The Rothschilds were also directly involved in financing the revolution viaJacob Schiff, at Kuhn, Loeb, and Co in New York. International bankers fromBritain, the United States, Russia, Germany, and France met in Sweden in thesummer of 1917. They agreed that Kuhn, Loeb would deposit $50 million in aSwedish bank account for Lenin and Trotsky’s use. In an article in The New YorkAmerican Journal on February 3rd 1949, Jacob Schiff’s grandson said that hisgrandfather had paid the two ‘revolutionaries’ an additional $20 million. Thepayment of $20 million to the Bolsheviks by Elihu Root (the Kuhn Loeb lawyer andformer Secretary of State), via a Special War Fund, is recorded in the CongressionalRecord of September 2nd 1919. It was quite an investment if, as some researcherssuggest, Lenin repaid Kuhn, Loeb, and Co the rouble equivalent of $450 millionbetween 1918 and 1922. And this was nothing compared with the profits thebankers made from the exploitation of the Russian land, economy, and people, notleast by stealing the Tsar’s gold and vast financial holdings which were heldabroad in the very banks that funded the revolution.In 1917, the Elite used the cover of a Red Cross mission to Russia to arrange thefinal details of the Bolshevik takeover. The Red Cross in Washington launched acampaign to raise $2 million. It was successful thanks only to substantial donationsfrom New York financiers, including J.P. Morgan himself, who gave $100,000. Thebankers and industrialists proceeded to take control of the United States Red Crossand, as the Elite’s John Foster Dulles put it, they viewed the American Red Crossas a virtual arm of government.. ..21 The personnel of this mission to Russia inAugust 1917 says it all. Only seven of the party of twenty-four were doctors. Therest were mostly New York financiers and their assistants, led by William BoyceThompson (Comm 300), the first full-time head of the Federal Reserve Bank of NewYork. The doctors returned after only one month and Dr Frank Billings, Professor ofMedicine at the University of Chicago and the official leader of the mission/wasreported to have been disgusted with the obviously political activities of its nonmedical members. Also in the party were three Russian interpreters, all knownBolsheviks. One of them, Boris Reinstein, would become secretary to Lenin andhead of the Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda.22 The Red Cross hasbeen used on many occasions by the Elite without the knowledge of its genuinestaff. This is not only an insult to the work the Red Cross is seeking to do, it is alsoextremely dangerous for the 99% who are genuinely working for that organisationout of compassion for the plight of the world’s peoples. Intriguingly, the Red Crosssymbol is also that of the Knights Templar, the flag of England, and the symbolwhich Columbus flew on his ships while ‘discovering’ the ‘New World’ on behalf ofthe Templars. The Red Cross was formed during the Elite-engineered FrancoPrussian War in 1870 via correspondence in our old friend, the London Times.At the same time that these elite bankers were creating organisations to supportthe Bolsheviks, they were also funding and setting up anti-Bolshevik organisations. Otto Kahn and members of the Morgan Guaranty Trust formed a group calledUnited Americans, which circulated anti-communist and anti-Jewish propaganda.This allowed genuine opponents of the revolution to be dismissed as ‘anti-Semitic’.This has continued to happen up to the present day, with the Robot Radicals of theI’m full of my own political purity mindset dancing on the strings pulled by theGlobal Elite to denounce anyone who gets close to the truth as an ‘anti-Semite’. Thesame is happening to me today. It’s all so predictable. The Robot Radicals and their’opposition’, the Robot Right, have their strings pulled by the same people! It’shilarious, really.On his way back from Russia, William Boyce Thompson stopped over in Londonto meet the British Prime Minister, Lloyd George. They were joined by Thomas W.Lamont of J.P. Morgan, who had travelled from Paris (where he had been indiscussion with Colonel Edward House on how to rearrange the world after thewar). House had cabled President Wilson on November 28th 1917, urging him tosuppress all media criticism of the Bolsheviks: It is exceedingly important thatsuch criticism be suppressed, the cable said. This telegram was placed in aconfidential file and came to light only six years later. Researcher, Carroll Quigley,said that the House of Morgan was infiltrating Left-wing groups in the UnitedStates from around 1915. It was the strategy to hijack both ‘Left’ and ‘Right’domestically and internationally.23The Russian Revolution was all part of the Big Plan, which is why the leadingofficials of the Rothschild-controlled Federal Reserve Bank of New York, includingThompson, supported the Bolsheviks. In this period, we are seeing the Global Elitedeciding on the post-war policies and ensuring that the puppet-politicians make ithappen. Thompson and Lamont met Lloyd George to convince him that the Britishgovernment’s anti-Bolshevik stance was misguided and should encompass thereality that Lenin and Trotsky were there to stay.24 Lloyd George and his Cabinet -including the Round Table’s Lord Milner, of course – accepted the ThompsonLamont view. When you have agents of the Elite in vital positions on all sides inthis way, you can pretty much do what you like. The British decision to back theBolsheviks is less surprising when you consider that Lloyd George was not a freeagent in this. His private life left him open to blackmail and he was underobligations to an international armaments dealer called Basil Zaharoff (who made afortune selling arms to both sides in any war he could find). Zaharoff had a holdover Lloyd George after he arranged for the Prime Minister to have an affair withhis wife, formerly Emily Ann Burrows of Knightsbridge. Zaharoff also soldpeerages created by Lloyd George.25 In the 1963 book, The Mask Of Merlin,16 thewriter Donald McCormick says that Zaharoff had so much power that Alliedstatesmen and leaders were obliged to consult him before planning any greatattack. Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George, and the French Prime Minister, GeorgesClemenceau, met a number of times at Zaharoff’s Paris home. This is relevant to theAllied policy on Russia because Zaharoff was supporting the Bolsheviks anddiverting arms away from those opposing them. He, too, intervened on theBolsheviks’ behalf in both London and Paris. In April 1919, the British Foreign Office issued a nine pence White Paper onRussia which revealed that the revolution had been organised and financed byinternational bankers. It explained how Chinese criminals had been imported toserve under Bolshevik officers in a terror campaign against the people of Russia.This document was quickly withdrawn and replaced with a six pence version -minus this information.27 Some claim that the Bolshevik Revolution was a JewishRevolution, but I think that Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman reads the situation perfectlywhen he writes:The truth of the matter was…that there was a conspiracy, but it was neither Jewish,nor Catholic, nor Masonic. It involved people of all types of religions and nationalbackgrounds. Side by side with the Schiffs, Warburgs, and Rothschilds were theMorgans and the Rockefellers. With Trotsky were Lenin and Stalin.28What was the common theme between them? The cult of the All-Seeing Eye.With the revolution established, the Elite arranged for its intelligence personnel tobe sent to Russia. Alfred Milner selected an agent, Bruce Lockhart (Comm 300), togo to Russia and to team up with the American, Raymond Robins, who had beenleft behind by William Boyce Thompson to lead the – now doctorless – ‘Red Cross’mission through 1918. The French chose to send the Bolshevik supporter, JacquesSadoul, an old friend of Trotsky. The conspiracy then had control of the diplomaticand intelligence reports coming out of Russia to their governments. With that, thecoup by the Global Elite on the Russian people was complete. Lenin and Trotskyproceeded to dismantle any institutions and groups of workers which had emergedfrom the early days of the revolution. The hated Okhrana, the ‘secret service’ of theTsars, was revamped into what eventually became the KGB. The ‘People’sRevolution’, which would turn hundreds of millions of people into little more thanprisoners in their own land and cause the death and suffering of so many in theconcentration camps, had massively advanced the aims of the New World Order.The Soviet card would be played with great effect in the decades that followed.The Creation of the State of IsraelAnother Elite ambition during the First World War was to ensure the recognitionby Britain of a Jewish homeland in what was then Arab Palestine. The politicalmovement known as Zionism had been introduced to campaign for a Jewishhomeland, but it is often misunderstood: all Jewish people are not Zionists and allZionists are not Jewish. Zionism is not a religion or a race; it is a politicalmovement consisting of people, Jews and non-Jews, who support the claim for aJewish homeland. If you support that, you are a Zionist, too, no matter what yourrace or religious belief. To say that Zionism is the Jewish race is like saying theBritish Labour Party is the English race. Zionism was founded in the last centuryby an atheist, Theodore Herzl, and it is used as a front for the Global Elite and ameans to dupe Jewish people as a whole. The offer to recognise a homeland inPalestine was designed both to persuade the United States to enter the war and later to create ‘managed conflict’ and a situation of ‘divide and rule’ in the oil-richMiddle East. More than twenty years after the First World War, on April 25th 1939,US Senator Gerald P. Nye of North Dakota revealed to the Senate some of thebackground to Britain’s recognition of a Jewish homeland and the First World Warin general. He said he had been given some documents called ‘The Next War’. Thetitle referred to the Second World War, which the writers of the documents alreadyknew was going to happen. One volume, called ‘Propaganda in the Next War’, alsodiscussed, in passing, how the American people had been tricked into fighting inWorld War I. It said:For some time the issue as to which side the United States would take hung in thebalance, the final result was a credit to our British propaganda. There remain the Jews.It has been estimated that of the world Jewish population of approximately fifteenmillion, no fewer than five million are in the United States; 25% of the inhabitants ofNew York are Jews.During the Great War we bought off this huge American Jewish public by the promise ofthe Jewish national home in Palestine, held by Ludendorf to be a master stroke of alliedpropaganda, as it enabled us not only to appeal to Jews in America, but to Jews inGermany as well.29The