, to the P.M. and the F.O. he poses as the greatest champion of our cause in the U.S.” Colville, Fringes of Power, 35.

49. Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 33; Swift, Kennedys Amidst the Gathering, 227.

50. Harold Ickes diary, March 10, 1940, HIP, LC; Whalen, Founding Father, 286.

51. Clare Boothe Luce to JPK, May 26, 1939, box 93, CBLP; Morris, Rage for Fame, 340–41, 364; Nasaw, Patriarch, 379–80.

52. JPK to Arthur Krock, April 22, 1940, box 31, AKP.

53. Quoted in Davies, No Simple Victory, 82.

54. Dallek, Franklin D. Roosevelt, 215.

55. Langer and Gleason, Challenge to Isolation, 272.

56. Brands, Traitor to His Class, 537; Fullilove, Rendezvous, 31.

57. Hull, Memoirs, 740; Welles, Sumner Welles, 240–57.

58. Quoted in O’Brien, John F. Kennedy, 105–6.

59. Quoted in Dallek, Unfinished Life, 61.

60. Parmet, Jack, 69.

61. Gerald Walker and Donald A. Allan, “Jack Kennedy at Harvard,” Coronet Magazine, May 1961, 92. After the incident, there appeared an unsigned note in Jack’s college file: “We should make it clear to him that from now on any women in his room for any purpose have to be duly signed for and arranged for.” Newsweek, August 9, 1971.

62. Hamilton, JFK: Reckless Youth, 315.

63. John F. Kennedy, “Appeasement at Munich,” unpublished honors thesis, Harvard University, 1940, p. 91. The thesis is in box 2, JFKPP.

64. JFK, “Appeasement,” 97–98.

65. JFK, “Appeasement,” 147.

66. Hamilton, JFK: Reckless Youth, 317.

67. The revisionist school is ably described in the introductory essay in Self, Neville Chamberlain Diary Letters, 1–48.

68. JPK Jr. to JPK, March 17, 1940, box 2, JPKP.

69. Yeomans report, box 2, JFKPP; Friedrich report, box 2, JFKPP; Hamilton, JFK: Reckless Youth, 322.

70. JPK to JFK, August 2, 1940, box 2, JPKP.

71. Leaming, Jack Kennedy: Education, 80–81. The piece was a brief assessment of the bombing of Valencia. It appeared in the October 1939 issue.

72. Arthur Krock to Gertrude Algase, April 17, 1940, box 31, AKP; Hamilton, JFK: Reckless Youth, 322–23.

73. JPK unpublished memoir, chap. 43, p. 2, box 148, JPKP.

74. Beevor, Second World War, 79.

75. Quoted in Roberts, Churchill, 526–27.

76. A. J. P. Taylor, The Second World War: An Illustrated History (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1975), quoted in Davies, No Simple Victory, 83.

77. A provocative and engaging account is May, Strange Victory. See also Jackson, Fall of France. According to Joe Kennedy, Churchill told him on May 15 that the chances of the Allies winning were slight, and that he would not send more troops to aid the French, given the strong likelihood that Britain would soon be attacked. JPK to FDR and Hull, May 15, 1940, box 3, Safe Files, FDRL.


78. Ferguson, War of the World, 390–91; Keegan, Second World War, 80–81.

79. JPK to RK, May 20, 1940, printed in Smith, Hostage to Fortune, 432–33; JPK to Hull, May 24, 1940, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1940 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1958), III: 31–32. See also Kennedy, Freedom from Fear, 440.

80. Kershaw, Fateful Choices, 11–52; Lukacs, Five Days.

81. JPK to Hull, June 12, 1940, box 3, Safe Files, FDRL; JPK unpublished memoir, chap. 46, p. 6, box 149, JPKP. Churchill’s assistant private secretary, John Colville, recorded in his diary on June 15, “Kennedy telephoned and Winston, becoming serious for a minute, poured into his ears a flood of eloquence about the part that America could and should play in saving civilisation. Referring to promises of industrial and financial support, he said such an offer ‘would be a laughing-stock on the stage of history,’ and he begged that ‘we should not let our friend’s (President R.) efforts peter out in grimaces and futility.’ ” Colville, Fringes of Power, 129.

82. JPK to JFK, May 20, 1940, box 2, JPKP; Leaming, Jack Kennedy: Education, 105.

83. Krock OH, JFKL; JFK, Why England Slept, 137. Emphasis in the original. See also Burns, John Kennedy, 43.

84. THC, June 9, 1940.

85. RK to JPK, June 24, 1940, printed in Smith, Hostage to Fortune, 446–47; Murphy to JFK, June 21, 1940, box 19, JPKP; JFK to JPK, n.d. (May 1940), box 4b, JFKPP. Yale Law School’s letter of admission, dated May 14, 1940, is in box 20, JPKP.

86. Gertrude Algase to Alfred Harcourt, June 20, 1940, box 73, JFK Pre-Pres; Joel Satz to JFK, July 9, 1940, box 19, JPKP; Hamilton, JFK: Reckless Youth, 327.

87. Gertrude Algase to Arthur Krock, July 12, 1940, box 31, AKP.
