that Bush,Saddam Hussein and others, used the BCCI to split $250 billion in oil kick backs,the skimming off of money paid by western oil companies in the Gulf. He claimsthe records implicating Bush in deals with Saddam and Manuel Noriega were in thehands of the Bank of England and that the money was channelled through the BCCIand Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL), branches in the USA. Henry Gonzalez, thechairman of the House Banking Committee, identified links between the BCCI andBNL. Skolnick told interviewer, Tom Valentine, on Radio Free America:The bulk of the money went through BCCI. That bank was formed in the 1970s withseed money from the Bank of America, the largest shareholders of which are theRothschilds of Chicago, Paris, London, and Switzerland…The bank is also linked to thefinancial affairs of former President Jimmy Carter, and his friend and one-time budgetdirector, banker Bert Lance.Some of the…Democrats who have been involved in this whole affair have beenpublished, for example, in the May 3 issue of The Wall Street Journal. During the 1988presidential campaign, additionally, BCCI was one of the major financiers of the MichaelDukakis campaign. …BCCI financed the Democratic Party in the United States andarranged deals for Republicans outside the United States.33Jimmy Carter personally dedicated a number of BCCI branches and they madean $8.5 million donation to one of his favourite charities. Carter’s foreign travelafter he left the White House was paid for by the BCCI and his banker friend, BertLance, was bailed out of big financial difficulties by a man called Ghaith Pharaon, afront man for the BCCI.34 This would fit with a contact’s suggestion that the manbehind the BCCI was an Arab, Gaph Feherton, a major funder of Jimmy Carter’spresidential campaign. Andrew Young, Carter’s former United Nations ambassadorand a fellow Trilateralist, had a loan of $160,000 written off by the BCCI and he waspaid to promote the bank to individuals and governments in Africa and CentralAmerica.35 The Republican senator for Utah, Orrin Hatch, was making stirringspeeches in support of BCCI even while it was being indicted for drug moneylaundering. The Democrat Clark Clifford and his law partner Robert Altaian, theBCCI’s lawyers, were at the centre of the story, also. Price Waterhouse, the BCCI’sauditors for nearly 20 years, were giving the bank a largely clean bill of health while all the corruption was going on. Skolnick said records detailing the alleged BushSaddam deals were held in the Chicago branch of the BCCI, which was seized bythe Reagan-Bush Administration in 1988 (along with other BCCI assets in theUnited States). Skolnick went on:The same bank has records showing joint business ventures between General ManuelNoriega, former dictator of Panama, and George Bush. In January of 1990, the federalprosecutor in Tampa had former top officials of Florida’s branch on trial. They were allowedto escape prison with only a slap on the wrist and a small penalty. Here’s why: they toldthe Justice Department that if they were going to prison, they had documents from theirbank showing that George Bush had private business ventures through their bank with aseries of dictators including not only Saddam and Noriega, but others as well……Saddam’s oil was shipped to Texaco. In 1985 a Texas jury, at the behest ofPennzoil, issued the largest damages verdict in American history against Texaco.Pennzoil claimed that Texaco damaged them in a deal with Getty Oil. Who ownsPennzoil? George Bush and his friends the Liedtke brothers referred to earlier, inrelation to Watergate. …As a result Texaco fell under the domination and supervisionof Pennzoil. Where did the kickbacks to Saddam reportedly come from? They camefrom the deals between Texaco and its subsidiaries purchasing oil from Iraq.36If you placed end to end all the questions that George Bush needs to answer, butwon’t, they would stretch from Washington to Baghdad. Via Panama City. Anofficial investigation was ordered to expose the BCCI scandal. It was chaired byDemocrat senator, John Kerry, of Massachusets. It exposed nothing. Senator Kerrywas chairman of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, which received largecontributions from the BCCI. Senator Kerry is also a member of the Skull and BonesSociety, as is George Bush. The corruption across American politics, media, andbusiness, is staggering and so it is in the United Kingdom wing of the Global Eliteoperation, where the BCCI had its main base.The report on the bank by Lord Justice Bingham decided that the collapse wasdue to a tragedy of errors, misunderstandings, and failures of communication.For goodness sake, it was one of the biggest drug money and illegal arms moneylaundering operations the world has yet seen. It implicated some of the biggestnames in global politics, banking, and business, and financed terrorists, drugcartels, and covert operations by the CIA, Mossad, and others. The Bank of Englandcompleted the cover-up through an arrangement with the bank’s principal ownersat the time of the collapse, Abu Dhabi. This agreement allowed important recordsand witnesses to leave Britain. How convenient. In his review of Dirty Money, abook about the BCCI, the journalist Robert Sherrill said:Dirty Money clearly leaves the impression that many officials are less thanenthusiastic about digging deeper into the scandal. Could it be because of thatrumoured list of 100 politicians that the BCCI paid off? Or because ‘key investigators have indicated that if they continued their probe it might take them ‘into the highestlevels of political power around the world’ in ways that would dwarf even the wildestconspiracy theory? Whoa! That would never do.37On that note we will take our leave of George Bush and welcome Mr BillClinton. He defeated Bush, with support from the Washington Post among manyothers, and on January 20th 1993 he officially became the 42nd president of theUnited States. George Bush (CFR, TC, Skull and Bones Society, 33rd degreeFreemason, and Republican), was replaced in the White House by Bill Clinton (CFR,TC, Bilderberger, Rhodes Scholar, 33rd degree Freemason, and Democrat). Thenames changed, the controllers did not. The One Party State rolled on.Bill ClintonWilliam Jefferson Clinton was born in Hope, Arkansas, and brought up in HotSprings. His Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University gave him a grounding in theWorld government philosophy and he knew what was required for politicaladvancement from an early age. Clinton said in an interview in 1994 that he knewfrom Carroll Quigley’s books that a permanent shadow government of bankers andgovernment officials existed which controlled the political agenda from behind thescenes. He said that, while still a young man, he realised that it was necessary for himto gain access to this inner circle if he was to become part of the decision-makingprocess that shapes the world.38 That is exactly what he did. His desire for high officewas no doubt fired when he shook hands with John Kennedy as a boy. He wasanother product of the Global Elite production line of presidents: easily manipulated,knows how to do as he’s told, and with a mountain of unpleasant information abouthim waiting to be revealed if he steps out of line. We’ll give them a Democratpresident this time, just to let them think they still have a choice, you can almost hearthe manipulators say. David Rockefeller, the Kingmaker of America, had met withClinton in the mid-1980s at Winrock, the farm built by Winthrop Rockefeller, a formergovernor of Arkansas.39 The state of Arkansas is an Elite centre. The southern wing ofthe Scottish Rite of US Freemasonry is based there and it was from this organisationthat the Ku Klux Klan emerged. The Klan’s emblem is the Maltese Cross, the same asthe Knights Templar, the Knights of Malta and the Knights of the Golden Circle,which played a major role in the Rothschild manipulation of the American Civil War.The Ku Klux Klan is the old Knights of the Golden Circle under another name,controlled by the same force. It is said to be funded today by Mossad.40 According tothe German magazine Neue Solidaritat, the guru and foster-father of Bill Clinton wasParson Wo Vaught, a 32nd degree initiate in the Scottish Rite.41If you think the background to George Bush is amazing, well old Bill has a fewsurprises in store, also. Indeed, these ‘opponents’ have so much in common. Heprogressed politically and became governor of Arkansas, the position he held whenhe was summoned by David Rockefeller to the Bilderberg Group meeting in BadenBaden, Germany, in 1991. The invitation came after the controllers had decided thathe would be the next president of the United States.