Americans entered the war in 1917. The Balfour Declaration came onNovember 6th of that year, when Arthur (Lord) Balfour (Comm 300), the BritishForeign Secretary and member of the Round Table’s inner elite, officially recognisedPalestine as a homeland for Jewish people. We need to look at this on many levelsagain. The propagandists may well have believed it was a ‘master stroke’ to bringAmerica into the war, but what they didn’t know was that they were beingmanipulated to manipulate others. America was coming into the war anyway. AJewish homeland in Palestine had been a long-time Elite strategy and the guise ofbringing America into the war was used to encourage British politicians to accept it.The Balfour Declaration was a terrible blow to the Arabs who had, under theleadership and promises of the Englishman, T.E. Lawrence (‘Lawrence of Arabia’),fought on Britain’s behalf against the Turks and they played a crucial role inwinning the war. The Arabs were promised full post-war sovereignty andindependence for their support and this was confirmed in official correspondence.Lawrence, a close friend of Winston Churchill (Comm 300), knew full well that hewas lying to the Arabs he was leading. Some years later Lawrence said:I risked the fraud on my conviction that Arab help was necessary to our cheap andspeedy victory in the East, and that better we win and break our word, than lose.. .TheArab inspiration was our main tool for winning the Eastern War. So I assured them thatEngland kept her word in letter and in spirit. In this comfort they performed their finethings; but, of course, instead of being proud of what we did together, I was continuallybitter and ashamed. While Lawrence and the British were promising the Arabs independence, theywere in the process of making a commitment to give away Palestine as a Jewishhomeland. Lawrence, Milner, and Victor Rothschild all knew each other. TheBalfour Declaration was not an announcement by the Foreign Secretary to theHouse of Commons. It took the form, appropriately, of a letter between ArthurBalfour (Comm 300), of the Rothschild-funded Round Table, and Lord Lionel WalterRothschild (Comm 300), the representative of the English Federation of Zionists,which was set up with Rothschild money. It was written by the leading voice inLloyd George’s wartime cabinet, the Round Table’s most influential figure, LordMilner (who was made chairman of Rio Tinto Zinc by Lord Rothschild).31 TheBalfour Declaration was a decree by the Rothschilds/Global Elite and not part ofany democratic process. Balfour’s letter to Lord Rothschild, believed by many tohave been written by Lord Rothschild, in league with Alfred Milner, said:I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, thefollowing declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has beensubmitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet: His Majesty’s Government view with favourthe establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will usetheir best endeavours for the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood thatnothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing nonJewish communities in Palestine what a joke!, or the rights and political status enjoyedby Jews in any other country. I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration tothe knowledge of the Zionist Federation.At the time less than one per cent of the population of Palestine was Jewish andyet this letter was to form the basis on which the post-war world was to be dividedand Arab control of Palestine handed over. It had nothing to do with what was bestfor Jews, even though its architects, the Rothschilds, are Jewish if only in name. Itwas about the wider strategic oil and New World Order possibilities that a footholdin that part of the Middle East would offer. I believe that Rabbi Marvin S. Antelmanis correct when he links the House of Rothschild with the All-Seeing Eye cliquewhich is seeking to destroy Judaism. Things may be done in the name of Jewishpeople as a whole, but they are not done for their benefit. Jewish people are used asfodder by the Elite and by many within the Jewish hierarchy. Nor is it true that mostJewish people today have a genetic line back to ancient Israel, a claim used to justifythe occupation of Palestine. For the same reason, the term ‘anti-Semitic’ isconstantly misused.Personally, I don’t care about the colour and genetic line of a person’s physicalbody. It is a vehicle for experience, that’s all. We are aspects of each other. But sincemany people use the genetics of their bodies to justify their actions, we might aswell get the information right. The word Semitic comes from the race of peoples inancient Sumer from whom the biblical Jews claimed to have emerged. Sem or Shem,one of the sons of Noah in the Bible stories, is said to be of this line and the originappears to have been the legend of ‘Shemjaza’, the ‘heavenly son and guardian angel of God’. Another extraterrestrial almost certainly. But according to severalJewish writers, including Arthur Koestler in his book, The Thirteenth Tribe,32 veryfew Jews today can trace their genetic ancestry back to the Semite line of this periodand/or the Semitic line in Palestine and Israel at the time of Y’shua (Jesus). Instead,they are the genetic descendants of a people of Turkish-Mongolian-Nordic ancestrycalled the Khazars who converted to the Jewish religion in 740AD.The Khazars lived in lower Russia between the Black and Caspian Seas.