Who are we?
All growth is essentially an expansion of awareness – Joseph Rain
There is a malevolent force behind humanity’s systematic perceptual entrapment and the indoctrination is incessant and life-long. What a testament to the power of consciousness over programming that anyone is awakening from the Cult-induced trance and they are in ever greater numbers.
People are unconscious and perceptually entrapped in Body-Mind because they are manipulated to be that way and this needs to be understood to avoid awakening from the trance to include a sense of superiority. Almost everyone was asleep once. Five-sense unconsciousness can appear to be unbelievably stupid, but that is what happens when people are disconnected from an influence of the True and Infinite ‘I’ and imprisoned in a sensory world that hijacks perception for an entire human lifetime. The great news is that we can become conscious anytime we want. More and more people are awakening from their induced coma while others are being captured more deeply in the Cult’s perceptual fly-trap by a tsunami of programming deployed increasingly via technology. The latter, too, can escape the illusion – perceptual entrapment – whenever they make that choice. The motivation of this book is to speed and expand that process. As more become conscious of their True Self the world must change to reflect that. In the same way the crazy world of today, and a long time ‘past’, has reflected and continues to reflect collective human un consciousness. So much is explained about ‘past’ and ‘present’ events when this is understood. Ironically, and it’s another big penny-drop, the most un conscious are invariably those in positions of power directing the lives and society of everyone else. This is once again by design and not random chance. The Cult has to keep its targets asleep in unconsciousness if it is to secure ongoing collective control through perceptual programming and the most effective way to achieve that is to put unconscious Bubble people into positions of official power who are string-pulled from the shadows by the Cult. The plot demands disconnecting Body-Mind from expanded awareness and then to program isolated Body-Mind with the required perception of self and reality through control of information. We see this process everywhere. Muslims tend to come from Muslim families, Christians from Christian families, Hindus from Hindu families, and followers of Judaism from Jewish families. In every case that version of reality and life is all they have ever heard in their growing-up years (Fig 55 ). The greatest form of mind control is repetition as the Cult-created Nazis well understood. You repeat a statement or alleged ‘fact’ until it becomes an ‘everyone knows that’ when in truth ‘everybody’ only ‘knows’ what they have been told to think they know . They don’t ‘know it’; they have only downloaded that perception which is a very different thing. Add the carrot and stick, benefits and punishments, for believing or not believing in the orthodoxy and it’s no wonder the religion that people are born into becomes the one they follow for life with all the limitations and impositions of belief and behaviour that come with the package. The sequence I have described applies equally to those who follow no religion or may indeed be antagonistic to religion. The non-religious population is also programmed through family, ‘education’, academia and media by the repetition of information headed ‘normal’ and ‘rational’ when most of this betrays an extreme misrepresentation of reality. Young people are told they must believe this crap and they are tested on their level of absorption in ‘exams’ that have potentially life-long career implications within The System. If you regularly question what you are told to believe you are ‘a disruptive influence’ in the classroom. Has your doctor prescribed Ritalin?
I am going to focus on this life-long programming process later because it is vital to understanding how collective human perception is hijacked and how we can stop falling for it. Our human lives are a choice – a perception. These choices decide your health, happiness and entire experience. By that I mean everything you ever experience and even that called ‘random chance’, good and bad ‘luck’ and circumstances that appear to be created by other people. To appreciate how this happens we must first put aside all mainstream perception, belief and preconceived idea about the nature of self, reality and the human body. What the control system has told us about all of these things is fakery and at the core of this unceasing propaganda delivered day after day to generation after generation is the Cult. It knows that if we can be kept in ignorance of who we really are its agenda for mass control becomes a relative breeze. This is the foundation of human enslavement – hypnotically peddling a fake self-identity or what I call the Bubble or ‘Phantom Self’ (Fig 56 ). How apt that the word ‘person’ comes from the Latin ‘persona’ which means ‘actor’s mask’. Our Phantom Self persona is indeed our actor’s mask or headset. We appear to experience a solid world through a solid body. We do not. We are told that we are victims of our genetics. We are not. We appear to live in a world where everything is apart from everything else with ‘empty’ space in between. We do not. All is illusion that we are manipulated from cradle to grave to believe is real (Fig 57 ). When people can see through the scam they can stop it controlling their lives.
The One
Who are we? Put the temporary human form aside and we are formless awareness – a state of being aware (Fig 58 ). How aware depends on how aware we choose to be or allow ourselves to be and that ‘how aware’ decides our life experience. We are unique points of attention within an infinite stream of awareness or consciousness and that awareness in its ‘totality’ (infinity) is what some call ‘God’ or the ‘Godhead’, Native Americans call ‘The Great Spirit’, and I call the All That Is or ‘The One’ . Existence is not a single state of perception with The One constantly experiencing itself through its infinite expressions in different states of consciousness. There is a level of awareness that I describe as Infinite Awareness in Awareness of Itself which is aware that it is all awareness. This has been variously called ‘the Void’, ‘the Father’ and in my case The One . The ancient religious term ‘Father’ is an attempt to relate this concept to the world of human experience. The One is really the Father and Mother and everything in all existence. It is the realm of All Possibility, All Potential, and our perceptions dictate which possibility and potential that we manifest in ways I will be describing. All Possibility is the implication encoded in All That Is, Has Been and Ever Can Be . To the human mind enslaved in the illusion of past, present and future this would seem to be impossibility. How can anything be all that is , has been and ever can be ? Yet what is this depicting except All Possibility ? Reality is infinite because possibility is infinite within the awareness of The One . How can you have a state of all possibility unless everything is possible? Thus Infinite Awareness in Awareness of Itself is ‘past, ‘present’ and ‘future’ (as they appear to be); it is and it isn’t; it can and it can’t; it did and it didn’t; it is everywhere and nowhere; it is everything and nothing, it exists and it doesn’t. Some people say ‘God is everywhere’ while others say that’s crazy and cannot be; but it’s true in the sense of The One that weaves through the fabric of everything because The One is everything. Even impossible must exist within all possibility because the impossible is a possibility. Whether we choose (through our perception) to experience the possible or impossible is down to us. What one person will experience as impossibility another will find a way to overcome and make possible. If you don’t know how to do something that ‘thing’ is indeed impossible. When you do know it becomes possible. Both are potentials within All Possibility which includes every paradox. All Possibility must be awash with paradox which is defined as ‘a state in which one is logically compelled to contradict oneself’. When all is possible that must be. For every ‘truth’ there must be a contradictory ‘truth’ or perception of reality and possibility . Look at something from one angle (perception) and A is ‘true’. Look from another angle (perception) and B is ‘true’. They can both be true (possible) depending on your point of observation even though they appear to be contradictory. Is the body solid in the way we experience it? Yes. Is it really solid from a point of expanded awareness? No. Here we have a paradox – it is and it isn’t. Both are true from two different points of experience … perception, possibility . Maybe human belief in ‘I am right’ could benefit from some revaluation.
The no-thing is everything
The ‘Void’ is a term used to describe Infinite Awareness in Awareness of Itself because that is how it appears to be (Fig 59 ). Those who have entered altered states of consciousness throughout human history have perceived ‘God’, the ‘Father’ or ‘The One ’ in the form of a void or silence. I did so myself during my ayahuasca experience in 2003. I observed from the realm of vibration, frequency and form an indescribable brilliant blackness. I know it may sound crazy but the darkness shone like the brightest light. ‘This is the Infinite, David’, the ayahuasca Voice told me. ‘It is where you come from and where you shall return.’ The word ‘return’ is only used in relation to human perception. We are always the Infinite – we never ‘left’. We’ve just forgotten and been manipulated to forget. The shining blackness was still and silent and so different from the movement and vibration in the world of form. The Void has been described as ‘nothingness’, but within the stillness and silence is everything ness in the form of All Possibility waiting to manifest from the imagination of ‘God’ or ‘The One’ which includes our imagination as an expression of The One . Sit in silence for a moment and what do you hear? Nothing. Okay, but this ‘nothing’ is only the absence of sound waves for your brain to decode. Within the silence, the nothing, is everything. When you hear sound or see images they are possibilities manifested out of All Possibility – the silence and the stillness. Silence is the norm, the foundation state, while sound comes and goes from the silence of All That Is . Rumi, the 13th century Persian mystic, said: ‘Silence is the language of god, all else is poor translation.’ Scientific studies have highlighted the negative effect of excessive sound – as in too loud and too much even when not loud – and the benefits for heart and mind of silence. I sit working all day in silence or near silence thanks to the quiet nature of where I live and it’s wonderful. I read that the word ‘noise’ actually comes from a Latin word meaning nausea. It is certainly highly recommended to spend time regularly when possible where it is quiet and not noisier/nausea. The ‘Void’ is the source of all Creation (possibility) while the realms of frequency and vibration are the Creation (Fig 60 overleaf). The ayahuasca Voice said: ‘If it vibrates, it’s illusion.’ An immense indescribable love was emanating from the stillness and silence which confirmed what The Voice had said right at the start of the five hours of communication: ‘All you really need to know is Infinite Love is the only truth – everything else is illusion.’ This became the title of a book that I wrote soon afterwards. Put another way: Infinite Awareness in Awareness of Itself (the ‘Void’, The One , the source of love) is the only truth – everything else is the Creation or imagination of Infinite Awareness made manifest by information (consciousness/’thought’) in the form of frequency/vibration. How can there be an ‘only truth’ within All Possibility? The only truth is All Possibility. This is limited only by the imagination of The One , and that is limitless.
Five years after my experience in Brazil, Dr Eben Alexander, an academic neurosurgeon at Harvard, fell dangerously ill and went into a coma for a week from which he said doctors did not believe he would emerge alive or at least as a functional human being. He said he was a this-world-is-all-there-is believer as the product of academic perception programming. This was underpinned by his scientist father who also believed that consciousness only exists in the brain and when the brain dies so do ‘you’. Alexander did recover his faculties even though he said his brain had so shutdown that only the primary survival functions remained active during the coma. He later wrote a book, Proof of Heaven , published in 2012, about what he experienced in his near-death state which transformed his perception of self and reality. He recalled how he met a female figure ‘out there’ that he somehow recognised, but he didn’t know why or where from. When he recovered he said he was later shown a picture of his younger sister from his birth family (he had been adopted) who he had never seen before. It was the figure he had met in his near-death state. Alexander’s claims have been controversial, of course, and people will have to decide for themselves what they think of them. The part of his book that most struck me for obvious reasons was when he recalled experiencing ‘The Core’ which he described as a … Dazzling Darkness. This is what I had seen nine years earlier and he also described this ‘Core’ as a place from where ‘the purest love emanated and all is known’ … all is known = All Possibility. I experienced this as the all-knowing All That Is, Has Been and Ever Can Be – The One. Albert Einstein said: ‘Anyone who becomes seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that there is a spirit manifest in the laws of the Universe, a spirit vastly superior to man.’ That spirit is The One which pervades all existence and not only one universe.